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PEP五年级下册unit3 My school calendar 测试卷 听力部分(30分 )一、Listen and choose .听音,选出你听到的单词。(5分)( )1.A Christmas B China C children ( )2.A July B June C January ( )3.A Mother B March C may ( )4.A American B National C autumn ( )5.A sports B party C vacation 二、listen and judge.听音,判断所听内容与句子是()否()相符。(10分)( )1.We have a few fun things in summer .( )2. Well go to the Great Wall.( )3. Autumn is my favourite season.( )4. Childrens Day is in July.( )5. I eat moon-cakes with my family on Mid-Autumn Day.三、 Listen and number.听音,排序。(5分)( )October ( )December ( )June( )May ( )September四、 Listen and choose .听句子,选答语。(10分)( )1.A Its in March. B Its in May. ( )2.A Yes, it is. B No, it isnt. ( )3.A Ill make a card. B I often tell her a story. ( )4.A I love the singing contest. B Yes, they will. ( )5.A Its in June. B Its in May. 笔试部分 (70分)五选出下列单词中不同类的一项 。(5分)( )1. A. Easter B. grapes C. apple( )2. A. Monday B. October C. November( )3. A. holiday B. roll C. vacation ( )4. A. year B. month C. sports( )5. A. father B. chocolate C. mother六选词填空 (把单词抄在横线上)(5分)A. January B. March C. November D. October E. December( )1.Chineses National Day in _ .( )2.Christmas is in _.( )3. New Years Day is in _ .( )4. Tree Planting Day is in _ .( )5 American Thanksgiving Day is in _ .七选词填空。 (5分)on in at 1. What will you do _ the party ?2. We will have a party _February .3. What do you do _ Sundays ?4. I get up _7 oclock every day .5. We go to school _ Mondays .八判断正(T)误(F) 。 (5分)( )1.Tree Planting Day is in February .( )2. Easter is in April .( )3. Mothers Day is in May .( )4. Womens Day is in March .( )5. Teachers Day is in October .九找出句子中错误的一项并改正。 (10分)( )1. We usually have a school trip at autumn . _ A B C ( )2. What will you do for your mum in Mothers Day ? _ A B C( )3. New Years Day is on January . _ A B C( )4.Ill eat moon-cakes and my family . _ A B C( )5. China National Day is in October ._ A B C十从II栏中选出I栏句子的答语。 (5分) I II( )1.Whats your favourite season ? A. Ill make a wish .( )2. Why do you like spring ? B. Spring .( )3. When is Childrens Day ? C. Yes,it is .( )4.What will you do at the party ? D. Because its warm .( )5.Is the singing contest in May ? E. Its in June .十一. 连词成句。(10分)1. when , Day , is , Tree , Planting ( ? )_2. usually , in , it , is ,June ( . )_3. is , autumn ,favourite, my , season ( . )_( )4. will, I , with , eat , bananas , my , family ( . )_5. will , the , we , to , Great Wall , go ( . )十二、选择填空。(10分)( )1.- When is Tree Planting Day? Its _ March. A. at B. in C. on D. of( )2. _ is the first month of a year. A. February B. December C. October D. January( )3. _ is Childrens Day? A. When B. What C. Which D. Why( ) 4. Whats the date? _. A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th( )5. Is your birthday in June? _. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it not. D. No, it is.( ) 6. How old are you? Im _. A. first B. twelve C. second D. fifth( )7. When is your birthday? Its in _. A. third B. January C. 20th D. 8:30( )8.When _ your birthday? A. am B. is C. are D. be( )9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Marys birthday is in July,_. A. either B. to C. too D. two( )10.When is National Day? _. A. Its September 10th. B. Its March 12th. C. Its December 25th. D. Its October 1st.十三.阅读短文判断对错,对的的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)TherearesomeholidaysineachseasoninChina.Inspring,thereisaSpringFestivalinFebruary,Childrencangettheluckymoneyinthisfestival.ThenTree-plantingDaycomesafterWomensDay.Whensummercomes,thereisaDragonBoatFestivalinJune,people oftenrowboatsintheriver.ChildrenlikesJunebest,becauseChildrensDayisinJune.August1stistheArmyDay,andMid-AutumnDaycomesafterTeacherssDay.Weoftendrawsomecardsforourteachers.Attheendofthelastdayofayear,wecelebratethefirstdayofanewyear,ThatistheNewYearsDay!( )1.ChildrencangettheluckymoneyinFebruary.( )2.WomensDaycomesbeforeTree-plantingDay.( )3.PeopleoftenrowboatsintheriverinMay.( )4.Mid-AutumnDayisAugust1st.( )5.TheNewyearsDayisattheendofthelastdayofayear.十四.小作文。用英语写五句话,写一写你的生日在什么时候,你家人的生日又在什么时候,过生日的时候常常做些什么事情,吃什么东西,心情怎么样。(5分)_.第三单元考 试 质 量 分 析 表 五年级英语 学科 2. 6. 7班 填表人:燕小梅 4月 13 日题号内容掌握知识状况应得分实得分得分率一至四听力较好302686.7五选出不同类的一项优5480六七选词填空优10880八判断正误优5480九找错并改正一般10660十选答语优5580十一连词成句一般10770十二选词填空一般10660十三阅读短文良好5480十四书面体现差5360存在问题试题考察了学生的综合语用能力和交流能力,并兼顾了对学生的实践创新能力的考察,题型多样,注重语法知识的考察。基数词和序数词,月份及日期,节假日是本单元学英语的难点。写作对于大部分学生来说是难题。改进措施1突出学生的主体地位,遵循语言学习的规律,用多种手段激发学习爱好,提高听、说、读、写能力。2培养学生的参与意识和语言交际能力,合适进行知识拓展,积累知识,及时巩固,强化训练,在积累知识的基本上提高学生的写作能力。科目应考人数实考人数及格人数及格率优秀人数英语55955855892.8 244优秀率总分均分备注43.724631483


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