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六年级北师大英语上册阅读理解假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读理解。Look, whats this? Let me tell you. It is a dinosaur (恐龙).Dinosaur(恐龙) is very big. It has a big body. It has small eyes and a big mouth. It has sharp teeth. It has two arms and two legs. The arms are short, and the legs are very strong. Oh, it has a long tail, the tail is very strong, too.根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”1Dinosaur(恐龙) is very big. (_)2It has a big body. (_)3It has small eyes and a small mouth. (_)4It has two short arms. (_)5It has a short tail. (_)2. 阅读短文,判断正误。There are many animals in the nature park. On the weekend, we go to the nature park with our teacher. Look! Two pandas are climbing trees. Three birds are singing.Two tigers are playing on the grass. The monkeys are swinging.There is a hill in the park. Some students are in the woods. Chen Jie is playing with John. Zhang Peng and Mike are drinking water. Where is Sarah? Oh! She is watching the ants.1There are many hills in the nature park.(_)2Two tigers are walking on the grass. (_)3The pandas are climbing trees. (_)4Zhang Peng is drinking water.(_)5Mike is playing sports. (_)3. 阅读短文,完成表格,并回答问题。Hello, my name is Tony. Im from the USA. I am a student. I go to school by bike. I study Chinese in China now. I like doing word puzzles and going hiking. My father is a doctor. He works at a big hospital. He goes to work by car. He likes reading books. He has many good books. My mother is a teacher. She likes listening to musi C. My brother is strong. He is a coach. He works in a gym. He likes playing football and taking trips. Im going to see a film with my brother next Sunday. We are going there by bus.(1)阅读短文,完成表格。TonyTonys fatherTonys motherTonys brotherJobstudentcoachWayby bikeHobbydoing word puzzles going hikingreading books(2)Where does Tonys father work?(3)Whats Tonys brother like?(4)What is Tony going to do next Sunday?4. 阅读并回答问题。Hello, Im Brian. I have a pen friend. Her name is Julia. She is 13 years old. She is from Canada. She can speak English. She can also speak a little Chinese. She can sing Chinese songs. She wants a pen friend in China. I can get two emails from her every month. I also send emails to her.1Where is Julia from?2Can Julia speak Chinese very well?3How many emails can I get from Julia every month?5. 根据以上短文内容判断下列句子的正误。Today is Sunday. I feel sick. So I go to the hospital. I see the doctor. The doctor tell me to take some medicine, because I have a cold. On my way home I meet my friend. his name is Mike. He goes home on foot. His home is next to my home. So we go home together. He is very happy.( )(1)Today is Satursday.( )(2)I go to the restaurant.( )(3)I go to see the doctor.( )(4)I have a headache.( )(5)Mikes home is next to my home.6. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。My uncle Dick lives in the countryside. Hes a farmer there. He often drives to see my father and me on Saturdays. He is busy in spring and autumn. In spring, he plants crops on the farm, and in autumn, he gets the crops in. He usually gets up at seven in the morning. He likes swimming in the river in summer. I often help him on my holidays.( )(1)Dick is my brother.( )(2)Dick often drives to see my father and me on Sundays.( )(3)Dick is busy in summer and autumn.( )(4)In autumn, Dick gets the crops in.( )(5)My uncle likes swimming in the river in summer.7. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Last week, Mrs White went to London. She didnt know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.She went up to the man and said, Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? The man smiled. He knew little English! He came from Germany. He put his hand into his pocket and took out a phone. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, Im sorry I cant understand you.( )(1)Mrs White went tolast week.A. America B. London C. Canada( )(2)The man.A. knew English B. knew little English C. was good at English( )(3)The man came from.A. England B. France C. Germany( )(4)Did the man tell Mrs White the way to the hospital?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. I dont know.( )(5)What did the man take out?A. A pocket. B. A phone. C. A schoolbag.8. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Mrs Green has a little dog. One day the dog is lost, and its snowing outside. Mrs Green looks for it everywhere but she cant find it. She calls the police. A young policeman answers the phone, Dont worry, madam.Dogs are really strong animals. They can live for several days in the snow and be all right.Mrs Green is happy to hear the words. She says, My dog is very clever. She almost can talk. Well, the policeman says, why dont you put your telephone down? Perhaps she is trying to telephone you now.( )(1)Mrs Green loses her lovely cat.( )(2)Its raining heavily outside.( )(3)Mrs Green is worried, so she calls the police.( )(4)Mrs Green is very angry to hear the words.( )(5)Mrs Greens dog can talk.9. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Bill and Sally are good friends. They usually go to art museums on Sundays. Bill likes Chinese ink paintings. And he likes paintings about animals. His favourite artist is Xu Beihong. Sally likes oil paintings. Her favourite painting is Sunflowers. Its a picture by Vincent van Gogh. She likes the colours.( )(1)Bill and Sally usually go to art museums on Mondays.( )(2)Bill likes Chinese ink paintings about animals.( )(3)Bills favourite artist is Xu Beihong.( )(4)Sunflowers is Sallys favourite painting.10. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。Rose works in a post office. She works 40 hours a week. She begins working at eight in the morning and stops at five in the afternoon. The post office is closed at five. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home. Some people take the subway and other people take the bus. Rose lives four miles from the post office. Rose walks home, because she likes to walk. She think walking is very good for keeping healthy. At eight in the evening, she have dinner. She goes to bed at ten. Sometimes she feels tired, but she is very happy.(1)Where does Rose work?(2)How many hours a week does Rose work?(3)How do the people go home?(4)How far is it from Roses home to the post office?(5)Why does Rose like to walk home?11. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。把答案前面的字母编号填在括号里。Father and Sam are sitting at the table.They are having their dinner. “I dont like this soup. I dont want any.” Says Sam, and puts down the spoon. “All right.” says father.After dinner, Sam works in the field (田地)with his father. They work very hard. In the evening, father gives him a bowl of soup.“ Oh, the soup is very nice,” Sam says. “ Its the same soup.” says his father.1-Who doesnt like the soup at first? -_.( )A.Sam B.Sams father C.Sams mother2After lunch Sam and his father work_.( )A.in the factory B.on the farm C.in the field3In the evening, Sams father gives him_.( )A.a bowl of soup B.a plate of meat C.a glass of milk4-Does Sam like the soup in the evening? -_.( )A.No, he doesnt. B.Yes, he does. C.He like it very much.5Sam feels_, so he likes the soup in the evening.( )A.angry. B.hungry. C.sad.12. 阅读理解,按要求做答。Everybody has a home. Animals also have their homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of houses, too. Some animals live in holes under the ground. Woodchuck lives under the ground. Its home has two doors. If any enemy comes in through one door. The woodchuck will go out through the other one. Some animals live in holes or in trees.Squirrels build their nests high in the trees.Birds also live in holes or in trees. And most of them live in their nests. Only hawks build their nests high in the mountains.( )(1)Which animal lives in holes under the ground?A. bird B. fish C. woodchuck( )(2)How many doors does a woodchucks home have?A. Two doors. B. One door. C. Three doors.( )(3)Squirrels live_ in trees.A. low B. high C. different( )(4)Most of the birds live in theirnests.哪一幅图可以表示画线单词的意思?A. B. C.( )(5)根据文中画线的句子,可以知道build的意思是_.A. 大楼 B. 建造 C. 居住13. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I am Tom.Everyone in my family has a hobby.My fathers hobby is collecting stamps.He has a lot of stamps from other countries. My mother likes reading and collecting books.My grandpa has many old clocks and watches.His hobby is collecting toy cars. So you can see books,stamps,clocks,watches,maps and toys cars in our house.1Tom likes collecting stamps.(_)2Toms mum likes collecting books.(_)3Toms grandpas hobby is collecting toy cars.(_)4Toms grandma likes collecting maps.(_)5There are many stamps from other countries in Toms house.(_)14. 阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。Father and SonAwell-dressed(穿着考究的) man went into a restaurant one day. He asked for a lot of nice dishes. At that time, a boy came in and sat down beside the man. The man gave him a hamburger. Then he said that he wanted to buy some drinks and thenleft(离开).When the boy wanted to leave, thewaitress(服务员) stopped him. “ Excuse me, your father did not pay(付钱) the money for his meal and your hamburger,” the waitress said. “ Father? Youre wrong. I dont know him at all. I saw him in the street. He says that he will (将)give me a hamburger if(如果)I come here at half past twelve.”1_went into a restaurant one day.( )A.A well-dressed man B.A boy C.A well-dressed man and a boy2The man asked for_.( )A.a lot of drinks B.a lot of hamburgers C.a lot of dishes3The man gave_.( )A.a hamburger to the boy B.some bread to the boy C.the boy a cake4The boy came_.( )A.at eleven forty-five B.at twelve thirty C.at twelve oclock.5The waitress thought_.( )A.the boy was the mans son.B.the man was the boys friend.C.The man couldnt pay for the meal.15. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。It is a cold day in winter. A farmer finds a snake on the ground. It is nearly dying. The farmer is a kind person. He brings it home and puts it near the fire. Soon the snake begins to move, but it raises its head and tries to bite the farmer. Oh, says the farmer, I save your life, but you pay me back in this way. You must die. Then he kills the snake with a stick.(1)A farmer finds a _ on the ground.A. fish B. dog C. snake(2)The farmer is a(n) _ person.A. kind B. bad C. ugly(3)The snake raises its _ and tries to _ the farmer.A. hand; look at B. leg; kick C. head; bite(4)The farmer kills the snake with a _.A. stone B. knife C. stick(5)The story happens in _.A. spring B. summer C. winter16. 阅读短文,判断下列句子的说法是(T)否(F)正确。Every day we eat a lot of food. A healthy diet is good for us. But people in different countries eat different kinds of food. My friend Peter is from America and he tells me a lot about food in America. Most Chinese people like to eat pork(猪肉). But in America beef(牛肉) is more popular(受欢迎). We often have rice or noodles at every meal. But Americans may think hamburgers and fruit pies are more delicious(美味). Chinese children like to eat ice creams in summer. But Americans nearly eat them every meal. Americans like sweet food very much, just like cakes, ice creams, chocolate and so on.( )1. People in China and the US have the same food.( )2. Peter is American.( )3. Pork is popular in the US.( )4. Chinese people like to eat beef and eat it every day.( )5. Chinese children usually eat ice cream in summer.17. 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。Notice BoardFootball ClubDo you like playing sports? Do you like playing football? Come to our football clu B. See you on the playground.DaleHiking! Hiking!What do you do on the weekends? I Shall we go hiking? I need a partner.Call Eric: 352 2987Shall we sing?Whats your hobby? Do you like singing? Join our singing club.TomLets cook together!There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 a.m. Do you like cooking? Do you like delicious food? We can share.Call Cindy: 235 32671Dale is in the football club.(_)2Eric needs a partner to go hiking together.(_)3Tom likes playing football. (_)4There is a cook class on Saturdays at 9 a.m. .(_)5Cindys phone number is 352 3267.(_)18. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I have a new pen pal. Her name is Alice. She lives in Australia (澳大利亚). She is a quiet girl. She likes reading books and cooking Chinese food. She wants to be a writer in the future (将来). She goes to school on foot. She has a brother. His name is Bill. He is only five. He likes riding his small bike in the garden and playing with his toy cars. Her father is a football player. Her mother is a singer. They both go to work by car. They are very happy.1What are Alices hobbies? ( )A.She likes reading books and cooking Chinese food.B.She likes riding a small bike in the garden.C.She likes drawing comic pictures and riding a bike.2What does Alices father do? ( )A.Hes a basketball player.B.Hes a football player.C.Hes a writer.3How does her father go to work? ( )A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By car.4Does Bill like riding his small bike in the garden? ( )A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes, she does.5What does Alice want to be in the future? ( )A.A postman. B.A writer. C.A businessman.9 / 9


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