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周集实验学校五年级英语上册期末测试卷 Class_Name_Number_听力部分(30分)一、 选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每题1分)( )1.A/dk/ B/bs/ C/sn/( )2.Afridge Bfront Cfrom( )3.Athere Bthese Chere( )4.Abear Bnear Chear( )5.Aswing Bswim Csing( )6.Athirsty Bthirty Cthird( )7.Anice Bjuice Cnine( )8.Ayellow Byou Cyour( )9.Ago swimming Bgo boating Cgo climbing( )10.Ano legs Blong legs Clong ears二、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的答句。(10分,每题1分)( )1. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, it is.( )2. A. No, I cant. B. Yes, I like. C. No, I dont.( )3. A. He likes swimming. B. Ilike singing. C. She likes dancing.( )4 A. There is one. B. I have five apples. C. There are five dogs.( )5. A. He can swim. B. He has a cat. C. He likes climbing.()6、A. Yes , there is . B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes , I can .()7、A. Yes , therere five .B. Therere five . C. No, there arent .( )8、A. Im a worker . B. Hes a teacher . C.Theyre policemen .( )9、A. She likes swimming .B. He has a dog. C. I usually play football .()10、A. She has a robot.B. No , he doesnt . C. Yes , they do .三、听录音,把对话填充完整。(10分,每空1分)1、There is a tree in _ our classroom .2、 A: _ your father have any hobbies ? B: No, he _ .3、They have big _and big _.4、 A: What does Nancy _doing ? B: She likes _.5、 My uncle is a _. He _sweets.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(10分,每空1分)1、我的爱好_ 2、play with my son _3、擅长弹钢琴_ 4、help sick people _5、如此多的人_ 6、every evening _7、在周末_ 8、have a good time _9、在第二层_ 10、buy a Christmas tree _二、按要求,写单词。(10分,每空1分)1. The elephant has a big_(/bd/)2. How many _ (library) are there in your school? 3. Can you show _(she )around?4._ is the third day of a week. 5. Lets go and_ (fly) a kite. 6. My brother (喜欢)going to the cinema .7. There _any water in the bottle.8. I dont like _ (skate).9. My father can swim very_ (good).10. _ (its) name is Bobby.三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10分,每题1分)( )1.The boy cant play piano, but he can play football.A. / ;the B.the;/ C./ ;/( )2.It has no arms legs. A. and B. or C. no( )3.There _ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table.A. have B. are C .is( )4. _this dog _a big mouth?A.Do; has B. Does; have C. Does; has( )5.- _Helen have a rabbit? - _,she has a parrot.A. Does; Yes B. Do; No C. Does; No( )6. Jim is really good at_.A. swiming B. swimming C. swim( )7.She likes dancing.A. too B. both C. also( )8.One is red and_is black.A .two B. the other C. other( )9.There are some trees my house.A. behind B. between C. in ( )10. Helen always sends _ emails to her friends .A. an B. a C. some四、按要求改句子,每空一词。(10分,每空1分)1. It has two big eyes. (改为否定句) It two big eyes.2. Nancy likes dancing.(对划线部分提问) What_ Nancy like _?3.There is some tea in the cup. (改为一般疑问句) there tea in the cup?4.Tim likes swimming. Sam likes swimming too. (合并为一句)Tim and Sam swimming.5. She has a lot of books. (用They替换She) _ a lot of books.五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分,每题2分)1.desks, there, many, in, are, how, classroom, the( ? ) 2. brother ,reading , Jacks , stories , like , does( ? )_3. now , arent ,students , there , in , any , classroom , the ( . )_4. lets, and, go, a, this, have, picnic, afternoon ( . ) 5. likes, playing, also, he, piano, the ( . ) 六、根据中文完成句子。(10分,每空1分)1、“李老师有什么爱好吗?”“有。她喜欢弹钢琴。” -_ Miss Li have any hobbies? -Yes . She likes _ the piano.2、“南希周末通常做什么?”“她通常去看望她的祖父母。” -What _ Helen usually do at weekends? - She usually _ her grandparents .3、我的动物朋友有长长的手臂和腿。 My animal friend _ long _ and legs.4、迈克确实擅长于游泳。 Mike is really _ at _.5、“你是干什么工作的?”“我是一名警察。” -_ do you do ? -Im a _.七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打 “F”。 (5分)John is an old man. He has a big house. He likes dogs very much. He has three dogs. One dog is from the UK. Her name is Cote. One dog is from the US. Her name is Dot. One dog is from China. Her name is Potty. John loves his dogs very much. He buys many toys for his dogs. Cote has a red cat. It is small and fun. Dot has a blue toy monkey. It can jump and run. Potty has a white toy rabbit. It has long ears. The dogs like their toys and they like John, too.They like playing with John vey much.( )1. John has six dogs.( )2. Cote is from China.( )3. Dots toy monkey can jump and run.( )4. Pottys toy is a blue rabbit.( )5. The dogs like their toys and John very much.八、写作。(5分)根据表格内容,介绍你的网友的一些情况。NameHelenCountrythe USAge10 years oldJoba studentHobbiesdrawing , dancing and reading books 课外阅读(20分)A.阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)(共10分,每空2分). The animals take Snow White to a forest. There is a little hut(小屋). In the hut, there is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom. In the middle of (在中间)the kitchen, there is a little table. Around the table, there are seven little chairs. On the table, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses.“This juice is too sour.(酸的)”“ This juice is too sour too.” “Sour. Sour. Sour.”“Oh, this juice is sweet.” Snow White is tired. There are three beds in the bedroom.“This bed is too short.”“ This bed is too small.”“Small, short. Small, short.”“I should put the beds together.”When Snow White awakes(醒来), she is surprised(惊讶的). The Seven Dwarfs (七个小矮人)stand near the bed.( )1. There is a big hut in the forest.( )2. There are seven chairs behind the table.( )3. There are seven little cakes and seven little glasses on the table.( )4. All the seven glasses of juice are sour.( )5. The Seven Dwarfs stand in front of the bed.B.阅读短文,完成下列句子(共10分,每空1分)。There is a swan with golden feathers(羽毛). She lives in a lake.A woman lives in a small house near the lake with her two daughters. They work hard all year round, but still live a hard life. Sometimes they dont have enough money to buy food.The swan is sad to see that. She says to herself, “Ill give one my feathers to them each day, then they can sell my feathers for money and live a happy life.” In the evening, she flies to the poor womans house and leaves a golden feathers on the table.From then on, the swan comes every day and gives them a feather. The woman is very happy because their life gets much better.1. There is a with golden feathers in a lake.2. A woman a small house near the lake.3. Sometimes they dont have enough money to .4. The swan to the womans and a golden feather.5. The woman is very because their life much better.参考答案听力部分(30分)一、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每题1分)1. /bs/ 2.from 3.there 4.near 5.sing 6. thirty 7.nice 8.you 9.go boating 10.long legs.二、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答句。(10分,每题1分)1. Are they on the first floor? 2. Do you like playing the piano?3. What does your mother like doing? 4. How many apples are there on the table?5. What does Mike have?6. Does she like reading books ?7. How many people are there in your family ?8. What do you do ?9. What does Su Hai like doing ?10. What does she have ?三、听录音,把对话填充完整。(10分,每空1分)1、There is a tree in front of our classroom .2、A: Does your father have any hobbies ? B: No, he doesnt .3、They have big eyes and big bodies.4、A: What does Nancy like doing ? B: She likes dancing.5、My uncle is a worker . He makes sweets.笔试部分(70分)一、 英汉互译。(10分,每空1分)1.my hobby/hobbies 2.和我的儿子一起玩 3.be good at playing the piano 4.帮助病人5.so many people 6.每个晚上 7.at weekends 8.玩得开心/过得愉快 9.at the second floor 10.买一棵圣诞树二、按要求,写单词。(10分,每空1分)1.body 2.libraries 3.her 4.Tuesday 5.fly 6.likes 7.isnt 8.skating 9.well 10.Its三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10分,每题1分)1-5 BBCBC 6-10 BCBAC四、按要求改句子,每空一词。(10分,每空1分)1.doesnt have 2.does doing 3.Is any 4.both like 5.They have五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1.How many desks are there in the classroom?2.Does Jacks brother like reading stories?3.There arent any students in the classroom now.4.Lets go and have a picnic this afternoon.5.He also likes playing the piano. 六、根据中文完成句子。(10分,每空0.5分)1.Does playing 2.does visits 3.has arms 4. good swimming 5.What policeman 七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打 “F”。 (5分)1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T八、写作。(5分)略课外阅读(20分)A. 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)(共10分,每空2分). 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FB.阅读短文,完成下列句子(共10分,每空1分). 1.swan 2.lives in 3.buy food 4.flies house leaves 5.happy gets6


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