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员工敬业度(Employee Engagement,通过提高员工敬业度来改善经营业绩Improving Business Results Through Engaging People,个人生活目标和策略Individual Life Goals and Strategies,个人竞争能力Individual Capabilities,人员要求和人才竞争策略People Requirements and Talent Strategy,雇佣关系Employment Relationship,人力资源管理操作People Management Practices,个人需求及承诺Individual Priorities and Engagement,敬业度Engagement,企业经营目标和策略 Business Results and Strategies,企业竞争能力Business Capabilities,为何重视敬业度:企业经营的需求Why Engagement Matters: Business Needs,服务质量Service Quality,功能Features,解决问题ProblemResolution,价格/相关价值Price/Relative Value,员工行为EmployeeBehavior,客户推荐Recom-mendation 客户关系的维持Retention 客户的增值Expansion,经营业绩BusinessPerformance,客户满意价值 Customer Satisfaction/Value,客户价值驱动因素:Customer Value Drivers,为何重视敬业度:员工需求Why Engagement Matters: Employee Needs,员工敬业 EmployeeEngagement,员工行为 EmployeeBehavior,人员流动 Turnover 员工推荐 Recommend Employees 产品/服务推荐 Recommend Products/Services 创造新产品/服务 Create new Products/Services 客户服务 Customer Service 生产率 Productivity,机会 Opportunity 生活质量 Quality of Life 文化 Culture 全面薪酬 Total Compensation 领导 Leadership 关系 Relationships 工作内容 Work Activities,通过观察可以判断敬业度We Will Know It When We See It,敬业度是一种参与并投入情感和智慧的境界Engagement is the state of emotional and intellectual involvement or commitment. 我们观察到敬业度,当人们:We see engagement when people,留:具有一种强烈成为一名公司成员的愿望。Stayhave an intense desire to be a member of the organization 说:一贯性与同事、潜在员工、更重要的是与当前和潜在客户以积极的方式谈论公司 Sayconsistently speak positively about the organization to coworkers, potential employees, and most critically, customers (current and potential) 做:付出额外的努力并敬业的工作来帮助企业的经营成功。Serveexert extra effort and engage in work that contributes to business success,如何树立员工敬业度?How Do You Build Engagement,七要素,机会 Opportunity 成长/发展 Growth/development 进步 Advancement 互相影响 Interaction,文化与目的 Culture and Purpose 使命感 Sense of Purpose 公司价值观及行为 Organizational values and behaviors,全面薪酬 Total Compensation 薪资/物质奖励Pay/financial recognition 福利 Benefits,关系Relationships 同事 Coworkers 经理 Managers 客户 Customers,领导 Leadership 可靠Credibility 信任Trust,生活质量 Quality of Life 物质条件 Physical environment 时间/工作/生活 Time/work/life,工作内容Work Activities 影响 Impact 挑战/兴趣 Challenge/interest 状况/自豪 Status/pride,文化适合度(CultureFitTM,公司文化Organizational Culture,一种被共同认可的现象A shared phenomenon 针对团队集体About groups 可学习发展的,并非继承的Learned, not inherited 没有对与错Not right or wrong 与满意与否无关Not about satisfaction 关于事情是如何被完成的,并非你所感觉到的事情完成的方式About how things are done NOT how you feel about the way things are done,公司文化Organisational Culture,可以将一个团队的成员与另一团队的成员区别开的集体程序化的思想The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group of people from another 以及and 预先使人们偏向于某种特定事态Predisposes people to prefer one state of affairs over another,公司文化的核心是对于日常操作所具有的共识The Core of Organisational Culture is Shared Perceptions of Daily Practices,对公司文化产生影响的因素Factors Influencing Organization Culture,公司发展历史及所有权 History and Ownership 领导 Leadership 规模 Size 产品/服务 Product/Service 技术 Technology 环境 Environment 人员 People 目的与目标 Goals and Objectives,文化的六个维度CultureSix Dimensions,业绩导向 Performance Orientation,人员方面 People Perspective,身份识别 Identity,开放性 Openness,控制 Control,灵活性 Flexibility,程序 Process,公司 Company,封闭 Closed,系统 Systems,教条 Normative,工作 Job,或 or,结果 Results,职业 Professional,公开 Open,自我 Self,实用 Pragmatic,个人 Person,或 or,或 or,或 or,或 or,或 or


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