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Unit 4Section .单词拼写1Everyone who is interested in the position needs to _ (递交) their applications before May 5.2We should try to find ways to help beginners _ (获得) the basic skills required to learn a new language.3It will require lots of time to _ (评估) the effect of the new policy carried out last week.4The courtyard is too messy and needs a _ (彻底的) cleaning.5He was thrown into a _ (困境) where he couldnt put up with the management but he didnt want to quit the wellpaid job.6Mary is the right person who can finish the job before the _ (最后期限)7_ (通知) us as soon as possible if anything happens.8My mother was chatting on the phone. _ (在此期间), my father was cooking in the kitchen.9While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown a _ (令人钦佩的) talent.10Industrial development is being c_ (集中) in the west of China.答案:1.submit2.acquire3.assess4.thorough5.dilemma6.deadline7.Inform8.Meanwhile9.admirable10concentrated.选词填空so as toconcentrate ondepend onby accidentdefend. against.be absorbed ingo onaccuse ofbe supposed toon ones own1As a Senior 3 student, he has no time to think about anything else. He must _ his studies.2They have decided to _ a visit to the seaside in Beidaihe for the summer.3He was _ murder by the police.4I bought some beef and vegetables _ make a soup for dinner.5He _ have arrived on the four oclock train.6I _ myself _ the dog with a stick.7He _ reading a book, so he didnt hear the doorbell.8All living things _ the sun for their growth.9Although her father is in the firm, she got the job _.10When I cleaned his room, I found a 100 yuan note _.答案:1.concentrate on2.go on3.accused of4.so as to5was supposed to6.defended;against7.was absorbed in8depend on9.on her own10.by accident.完成句子1应派更多的人去那里帮助他们。More people _ there to help them.2我进入房间时发现他在玩电脑游戏。When I entered the room I _ a computer game.3不但学生反对这个计划,老师也反对。Not only the students but (also) the teacher _.答案:1.are to be sent2.found him playing3.was against the plan.完形填空Ted spent seven years as a prisoner of war.There he discovered the power of_1_.For more than half of that_2_he was in isolation (隔绝). He lived for ten months in total _3_. Those ten months was the longest of his life.When they_4_with wooden boards the window of his little sevenbysevenfoot cell, shutting out the light, he_5_if he was going to make it.Ted spent hours a day exercising and thinking.But at times he felt he could do_6_but scream.Not wanting to give his_7_the satisfaction of knowing theyd_8_him, he placed clothing into his mouth to lessen the noise_9_he screamed at the top of his lungs.One day Ted got down on the_10_and crawled (爬) under his bed. He found a hole that_11_air from the outside. As he approached the hole, he saw a_12_ray of light. Ted put his eyes next to the wall and discovered a small crack in the building. It allowed him to glimpse_13_, though all he could see was a_14_piece of grass. But when he saw this, he felt a surge of joy, excitement and_15_that he hadnt had in years. “It represented life, growth and_16_,” he later said. It was the small hope that helped Ted_17_this nearly unbearable experience.The human spirit is_18_.It seems to run forever_19_nothing but a faint (微弱的) hope.Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else _20_even the worst conditions.1A.thoughtBscreamCsupport Dhope答案:D全文主旨是讲希望的力量。2A.prison BwarCtime Dmonth答案:Cthat time指他在牢狱里的7年时间。3A.happinessBsadnessCdarkness Dsilence答案:C根据后面的“shutting out the light”可知他完全生活在黑暗中。4. AstrengthenedBfixedCcovered Dbroke答案:C根据后面可知,窗户被挡住了。5A.remindedBrequiredCwondered Dfeared答案:C根据下文可知,他也有觉得忍无可忍的时候,因此这里表示他不确定自己能否撑得过去。6A.something BnothingCeverything Danything答案:B根据句中的but可知他感觉他有时除了尖叫,什么事都干不了。7A.soldiers BfriendsCenemy Darmy答案:C根据文章第一段首句中的“spent seven years as a prisoner of war”及下文中的情景可知,此处指他不想让敌人(enemy)感到满意。8A.woundedBquittedCsatisfied Dbroken答案:D敌人挡住了窗户,是为了在精神上折磨Ted,因此这里选D,指在精神上使垮掉。9A.tillBsinceCas Dafter答案:Cas引导时间状语从句,表示他在尖叫时往嘴里塞衣服以减弱发出的声音。10A.windowBfloorCwall Dboard答案:B从下文的crawled under his bed可知,此处填floor。11A.let in Bput outCtook in Dgave off答案:Alet in 意思是“允许进入”,符合语境,外面的空气通过这个小洞进入牢房。12A.weak BsoftCstrong Dsharp答案:A根据后面的“a small crack in the building”可知仅有微弱的光透进来。13A.inside BoutsideCabove Dbelow答案:BTed透过裂缝往外看。14A.very BrightCspecific Dsingle答案:D根据前面的“though all he could see was”可知,这里表示他能看到的仅仅是一块草地。15A.gratefulness BusefulnessCfulfillment Destablishment答案:A这里应选与joy和excitement语意一致的词。16A.courageBperseveranceCchoice Dfreedom答案:D小草在牢房外,意味着自由。17A.by BoutCover Dthrough答案:Dthrough暗含度过的意思。18A.straightBstrongClucky Dinteresting答案:B根据后面的“nothing but a faint(微弱的)hope”可知,这里表示人的意志很坚定。19A.againstBfromCon Dover答案:Crun on表示“持续”。20A.matters BrelatesCchanges Dhappens答案:A该句中的it指代上文提到的hope,该句的意思是:没有希望,你什么都没有;有了希望,别的任何东西都不重要即使是最糟糕的环境。matter是不及物动词,意为“有关系,重要”。.阅读理解ANewspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past. There are not very many people who seriously read a newspaper every day. Most people only read the sports pages, the advice or the gossip columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements. Most people dont take time to read real news. They attempt to catch the readers interest with pictures and exciting headlines. These techniques are used on the front page because it is the first thing you see when you pick up the paper. The first page attracts attention and encourages the reader to look through the rest of the paper. This is why editors always look for a good first page story and a headline to make them stop and look. If the headline is horrible enough or frightening enough or wild enough, perhaps they will go on to read the front page anymore. They may read the headlines, but that is all, then they turn to the sports page, or comics, or advertisements.It seems that people do not want the news from a newspaper anymore. They say they get the news on television now. More people watch television news because it is easier and more interesting than reading a newspaper. What about you? Do you read news from a newspaper? Do you think it is easier to get news from television? Or do you care about news at all? Would you mind if there were no news?1According to the passage, newspapers are _.Amore popular today Bless popular todayCas popular as before Dgetting more and more popular答案:B细节理解题。关键是理解文章的第一句话“Newspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past”,由此可知报纸的地位已不如从前。2We can know from the passage that newspaper editors think the important part of a newspaper is _.Athe front page Bthe sports pageCthe headlines Dthe classified advertisements答案:A推理判断题。文章第一段提到新闻往往采取一些令人感兴趣的图片和标题来吸引读者注意,而这些技巧一般被用在报纸的头版。3According to the author, which of the following newspapers will most probably attract the readers attention?AThe ones with interesting pictures and exciting headlines on the front page.BThe ones with sports news on the front page.CThe ones with classified ads on the front page.DThe ones with gossip columns on the front page.答案:A推理判断题。新闻往往用一些图片和令人感兴趣的标题来吸引读者注意。4According to the passage, most people read all of the following except _.Athe sports pageBcomicsCadvertisements Dreal news答案:D细节理解题。根据文章第三句“Most people only read the sports pages, the advice or the gossip columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements.”和第四句“Most people dont take time to read real news.”可以找到答案。5The authors attitude toward newspapers is _.Asympathetic BcriticalCnegative Dundetermined答案:A观点态度题。由文章的第一句话可知作者对报纸今非昔比的状况似乎有点感慨,作者认为报纸应该受到人们更多的关注。BNewspapers are one method of bringing the news to the public. Reporters, photographers, correspondents, and editors are some of the people who create newspapers. They are known as journalists.Reporters are journalists who go out and get the news. They attend meetings. They cover events such as court cases,plays, and sporting events. They interview people to get their views about what is going on. Reporters must be able to write a story quickly so as to meet a deadline. People do not want to read old news. They want to know what is going on as soon as it happens. Reporters sometimes phone or email their notes and quotations (引用语) to the paper from the scene. A reporter in the office then writes the story.A “stringer” is a parttime reporter who works when called upon. A fire might break out in one part of town. An editor may ask a stringer who lives near the scene to cover the story.Reporters often work with photographers,or photojournalists. Photojournalists take the pictures that illustrate (图解) the stories in a newspaper. They have to edit their pictures in time for them to appear with the story.A correspondent is a journalist who covers the news in a particular place or on a subject that he or she has special knowledge in. Large newspaper groups have correspondents in foreign countries to report the news there. A paper may have a correspondent who covers just medical news.An editor is a journalist who works at a desk in a newspaper office. Editors prepare the reporters stories to be printed in the paper. They decide which story is the most important and gets the frontpage headline. They decide which pictures to use. Editors do not often write the news, but they do write editorials (社论) in which they state their views on a topic or an issue.People who work as journalists have some things in common. They are curious,they like to write,and they have a “nose for news”. They can spot news as it happens. They know what people want to read about.6The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refers to _.Areaders BjournalistsCreporters Dstringers答案:A代词指代题。根据上句的People do not want to read和本句的want to可知,此处they指的是上文中的people,也就是报纸的读者。7A journalist working abroad to report news may be called _.Aa stringerBa photojournalistCan editor Da correspondent答案:D细节理解题。根据第五段的Large newspaper groups have correspondents in foreign countries to report the news there可知应选D项。correspondent指的是专门负责报道某一地区或者某一领域的记者。8According to the passage, both the reporter and the editor _.Ausually work in the officeBdecide which pictures to useChave the ability to discover newsDoften write editorials for their paper答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段的they have a “nose for news”. They can spot news as it happens可知,记者和编辑都具有发现新闻的能力。nose此处指“感知、发现的能力”。9The passage is mainly written to _.Aintroduce different posts and duties of journalistsBdescribe the characters of journalistsCexplain how the news is collectedDshow how reporters work答案:A主旨大意题。该文旨在介绍新闻工作者的常见职位和职责,故A项最符合题意。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Getting along with parentsMom and dad are the most important people in your life, and theyre likely to influence you more than anyone else in your lifetime. Its a parents job to love and guide kids, and most parents will do this as long as they live._1_Here are four ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship.Spend time together. It might be easy to be physically in the same place with your mom and dad._2_Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV by yourself, maybe you should ask your mom and dad to play with you. You can go outside together, try a board game, or read a book together. _3_Many kids say they would like their parents to help them when theyre upset. But your mom and dad might not know that youre having a problem. Tell your parents if youre sad or struggling with something. If you dont usually do this, give it a try and you will be glad.Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom and dad._4_Its also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be so excited!Show your care. Some families are always kissing, hugging, and saying “I love you”_5_ In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents can show their love by respecting each other, being caring, polite, and thoughtful.A. But how much time do you spend just enjoying each others company(陪伴)?B. Its important to show that you care for each other.C. But parents do a lot more than just pass down their hobbies.D. Share your feelings and ask for help. E. Talk on the phone and email each other to stay in touch.F. You can brighten your parents day with a hug, a card or a joke.G. That means you have many years to share with your mom and dad.答案:15GADFB- 8 -


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