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闽教版小学英语三年级下册Book 2 Unit 3 Food Part B教学设计设计主题:Make the story, tell the story and act the story一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明本课的教学设计将以谈论自己对某种食物的喜好为主线,以狐狸和葡萄的故事为依托,再现和学习有关食物名称及表示能做某种事的单词及句型,并在此过程中注重激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,发展思维能力,提升个性修养,培养良好品质。“通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,培养学生用英语做事情的能力。”基于本课在教材中的位置和学生的情况,教师首先通过让学生演唱歌谣以及向新老师介绍自己的方式复习和食物以及表示动作的有关词汇和句型,并通过教师的自我介绍引出本课要学习的生词grapes, sweet等,再巧妙地引出本课的任务“表演、讲述故事并编故事”。随着教学的进展,又设计了形式多样的活动,通过听、说、认、演等方式来提高学生的综合语言运用能力。二、教学背景分析1教学内容分析:本课教学内容为闽教版义务教育小学英语三年级下册Unit 3 Food (Part B).以小朋友耳熟能详的狐狸与葡萄的故事为依托,教学单词grape, jump, sweet以及句子: I like/I dont likecan2学生情况分析:本课的授课对象是三年级的学生,他们刚刚接触一个学期的英语,对英语才形成初步的感性认识。在前一个单元中已经学习了表示食物名称以及动作名称的单词,对用I like谈论自己喜欢的食物和用I can谈论自己能做的事的话题并不陌生,他们也对该话题充满兴趣。本课设置的任务是Make and tell and act your own story,该任务具有挑战性,他们肯定非常乐意参与活动,运用所学的语言完成任务。三、教学目标分析1语言知识与语言技能目标 能听懂、会说、会认读单词:grape, sweet, jump 能听懂、会说、能认读句子: I like grapes. They are sweet. I dont like grapes. They are not sweet. I can jump. 能借助图片和文字理解故事大意,正确朗读和表演故事。 能比较准确地运用所学语言谈论自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物。2学习策略目标 能在老师创设的语境和情境中结合单词的音、形、义来学习词汇。 能在图片和文字的帮助下读懂简单的英文小故事并能在图片的帮助下引发联想,自主创编并讲述英语小故事。 能自主发现,归纳字母i在开音节单词中的发音规律。3情感态度目标 培养学生的合作能力,使学生能够积极运用所学语言表达和交流。 培养学生欣赏他人优点,包容豁达的良好品质。四、教学重点、难点分析1教学重点:熟练运用表示食物名称和动作名称的词汇以及I like. ./I dont like. I can句型。培养学生的朗读故事以及表演、复述故事的能力。 2教学难点:生词grape, sweet, jump 以及句子: I dont like的学习,故事的讲述和表演、创编。五、教学过程StepsActivities & PurposePre-task activitiesStep 1 Chicken DanceStep 2 Lets chant and learn the new word: jumpT: You can dance very well. Can you chant? Lets chant together!Sing, sing, I can sing.Dance, dance, I can dance.Draw, draw, I can draw.Can you swim? Yes, I can.Can you skate?Yes, I can.Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. Ss: Sing and act the chant.T: Wa. You can dance, you can chant. You can sing. You can dance. You can swim. You can skate. You can ride a bike. But can you jump?S1: Yes, I can.T: Practice the word “jump”.【设计意图】通过说说、唱唱活动调动学生的情绪,营造轻松、愉快的课堂气氛,并通过chant 这一语境,自然引出生词jump的学习,寓单词的学习于情境和情趣中,并为话题的引入,新课的学习做了铺垫。Step 3 Revision of the words about food.T: Great! Here are some presents for you. Look! They are all nice food. They are nice.(rice, ice cream, like, kite, bike, five, nine)PPT shows the food they have learned:Rice, hamburger, noodles, ice cream, apples, bananas, oranges, cake, fish Ss: Read the words about the food.T: Do you like these food? Tell me the one you like.S1: I like【设计意图】通过复习已学过的食物名称,融语音教学于语境之中,让学生说说自己喜欢的食物,复习了句子I like They are nice.为继续学习做了铺垫。While-task activitiesStep 1 Lead-in and task giving:T: Now I know some of you now. You can sing, you can dance, you can jump. You like noodles, you like oranges, you like Do you want to know me? Im your new teacher here. OK. Let me tell you.My name is Kelly. I like grapes. Learn the word “grapes”Look! They are grapes. Let me taste one. Em They are sweet.Learn the word “sweet”Ask several students to have a taste of the grapes. And ask them to say “They are sweet.” So, My name is Kelly. I like grapes. They are sweet. I dont like oranges. They are not sweet. I can jump. I can sing. I can dance. I can tell the story in English. I can act the story, too. Can you tell the story and act the story in English? Today, we are going to learn Unit 3 Part B. We are going to read a story and make our own story. Lets see who can act and tell the story well. Look! There is a little assessment board on each group of four and there are several stickers of the food on your desk. If you do well. You can have one and stick on the board. Lets see which group can get more food.【设计意图】现代语言研究的出发点是研究“使用中的语言”,着重研究语言在语境中的功能。从介绍教师自身喜爱的食物出发,自然巧妙地引出生词grape的学习,通过让学生试吃葡萄,让学生感知、学习生词sweet.由教师能做的事自然引出本课的任务“学习英语小故事、创编英语小故事、表演英语小故事”。这些方式可以引导学生形成在句中或篇中理解地的确切意义和使用的方法,培养学生在语境中理解、记忆并运用所学单词的习惯;并能让学生在任务的驱动下进行学习,在真实的语境中结合音、形、义学习单词。评价方式的采用也独具匠心,让学生以四人小组为单位,将老师事先准备的食物图形的贴纸贴在评价板上,将评价贯穿整个学习过程。Step 2 Learn the storyStudents look at the pictures of the story and tell the story in Chinese.Watch the video and tell us what does the fox say in each picture:Picture 1: Ah, grapes! They are nice!Picture 2: I like grapes. They are sweet.Picture 3: I can jump!Picture 4: I dont like grapes. They are not sweet.【设计意图】“狐狸与葡萄”的故事小学生都耳熟能详,让学生先用汉语说说故事的梗概有利于激发学生已有的知识储备,通过整体输入的方式让学生感知故事的内容将为最后的输出奠定基础,在每个句子学习的过程中,通过多种方式丰富学生的语言输出,最大限度地让他们结合自己的喜好说出更多的句子。Practice the story: Silly Fox or Clever Fox.The teacher pretends to tell the wrong story, and ask students to check it out.T: Ah, oranges. They are nice.Ss: No! Ah, grapes. They are nice. Look ,dub, listen ,tap and say(Bankrupt and Donation)T: Acts out each part of the story.Ss: DubFour students listen and tap the word cards on the board and the one who is the first one to tap get the chance to read it out. The teacher shows the sentence cards to the fellow students, the fellow students act it out, and the four students dub them. Sit & Stand:T: Great! You did a very good job. Now lets play another game: Sit &Stand. Its a popular game in our school. Lets watch it and then you will know how to play it:Ss watch the video.Ss in groups play the game. Bingo game.T: Grapes.Ss who likes grapes stands up and call :like grapes./ The one who doesnt like grapes stands up and call : I dont like grapes. Then the teacher tells the student if she likes or doesnt like the grapes. If they are right. Then they are Bingo. Otherwise they fail. Read and repeat the story. Can you tell the story now? Make a title. Moral Education:Students in groups look at the pictures and tell and act the story. Each one tells and acts one of the pictures.【设计意图】学生要想成为熟练的语言运用者,就必须能够熟练地使用语言单位,语言单位并不是人们曾经普遍认为的单词,而是句子。如何将词汇有效地融汇于句型中加以学习和运用,是掌握一门语言的关键(亚历山大、何其莘,2007)在以上一系列活动中,教师经过体验和实践,最大限度地、有效地巩固了新学的词汇和句子。与此同时,激发了学生的兴趣和参与热情。在故事讲述的过程中引导学生要学会欣赏他人的优点,不要有狐狸的“酸葡萄心理”。体现了语言学习的人文价值。Post-task activitiesDiscuss in groups, try to make your own story and act it out.【设计意图】义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)强调既注重学习过程,又注重学习成果的教学途径和方法,让学生参与感悟实践体验,在语境中学习和运用语言,培养学生用英语做事情能力。通过让学生创编故事,将本课所学的语言运用到自己创编的故事中,教师有意创设的信息差又为激发学生的表达欲望和想象能力,小组合作的方式让每个学生都有表达的空间。真正达到了学以致用的目的。Summary1. What have we learnt today? Whos the winner today?BlackboarddesignUnit 3 Food Part BThe Fox and the grapes Grapes. I like grapes. I dont like grapes.They are nice. They are nice. I can They are not sweet.Assignment1. Tell and act the story of The Fox and The Grapes in English to your parents.2. Create a new story using the words and sentences of today. With pictures and English sentences. (Choose one of the two)【设计意图】任务作业,延伸课外。分层布置,尊重个体差异。


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