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第1篇 这次我请客! Its on me!Thank you for inviting me to eat. its my treat this time. please let me pay the bill. you can treat me next time we eat. it has been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. we should meet every week and eat dinner together.谢谢你请我吃饭。这次我请客。请让我来买单,下次我们吃饭你在请吧。我做梦都想见你。这顿饭真的吃的很开心。和你谈话我觉得很惬意。谢谢你花时间来陪我。我们应当每周会面,在一起吃饭。 第2篇 英语和汉语 Chinese and English Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about the differences between English and Chinese. English is very different from Chinese. The sounds are different, the grammar is different, and the writing is totally different, its very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must forget about the differences.Just practice correct sentences until youre used to them. The more sentences you can blurt out,the better you can express yourself.If you believe in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it. you will conquer English. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Chinese, you can speak English . 女士们,先生们,今天我想谈谈英文和中文之间的差别。英文和中文有很大的区别:不同的发音,语法也是不同的,写作更是完全不同,想说出流利的英语是比较难哟。如果你想说流利的英语,你必须忘掉的差别。只要操练对的的句子,直到你习惯了。您可以脱口而出的句子越多,你就越能体现自己。如果你相信自己,每天疯狂的操练的话,你一定可以做到。你会征服英语。中文是世界上最困难的语言。如果你能讲中文,你会讲英语。第3篇 如何记单词Memorizing Words Many people tell me that it is very hard to remember new words. They complain that no matter how hard they try to memorize new words,they always forger them. The best way to remember new words is to practice them every day. Practice them in sentences and paragraphs. Listen to tapes and read along every day . Otherwise you will forger easily. If you need my help, please call me, were friends,friends help each other,lets conquer new words together.诸多人告诉我记住新单词非常的困难。她们抱怨说无论她们如何辛苦的去记忆新单词,总是会忘掉。记住生词最佳的方式每天将她们练习。实践她们在句子和段并且每天实践她们。听磁带并且每天读。否则您将容易忘掉,如果您需要我的协助,请告诉我,我们是朋友,朋友互相协助,让我们一起征服生词吧。 第4篇 我的一家人 People in my Family Ladies and gentlemen , let me tell you a little bit about my family.I have a very happy family .my dad is a great man. He has a fantastic job. My mom is a wonderful woman.she has many outstanding talents. My family loves me. My family supports me in good times and bad times. They help me for many good habits . My mom and dad always tell me:If I want to succeed, I need to have good habits.we practice speaking English together every morning. We have dinner together every morning. We have dinner together every night. We talk about our problems. We share our joys. We exercise together. We relax together. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic. 女士们先生们,让我稍微告诉您有关我的家庭。我有一种非常快乐的家庭。我的爸爸是一种了不起的人。她有一种很棒的工作。我的妈妈是一种美妙的妇女。她又许多卓著的天分。我的家人爱我。我的家人和我患难与共。她们协助我养成许多好习惯。我的妈妈和爸爸总是告诉我:如果我想要成功,我需要有好的习惯。我们每天上午一起练习讲英语。我们每晚一起共进晚餐,我们谈论我们的问题。我们分享我们的喜悦。我们一起练习。我们一起休息。在我家的氛围是意想不到的。第5篇 我的初次美国之行My First Trip to AmericaLadies and Gentlemen, I just got back from America yesterday. This was my first visit to America,Id like to say a few words about my first trip. Everything was new and fresh. I got up early to exercise in the park .I visited many interesting places. I met a lot of interesting people. I felt a little nervous, but I still talked to people. They were very friendly and helpful. I had a great first impression of American people.This trip was the first time I had to use English in real life. M y English was not perfect, but I survived. The more I used English, the easier it became. Im still working very hard on my English. You know, practice makes perfect. Next time I go to America, I wont feel nervous at all.女士们,先生们,我昨天刚从美国回来。这是我第一次访问美国。我想谈谈我的第一次旅行,一切都是新鲜的。我早上起床后就去公园锻炼。我参观了诸多有趣的地方。我遇到了诸多有趣的人。我感觉有点紧张,但我仍然和别人交谈。她们都非常和谐,乐于助人。我对美国人的第一印象较好。此行是我第一次在现实生活中运用英语。我的英语并不完美,但我挺过来了,用得多了就觉得容易了。我还是非常努力学习英语。你懂得,熟能生巧。下一次我去美国,我就不会感到紧张了. 第6篇 妈妈节快乐 Happy Mothers DayLadies and gentlemen, fathers and mothers have different roles. Here is funny joke to wish you a happy Mothers Day. Forget about the cooking, forget about the cleaning,forget about the laundryJust pretend youre Dad! Happy Motthers day!女士们,先生们,爸爸和妈妈有不同的角色。谨以此有趣的笑话祝你们妈妈节快乐。忘掉烹饪,忘掉打扫,忘掉洗衣服就假装你是爸爸!妈妈节快乐 第7篇 中美关系Sino-US RalationsLadies and Gentlemen, America is a great country. China is a great country. China and America have a long history togegher. Now is the right time to build an even closer and stronger relationship. China is inviting more and more experts from America to share their knowledge. At the same time, America is welcoming more and more talented Chinese to study and work in America. Both countries can gain a great deal from each other. America and china should keep working together to build a peaceful and bright future.thank you.女士们,先生们,美国是一种伟大的国家。中国是一种伟大的国家。中国和美国的合伙已有着悠久的历史。目前是去建立一种更快密关系的时候了。中国邀请越来越多的来自美国的专家来分享她们的知识。同步,美国欢迎越来越多的杰出的中国人在美国学习和工作。两国可以从对方那里得到利益。美国和中国应当共同努力建立一种和平而更美好的将来。谢谢你。第8篇 迎接问题和挑战 Face problems and ChallengesLadies and Gentlemen , Im honored to have this opportunity to talk to you .Solving problems is the top priority for government officials.Were not afraid of problems. We consider problems to be challenges. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem. With your support and understanding, we can do a great job together. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any problems, stop by our office.女士们,先生们,我很荣幸有这个机会在这里演讲。解决问题,是政府官员的首要任务。我们不胆怯问题。我们把问题当作挑战。我们对解决问题有足够的信心。有了你们的支持和理解,我们可以在一起做诸多的工作。谢谢你们的合伙。如果您有任何问题,请到我们的办室来。第9篇 我要变化我的生活!I Want to Change My Life!I work extremely hard every day, but Im very tired. I need to work smarter,not harder.I must find better ways to do my job,I must find more time to enjoy life.I know hard work is a part of everybodys life.But I work too hard.My hard work goes too far.My hard work is reining my health.Myhard work is killing me.Other people have time for fun,going to bars and going to parties. All I do is get in my car and go to work every day.This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start.我每天都在非常努力地工作,但我很疲倦。我需要更有条理地工作,而不是更辛苦。我必须找到更好的方式来做好自己的工作。我必须找到更多的时间来享有生活。我懂得辛勤工作是每个人生活的一部分。但我的工作太辛苦。我的辛勤工作过度了。我的辛勤工作会伤害到我的健康。我的辛勤工作会损害我的生命。其她人有娱乐的时间,去酒吧活参与派对。我所要做的就是钻进我的车去上班。这种生活太辛苦了。我需要变化我的生活,重新开始。第10篇如何负责How to Take ResponsibilityLadies and Gentlemen, tonight I am going to talk about taking responsibility. Its always hard to admit something is your fault. In fact, people rarely say, Its all my fault. People always make excuses or say it is somebody elses fault. It is hard to solve problems because people like to blame others. The next time you make a mistake, take responsibility! Four little words can make a big difference. Try saying, “Its all my fault.” 女士们,先生们,今晚我想谈谈负责的问题。一般承认自己出错误是很难的事情,事实上,人们很少说:“都是我的错。”人们总是找借口或者说是别人的错。这样很难解决问题,由于人们喜欢责怪别人,下次你再出错误,要勇敢地负起责任!寥寥数语就可以有很大的不同,试着说:“都是我的错。”


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