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目录1前言2使用Smartstart CD引导服务器3使用ADU检测服务器4使用SDU检测服务器以下仅供参考1. 前言ADU ( Array Diagnostics Utility )即阵列检测工具,可以检测硬盘以及阵列卡相 关状态信息。SDU (Server Diagnostics Utility)即服务器检测工具,可以检测整台服务器的硬 件状态,在现有的 SmartStart 版本已经更名为 Insight Diagnostics。本文档适用于 HP Proliant ML、 DL 300 500 系列的服务器,使用机器自带的 SmartStart CD 光盘进行检测。本文档使用的光盘为 SmartStart 7.9版本。使用 SmartStart光盘检测服务器,可以初步判断机器硬件是否有故障。如果检测到故障 报告,建议将故障报告发送给惠普工程师进一步判断。2. 使用 SmartStart CD 引导服务器,并选择相应的语言。Boot ram Hard Disk.SmariStart 7.900Loading. 3302001. 2007 HesMe(t OF THE SOFTWARE 15 $U則氐匚T TOTFigAM C0NOrHQNI5i THAT FOLLOVM C|i$REE:MEMTh UN LE3? TH&DFTWJRE l S.UBJEDI TO A 皇 PAftATE LICENSE AQliUEEMEWT BETWEEN YOU AND MP OR ITS SUPPLIERS-. B DaWNLOADING SM5TALLINGr 匚OPTING, ACCES5LN-G. DR USING TXE SOFTWARE. OR 匚MOD5IMG THE IflCCEPT O-PTIOM LOCATED QR JLDJAEENTT TCt THE C HEE N WHER THIi ASHE EM EHT MAY BE. ISIPLAYEB, YOU JB.B-REE ID THE TERWfi CF TMIIE iufinEEMEW. AHV APPLICABLE WAAUhlTY EiTATEMtMT JUJS THE TERMS AJNO 匚ONDHTIOMS CONTAINED IH THE iaMILL畠FIT 吁OFTWMREr 5 dniirwdl b-olDw|i. IF VOU ARE AC匚EPTING THESI TERMS 口阳 B-EldALF OF AF4DTHEK PERSON OR 国 COMPANY OH OTHER LEGAL EWlTimfJ TOU REPFUES EHT AMD WARRANT TMftT IT口U)HAVE FULL Q TAIN A RE FUND OF THE AMOUNT WOU P 削 DIF ANYl IF TOO DOWNLOAD EO THE SQFTWAFLE. COWTACIT THE PRUYFftOM WHOM YOU ACQUIRED IT.OLWmYM DMCE5:1 GIMEML TEFIM &w. rou and Vteirre-er ether to an individualor te singte 轮gml tritity.b HP warft Hfwlftt-Pk0rd Ggmpany gr 中临-gf its 别亦tdisiri 旳c, HP且2fim*drH.占prodiK也 bscaring .1 IrAdcfnark weko imfk of Himitt-Packjrd CDcrnpany or .inr HghI就tPxkadl 亡rrijny Afliliata-, and c-rnbe-dded &q4qcE cd third pa rty ahwarc- that 12 nd cfiurcd mftr third party license Agrcr meritd.medrii mdCliint-r&dddM irmjuccMrr& dnd 出嗣 cofi劭 Ehereof inrcljding micMIeiYdr dnd reldied up貼【edod uprdtA 丫gmaybe- 5e曲血3 auihcirized GeceweLhceBf,ied ithmI九 user dociMnemdEiom.時et rr*nudl5.讪d opeftfing gracedures.Softwane8By号 th世AgF电电.button I 目m bndating that I have- r电吕d! and 生并色色忆 t电 EndUser Lit电鞋强 Agraenifint. the AeJe warrantvStatement, and a IIthird party terms.3.光盘引导起来之后,进入主界面,ADU与ADU均在Maintain Server中。Smartstart HomeMain OptlanBYou cor withHPPrelivflk-UAldi. Pr心WUroflr!cr1 Pock |PMF).Sarver DploymetUse tbc 5mdrt5tort A5 5i5tcd Potn to deploy *n opcraongon yourterver youwii need to provide one operabr s-yste/n mediaSrvtr HelntenamtLounch utoiities to diagnose your server, con/igure the array controllers, an 创的變c-onftgurjcionloonFind out Whats New dtwt tfiii version onrluratl5in UtllktyTliip 冲ily Hill wihMa y-Qu W Ctfigurr yg MP Any 测科1愉12| 冃 K 曲 ed$ib9nil 4ifek dn*!璋.|H 中se刑口吨 (vnngvMDn. qf Iq ircEerfliBure ywr orraji wntrAIArray Dlnpnow打殆 UtilityIViiE.血1什 Bill 川址uMP Jiwf EnifAur 3ADUDlH口nosa AiraySDUDrignaie ServerInsight DiagnOiSiticsIllis- utMity displ ay s wd ormBbon l?out s-e-ers hard w-*e ndcaniguratiai*. end p=erffrrni 5 sk stemmponefYi tes.15 Io erKUf-e rour server a ciperabng iroperlKe mm utkliryTup OratrW 亡r代 Wr l/Hrm R-QH-Ota Sdn fflairy皿 all Hfl日 UrrrnHtme4.选择Diagnose Array,进行ADU诊断,很快就可以得出诊断结果,点击SAVE可 以保存到软盘或者 U 盘中,然后把报告发送给 HP 工程师进行分析。133 Array Diagnostic Utility (Qajfr 31AOT J KISent irrf E2W CaeCfwUerKOI ) Swt irrip f溯 CoKnlltr MK3I1(CMHlUrNr 乂ICh 5r 2*1-rth*f dcKrtUerMrry 5rl Ux*Chi 531 * mU1 Crrr Mt It WR WrnBV tevlUMGPU to KX MIC i Shi doMrtiler M! io. KI U MMQ I( g Z.tur Mnwn (541 V心 P顺廣a z rn (ncl oaxt CMtt:i “r Bui. s Due Z Btj (*lMcaery BOH ictiM 】g 91*|* lew otArray Diagnostic Report (All Array Controllers)If MJ ttiwiue WilHT VinsM Mi it fftr Pitgmnc tftHHy wnlMn wrim LW Ifr.t “4 a40L 3HM 47 MAM* W*wr啊 wmvY5lot SUt Y|p Arrij Cntroltwi rtf ot Merer 1 OtetectwdReictnEl It AMJ5.选择 Diagnose Server 进行 SDU 诊断。加载 HP Insight Diagnostics 程序。匚-QO7Packard DvwlprrrtirX 9rnpriy U PHP insight DiagnostjcsL弗屮 HP iMight。圖|iw血话 Pt5匚mnm np *yytRH Hariiw 申馆6进入到检测界面,有五个选项框:Survey, Test, Status, Log, Help。在Survey页 选框中可以看到机器的一些基本信息。在 Categories 下面每一项都对应机器的一个 子系统。Smart!i HP Insight DiagnosticsTest Status Log I HelpSystem SurvoyReload AboView Level* |Summary j Categortos: |Overviewj3 HP Insight DiagnosticsSmartSys-tn: CMGX1!TestStatusLog| HelpSystem Survey*Cugnt lontfiqurirtionRalaad /Vw Level! |SummaryCatogoriet! | Ovprviw21*unnmdOMM IA2X2 F801DUZC(XMM JA4DM2 ffiD JCXMM4Cin Mbytes (6fr7HHz)Not512Mbyt6i ( MMHNot installedNot installedD(MM 78Not installedtXMM SDNot InstalledyesNoCCC memory ImtBlledi lHardvwara PAE enabtedSerial presence dtct (5PD) informition DIMM 1 Memory typeDNM DcicriptionSpir e Pit Number Smgre-BC ThrethoM Exceeded SCMus.DOA2 SDRAM FB-DIMMMulti-Bit StatusSingTe-Bt ThrevhoM C-ountMulti-Bit Countrijil presence dtct (iPD) information DiMM , Mmry?ypc CMM DewrptKXISp-ar e Prt Number Single-Be Thres-hoM Exceeded Scmus.Multi-8it StatusNo OMM errors detected No DMM errors detectedPQ? SDRAM FB-DIMMNoDMM errors detected No OMM errors detectedsystem survey/.IIuvtmewfretfuLt卉屮宅Architecture Cwtroi torwiunicarticnDL380 &5-Serial HunnherSFiPwesiSSf1 益疏 i(eC 1 电呷(=21lPr(x5flr!9-lg flhETsE-al maniDQGDphics田&对Dinput CvicesDWM 0 1 CM2-F4D iIntMidl C*nditKV15n炖肘MHeID4M 2CleJQWM 詳 1 CPR3-F5P JfE (W7科DIMM KMisceilnecius1同DHM到lo-dDWM 6D知和mle-dKCir msraDWM 耳0irvpt判啊(CG memorjr inEalledYesrHirdwofc pm cnablodHdSfrnal prfenci- dM-ecNSPDJ in/am&tiflii -DIMM I皿肚圭DA4M強dkl卅DV4M Da-M tinn阳MM crrcin dcltcEcElMUti-BrtH0flrrariMulti- B-rt CcxBtt0Stngl卩 * Q mt 1 $戸。I in/pmiirtW DIMH JMtftiflry lyttt曲龍 SDRftM Ffi-DIMMDWM PQ-UOptlDFIPut Njbr甞ingled见 Thrc-s-hofd &KCMMerrnsri diHccEedMu*ti-B=if5l;atV5Hfl EHM errors det矶怙申7.Test选项框中可以看到测试的界面,测试分为Quick Test快速测试、Complete Test完全测试和Custom Test自定义测试。下面各分了两个选项,Test Mode 和 Duration of Test 分别是测试模式和测试周期,测试的模式分为 Interactive,Unattended,为交互式测试,和无人看管测试和Stop on First Error检 测到第一个错误即暂停。 默认得测试类型为快速测试 Quick Test, Select a device to test,可以选择要测试的设备。Number of Loops,测试循环的次数,Total Test Time(minutes)。测试需要的时间,Begin Testing,为开始测试。 IS1 HP Insight DiagnosticsSelect 丄 device from the li&t jnd press Begin Testing to run a quick test af the selected device.Select All Devices* to run 丄 quKk tst of M devicesYou may alo xhedule this test (o run at a specified time:管 Number of loops5Total Test Tifnc(n?iMXce 8 U5B110 Controller UHCI厂 USP DftVJte 9 USD 2 00 Controller EWCI HCD广 Metwork Controller 0. Slot 0 - NCR臥 PC I Express MultifKindtOfi Gibit Server Adapter 厂 Network Controller 1. Sid O hK373i PCI Expre-ss. Multrfunction Ggb* Server Adj)ter 厂 F“ $1*1厂 “n SIOC 2 Slot厂 5 Slot3-Fm Slotrdn Slot 4 - Slot厂r Slot 5 - fan SkH厂 F 沖 $lx$F$l6厂 Fan 51017 - Fan Slot厂n Slot 9 . FmSWran 5臥 9 F5iot厂 Fm Slot 10-Fin Slot厂 F抑 $loCll-Fan Slot厂 Fan Slot 12-Fn SlotSelect a device from the list and press Begin Testing* Ko run a compete- test of the &etocted device-Select Al Devices* to run a complete test o4 al devicesYou alsothis teit to run 次 a specified timeTst Mok! r interjctrve Duration of TGt: Number Loops停 UMttended r Stop on First Error Select a device to testr Total rest Time(mmutes) p厂 All Devicesr Serul Port 0 - (Address. JF8h)厂 wa 0。氐4 1 us81 io comoiiw uwcir USS $ USe LIO CoroHe UWCI 厂 USB Oosc USB L 10 Cantrokrr UHCI 厂 Oe 7 USB L IQ niroler UHCI r bd Dcw 8 USB L 10 Cont rater UHCI r US8 OewK 9 USB 2 00 ConCfOltef tHCl-HCD 厂 队Ivfork Controller 0. Slot 0 W373i PCI Lxpress MukiRinction Gigab Server Adapter 厂 F*etwort: C ontroller 1. Slot 0 NO73 PCI Express. Mutrfunter 厂 Fin SM rFifi&Mr Fan 5k)t 2 -FanStat r Pm,皿 3 “n r Fan 5kt 4 - Fan 5kt 厂 Fan Sk)t 5 Fn Slot r $w $ r Fa Sk)t 7 Fan Stat 厂 F Sk)t 8 - Fan Slat 厂皿 9 -FirtStot r Fa skt 10 - Fa slot 厂 Fa Skt 11 Fan Slot r Fan SM 12 Fi Slot科斗t殆tTi 孚I卅甲rk AJt-坪尹记鸽*代存-;沪 仏mthe list p*电斟 旳亡密TestmgTS3 ImDjayziostics Te-stTa st* Mod*:广 Hnfcrjctiui? 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