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考研英语万能作文模板考研作文三大高分句型:短句拉长,插入语,并列构造。红色为填入模板的词,黄色为临时加的句子,可以不加,加上效果更好。 第一段Here demonstrates a chart with regard to thediverse细化的产品quantity of总的产品 (of后的可加可不加) 细化的产品proportion of总的产品(of后的可加可不加)range from 年份to年份。 几种distinct peoples,具体1,具体2,具体3respectively。in某个假日或某次活动某次事情。As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change/ proportion of一种产品或现象 was obvious,which had pickedup significantly from 多少份额/数量in年份 to 多少份额/数量in年份。 occupied roughly 多少份额 of the whole产品或现象。In comparison,the另一种产品或现象 declined/increaseonly from多少份额to多少份额。occupied only 多少份额或数量 involved。Duringthisperiod,whatsmore,the另另一种产品或现象 remained stable。第二段Why does this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?(疑问句加分点)There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades(短句拉长加分点),some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to do因素一。In addition,this is partly due to the fact that因素二。第三段In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation are two major equationsought to be taken into account seriously(并列构造加分点)。On one hand,the general people ought to do建议 reasonably。What is more,the relevant department ought to increase the benefit for people。Only if this measure these measuresare/is adopted effectively can we live a better life。全文翻译: 第一段这里展示的一副图表是有关总的产品中细化的产品的不同数量 总的产品或现象中细化的产品或现象的不同比例 范畴 是从年份到年份之间。 分别是具体1,具体2,具体3这几种不同的人之中。在某个假日或某次活动某次事情。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,一种产品或现象的变化十分明显 ,它 从年份的多少份额 上升到了 年份的多少份额。 大概占了 整个产品或现象中的多少份额 。相比之下,另一种产品或现象 从多少份额减少到了多少份额。仅仅占据了总量的多少份额或数量。但是,同步,另另一种产品或现象的变化却保持不变。第二段为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去主题词。此外,这也是由于因素二。第三段根据我个人的想法,这里有 一种因数 两个因数需要被认真的考虑。一方面,我们大众应当合理的建议 。此外,国内有关的部门应当提高有关民众的福利。只有当 这个建议 这些建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。我帮你考研模板使用阐明:1,随机应变是任何模板的精髓,模板里面括号“()”的单词和外面的单词是2选1的。2,本文中使用了大量高档词汇,和大量的较长体现,不太好理解可以参照翻译背诵。3,主题词也为人们准备了一点,固然这还远远不够,由于考研题目千变万化,拿到模板后你们在背诵模板的时候还要多找某些话题来套用练习,然后记住里面的主题词。还要达到看到一种话题就懂得怎么套的地步才好。万一遇到考场上不会套的(如果你练熟了就不会浮现这样的问题),你也一定要把模板默写上去。4,如果遇到不会写的核心词就用一种以意思相近你又能写的词语替代们最佳不要空着,据我们几种人亲自使用的经验来看,只要模板默写上去了,大作文就不会低于15分,大部分考生能考到18分。高分友谊提示,同一种体现尽量不要用同一种词,同一种形容词也尽量不要浮现第二遍。不敢说100%完美,但是应付考研可以说已经很完美了,满分20分的作文考18分应属正常。里面我们也尽量为了迎合阅卷教师的偏好增长了某些比较高档的词汇和体现方式,可以说考场上中国学生很难有人能写出比这个更难更地道的作文了。固然,任何模板均有优缺陷,这个也不例外,既要万能又非常适合任何一年考题并且非常非常切题,那自身就是个矛盾的事情,好的模板只会两者折中,然后用语言地道、长处和严密的构造去弥补其局限性,我们的模板就是在这样指引思想下完毕的。如果你对自己的基本还是有点自信的话,也可以根据自己喜好替代几种词语,下面词语仅供参照!Picture 同义词:drawing/cartoon/portrayal/photo形容图画的形容词:vividly生动地/subtly敏锐地/symbolical象征性的/humorously风趣的/ realistic真实的,逼真的描述(Vt ):describe(描述)/indicate(显示)/demonstrate阐明,显示elaborate详尽阐明realistically逼真地/ apparently revealed/ depict/illustrate/portrayVividly betrayed(逼真地显示)其她可以替代的形容词Exaggerated 夸张的scary and sensational (触目惊心的)meaningful 意味深长的inconceivable(不可思议的)Inspiring鼓舞人心的thought-provoking发人深省的noticeable显而易见的, 清晰的, 明显的amusing(有趣的,引人发笑的)conspicuous(引人注目的)spectacular壮观的,引人入胜的compendious简要扼要的remarkable引人注目的,异常的extraordinary意想不到的;令人惊奇的explicit直接的,清晰的overwhelming 势不可挡的,史无前例的unprecedented史无前例的alarming 惊人的解说第一段:要描述清图表,因此看起来比较复杂,但其实只需要抓住核心点便可以:第一句:1:描述的内容2:范畴第二句:一:有变化趋势的状况:哪个变化(一般是增长)的多二:没有变化趋势的状况:什么占得比例最大第三句:一:有变化趋势的状况:哪个变化(少量增长或减少)的少二:没有变化趋势的状况:什么占得比例最小第四句(可选):一:有变化趋势的状况:哪个变化没有变化二:没有变化趋势的状况:由此看出有什么问题第二段:讲述理由,视状况和能力增长一条理由效果更好,不加也没问题。第三段:讲述解决方案。真题预测实例 发展与发达国家中使用手机状况这里展示了一种在到之间,在发展中国家以及发达国家中不同手机的数量的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,发展中国家使用移动电话数量的变化十分明显,其从的不到10亿上升到的40亿。相比之下,发达国家的移动电话数量仅仅从6亿增长到10亿。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去购买移动电话。【而发达国家的经济增长缓慢,因此发达国家的移动电话数量变化不大】根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的使用手机。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse mobile phones quantity of developing country and developed country range from to . As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change of number of developing countrys mobile phone was obvious,which had pickedup significantly from less than 1 billion in to 4 billion in . In comparison,the number of developed countrys mobile phone increaseonly from0.6 billion to 1 billion .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to buy mobile phone . And the economic growth in developed countries is slow, so the number of mobile phones in developed countries is not large .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously . The general people ought to use mobile phone reasonably. Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 中日系轿车市场份额这里展示了一种在到年之间,在国产汽车,日系汽车,美系汽车在中国市场 Chinese cars,Japanese cars,American cars which sells in china中不同销售的 sales份额的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,国产汽车份额的变化十分明显,其从的25% 25 percent上升到的35% 35 percent。相比之下,日系汽车份额从35% 35 percent下降到25% 25 percent。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去购买更好的国产汽车。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的支持国产汽车 support Chinese car。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse sales proportion of Chinese cars,Japanese cars,American cars which sells in china range from to . As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change of the sales proportion of Chinese cars was obvious,which had pickedup significantly from 25 percent in to 35 percent in . In comparison,the sales proportion of Japanese cars declined from 35 percent to 25 percent .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to buy Chinese cars which had better quality .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously . The general people ought to support Chinese car reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 公司员工满意度调查这里展示了一种分别是40岁如下的人 the person who under 40 years of age,40到50岁之间的人the person who between 40 and 50 years old,超过50岁的人the person who over the age of fifty这三种不同的人之间,在某公司中company中不同满意的份额的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,40岁如下人的满意份额十分明显,其仅占总人数number的33%了。相比之下,超过50岁人的满意份额占了40%。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的【年轻人】喜欢去过上更好的生活。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的选择自己的工作 。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse satisfactory proportion of some companies,range from three distinct peoples,the person who under 40 years of age , the person who between 40 and 50 years old , the person who over the age of fifty respectively. As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the proportion of satisfaction of the person who under 40 years of age was obvious,which occupied only roughly 33 percent of the whole number . In comparison,the proportion of satisfaction of the person who over the age of fifty occupied 40 percent involved .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of young people prefer to live a better life .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously .The general people ought to choose our own job reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 从大一到大四兼职工作的学生的比例变化这里展示了一种在大一到大四之间,在学生中中不同做兼职份额的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,大四做兼职学生的份额十分明显,其占总人数的88.24%了。相比之下,大一做兼职学生的份额仅占了67.77%。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去自己赚钱。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的规划自己的大学生活。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse doing part-time job proportion of students range from the first year of college to the last year of college . As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the proportion of students who join part-time job at last year of college was obvious,which occupied roughly 88.24 percent of the whole number . In comparison,the proportion of students who join part-time job at first year of college occupied only 67.77 percent involved .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to make money by themselves .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously . The general people ought to plan our college life reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 城乡乡村人口变化这里展示了一种在1990年到年之间,在都市和乡村中不同人口数量的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,都市人口的变化十分明显,其从1990年的300万上升到的650万。相比之下,乡村人口从810万下降到660万。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去生活在都市。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的建设都市。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse populations quantity of city and countryside range from 1990 to . As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change of population of cities was obvious,which had pickedup significantly from 3 million in 1990 to 6 million 500 thousand in . In comparison,the change of population of countryside declined from8 million 100 thousand to 6 million 600 thousand .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to live in the city .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously . The general people ought to build our city reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 春节假期花销比例这里展示了一种在春节假期之中不同花销份额的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,新年礼物的花销份额十分明显,其占总花销的40%了。相比之下,例如交通和吃饭等其她的花销份额仅占了20%。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去送给别人礼物。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的规划自己的花销。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse costs proportion in the Spring Festival holiday. As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the proportion of new year gifts costs was obvious,which occupied roughly 40 percent of the whole costs . In comparison,the proportion of other costs like traffic and eating occupied only 20 percent involved .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to give gifts to others .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously .The general people ought to plan our costs reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life . 某高校学生旅游目的调查这里展示了一种在旅游之中不同目的的份额的图表。正如这个令人深思的图表中所示,欣赏风景的份额十分明显,其占总比例的37%了。相比之下,培养独立能力份额仅占了6%。为什么上面的图表会显示出这样的现象?有许多因素可以解释这种现象,我将在这里讨论某些最重要的因素。一方面,我强烈的相信由于随着技术以及科学在过去的三十年里迅速的进步,某些人更优先去做享有物质和个人爱好,因此,越来越多的人喜欢去欣赏风景。根据我个人的想法,这里有一种因数需要被认真的考虑,我们大众应当合理的结识旅游的目的。只有当这个建议被有效的采纳我们才可以过上更好的生活。Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the diverse objectives proportion in tourism. As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the proportion of enjoy the scenery was obvious,which occupied roughly 37 percent of the whole proportion . In comparison,the proportion of training independent ability occupied only 6 percent involved .Why dose this phenomenon revealed in the chart?There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades,some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to enjoy the scenery .In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation ought to be taken into account seriously . The general people ought to understanding the purpose of tourism reasonably . Only if this measure is adopted effectively can we live a better life .


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