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青竹湖湘一外国语学校-期末考试八年级下 英语试卷.知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节单项填空 从A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)21. Getting _ X-ray is _ usual way to do a body check.A. an, a B. a, the C. a, an22. We have to _ the sports meeting because of the stormy weather.A. put up B. put off C. put away23. My uncle refused(回绝)to provide any money _ me.A. to B. for C. with24. I didnt pick up the phone because I _ then.A. was sleeping B. was asleeping C. slept25. I saw him _ around the classroom to look for his lost key.A. walking B. to walk C. was walking26. The story of Monkey King reminds me _ my childhood.(童年)A. in B. with C. of27. One of the most famous cartoon _ in Disneyland is the Mickey Mouse.A. character B. characteres C. characters28. You have already _ up. You must learn to _ care of yourselves now.A. grown; take B. grown; taken C. grew; take29. I _ Beijing a few times before.A. went to B. have been to C. have gone to30. Jack has _ the schoolbag since last year.A. bought B. had C. buy第二节词语填空 (共10题,计10分) When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mother for (31)_. But she always said: “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the (32)_ mother in the world. For example, one day, I decided to (33)_some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were (34)_, and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it (35)_ she still said: “Do it yourself.” Because of my “lazy mother”, I had to (36)_my clothes and clean my room when they are dirty. I had to help my parents do (37)_at home. I even had to go to the doctor by myself. It was really hard for me to do a good job, but I have (38)_ a lot. As time goes by, I start to (39)_my mother. She made me clever and diligent(勤奋的). What a great mother! A (40)_mother is worth(抵得上) 100 teachers! Dont you think so?31. A. money B. help C. time32. A. happiest B. nicest C. laziest33. A. leave B. invite C. visit34. A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere35. A. or B. so C. but36. A. move B. buy C. wash37. A. homework B. housework C. job38. A. shown B. learnt C. trained39. A. understand B. realize C. achieve40. A. silly B. lazy C. good.阅读技能(共20小题,计30分。41-50每题1分,51-60每题2分)第一节阅读图表,回答问题。1 Cough MedicineShake well before use. Take three times a day after meals.Each time: A adults: 2 teaspoonful. Children: 8-14 1 teaspoonful 4-7 0.5 teaspoonfulNot for children below the age of 4.Keep in a cold place. Use before October, 41. Helen is six years old, and shes got a bad cough. She should take _ a day.A. 0.5 teaspoonful B. 2 teaspoonfuls C. 1.5 teaspoonfuls42. The cough medicine cant be taken by _.A. a four-year-old childB. a three-year-old childC. a seven-year-old child43. Which is the right way to use this bottle of cough medicine?A. Use it in December, .B. Keep it in the fridge. (冰箱)C. Take it before meals. 2Timetable for Euro Cup June 22 Wednesday00: 00 Ukraine VS Poland00: 00 Northern Ireland VS Germany03: 00 Czech VS Turkey03: 00 Croatia VS Spain June 23 Thursday00: 00 Iceland VS Australia00: 00 Hungary VS Portugal03: 00 Italy VS Ireland03: 00 Sweden VS Belgium44. Euro Cup is held in _.A. Italy B. England C. France45. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The football match between Czech and Turkey began at 00: 00 on June 22.B. There were four football matches each day on June 22 and June 23 in Euro Cup .C. Australia had a football match against Iceland on June 23.第二节阅读如下短文,选择最佳答案。A Volunteering can give you a chance to change lives, including your own. If youre feeling frustrated by the news of a disaster(劫难) or an accident, volunteering to help can be a great way to deal with. If youd like to support(支持) an event but cant give away money, you can give away your time instead. Helping others in need is such an important part of life in high schools in America. So how do you go about it? Help kids learn and grow. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister, or volunteer for an after-school sports program. Special Olympic Games and events are great ways to get to know special-needs kids. Give back during the holidays. Serve Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless children. Volunteer at your local food bank, or give away food to kids. Play with pets at a local animal shelter(收容所). Most shelters depend on volunteers to keep the cats and dogs happy and well exercised. Help the environment. Take part in a local park clean-up day. Putting up some signs is a great way, too. In a word, there are many ways to volunteer your time to help others.46. What does the underlined word “frustrated” mean in Chinese?A.兴奋的 B.沮丧的 C.困惑的47. If you have no money to give away, what does the writer think you can do to volunteer?A. Give away your time instead.B. Sell your books for money.C. Ask your friends for money.48. How many ways to volunteer does the writer mention in the passage?A. Four B. Five C. Six 49. Which statements is TRUE about volunteering?A. Giving away money is better than giving away time.B. Volunteers just need to feed the animals at the animal shelters.C. Volunteering plays an important part in high school life in America.50. Why do we do volunteering jobs?A. Because we can make money through volunteering.B. Because we can watch Olympic Games through volunteering.C. Because we can change lives through volunteering.B Nine-year-old Rocky and Ten-year-old Ethan were playing football in their front yard. Suddenly their new neighbor Susanna ran out of the house shouting to them to call 911. Her 12-week-old baby seemed to stop breathing suddenly. In her panic(恐慌), she couldnt find her mobile phone, so she decided to rush outside to ask for help. After getting their parents to make the call, the two boys followed their mother to see if they could do anything to help. As Susanna was trying to do CPR(心脏复苏术) on her baby, young Rocky came in and told her she was doing it all wrong. Instead, he asked her to use two fingers, push on the chest(胸部) 5-10 times, tilt the babys head, plug the nose and then do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation(复苏) by breathing into the babys mouth. Luckily for him and the baby, Susanna didnt doubt(质疑) his advice and soon a loud cry came from the baby. Then the doctors came and the baby was sent to hospital. The most amazing part of the story is that neither of the boys has taken CPR classes, they just learned it all by reading the pictures on the walls in their school. While people are calling them heroes, they dont care but feel happy to save the babys life.51. Why did the woman rush out of her house?A. Because she wanted to ask for help for her baby.B. Because she wanted to help someone in trouble.C. Because she wanted to look for a mobile phone.52. From the passage we can know that _.A. the two boys were very proud of being heroes.B. the two boys learned how to do CPR from a class. C. Rocky told the woman she did CPR all wrong.53. Which of the following id the RIGHT order to do CPR?a. tilt the babys headb. push on the chest 5-10 timesc. perform a mouth-to-mouth resuscitationd. plug the noseA. a-b-c-d B. b-a-d-c C. c-d-b-a54. Who helped Susanna save her baby at first?A. A doctor B. School teachers C. The two boys55. How did the two boys learn to do CPR?A. By taking CPR classes.B. By listening to the radio.C. By reading the pictures.C What does it mean to be green? “Green” means taking special steps to protect the environment - the water, the land, and the air. Heres a four-step guide to being green: 1. Reduce(减少)the amount of things you use and throw away. When you use less of something, you do a good thing for the Earth. For example, a shorter shower means you use less water. 2. Reuse things when you can. Even if you no longer need something, someone else might need it. For example, if your baby brother no longer uses his plastic basketball, why not give it to another family who has a little kid? 3. Recycle(回收) cans, bottles, paper, books and even boys. Recycling has never been easier. Many communities(社区) will pick it up right in front of your house. You can collect things and put them along the way on recycling day. 4. Enjoy the earth-walk in the woods, plant a tree and eat some of the delicious food. Its true that rubbish and pollution are problems but the Earth is still a huge and fantastic place. You can start visiting the beautiful places in your city. Go for a hike, visit local nature centers, and climb mountains.56. According to the passage, “green” probably means _.A. a kind of colorB. protecting the environment C. painting everything green57. If you take a shorter shower, it means you _.A. save much time B. use more water C. use less water58. In order to reuse things, you can _.A. take a shorter showerB. walk to schoolC. give the toys you dont need to someone else59. According to the passage, which can NOT be recycled?A. cans B. Books C. Sugar 60. Which of the following is NOT one way to enjoy the earth?A. Watching TV B. Going for a hike C. Walking in the woods第三节阅读下面的材料,根据材料内容回答所提问题。“We didnt just build Disneyland in China; we built Chinas Disneyland. We want the visitors to feel comfortable here” Mr. Iger, the CEO(首席执行官) of Disneyland Company, said at Shanghai Disney Resort. There are many Chinese elements(元素) in Shanghai Disneyland Resort. For example, there is a walkway called “the Garden of the 12 Friends”, with 12 cartoon characters, like Tigger from “Winnie the Pooh”小熊维尼. They represent(代表) the 12 Chinese zodiac animals(生肖). “Theres more of a Chinese feeling to Shanghai Disney than to Hong Kong Disney, thats for sure,” said Stefan Zwanzger, a German theme park expert(专家). “The castle is not Chinese; Pirates of the Caribbean(加勒比海盗) is not Chinese. The park is not 50% Chinese and 50% American style, its 80% Disney and 20% Chinese, or maybe even 90% to 10%, and thats just fine,” Zwanzger added. “Chinese visitors will like it, and so will international travelers.” And the food is strongly Chinese; 70% of the food in the park is Chinese, with another 20% as Asian. That means its easier to find Kung Pao chicken for lunch a hot dog.61. Who is Mr. Iger?62. Why is the walkway in Shanghai Disneyland called “the Garden of the 12 friends”?63. Does Hong Kong Disney have more Chinese elements than Shanghai Disney?64. In Zwanzgers opinion, who will like Shanghai Disneyland?65. How much of the food is Asian in the park?.写作技能(两部分,共6小题,20分)第一节翻译语篇(共5小题,计10分) Young people nowadays seem to have many things to worry about. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard in order to get good grades. (66.)Others have trouble getting on well with their parents and classmates. Liu, a second year junior student from Zhuzhou, could not follow his teacher in math classes and was doing badly in exams. (67.)她已经放弃了学习数学。 Another student,14-year-old Wang from Chenzhou, was afraid of English exams. She got so worried that when she looked at the exam paper, she couldnt think of anything to write. (68.)她觉得英语变得比此前难得多了。 A recent report says about 18 percent of teens have mental(精神上) problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people. (69.)Many students who have problems wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secrets. All expert on teenagers has the following advice for teens: * Talk to your parents or teachers often * (70.)Take part in social activities and play sports. * Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.66. _67. _68. _69. _70. _第二节书面体现 (10分)如果你是一名导游,带着旅行团来到了你的家乡。请写一篇短文, 向游客推介你的家乡,内容不限。建议:可以从位置、交通、特色景点、美食、文化、环境、特色节日等各个方面入手。 规定:卷面整洁、语言流畅、不少于60字。


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