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新概念小学五年级上学期英语阅读理解课后专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断正误。Shanghai changes a lot in transportation(交通).In the past, there were few cars. Now there are many kinds of cars. There were not any bridges above the Huangpu River. Now there are some bridges on it. There were no tunnels(隧道)under it.There were no undergrounds. Now there are many undergrounds. There were no light rails(轻轨)and maglevs(磁悬浮). Now there are some lights and maglevs.The changes make our lives more convenient(方便). I like the changes.( )(1)The transportation in Shanghai changes a lot.( )(2)There were many bridges on Huangpu River in the past.( )(3)Now there are some light rails and maglevs in Shanghai.( )(4)The changes in Shanghai are good for our lives.( )(5)I dont like the changes.2. 阅读理解。Dear Jenny,Now we are in the hospital of our city . My mother and I have a bad cold . We sees many children here . Some people have a cold. Some people have a headache. Some people have a fever. They a re waiting outside the doctors room .Now its our turn.Yours,Jack( )(1)Whats wrong with Jacks mother?A.His mother has a fever.B.His mother has a bad cold.C.His mother has a headache.( )(2)Where is Jack and his mother?A.In the hospital .B.In the city.C.On the farm.( )(3)Who is writing the letter?A.JennyB.Jennys mother.C.Jack.( )(4)What are Jack and his mother doing?A.They are going to the doctor.B.They are going shopping .C.They are talking.3. 阅读短文,判断正误。Look, this is a picture of my new house. Its a big and nice house. The doors are blue. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my father and mother. The small one is for me. Beside the big bedroom, there is a big living room. Can you see the sofa in it? Its red. I like it. The kitchen and the study are not big but very nice. In the study, theres a computer(电脑) on the desk. There are a lot of books on the desk too. There isnt a garden(花园) in my house. But there are some tall trees and flowers behind the house. I like my house very much.( )(1)The new house is big but not nice.( )(2)Theres a kitchen beside my bedroom.( )(3)Theres a red sofa in the living room.( )(4)We have a big kitchen in our house.( )(5)There are some trees and flowers in the garden.4. 根据对话内容,在表格中打“”。Miss White: Hello, boys and girls! Lets play games. There are some things in my box. Guess. Whose books are these?Lucy: Are these Olivers?Miss White: Yes, they are his. Whose ruler is this?John: Is it Candys?Candy: Yes, its mine.Miss White: Look! What a beautiful hat! Whose is it?Oliver: Its Johns.Miss White: Oh, yes! Its his.LucyJohnCandyOliverbooksrulerhat5. 阅读短文,判断正误。Many years ago, life was very different. There werent any buses. We walked to work. We lived in a small house. We didnt have any televisions or telephones. We didnt have enough food. We didnt have new clothes. Now there are lots of buses and cars. We go to work by car. We have big new televisions. We watch TV every day. Everyone has a telephone. We wear new clothes. We are very happy now.( )(1)There were lots of buses many years ago.( )(2)We lived in a small house many years ago.( )(3)There werent enough food many years ago.( )(4)Now we walk to work.( )(5)We are not very happy now.6. 阅读理解。Today is New Years Day. The students are very happy and busy. They are in the classroom now. They are having a big party. Chen Jie is singing and dancing. Amy is drinking water. Jim is eating a big apple. There are many fruits in front of him. Sarah is watching TV. Zhang Peng is talking to Jack. What is the teacher doing? She is writing Happy New Year on the blackboard. Everybody has a good time today.( )(1)Whats the date today?ItsA. June 1st B. October 1st C. January 1st( )(2)The students arenow.A. in the park B. in the classroom C. at home( )(3)Are there any fruits in the classroom?A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is.( )(4)Do the students have a good time?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. We dont know.7. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,从各题所给的三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Everyone likes to eat apples. There are apple trees all part of the world. France grows(生产)the most apples in the world. American comes to the second.Apples are red, yellow or green. They are very popular(受欢迎的)in America. Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most Americans people are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner, so they often have their dinners very simply(简单地). Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favourite dessert for many Americans.() (1)Almost everyone likes to eat _.A. B. C.() (2)_ grows the most apples in the world.A. American B. China. C. France.() (3)Many Americans like to eat apples for lunch because _.A. they are traditional foodB. they like eating simple foodC. they are good at cooking apples() (4)Whats meaning of the word dessert in Chinese?A. 坚果 B. 甜品 C. 果脯() (5)The passage(短文)tells us that _.A. apples is very healthy fruitB. apples trees are all over the worldC. apples are very popular in America8. 阅读理解,判断正误。Kate is from the U.S. She speaks English. She can also speak a little Chinese and French. She is in California(加利福尼亚州) now.Today is the last day of a week. She is in Disneyland Park with her friends She wants to play on the merry-go-round(旋转木马)play on the swing (秋千) and the roller coaster. (过山车)Now they are eating ice cream and laughing loudly(大声地). They are having a good time.() (1)Kate is an English girl.() (2)Kate can speak a little French.() (3)Kate is in Disneyland Park.() (4)They are playing hide-and-eek. (捉迷藏)() (5)They are having a good time in Disneyland Park.9. 将人物与相应的活动匹配。Im Lucy. There are four people in my family. They are my grandfather, my parents and me. My grandfather likes to plant flowers. He works on his farm every morning. My father likes to watch TV. He likes to watch the news very much. My mother likes to go shopping. She often buys new clothes for us. I like to read books. I go to the library on Sundays.Father _ Mother _ Grandfather _ Lucy _A. B. C. D.10. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Mike: Excuse me. Where is Happy Zoo?Woman: Turn right at the traffic lights. Then you will see Happy Restaurant. Its near Happy Restaurant.Sam: Thank you. Lets go!Mike: No! The light is red. Stop!Sam: Youre right.Mike: Now its green. Lets go.1Mike and Sam want to go to Happy Restaurant.(_)2Happy Zoo is near the traffic lights.(_)3Mike wants to go at a red light.(_)4Turn left at the traffic lights. Then they will see Happy Zoo.(_)5They go at a green light.(_)11. 读故事,判断正误。A rich man has a vase(花瓶). Its about 500 years old. Its beautiful and valuable(有价值的). He wants his study(书房) to have the same colour with the vase. Some painters(油漆工) come to work for him, but they cant make the right colour. Finally, a painter comes. He says he can make the right colour. The rich man is very happy with his work and the painter becomes famous. Many years later, Dad, how did you match(匹配) the walls to that vase so well? asks his son. I painted the vase, answer the painter.( )(1)The vase is very old.( )(2)The rich man doesnt like the vase.( )(3)Its difficult to make the right colour.( )(4)The painter painted the vase.( )(5)The rich man didnt know the truth(真相).12. 情景阅读。阅读对话,判断正误。Its fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr. Green and his family are in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Green are standing trader the tree and looking at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. Hes reading a book. Anns little brother is too young. He cant walk or run. Hes drinking milk. Anns sister isnt in the park. She is at school.() (1)The Greens are in the park.() (2)Mr. Green has four children.() (3)The girl in a white T-shirt and blue trousers is Ann.() (4)Ann is flying a kite.() (5)Anns little sister is drinking milk.13. 阅读短文,判断对错。正确的写T,错误的写F。Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor looks over (检查) him carefully and says, Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month. Go to bed early ,drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (抽一支雪茄烟) a day. Thank you very much, says Old John, I can do everything you say.Four weeks later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor. I am glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest. I go to bed early. I drink a lot of milk and walk a lot. Your advice (建议) helps me. But you ask me to smoke one cigar a day, and it nearly kills me at first. It is no joke (笑话) to smoke at my age. () (1) The doctor goes to see Old John, and Old John gives him some advice(建议).() (2) The doctor asks Old John to take some medicine.() (3) Old John is young after four weeks.() (4) The doctor thinks Old John smokes a lot of cigars before.() (5) Old John feels well after four weeks.14. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。Mary:Ihaveanewfriendatthemusicclub.Dad:Oh,whatshername?Mary:HernameisRose.ShesfromRussia.Day:Whatdoesshelooklike?Mary:Shehaslonghair,bigeyesandabigmouth.Sheisverysmart.Dad:Howoldisshe?Mary:Sheiseleven.Dad:Whatdoesherfatherdo?Mary:Herfatherisawriter.1Maryhasanewfriendattheartclub.(_)2Roseisfromthe USA.(_)3Rosehaslonghair,bigeyes.(_)4Rose is 11 years old.(_)5Marys father is a writer.(_)15. 阅读对话,判断正误。Mary: What can you do at home, Lisa?Lisa: I can clean the windows and make the bed. What about you, Tom?Tom: I can cook the meal and water the flowers. Can you sweep the floor?Lisa: Yes, of course. I often help my mom sweep the floor.Mary: No, I cant. But I can do the dishes and wash the clothes.Tom: We are all helpful at home.( )(1)Lisa can clean the windows, make the bed and sweep the floor.( )(2)Tom can do the dishes.( )(3)Lisa cant sweep the floor.( )(4)Mary cant sweep the floor.( )(5)Mary can do the dishes and wash the clothes.( )(6)Mary, Lisa and Tom are all helpful at home.16. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im Helen Brown. I have a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver. They dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like swimming on Sundays. They like cooking, but Mike and I dont. We like playing table tennis with our friends. In the evening, we watch TV. Sometimes Mike and I listen to music, but my parents dont. They like reading.( )(1)There arepeople(人) in Helens family.A.threeB.fourC.five( )(2)Mikes father is a.A.bus driverB.doctorC.cook( )(3)Mikes parentswork on Saturdays and Sundays.A.doB./C.dont( )(4)Mike and Ilike playing table tennis with our friends.A./B.dontC.are( )(5)Their parents likein the evening.A.listening to musicB.readingC.watching TV17. 阅读理解。What do you know about the sea? Some people have seen it, but others havent. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it?Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you swim in the sea, you know that the water is salty. Rivers take salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty than other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? Fish cant live in it!( )(1)When its _, the sea looks beautiful.A.rainyB.windyC.sunny( )(2)_ in the Dead Sea is more than the other places.A.SugarB.SaltC.Water( )(3)The water in the _ is salty.A.pondB.seaC.river( )(4)Can fish live in the Dead Sea?A.Yes.B.No.C.Fish cant live.( )(5)There is more(更多的) _ than(比) _ in the world.A.sea, landB.land, waterC.land, sea18. 阅读理解。Lisa: Excuse me. Where are the books about China?Librarian: They are on Shelf B.Lisa: I think this book is nice.Librarian: There is also a CD about China.Lisa: Great! Let me borrow them.Librarian: Can I have your library card, please?Lisa: Of course. Here you are.Librarian: Please bring back the book in two weeks time. And bring back the CD in three weeks time.Lisa: Yes, I will.( )(1)Where is Lisa?A.In the library.B.In a shop.( )(2)Where are the books about China?A.They are on Shelf AB.They are on Shelf B( )(3)Is there a CD about China?A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isnt.( )(4)Has Lisa got a library card?A.No, she hasnt.B.Yes, she has.8 / 8


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