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山东科技大学继续教育学院专科大学英语1 复习题 第一单元1. Fill in the blanks with the right tense of the verbs given in brackets.(1) I _ (leave) tonight.我今天晚上动身。(2) He_(go) to work every day.他每天都去上班。(3) Practice_(make) perfect.熟能生巧。(4) He_(is) in Beijing two years ago.他两年前在北京。(5) She_(be going to) buy a bicycle.她打算买一辆自行车。(6) He said he would not go if it_(rain).他说如果下雨的话他不会去的。2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. major honest attention toward include arrive passion explore (1) Our _was held throughout his long talk.(2) He_in Economic and Management in Hong Kong University.(3) He headed_the station.(4) A ragged coat may cover an _man.(5) We no longer _him among our friends.(6) Her_for me has cooled down.(7) You must _at the airport two hours early.(8) In this chapter ,we_how and why.3. Translate the following sentences.(1) 你的裙子很特别。_(2) 李明常常步行去学校。_(3) 小汤姆喜欢跟随着哥哥。_(4) Each community retains its own unique color and vibrancy(活力)._(5) Could you please point it out on this map?_(6) Business coaching has a lot to learn from sport._4. Translate the following sentences.(1) It rains a lot in Shanghai every year._(2) The students will go to the Summer Palace next week._(3) Did you have a good time yesterday?_(4) 他每周都会去公园拍些照。_(5) 迈克刚才和同学去植树了。_(6) 如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。_Keys1.(1) will leave(2) goes(3) makes(4) was(5) is going to(6) rained2.(1) attention(2) majors(3) towards(4) honest(5) include (6) passion(7) arrive(8) will explore3(1) Your dress is very special.(2) LiMing often walks to school.(3) Little Tom likes to follow his brother.(4) 每个团体保持着独有的色彩与活力。(5) 你可以在这个地图上指出它吗?(6) 商业培训可以从体育中吸取很多经验。4(1) 上海每年雨量充足。(2) 学生们将在下周去颐和园。(3) 你昨天玩得开心吗?(4) He goes to the park to take pictures every week.(5) Mike planted trees with classmates just now.(6) If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. 第二单元1.(1)This time tomorrow we_ (watch) a match.明天的这个时候我们将会观看比赛。(2)He _ (sleep)at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon.昨天下午两点钟的时候他正在睡觉。(3)You_ (hear) from me soon.你不久就会收到我的信了。(4)He _ (be going to)Hainan for the summer holiday.他打算去海南过暑假。(5)He lost his wallet when he _(play) football.他在踢足球的时候丢了钱包。(6)Ive lost my key again. I _(lose) things.我又把钥匙给弄丢了。我总是丢东西。2. Complete the sentence with the following phrases.Change the form where necessary. schedule attempt structure provide following effective management prioritize1).We are using an_way to solve the problem.2).The thief was _to escape when I came home.3).This time tomorrow theyll be showing you the_of the book.4).The party will_ food and drink.5).It rained on the day we arrived, but it was sunny the _day.6).She is making a _ to manage her time.7).I was _ tasks of next week at 3:00 yesterday afternoon.8).They will be discussing good ways of time _ this time next week.3. Translate the following sentences.1).孩子们在踢足球。 _ 2).我给你打电话时你在干什么? 3).明天十点钟她会在办公室工作。 _ 4).At this time tomorrow, Ill be taking a test. 5).She knew she was doing the right thing. 6).She was traveling around the country. 4. Translate the following sentences.1).他们正在为无家可归的人筹钱。 2).你和老师谈话时我看见了你。 3).下周二这个时候我们应该正在开会。 _ 4).The president will be visiting the sick kids in the hospital this time tomorrow. _ 5).The volunteers are helping to clean the city park. 6).I was doing the housework when someone knocked at the door yesterday. Keys1,1) shall be watching2)was sleeping3)will hear4)is going to5)was playing6)am always losing2 1) effective 2)attempt 3)structure 4) provide5)following 6)schedule7)prioritizing8)management3.1)Childrens are playing football.2)What were you doing when I was calling you? 3)She will be working in her office at 10:00 tomorrow.4)明天这个时候我正在考试。5)她知道她正在做对的事情。6)她正在环游全国。41)They are raising money for the homeless. 2)I saw you when you were talking with teacher. 3)We shall be having a meeting this time next Tuesday.4) 明天这个时候总统会去看望医院里生病的孩子。5)志愿者在帮助打扫城市花园。6)昨天我正在做家务的时候有人敲了门。第三单元一:(1) He_(live)in bejing since he was born. 他从出生以来就住在北京。(2) When I rang.Mary_(go)to work. 我打电话时玛丽已经上班了。(3) “Will you be free at 11:00?” “yes, the meeting _(finish)by that time.” 你十一点有空吗,有,那时会议已经结束了。(4) I _(learn)Eglish for 5 years. 我已经学了五年英语。(5) She_(know)my brother for two years before I met her. 在我见到他之前,他已经认识我哥哥两年了。(6) By this time next week we_(marry)for a year. 到下星期这个时候我们就结婚一年了。二:Express satisfy require practical Contribute expect improve competitive1. Nothing _him -hes always complaining.2. I need to _my French.3. There are some obvious _applications of the research.4. His views have been _in numerous speeches.5. He is_a letter.6. Everyone is called on to _ideas.7. The emerrency _that it should be done.8. In the current_environment,students should continue to enrich themselves.三Translate the following sentences.1. 至今,这个著名的作家写了多少部小说了?2. 到上周五为止,他还没给老板回邮件。3. 早上8点钟你来接我,到时我已经吃完早饭了。4. I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.5. By the time you get home, I will have cleaned the house 6. I have been in the army for more than 5years.答案一:1. has lived2. Has went3. Will be finished4. Have learned5. Has known6. Will have married二1. satisfy 2. improve 3. practical4. expressed5. expecting6.contribute7. requires8. competitive三1. So far, how many novels have been written ?2. Until last Friday, he did not return a message to the boss.3. when you come pick me up at 8 oclock in the morning, Ive finished the breakfast4. 我一直在公共汽车站20分钟时,公交车终于来了。5. 你回家的时候,我已经打扫好房子6. 我呆在部队5年以上。第四单元一:1. She is very tired .She (work) all morning.她很累。她干了一早晨。2 .He (look )for his bike days before he found it.他找了好久才找到他的车子。2. Has it (cause) problem.它是不是一直在造成问题?4. The telephone (ring) for three minutes before it was answered.电话铃响了三分钟才有人接。二Fill in the blanks with the words given below .Change the form where necessary. Honesty assist growth perspective Loyalty particular attract remind 1. He asked to him in carrying through his plan.2. Jim was to the Italian girl .3. It was not ,in all ,a very good start .4. The treatment arrested the of the disease .5. to the former king still persists in parts of the country .6. The witness gave us a account of what happened.7. You must get the story in its right .8. This story me of my childhood.三.Choose the best answer for each sentence.1. They stopped to _ the window.A. look B. look into C. look with2. Help in _ money will be very welcome.A. the shape of B .the way of C. the form of3. Discussions are currently being held _ national _.A.inform B.atlevel C .withlevel四.Translate the following sentence.1. 雨下了多久了?2. 我们一直犯这样的错误。3. 她眼睛红红的,显然是哭过了。4. Youre out of breathe .Have you been running ?5. Shes very tired. Shes been typing letters all day .6. She couldnt understand him .She hadnt been learning English long.五 Translate the following sentence .1中国有2000多年的造纸历史。2.这东西我找了好多天才找着。3.我们已经等你半个钟头了。4. He had been thinking about his marriage .5. He came back at seven .He had been waiting for her two hours .6. He hasnt working for me and I havent had much contact with him.答案:一1. has worked2. has been looking 3. caused4. had raning二1. assist2 .attracted3. honesty 4. growth5. Loyalty6. particular7. perspective8. reminds三.Translate the following sentence.1. How long has the rain rained?2. We have made such a mistake.3. Her eyes were red, apparently cried.4. 你气喘吁吁的,是不是刚刚跑步了。5. 她非常累,她已经打了一天的字了。6. 她听不懂他说的,因为她从没学过英语。四:1. China has a history of more than 2,000 years in making paper.2. I had been looking for the thing for many days .3. We have been waiting for you more than half an hour .4. 他已经考虑婚姻了。5. 他7点回来的,已经在这等了两个多小时了。6. 他不在为我工作了并且我们也没有联系过。第五单元一 Complete the sentence with the following phrases.Change the form where necessary.in order to take place miss out sweep away apart from ahead of due to at least1.The May 4th Movement in 1919.2.Directly us is royal palace.3.They need two days finish the project.4.He lit a cigarette calm his mind.5.You have a real performing gift this defect.6.He is bits of paper.7.I dont want to the delicious cake.8.Accidents driving at high speed were very common at weekends.二 Translate the following sentences.1. 我们应该从失败中吸取教训,这是很重要的。 2. 我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心。 3. 只要你经常锻炼,你就会变得健康起来。 4. The book report is due to in two weeks. 5. It is very hard to take in air as you get near the top. 6.The school has set up some new rules that everybody Must follow. 答案:一:1. took palace2. ahead of3. at least4. in order to5. apart from6. sweeping away7. miss out8. due to二: 1. We should learn from failure, which is very important.2. When I mention his name, my mother became very happy.3. As long as you exercise regularly, you will become healthy again.4. 读书报告将于两周后上交。5. 当你接近顶端的时候呼吸就会变得困难。6. 学校成立了一些新的规则,每个人都必须遵循。第六单元1. All the classroom (clean) at noon.所有的教师都在中午打扫。2. It was the first time he (bite) by a dog .这是他第一次被狗咬。3. Those student (train).那些学生正在接受训练。4. The glass (break) by Jenny .珍妮打坏了杯子。5. The new project (finish).新项目已经完成6. The case (investigate)案子正在调查。7. I think we (follow)我想我们被人跟踪了。 Translate the following sentence 1. 这部电影将在下周上映。2. 昨天把笔记本电脑送到店里去修了。3. 周末你过来的时候,自行车应该修好了。4. The book had been returned to you before I wen travelling.5. She had recognize before she went out.6. The baby has been looked after very well in the passed three months. 答案:1. Are cleaned2. Has been bit3. Are trained4. Was broke5. Has been finished6. Are investigated7. Are followed1.The film will be released next week2. Yesterday the laptop was sent to the shop to repair.3. when you come this weekend , the bike should be fix .4. 在我旅行前书已经还给你。5. 她出去之前已经意识到了。6.宝宝已经在过去的3个月被照顾得很好第七单元一:Complete the sentence with the following phrases.Change the form where necessary.Narrow down a bit of to date keep track of Pass down a collection of take up pick up 1. My English is poor . I only know( )English2. Your grandma ( )the bracelet to me.3. Lity ( )some knowledge of physics by attending Professor Jack slecture.4. He has ( )stamps.5. We have to( )the number of people.6. He always ( )current events.7. ( )we have received more than a hundred applications.8. A good deal of my time is ( )with reading critical essays and reviews.二/1.他们并非都是上海人。 2.并不是每个人都会喜欢它。 3.能够唱这首歌的人并不多。 4.This umbrellas was nowhere to be found. 5.The business man is never to be entirely trusted. 6.Not every student goes to the farm on Sundays.答案;1. a bit of 2. passed down3. pick up 4.a collection of5.narrow down6. keep track of7.To date 8. taking up 二1. Not all of them are from shanghai2. 2.Not everybody likes it.3. 3.The count of the people who can sing this song isnt very large.4. 4雨伞找不到了5. 5.生意人永远不被人相信6.不是每个学生在周末都去农场第八单元一1.Both boys ( )their own books 两个男孩都有自己的书 2.We often ( )each other and learn from each other . 我们经常相互帮助。相互学习 3.Both water and air ( )important. 水和空气都很重要。 4.A needle and thread ( )needed. 需要针线、 5.Not only we but also he ( )listening to music. 不仅我们而且他也喜欢这种音乐。 6.It is I who ( )to blame 就是我该受到责备。二Complete the sentence with the following phrases.Change the form where necessary.be to do something intend to in the beginning equip with Promise to do something be in trouble carry around make terms1.It was inconvenient to ( ) a large number of heavy iron coins . 2.Do you ( )go to the town by the northern route? 3.All the police officers were ( )shields to defend themselves against the rioters. 4.They ( )because of their blindness. 5.I ( )return your bicycle on good condition.6.Have you ( )with each other?7.He ( )go further study at Stanford University.8.( )of 1961, there still remained the hope of getting support from the new administration.三.Translate the following sentences.1. 他所说的和他所做的不一致。2. 史密斯先生和他的孩子一起到达了。3. 玛丽是唯一一个饲养宠物的人。4. Each of the club members is ready to help those who in trouble.5. There are millions of websites on the Internet and there is a lot of useful in formation on the websites.6. The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them are about science.答案:一have help are are likes should be 二1、 carry around 2.intend to3 equipped with 4 are in trouble5 promise to 6 made terms7 intends to 8 In the beginning三What he did not match what he said.1. Mr. Smith and his kids arrived together.2. Mary is the only one pet person.3. 俱乐部每个的成员已准备好帮助那些谁遇到麻烦。4. 现在有成千上万的网站在互联网上,有很多有用信息都在网站上。6.在书店的书的数量大约为10000并且其中一些是关于科学的。I. Choose the best choice with ABCD (1 10=10)1. _ is not easy. (A) For cook (B)To cooking (C)Cooking (D) Cook2. China is a _country.(A) developing (B)develop (C)developed (D) being developed3. The window is _. (A) break (B) to break (C) breaking (D)broken4. Things keep _. (A) changed (B) changing (C)being changed (D)change5. The classroom needs_.(A) clean (B) cleaned (C) to clean (D) cleaning6. Tell _ back tomorrow. (A) Pam to come (B) Pam come (C)to Pam to come (D)to Pam come7. Before _ to the radio, he read newspapers.(A) listening (B) listened (C) he listening (D) ho listens8. Do you love_in bed? (A) lying (B) laying (C)lieing (D) lain9. I find this book _.(A) interesting (B) interested (C) interest (D) more interest10. It is time_wheat. (A) for sow (B) of sowing (C) to sow (D) to sowing11. How does John get such good marks? His secret is in_ for four hours every day”.(A) to study (B) studying (C) he studies (D) studies12. About five hundred years ago, a lot of people went to North America_ gold.(A) to dig (B) digging (C) to dig for (D) for digging13. The students, _ at the way the questions were put, didnt know the answers to them.(A) they being surprised (B) surprised (C) their being surprised (D) them surprised14. After seeing the movie, _ . (A) the book was read by him (B) the book made him want to read it(C)he wanted to read the book (D) the reading of the book interested him 15. I cant understand_ at the poor child.(A) you to laugh (B) you laugh (C) why laugh (D) you laughing16. There was so much noise the speaker couldnt make himself_.(A) hearing (B) to hear (C) heard (D) being heard17. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and_.(A) need to be repairing (B) repairing is required of them(C) require that they be repaired (D) need to be repaired18. Carl is very homesick. I hope _ his brother here will make him happier”.(A) having (B) has (C) had (D) he has19. There isnt any difference between the two I really dont know_.(A) where to choose (B) which to choose (C) to choose what (D) to choose which20. He isnt teaching piano now because he was tired of it, he _.(A) decided to give it up (B) determined on stopping(C) decided giving up (D) decided give it up21. The wound isnt serious, but it may some discomfort. A. cause B. result from C. affect D. led to22. I made an mistake in my speech. A. embarrassed B. embarrassment C. embarrass D.embarrassing 23.Jenny, my closest friend, often her secretes with me. A. speaks B.shares C. reports D. finds24. Thanks_ your help. I have made progress. A. for B. of C. with D. To25.I have_ things to do. A so much B so many C too much D much too答案:1-5:CADBD 6-10:AAAAC. 11-15:BCBCD 16-20:CDABA21-25 ADBABReading ComprehensionChoose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage. Passage AProbably no other musical instrument (乐器) is as popular around the world as the guitar (吉他). Almost every kind of music needs a guitar. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The Spanish music called flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The sound of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.People don not agree about where the guitar was first played, but most agree it is very old. Some say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than one thousand years ago. Some other say that an old form of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persian sometime in the 12th century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the 1700s it became similar to the instrument we know today.Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous musician Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early 1800s. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works. In modern times Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular.One kind of music for the guitar developed in the souther


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