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Front OfficeUnit One I. 选择填空1. Would you like breakfast? From this sentence we know that the reservationist wants to know _.a. what time the guest would like to get up b. whether the guest would like to have his breakfastc. if the guest wants his room including breakfast d. what kind of breakfast the guest would like 2. There are over 300 rooms of international standard, _ single rooms, double rooms and suites.a. excluding b. they are c. besides d. including3. We can confirm 10 rooms _ five daysawithin b. in c. on d. for4. To find out your Clients name,you may ask,_ a. Whats your name? bYour name?c. Could you give me your name,please? dYour name is.?5. I dont know, but it could be _ from seven to ten days.a. today b. something c. a week d. anything6. All the rooms _.a. booked up b. are booked up c. is booked up d. are to be booked up7. Receptionists have _ information about walk-in guests.a. a little b. few c. little d. a few8. Will you come this evening? Yes, I _.a. am b. wont c. do d. promise9. Please hold on a moment and Ill see if I can _ you _.a. pull,up b. put,through c. fill,in d. check,up10. A reservationist is a hotel employee _.a. who is answering the guests information b. who would like to reserve a room in the hotelc. who is making a call at the Reception Desk d. who is in charge of reservation.11. Unfortunately, we are fully _ for single rooms, but I can book you a double.a. booked up b. booked c. book d. being booked up12. For one night, the hotel _ would be 200 yuan.a. costs b. cost c. expenses d. charge13. Could you confirm ten rooms for a week _ a group reservation for our Travel Service?a. with b. by c. through d. as14. _what he said, we have to wait in the lobby.a. According to b. In case c. As soon as d. By the way15.I am sorry; we dont have any spare room. But I can you the Park Hotel.a. recommend to b. show up c. put up d. get in touch with16. His company will cover a11 the_ for him.a. expenses b. money ccharge ddiscount17. Can you give me the flight number, please, _ the plane is late?a. so that b. for c. in case d. for fear that18. To reserve a room means _.a. to live in a room b. to clean a room c. to book a room d. to share a room,19. Our hotel is located _ Huashan Road _ the western district of Shanghaia. on, on b. in, in c. on, in d. in, on 20.The hotel is _the end of the streeta. at bon cin d. between21. If the doctor comes, please _ him _. a. letin b. leadto c. escort to d. take up22. You can go and ask him for help_ you need a hand.a. by the way b. in case c. as well d. just now23.i have to see _ there is a room available .a. if b. when c. why d. that24. _ the hotel rules, you are required to wear your name tag at work.a. According to b. Accorded to c. In case of d. By25. Now Mr. Bellow is _ at Huatian Hotel through a call. a. doing a reservation b. making a reservation c. doing a book d. making a book26. Could I _ later than my original booking?a. check in b. check out c. come back d. get up27. According _ the regulation, all damages must be paid for.a. to b. with c. at d. for28. There is a 10 percent _ for group reservation. a. expenses b. money c. charge d. discount29. Do you have a letter or something _ the reservation.a. conforming b. confirming c. making d. none of the above30. Ill come to your help _. a. in cases b. in any case c. on any case d. at any case31. We can only _ a room from the 7th to the 11th.a. check b. book c. charge d. confirm32. Sorry, we wont be able to _ you a room for the first of May. a. have b. let c. guarantee d. check33. A: I am going to the museum tomorrow. B: Would you let_ with you?a. me go b. me to go c. that I go d. me going34. He is the only son. The young parents _do what he wants.a. lets b. let us c. let him d. like to35. “Let him .” the women said angrily.a. go b. to goc. goesd. going36. Oh,sorry. Let _a check againaI have b. me to have c. me having dme have37. Let me_. Thats the charge for the drinksato see bthink csee d,look at38. Lets _ the elevator on the left going upstairs.a. not to take b. to take c. do not take d. not take39. Let me _ him up and see if he is in his room.a. to ring b. ring c. to call d. ringing40. She is a reservationist, _.a. So am I b. So did I c. I am so d. Yes, I am too.II. 完型填空1. R: Reservationist C: ClientR: Reservations. Can I help you?C: Id like to book a single room -1- shower for Mr. George Smith. He -2-arrive on the 20th this month.R: How long will he -3-?C: I dont know, but it could be -4- from seven to ten days. R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 20th to 27th. We wont -5- guarantee him a room -6- the 27th.C: What -7- there isnt -8- room then?R: -9-, sir. We can either put him on a -10- or find him a room in a -11-hotel.C: Fine. How much do you -12- a single room with breakfast?R: Its 500 Yuan RMB -13- one night. How will he be paying, sir?C: His company will -14- all the -15- for him and will send you a check right away. R: Thank you, sir.C: Thank you. Goodbye.1. a. for b. with c. of d. have2. a. plans b. shall c. plan to d. plans to3. a. be staying b. stay c. be stayed d. be arriving4. a. something b. nothing c. any day d. anything 5. a. can b. to be able c. be able to d. need to 6. a. until b. after c. before d. since7. a. if b. when c. while d. as8. a. some b. a c. any d. many9. a. Thank you b. Dont worry c. Yes d. No problem10. a. waiting list b. arrival list c. wine list d. drink list 11. a. other b. good c. fine d. nearby12. a. charge for b. pay for c. ask for d. charge to13. a. at b. for c. to d. each14. a. give b. charge c. cover d. pay15. a. expenses b. money c. cost d. price2. O-Operator B-Mr. Bellow R-ReservationistO: Huatian Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes, Id like -16- a room -17- your hotel. O: -18-the line, please and Ill put you -19-the advance reservation. R: -20- reservations. Can I help you?B: Yes. Id like to book a twin-bed room -21- the afternoon of the 26th May to the morning of the 29th May. R: Yes, we have a twin-bed room -22-those dates. Would you like -23-?B: No, thanks. R: Now, could I have -24- name, please, sir?B: Bellow. B-E-L-L-O-W.R: -25-, Mr. Bellow. What time will you be arriving?B: Around 5:00 p.m.R: And your -26-?B: 42 Station Road, New York.R: Thank you, Mr. Bellow. Ill -27- you a reservation card by post -28- your booking. And we -29- your arrival.B: Thank you -30-. Goodbye. R: Goodbye, sir.16. a. to book b. book c. booked d. booking17. a. on b. for c. in d. between18. a. Held b. Hold c. Hand d. Cut of19. a. though to b. through c. to d. to through20. a. Front Office b. Reception c. Hotels d. Advance21. a. between b. from c. on d. in22. a. available to b. available on c. available for d. for you23. a. room service b. taxi c. breakfast d. it24. a. his b. her c. the d. your 25. a. Thank you b. Yes c. Very well d. OK26. a. telephone number b. address c. arrival date d. departure date27. a. give b. tell c. send d. fax28. a. confirm b. to confirm c. confirming d. confirmed29. a. look forward to b. welcome c. hope d. are going to wait30. a. any way b. the same c. a lot d. very muchIII. 中英互译1. 一间带浴室的双人房每天收费多少?2. 您要包早餐吗?3. 团体预订有优惠吗?4. 你们有大会议室吗?5. 单人房每天收费200元人民币。6. 我们将恭候您大驾光临。7. 他们将如何付款。8. 你喜欢盆浴还是淋浴?9. 我想订个包餐的西班牙套房。10. 饭店的前台不仅是它的“橱窗”而且还是它的“神经中枢”。11. 我得查一查是否有空余客房。12. 一个带早餐的单人房每天收费多少?13. 每天住店费用将要化400元人民币14. 我想知道上海宾馆在哪里?15. 那时我能登记住宿吗?16. I didnt quite catch what you said.17. Could you give me the flight number, in case the plane is late?18. It should be noted that English is very important to hotel employee.19. A TWB is regarded as a standard guest room. 20. He should be on duty tonight, but he has not come yet.Unit Two I. 选择填空1. After greeting a new guest, the reservationists first action should be to _a. call the bellman b. ask the guest the length of his stayc. ask the guest to register d. check the guests reservation2. The bellman will _to your room.a. show you up b. show you off c. escort up d. see you3. A: Would you 1ike to have a brochure of the hotel?B: .a. Let me give you a handb. Thank you, its very kind of youc. Ill bring you one right awayd. Yes4. The phrase,such as_, is not a metaphor used to describe the front office of a hotelanerve center b. a home away from home c. shop window dgood manners5. He asked if he could pay _cash _with travelers checks.a. in, but b. by, and c. or, and d. in. or6. Our hotel has comprehensive communication facilities and secretarial assistance catering_ the needs of all our business guests.a. in b. with c. by d. to 7. What language do people speak here? I believe that English _here.a. is spoken b. speaks c. speak itself d. spoken8. The front office staffs efficiency and personality are important to the operation of a hotel_. a. success bitself c. realization d. successful9. A: Welcome to our hotel, sir. B:_a. Whats your job? b. Whats your name, please? c. Who are you? d. Thank you10. When the receptionist answers the phone, he should say”_”.a. Wrong number B. Hello, hello. Reception. c. Hold the line, pleased. Good morning, Huatian Hotel. May I help you?11. The most important of all the qualities is a real _ people and a warm desire to help them.a. like for b. liking for c. knowledge of d. neat appearance before12. Just a moment, please. Ill have to _ the arrival list.a. see b. think of c. check d. look at13. Mr. And Mrs. Bellow are a couple. You shouldnt provide them with _-.a. a double room b. a TWB room c. a deluxe suite d. a single room14. We usually have high occupancies in _.a. the peak seasons b. the summer season c. the Spring Festival d. the end of the year15. A: Thank you for your introduction to your hotel.B: _a. I wonder whether you are really interested in it b. May I help you?c. Let me tell you about it. d. My pleasure and would you like a brochure of it?16.He wont find a room unless hes got a reservation. The person we are talking about_. a. has got a booking, and so will find a room b. cant find a room although he has a bookingc. will be able to get a booking if he finds a room d. will only get a room if he has a booking17. You forget to put in the date of your departure. Here let _ in for you.a. I fill b. me to fell c. you fill d. me fill18. A: Wheres the receptionist who used to work here? B; He was so inefficient we had to get rid_.a. him b. to him c. from him d. of him19. Sometimes the receptionist will help the guest to _ the registration form.a. take care b. fill in c. have a check d. check in20. Mr. Bellow will finish filling in the form _a. or so b. by chance c. soon d. on average31. While reading,she made _ useful words and expressionsa. a note bnote of c. a note of dnotes in32. I hope we will have a sound sleep. A sound sleep means a _ sleep.a. well b. noisy c. musical d. good33. The manager will _ that and everything will be fine.a. make note of b. make a note of c. make note d. made note of34. A: Would you mind filling in the registration form? B: Ill _ of it.a. tare care b. fill out c. fill in d. book up35. I have a nice room for you _ the 9th floor.a. in b. at c. for d. on36. If you need a room right now, would you like me to get _ touch _ somewhere else for you?a. with in b. towith c. inwith d. upto37. A: Does this hotel have a presidential suite? B: No, it doesnt have a deluxe suite,_.a. too b. also c. either d. neither38. The phrase, such as, _, is not a metaphor used to describe the front office of a hotel.a. a home away from home b. shop window c. nerve center d. good manners39. The guest asked the receptionist _ another hotel.a. to take care b. to recommend to c. to get in touch with d. to fill in40. We are greatly honored _ your kind presence, sir.a. for b. about c. by d. asII. 完型填空1. Receptionist-R Client-CR: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?C: Yes, please. I have just _1_ from Hong Kong. Could you let me _2_ a room for this evening?R: Have you made a_3_, sir?C: Im afraid not. R: _4_ people do you have, please?C: Just one. Im alone.R: Just a moment, please. I _5_ check if there is a room available Oh, sorry, sir. _6_ the rooms are booked up. But I think we will be able to make _7_ arrangement_8_ six oclock this evening, If you need a room _9_now, would you like me to _10_ with somewhere else _11_ .you?C: _12_ .I should say I_13_ to stay here. A friend of_14_ highly_15_ your hotel to me.R: Did he?C: Yes, indeed.1. a. get b. arrived c. got d. fly 2. a. to book b. book c. to have d. have3. a. invitation b. reservation c. recognition d. tradition4. a. How many b. How much c. What d. Are there many5. a. must b. need c. want to d. have to6. a. Half b. All c. Almost d. Nearly7. a. any b. a little c. some d, a few8. a. about b. before c. after d. until9. a. after b. right c. unless d. about10. a. ask b, contact c. get in touch d. call at11. a. for b. to c with d. at12. a. Yes, please. b. No, thanks c. Certainly d. Oh, Im sorry13. a. hate b. suggest c. recommend d. prefer14. a. mine b. my c. his d. our hotel15. a. prefer b. like c. recommended d. tell2. Bell Captain-C Mr. Bellow-BC:Good morning .May I help you?B:Yes, Id like to_16_ to Guilin on Saturday. Could you book tickets _17_ me?C:You _18_ book the tickets five days_19_. Now its the _20_ for _21_ , you know. Sorry to say all the tickets _22_ up.B:No tickets! What _23_! But IC:I wonder if youd consider going there_24_train instead. You can have train tickets and they are much_25_, actually.B:Well, it seems well have to take the train.C:What time would you like _26_?B:At noon, _27_.C:_28_ tickets do you need?B:Two _29_ , please.C:Will 2:15 be _30_?B:Yes, thatll be fine 16. a. flying b. fly c. to fly d. flight17. a. for b. with c. of d. to18. a. must b. have to c. may d. need to19. a. in advance b. before c. ahead of time d. age20. a. slack season b. off season c. busy time d. busy season21. a. traveling b. traveled c. travel d. trip22. a. is booked b. are booked c. is confirmed d. are sold23. a. pity b. a shame c. luck d. lucky24. a. on b. in c. by d. with 25. a. cheapest b. cheap c. more expensive d. cheaper26. a. to leave b. leaving c. going d. start27. a. if possible b. when impossible c. if impossible d. as possible28. a. How much b. How many c. What about d. what29. a. hard berth b. soft seat c. soft berths d. hard seats30 a. all right b. fine c. good d. OKIII. 中英互译1. 请告诉我你将住多久?2. 我查一下到客单。3. 今晚6:00后,我们可以为你安排一个客房。4. 我今晚为你安排个单人房间5. 你有没有确认预定的信6. 接待员的职责是什么?7. 请填这张登记表。8. 我想知道附近有没有旅馆.9. 你预付了吗?10. 我们应当满足客人的合理要求.11. 我希望您玩得痛快12. 请告诉我你准备何时离店。13. 你不妨到那里去喝杯咖啡。14. 那个包房客人在我们饭店住了两年。15. 我们应该为所有旅客创造家外之家。16. Id like to have a room that overlooks the Hangpu River.17. Would you please fill in the registration form?18. So far, many international hotels have been set up.19. It is very important to serve the guest heart and soul.20. If the plan changes, please inform the Front Office. Unit Three I. 选择填空1. He couldnt find his watch. His watch was .a. missingb. losingc. going awayd. disappearing2. A:What time does our plane leave? B:In two hours We _better go to the airport right nowa. would bshould c. had dwill3. Do they _ your baggage free of charge?a. do service for b. take care of c. get in touch with d. apologize4. The receptionists have to know how to _complaints.a. deal with b. fill in c. take care of d. answer5. A: Has Mr. Bellow _ yet? B: Yes, he left this morning.a. checked out b. checked up c. checked in d. checked for6. Room 908 is _ the corridor.a. the last door on b. at the corner of c. at the end of d. in front of7. What will you do_ your baby after your husband goes abroad?a. with b. at c. to d. for8. The front desk employee has to ask the manager to deal _ the guests requests.a. in b. to c. at d. with9. My wife was _ several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.a. have a sound sleep b. wake up c. waken up d. asked for10. The New Garden Hotel is _ of the airport.a. out of easy reach b. in reach c. within easy reach d. at the corner 11. He _ as soon as the light turned greena. pulled up b. stopped c. drived up d. drove off12. The waiters in this restaurant are _ at 12:00 p.m.a. of duty b. off duty c. on duty c. out duty13. Ill speak _ the person and ask him what he can doaof b。in cto d .for14. Two times already in the past week those guests threw their cigarette ends _ the carpet.A. on b. in c. into d. onto15. A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the Peace Hotel is? B:_ a. Its on Nanjing Road, close to the Bund b. Go upstairsc. You can take a cab d. Its one of the most famous temples in China16. A half days rent is charged _a room not vacated after 12:00 noon.a. against b. for c. to d. in17. A: Good morning! Will you do me a favor?. B:_a. I hope so. What is it? b. Good morning, Nice to see you herec. Yes, of course, Ill be glad to d. Sorr


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