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Unit 1 WorkplaceUnit 1WorkplaceUnit 1 WorkplaceListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8Unit 1 WorkplaceWarm-1Task 1 Work in pairs.Look at the following office layout.Discuss with your partner and identify the marked rooms.1 washroom department managers office meeting room staff office multifunction meeting room hallway reception room453627Unit 1 WorkplaceWarm-2Task 2 Look at the above office layout again.Mary is at the company gate.Please tell her how to find Mike and Jack in the office.You go through the reception room to the hallway.The first room on your left is the multifunction meeting room.Mike is having a meeting there.Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it.Jack is working in the last staff office on your left.Unit 1 WorkplaceReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howUnit 1 WorkplaceText A-1Workplace Fashion Trends Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceText A-2Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceText A-3Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceText Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceText A-5Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceText A-6Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading AUnit 1 WorkplaceReading Afit in withto live,work,etc.in an easy and natural way with someone/something Our national policy fits in with the changed international situation.他以前没有做过这种工作,我不知道他能不能和其他 人和睦相处。Unit 1 WorkplaceReading An.the opinion that people have about what someone/something is like,based on what has happened in the past The school has a good reputation for examination results.他赢得了努力工作的好名声。Unit 1 Workplacethe advantages and disadvantages of something What comment do you have on the pros and cons of studying abroad?我们评估了自己创业的利弊。Reading Apros and Unit 1 Workplacen.a set of clothes,especially one that you wear for a special occasion She was dressed in a white outfit.On the opening ceremony of the sports meet,all of us wore sports outfits.足球队员穿着橙色球衣。Reading AUnit 1 Workplacen.a remark that shows you admire someone/something She took his acceptance as a great compliment.He knew that he had just been paid a great compliment.非常感谢你的褒奖。Reading AUnit 1 Workplace for example What would you do,for instance,if you found a member of staff stealing?For instance,an electric fire is a relatively expensive method of heating a room.他的拼写真糟糕,比如说这个单词!Reading Afor Unit 1 Workplace a.informalWe dont like his casual behavior.他穿的是休闲服,不是校服。Reading AUnit 1 Workplace n.a set of surroundings;the place at which something happens It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.The old castle would have provided the perfect setting for a horror story.人们在不同的社交场合表现往往不一样。Reading AUnit 1 Workplacea.producing or achieving a lot Agriculture and industry both grow more productive.在这个工厂有许多能干的工人。Reading AUnit 1 Workplacev.to include something so that it forms a part of something else Many of your suggestions have been incorporated into the plan.We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.没经过他的同意,他的照片就被人植入广告中了。Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceA-Task 1Task1 Put the following statements in the correct order according to the passage.Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceA-Task 2Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.Reading AUnit 1 WorkplaceBusiness Know-howBusiness Know-how Dressing for the Workplace lNo matter what you wear,your clothes should be neat and clean;lQuality counts.Instead of buying several trendy outfits,invest in one good quality jacket or suit,and upgrade your blouse,shirt or tie;lGrooming(打扮,穿戴打扮,穿戴)is very important.Dont forget to shave or bathe;lKeep your shoes in good condition;lMakeup should be subtle;lNails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length;lDress for the job you want.If you want to be a manager,dress like them.lWhen in doubt,dress up.Unit 1 WorkplaceReading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Unit 1 WorkplaceText B-1Boeing Code of ConductBoeing Code of ConductReading BUnit 1 WorkplaceText Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceText B-3-1Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceText B-3-2Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceText B-4Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Trans-1Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceReading BUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Trans-3-1Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Trans-3-2Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Trans-4Reading BUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Task 1Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.Reading B 1.The Boeing Code of Conduct only sets expected behaviors for all Boeing employees when they interact with each other.2.Boeing employees can use and disclose non-Boeing proprietary information for the interest of Boeing in any case.3.Boeing employees cannot use suppliers cars without approval from the company.4.It is not advisable for Boeing employees to report any illegal conduct to management.5.Boeing employees are required to obey the Code of Conduct strictly and are not allowed to raise questions about it.FFTFFUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Task 2-1Task 2 The following are some of the things Boeing employees did.Decide whether they are allowed(A)or not allowed(N)according to the Boeing Code of Conduct.Reading B A Boeing manager told his relative about the companys new research plan which had not been declared.2.A Boeing purchasing manager required the supplier to pay for his familys trip to the suppliers city.3.A Boeing employee found that his superior took bribe and reported it to management immediately.ANNUnit 1 WorkplaceB-Task 2-2Task 2 The following are some of the things Boeing employees did.Decide whether they are allowed(A)or not allowed(N)according to the Boeing Code of Conduct.Reading B4.A Boeing employee claimed that Airbus 380 was inferior to Boeing 777 in every aspect in a TV talk show.5.A Boeing employee does voluntary work for the community in his spare time where his company is located.6.A Boeing manager promoted a subordinate because they used to study in the same university.ANNUnit 1 WorkplaceListeningListening&SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 1Task 1 Roy is talking with his supervisor about setting up a department meeting.Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening&Speaking The woman wants to discuss _.2.Wilson is _this week.3.Wilson will be back to the office _.4.Roy has to check _ before phoning back.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-1-Script Listening&SpeakingW:Roy,I shall work out a time to meet with your people to discuss the new project.M:Do you wish everyone in the department to be there?Wilson is on vacation this week.W:It would be best if everybody could be there.When will Wilson come back?M:Next Monday.W:How about sometime next week?M:Let me look at the schedule first.Ill get back to you this afternoon.W:Thank you.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 2Listening&Speaking1.Shelly has a headache today.2.The new shift-work system will be introduced next year.3.The first shift starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 2 in the afternoon.4.The man is eager to know which shift he will be on.Task 2 Listen to the conversation about work shift and decide Whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.Shelly has a headache today.2.The new shift-work system will be introduced next year.3.The first shift starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 2 in the afternoon.4.The man is eager to know which shift he will be on.TFTFUnit 1 WorkplaceL-2-Script Listening&SpeakingM:Hi,Shelly,how are you today?W:Well,I didnt sleep very well last night.Im having a slight headache now.M:Im sorry to hear that.Hope youll be better soon.W:Thanks.Do you know that a shift-work system is to be introduced next month?M:Really?How will we be affected?W:The system will affect everyone in our office.It will be on a two-shift basis7 a.m.to 2 p.m.,and 2 p.m.to 9 p.m.M:I wonder which shift Ill be working on.W:Why dont we go and ask the manager?M:I shall wait.Actually it doesnt make any difference which shift I am allocated.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 3Listening&SpeakingTask 3 Morris and Rachel are talking about appropriate dress in the company.Listen to the conversation and tick off the items that have been mentioned.High-heels SandalsJeans SkirtsT-shirts SweatersShorts SuitsUnit 1 WorkplaceL-3-Script Listening&SpeakingW:What do you usually wear for work?M:I dont need to meet customers too often,so I usually wear very casual clothes in my office,like jeans and T-shirts.I feel more relaxed in that.W:What do you think of the dressing policies of a company?M:Well,I think formal business clothes should be worn when meeting with customers and clients at scheduled meetings.That gives people a sense of trust and authority.W:Yes.By looking neat and smart,well be able to gain the trust of customers.M:Right.But at other times,staff can wear business casual clothes.This includes dress shirts,collared sports shirts,sweaters or skirts.But shoes should be formal.I suppose casual sandals and slippers are not suitable in the workplace.W:And I think blue jeans,T-shirts and shorts are far too casual to be accepted in the office.M:I dont agree on this.I think casual wear brings a sense of freedom in the office and can inspire us in our job.W:Maybe you are right.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 4-1Task 4 Listen to the conversation about water cooler chat and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1.A.The boss of the company.B.The mans friend.C.The writer of the report.D.The womans workmate.2.A.It helps to increase the tension from the workload.B.It helps to ease the tension from the workload.C.It helps to increase the workload.D.It has nothing to do with the tension from the workload.Listening&SpeakingUnit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 4-23.A.Mr.Blacksmith will be happy when he reads the report about the water cooler chat.B.There has been too much water cooler chat in the company.C.People should keep chatting at the water cooler for long.D.People drink too much water and spend a lot of time in the bathroom.4.A.The woman thinks that people have the right to the water cooler chat while the man doesnt care about it.B.The man thinks that people have the right to the water cooler chat while the woman doesnt care about it.C.Both the man and the woman agree that people are spending too much time chatting at the water cooler.D.Neither of them thinks that people are spending too much time chatting at the water cooler.Listening&SpeakingUnit 1 WorkplaceL-4-Script Listening&SpeakingM:A report says that there has been too much water cooler chat in the company recently.I dont think Mr.Blacksmith will be happy when he reads it.W:Well,the boss may not like it,but we do.Its always relaxing to stay at the water cooler and chat for a while.It helps to ease the tension from the workload.M:Yes,I agree.But havent you noticed that some of our workmates are spending too much time chatting around the water cooler?W:You are right.I guess we need to come back to work once we finish our cup of coffee or tea.M:I dont want our nice and pleasant water cooler chats to ever get the boss angry.Unit 1 WorkplaceW:Neither do I.I think the point is that we keep chatting at the water cooler until it is too long.M:Yes.Otherwise we might drink too much water and spend a lot of time in the bathroom!W:You bet!Q1:Who is Mr.Blacksmith?Q2:What does the woman think of the water cooler chat?Q3:Which of the following statements is true according to the conversation?Q4:What are the attitudes of the man and the woman toward the recent water cooler chatting in the company?Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 5-1Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening&Speaking We all know that communication is the key to _in and out of work.Dealing with people can be very annoying,because each of us has a different view on life and how things ought to be.Try y o u r b e s t t o s p e a k t o y o u r b o s s,b u t _.Always remember that a good job is hard to find and one should be professional under all situations.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 5-2Listening&Speaking Another brilliant way of dealing with your boss is by studying him.Notice the signals he or she sends;pick up on _ as well as spoken language.Figure out your bosss agenda.Then,youll be able to read your boss better,understand what he or she is telling you and decide _.And dont be afraid to ask your co-workers for help.Get yourself ready to help in the work,and always look on the positive side of things.If your boss says he or she needs something done,dont say,“Thats impossible.”Say,“Im on it.”If you were in your bosss position,wouldnt you want someone telling you that theyre on board and _?body languagethe best course of actionreadyUnit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 6-1Listening&SpeakingTask 6 Work in pairs.Practice showing a new colleague around the office.Role A:An assistant in the HR department Greet the new colleague and introduce yourself.Show the newcomer her desk in the office.Explain the dress code of the company.Give directions about office facilities,such as bathrooms,water coolers,etc.Give your contact information.Role B:A newcomer in the company Express thanks for As showing her around the office.Ask about the dress code of the and company.Ask about facilities in the office.Ask how to get further help if needed.Thank the assistant close the conversation.Unit 1 WorkplaceL-Task 6-2Listening&SpeakingUseful Expressions Assistant I am the office secretary.I am in the Department.Shall I/Would you like me to show you?The company requires its employees to dress in All employees are supposed to dress in My telephone number is My extension number is You are always welcome to call me if you Newcomer I am so grateful that What is the dress code in the office?What is the normal dress/acceptable dress in the office?Could you tell me where I can find?Can I have your extension number?Unit 1 WorkplaceWritingWritingTask 1Task 2Task 3Unit 1 WorkplaceW-Task 1Task 1 Put the following sentences into the right order and make it a complete notice.Writing Telephone numbers and fax numbers remain unchanged.2.Thanks for your kind attention and continuous support.3.Kindly note that our Healthcare Center will be relocated to the following address with effect from September 1,2009.4.New address:909 J 2nd Street North,Fulton New York5.NOTICE Unit 1 WorkplaceW-Task 2Task 2 Turn the following notes into a notice.WritingEvents:office safety training section Time:from 2:30 to 4:30 this Friday afternoon Place:Conference Room 109 People:all staff Other details:handouts will be available after the training section Who issues the notice:Jacky Tam,Office Manager Unit 1 WorkplaceSample:Notice Please be informed that Office Safety Training Section will be conducted from 2 30 to 4 30 this Friday afternoon in Conference Room 109.All staff are required to come.Handouts will be available after the section.Jacky Tam Office Manager July 15,2009WritingUnit 1 WorkplaceW-Task 3Task 3 You are Office Supervisor of ABC Company.Your company will organize a sightseeing trip for all the staff.Please write a notice to inform your colleagues of the trip arrangement including:itinerary,accommodation,transportation,trip fare,and other particulars that you think are relevant to the trip.WritingUnit 1 WorkplaceNotice Please be informed that a three-day sightseeing trip will be arranged for all the staff in our company.Time:May 28May 30,2010 Destination:Guilin,Guangxi Province Itinerary:May 28 evening Train to Guilin,Guangxi Province May 29 morning City tour in Guilin May 29 afternoon Cruise on Lijiang River May 29 evening Free time in Yangshuo May 30 morning Train back Accommodation:Three-star hotels Transportation:Train,bus and cruiser Trip Fare:Covered by the company Others:No family members allowed Those who will participate please confirm with me before May 20,2010.xxx Office Supervisor May 15,2010WritingUnit 1 WorkplaceMini-1Work in groups of five.The Student Union of your department will hold a party to celebrate the coming National Day.You five are responsible for the preparations.Assign specific tasks to each member in your group so that all necessary preparations are done.Mini-project Now a meeting is called to report on how the preparations are going.Prepare for the meeting and give your presentation to the class.Your presentation should include:What are the responsibilities of each group member?What preparations have been done by each member?Unit 1 WorkplaceMini-2Mini-projectTips Preparations Who?Who to come?Who to invite?How many people are expected?Who to host the party?2.When?The best time for the party?When is the deadline for each task?3.Where?The best place available?Decorations?4.What?Agenda?Programs?Food/Drinks?5 How?How to inform others?(invitations,notice)Unit 1 WorkplaceLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Unit 1 Workplace 1Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.Language LabA.the opinion that people have about what someone/something is like based on what has happened in the past B.prevent someone from easily doing or achieving something C.confirm or agree officially D.intentionally use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage E.clearly show a feeling,attitude or quality by what you do or say F.for example G.be the cause of something or be the basic thing from which something develops H.not giving special favor or support to any one side include something so that it forms a part of something else J.an action that breaks a law,agreement,principle,etc.1.violation 2.incorporate3.for instance4.impartially5.hamper 6.underlie 7.abuse 8.display 9.reputation10.approve Unit 1 Workplace 2-1Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1.Change the form if necessary.Language LabUnit 1 Workplace 2-2Language Lab Unit 1 Workplace 3Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.Language Lab Unit 1 Workplace Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Language LabUnit 1 Workplace 4-2Language Lab Unit 1 Workplace Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or expressions.Language LabUnit 1 Workplace 5-2Language LabUnit 1 WorkplaceEntertainmentEntertainment When I am down and,oh,my soul so wearyWhen troubles come and my heart burdened beThen I am still and wait here in the silenceUntil you come and sit a while with me.*You raise me up,so I can stand on mountainsYou raise me up,to walk on stormy seasI am strong,when I am on your shouldersYou raise me up to more than I can be.*Repeat


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