Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance.ppt

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1,Unit 6 Counter-offer and Acceptance,Carrie TANG,2,Content,Discussion Introduction Writing skills Practice Focal words,3,Discussion,What is counter-offer? Please list the main content of counter-offer. Please define “acceptance”.,4,Introduction,A counter-offer is an attempt to bargin for a lower price. A counter-offer is made when an offeree doest agree to the terms and conditions of the offer.,5,Introduction,The original offer or the seller now becomes the offeree, and he has the full right of acceptance or refusal. In the latter case, he may make another counter offer of his own. This process can go on for many rounds till business is finalized or called off.,6,Introduction,A (seller) B (buyer) offeror offeree 1. accept offeree offeror 1. accept 2. make a counter-offer ,2. make a counter offer,A make an offer to B,7,Main contents of counter-offer,deliver appreciation to the offer show your regret and explain it state your own suggestions express your expectation,8,Acceptance,An offerees agreement to the terms set by the offerer is called an “Acceptance”. - made by the offeree - accepted unconditionally - comform to the requirement - be within the validity,9,Writing Skills,Render thanks for the offer Express the inability to accept the offer and explain it Put forward suggestions on the trade terms State the hope that the counter-offer will be accepted,10,Recommended Statements,We regret to inform you that your price is rather on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products.,Your price is high,11,Your price is a bit high. 有点高 Your price is too high. 太高 Your price is rather stiff. 相当高 Your price is excessive. 过高 Your price is prohibitive. 令人望而却步,Your price is so high,12,We very much regret that your price is out of line with the prevailing (present/current) market.,13,Although we are desirous of doing business with you, we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us.,14,Indian makes have been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours.,Compare with other suppliers,15,When compared with the other suppliers prices, your price is almost 10% higher than others.,16,Your price compares much higher with those we can get from elsewhere.,17,To set up trade, we counter offer as follows, 50 tons of Walnuts at USD 600/ton CIF EMP.,CIF EMP European Main Port,State the new terms,18,As the market of walnuts is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%.,19,We dont deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 10%. Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Humburg.,20,Practice,如果你方愿意降低价格,比如说5%,我们会考虑向你方试订。 鉴于我们可按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 我们建议你们再次考虑报价,使之与国际市场一致。 我方决定再做2%的让步,希望能有助于你方推销产品。 有迹象表明市场进一步看涨。,21,Practice,如果你方愿意降低价格,比如说5%,我们会考虑向你方试订。 Should you be prepared to lower your price by say, 5%, we would place a trial order with you.,22,鉴于我们可按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further.,23,我们建议你们再次考虑报价,使之与国际市场一致。 We suggest that you consider your price, and bring it in line with the international market price.,24,我方决定再做2%的让步,希望能有助于你方推销产品。 We have decided to make further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push sales of your products.,25,有迹象表明市场进一步看涨。 Information shows that the market will advance / gain / rise further. Every sign show that the market will advance further. decline / fall / lose,26,Translate the following sentences into Chinese,1. The highest discount we can allow on this article is 10%. 2. As per your request, we have marked the cases with gross, tare and net weights. 3. If you could make some concessions, say a reduction of 10%, we may conclude the transaction. 4. We hope you will see your way to accept September shipment. 5. If you cannot accept our offer, please make the best possible counter-offer.,27,Answer,我们对这种商品最多只能打九折。 我们已按你方要求在箱上注明毛重,皮重及净重。 如果你方能做出让步,比如降价10%,我们就可以达成交易。 我们希望你方能接受9月份装货。 如果你放不能接受我们的报价,请递出最有可能的还盘。,28,Writing a letter according to the following situation. Your letter should include the terms listed below.,感谢对方6月1日给予我方100双ABC牌第五号鞋子基隆船上交货价,每双30美元的报价。 感谢对方善意报价,认为每双30美元似乎太贵。理由是同等品质的鞋子,本地的百货公司都以低许多的价格零售。 提出的条件:将价格降低到每双20美元,如能降价到此种程度,可能会订购300打。,29,Gentlemen: Thank you for your offer of June 1 for 100 pairs of ABC Brand shoes No.5 at US$ 30 a pair FOB Keelung. While appreciating your kind offer, we have to say that US$ 30 a pair seems to be too high. Shoes of similar quality to yours are being retailed at department stores here at much lower prices. We wonder if you would kindly consider reducing the price to $20 a pair. If you could come down to this price level, we might be able to order 300 dozen. Your consideration of this matter and immediate reply would be appreciated. Yours truly,30,Fill in the blanks with prorate prep. or conj.,We regret to inform you 1 our quotation has increased 2 20% due 3 the advance of price 4 the raw materials and the production cost. In order to execute your order smoothly, we calculated the total volume and weight 5 your orders. We confirm that we can use 1*40HQ to ship all the goods 6 your two orders. Please note 7 we must arrange shipment 8 the end of this year, because the export drawback rate will be reduced by 4% 9 Jan. 1st, 2007, which means next years quotation will still rise.,31,Fill in the blanks with prorate prep. or conj.,If you can accept our properly adjusted price, well use 1*40 HQ 10 ship these two orders 11 December. If you separate these two orders to use 2*20 containers, then one order will exceed the largest VOLUME 12 1*20 container. So we are waiting 13 your final confirmation. Thank you 14 advance 15 your cooperation!,1. that 2. by 3. to 4. of 5. of 6. for 7. that 8. before 9. from 10. to 11. in 12. of 13. for 14. in 15. for,32,Focal words,entertain 接受;考虑 We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders. 由于我们大量承约,不能接受新订单。 We shall be glad to entertain any constructive suggestions you may make. 我方将乐于考虑你方可能提出的任何建设性的建议。,33,invite you attention to 请注意 我方请你方注意合同规定的条款。 Wed like to invite your attention to the stipulated terms in the contract. pay/ give/ draw/ bring/ direct/ attract ones attention to sth. 请贵方注意我们产品的质量,比你地区市场上的同类产品要好。 We invite your attention to the quality to our products, they are superior to other products of this kind in your district.,34,meet sb. half way 各让一半,折中处理 鉴于双方的友好关系,我们折中处理作为让步。 In view of our friendly relations, we would meet you half way as a accomodation.,35,Note,船运数量: 1.一个20尺集装箱:308件 2.一个40尺集装箱整箱:616件 3.另一个40尺高柜:672件 这里pcs=pieces,fcl=full container load集装箱整箱,hq=high cube,通常简称high q,40hq就是40尺高柜。 40fcl跟40hq的区别应该就是40hq有可能是加高的集装箱,所以装的数量比40fcl的多,而且这个集装箱里面还可以装其他公司或其他品种的货物。,


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