IntegratedSkills教案 (2)

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八(下) Unit 3 Online Tours 如皋市外国语学校 2014-3-14Period Five of Unit 3 8B Contents: Integrated Skills (P43-44)Objectives:1. To get some ideas about the online tour and the tour of Australia. 2. To get some useful information from the listening material.3. To know some words and phrases: coast, sail, Australian, opposite, mind, print, pleasure, my pleasureProcedures:Activity One Leading inT: Well, boys and girls. Can you remember the tour of New York? S: T: And what is the name of the website? S: .T: In the menu, if we click the icon “tour”, we can go to the place we like. Then how about the icon “camera”? We can get the information from a dialogue between Daniel and Peter.Activity Two A1T: During listening, complete the passage. Step 1 Listen to the tape. Step 2 Check the answers one by one.Step 3 Some more information. Step 4 Phrases. 1) take you to different places around the world 2) at the top of 3) further down T: So if we click the icon “camera”, what can we see?S: T: Do you know where the tour is to? S: T: And how do you know that?S: Activity Three A2 & A3T: Peter took some notes of Sydney. Please listen and judge whether it is right. Step 1 Read the sentences.Step 2 Listen and try to judge. Step 3 Share the ideas together. Step4 Phrases. 1) on the north-east coast of Australia 2) be near a lake 3) look like a ship with many sails Step 5 Try to complete A3. (Listen again if necessary.) Step 6 Check the answers in groups and then read in groups. Step 7 Talk about Australia with the questions. 1) Where is Australia?2) What is the beautiful building called?3) What is it like?4) Are the seasons there the same as ours? Step 8 Phrases. 1) take an online tour on the website2) Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. 3) for example Activity Four Speak upT: Sandy wants to know about the online tour. But she doesnt know how to use it. So she is asking Millie for help. Listen and give Sandy some ideas. Step 1 Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. 1) How do we start an online tour of a city?2) What should we do if we want to look at the pictures of the city?3) How do we print the pictures? Step 2 Try to give Sandy some ideas like “Click on the icon “tour”, itll start. ” Step 3 Read after the tape. Step 4 Make your own dialogue. Step 5 Phrases. 1) mind doing sth. 2) show me how to start this online tour 3) Thanks for your help. 4) My pleasure. Activity Five Exercises一、词汇1. The cities are on the _(海岸).2. Would you _ mailing the letter for me? (介意) - No, not at all.3. The foreigners are on business, not for _. 4. Sydney is an _ city. (Australia)5. - _ you _ to Australia? (be, see)- Yes. And we _ the wonderful building called the Sydney Opera House. 二、选择( ) 1. Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door? - _, please do it now. A. to open; OK B. opening; Certainly not C. opening; Of course D. to open; Good idea. ( ) 2. - Thank you for what you have done for my family. - _. A. never mind B. Id love to C. No problem D. It was my problem 三、句型转换 1. Click on the “Tour” icon and itll start. (同义句) _ you _ on the “Tour” icon , itll start. 2. It looks like a ship. And the ship has some sails. (同义句) It looks like a ship _ some sails. 3. He has been in Australia for two months. (同义句) He _ _ Australia two months _.Activity Five Homework 1. Finish Period 5 of workbook.2. Remember the words and phrases of this period.Keys:一、1. coast 2. mind 3. pleasure 4. Australian 5. Have been saw 二、B D三、1. If click 2. with 3. went to ago


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