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304-Keyboard or System Unit Erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: keyboard, keyboard cable, mouse controller, or system board failure.action:1. be sure the keyboard and mouse are connected.only authorized technicians trained by hp should attempt to remove the system board. if you believe the system board requires replacement, contact hp technical support before proceeding.2. run insight diagnostics (hp insight diagnostics on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.400 serieslist of messages:40x-parallel port x address assignment conflict404-parallel port address conflict detected40x-parallel port x address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: both external and internal ports are assigned to parallel port x.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.404-parallel port address conflict detected.a hardware conflict in your system is keeping some system components from working correctly. if you have recently added new hardware remove it to see if it is the cause of the conflict. alternatively, use computer setup or your operating system to insure that no conflicts exist.audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the parallel port from working correctly.action:1. if you have recently added new hardware, remove it to see if the hardware is the cause of the conflict.2. run the server setup utility to reassign resources for the parallel port and manually resolve the resource conflict.3. run insight diagnostics (hp insight diagnostics on page 101) and replace failed componentsas indicated.600 serieslist of messages:601-diskette controller error602-diskette boot record error605-diskette drive type error611-primary floppy port address assignment conflict612-secondary floppy port address assignment conflict601-diskette controller erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: diskette controller circuitry failure occurred.action:1. be sure the diskette drive cables are connected.2. replace the diskette drive, the cable, or both.3. run insight diagnostics (hp insight diagnostics on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.602-diskette boot record erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: the boot sector on the boot disk is corrupt.action:1. remove the diskette from the diskette drive.2. replace the diskette in the drive.3. reformat the diskette.605-diskette drive type error.audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: mismatch in drive type occurred.action: run the server setup utility to set the diskette drive type correctly.611-primary floppy port address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette drive fromoperating properly.action:1. run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and manually resolve the conflict.2. run insight diagnostics (hp insight diagnostics on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.612-secondary floppy port address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette drive from operating properly.action:1. run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and manually resolve the conflict.2. run insight diagnostics (hp insight diagnostics on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.1100 serieslist of messages:1151-com port 1 address assignment conflict1151-com port 1 address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: both external and internal serial ports are assigned to com x.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.1600 serieslist of messages:1609 - the server may have a failed system battery. some1610- temperature violation detected. - waiting 5 minutes for system to cool1611- cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. either1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan1611-fan failure detected1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone cpu)1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone i/o)1611-fan x not present (fan zonecpu)1611-fan x not present (fan zone i/o)1611- power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. either1611-power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan1611-primary fan failure (fan zone system)1611-redundant fan failure (fan zone system)1612- primary power supply failure1615-power supply configuration error1615-power supply configuration error1615-power supply failure, power supply unplugged, or power supply fan failure in bay x1616-power supply configuration failure1609 - the server may have a failed system battery. some.configuration settings may have been lost and restored to defaults. refer to server documentation for more information. if you have just replaced the system battery, disregard this message.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: real-time clock system battery has lost power. the system will lose its configuration every time ac power is removed (when the system is unplugged from ac power source) and this message displays again if a battery failure has occurred. however, the system will function and retain configuration settings if the system is connected to the ac power source.action: replace battery (or add external battery).1610-temperature violation detected. - waiting 5 minutes for system to cool audible beeps: nonepossible cause: the ambient system temperature exceeded acceptable levels.action: lower the room temperature.1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. either.the assembly is not installed or multiple fans have failed in the cpu zone.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fans are missing or not spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are installed and working.2. be sure the assembly is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.4. if a known working replacement fan is not spinning, replace the assembly.1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan.failure. assembly will provide adequate cooling.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fan not spinning.action: replace the failed fan to provide redundancy, if applicable.1611-fan failure detectedaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone cpu)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone i/o)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x not present (fan zonecpu)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x not present (fan zone i/o)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611- power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. either.the assembly is not installed or multiple fans have failed. audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fans are missing or not spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are installed and working.2. be sure the assembly is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.4. if a known working replacement fan is not spinning, replace the assembly.1611-power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan.failure. assembly will provide adequate cooling. audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fan not spinning.action: replace the failed fan to provide redundancy, if applicable.1611-primary fan failure (fan zone system)audible beeps: nonepossible cause: a required fan is not spinning.action: replace the failed fan.1611-redundant fan failure (fan zone system)audible beeps: nonepossible cause: a redundant fan is not spinning.action: replace the failed fan.1612-primary power supply failureaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: primary power supply has failed.action: replace power supply.1615-power supply configuration erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: the server configuration requires an additional power supply. a moving bar is displayed, indicating that the system is waiting for another power supply to be installed.action: install the additional power supply.1615-power supply configuration error- a working power supply must be installed in bay 1 for proper cooling.- system halted!audible beeps: nonepossible cause: the server configuration requires an additional power supply. a moving bar is displayed, indicating that the system is waiting for another power supply to be installed.action: install the additional power supply.1615-power supply failure, power supply unplugged, or power supply fan failure in bay x audible beeps: nonepossible cause: the power supply has failed, or it is installed but not connected to the system board or ac power source.action: reseat the power supply firmly and check the power cable or replace power supply.1616-power supply configuration failure-a working power supply must be installed in bay 1 for proper cooling.-system halted!audible beeps: nonepossible cause: power supply is improperly configured.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.304键盘或系统组合误差听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:键盘,键盘线,鼠标控制器或系统板故障。行动:1 。可以肯定的键盘和鼠标连接。只有授权的惠普培训的技术人员应努力消除系统板。如果你相信系统板之前需要进行更换, 联系惠普技术支持。2。运行洞察诊断(“惠普洞察分析”页 101)和替换故障组件的说明。400 系列名单的消息:40 倍,并口 x 地址分配冲突404 并行端口地址冲突检测40 倍,并口 x 地址分配冲突听见蜂鸣声: 2 短可能的原因:外部和内部端口被分配到并行端口 x 的行动:在服务器上运行安装实用工具和正确的配置。404 并行端口地址冲突检测 .硬件冲突.您的系统保持正常运行某些系统组件。 如果您最近添加了新硬件删除它, 看看它是 冲突的原因。或者,使用计算机设置或您的操作系统以确保没有冲突存在。听见蜂鸣声: 2 短可能的原因:在系统硬件冲突阻止正常工作的并行端口。行动:1。如果您最近添加了新硬件,删除它,看看硬件是冲突的原因。2。run服务器安装实用工具来重新分配资源的并行端口和手动解决资源冲突。3。运行洞察诊断(惠普洞察分析”页101)和替换故障组件的说明。600 系列名单的消息:601 -软盘控制器错误602 -软盘引导记录错误605 软盘驱动器类型的错误611 小学软盘端口地址分配冲突612 中学软盘端口地址分配冲突601 -软盘控制器错误听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:软盘控制器电路出现故障。行动:1 。可以肯定的软盘驱动器电缆连接。2 。取代软盘驱动器,电缆,或两者兼而有之。3 。运行洞察诊断(“惠普洞察分析”页 101)和替换故障组件的说明。602 -软盘引导记录错误 听见蜂鸣声:无 可能的原因:在启动磁盘启动扇区已损坏。 行动:1。从软盘驱动器中删除该磁盘。2。替换驱动器中的软盘。3。格式化的软盘。605 软盘驱动器类型的错误。 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:在驱动器不匹配的类型发生。 行动:在服务器上运行安装实用工具来设置磁盘驱动器的类型正确。611 小学软盘端口地址分配冲突 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:在系统硬件冲突是防止从软盘驱动器运行正常。 行动:1。在服务器上运行安装实用工具来配置软盘驱动器端口地址和手动解决冲突。2。运行洞察诊断(惠普洞察分析”页101)和替换故障组件的说明。 612中学软盘端口地址分配冲突听见蜂鸣声: 2 短 可能的原因:在系统硬件冲突是防止从软盘驱动器运行正常。行动:1 。在服务器上运行安装实用工具来配置软盘驱动器端口地址和手动解决冲突 2。运行洞察诊断(惠普洞察分析”页101)和替换故障组件的说明。1100 系列名单的消息:1151 - 1 地址分配 COM 端口冲突1151 - 1 地址分配 COM 端口冲突听见蜂鸣声: 2 短可能的原因:外部和内部串行端口被分配到COM十 行动:在服务器上运行安装实用工具和正确的配置。1600 系列名单的消息:1609 - 服务器可能有一个失败的系统电池。一些1610 年温违反检测。 - 等待 5 分钟,冷却系统1611 CPU 的风扇装配故障检测区。或1611 CPU 的风扇装配故障检测区。单扇1611 -风扇故障检测1611 -风扇 x 故障检测(扇区的 CPU)1611 -风扇 x 故障检测(扇区的 I / O)1611 - x 不存在风扇(风扇 zonecpu )1611 - x 不存在风扇(风扇带的 I / O)1611 - 电源风扇部件故障检测区。或1611 -电源风扇部件故障检测区。单扇1611 年小学风扇故障(风扇带系统)1611 冗余风扇故障(风扇带系统)1612 年,主要电力供应中断1615 年,电源配置错误1615 年,电源配置错误1615 年,电源故障,电源拔掉,或在海湾电源风扇故障 x1616 年,电源配置失败1609 - 服务器可能有一个失败的系统电池。一些 .配置设置可能已丢失,恢复到默认值。参考服务器文档了解更多信息。 如果你刚刚更换的系 统电池,忽略此消息。听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:实时时钟系统的电池已失去动力。该系统将失去它的配置,每次交流电源被移 走(当该系统是从 AC 电源断开)和此消息如果电池发生故障显示。然而,该系统将配置设置功 能和保留如果系统已连接到交流电源。行动:更换电池(或添加外部电池)。1610 年温违反检测。 - 等待 5 分钟,冷却系统听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:环境系统的温度超出可接受的水平。行动:降低室内温度。1611 CPU 的风扇装配故障检测区。要么 .大会未安装或多个球迷在 CPU 区失败。听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:需要球迷已丢失或不旋转。行动:1 。检查风扇以确保它们安装和工作。2 。可以相信大会已正确连接,每个风扇安装正确。3 。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。4 。如果一个已知的工作更换风扇不转动,取代大会。1611 CPU 的风扇装配故障检测区。单扇 . 失败。大会将提供充分的冷却。听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:需要风扇不转动。 行动:更换故障风扇,以提供冗余,如适用。1611 -风扇故障检测听见蜂鸣声:2短可能的原因:没有安装所需的风扇或旋转。行动:1 。检查风扇以确保他们的工作。2 。确保每个风扇电缆连接正确,每个风扇安装正确。3 。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。1611 -风扇 x 故障检测(扇区的 CPU )听见蜂鸣声:2短可能的原因:没有安装所需的风扇或旋转。行动:1。检查风扇以确保他们的工作。2。确保每个风扇电缆连接正确,如果适用,每个风扇安装正确3。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。1611 -风扇 x 故障检测(扇区的 I / O) 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:没有安装所需的风扇或旋转。 行动:1。检查风扇以确保他们的工作。2。确保每个风扇电缆连接正确,如果适用,每个风扇安装正确3。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。1611 - x 不存在风扇(风扇 zonecpu ) 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:没有安装所需的风扇或旋转。 行动:1。检查风扇以确保他们的工作。2。确保每个风扇电缆连接正确,如果适用,每个风扇安装正确 3。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。1611 - x 不存在风扇(风扇带的 I / O) 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:没有安装所需的风扇或旋转。 行动:1。检查风扇以确保他们的工作。2。确保每个风扇电缆连接正确,如果适用,每个风扇安装正确3。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。1611 - 电源风扇部件故障检测区。要么 .大会未安装或多个球迷都失败了。 听见蜂鸣声:无 可能的原因:需要球迷已丢失或不旋转。行动: 1。检查风扇以确保它们安装和工作。 2。可以相信大会已正确连接,每个风扇安装正确。3。如果问题仍然存在,请更换故障的风扇。4。如果一个已知的工作更换风扇不转动,取代大会。1611 -电源风扇部件故障检测区。单扇 .失败。大会将提供充分的冷却。 听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:需要风扇不转动。 行动:更换故障风扇,以提供冗余,如适用。 1611年小学风扇故障(风扇带系统) 听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:一个必需的风扇不转动。 行动:更换故障风扇。1611冗余风扇故障(风扇带系统) 听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:一个冗余风扇不转动。 行动:更换故障风扇。1612 年,主要电力供应中断 听见蜂鸣声:2短 可能的原因:主要电力供应已告失败。行动:更换电源。1615 年,电源配置错误听见蜂鸣声:无个电源等待个电源等待可能的原因:服务器配置需要额外的电源供应。移动栏显示,表明该系统是另 安装。行动:安装额外的电源供应。1615年,电源配置错误-工作电源必须安装在海湾一适当冷却。-系统停止!听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:服务器配置需要额外的电源供应。移动栏显示,表明该系统是另 安装。行动:安装额外的电源供应。1615年,电源故障,电源拔掉,或在海湾电源风扇故障x听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:电源有故障,或者已安装但没有连接到系统板或交流电源。 行动:重新插入电源牢固,并检查电源线或更换电源。1616年,电源配置失败 给工作电源必须安装在海湾一适当冷却。系统停止! 听见蜂鸣声:无 可能的原因:电源配置不当。行动:在服务器上运行安装实用工具和正确的配置。


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