2020春五年级英语下册 Unit 4 When is the art show B Let's talk说课稿 人教PEP版

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2020春五年级英语下册 Unit 4 When is the art show B Let's talk说课稿 人教PEP版_第1页
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2020春五年级英语下册 Unit 4 When is the art show B Let's talk说课稿 人教PEP版_第2页
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Unit 4 When is the art show?B Lets talk说课稿1. 说学习内容: 本课是pep小学英语下册Unit 4 When is the art show?第3课时 Part B Lets talk 2. 说学习目标: 主要有三点:1. 能够正确听、说、朗读“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on .”“What will you do for your mum?”“Ill cook noodles for her.”等交际用语。 2能够正确听、说、认读词汇,如:first、second,third,fourth,fifteenth等序数词及其缩略形式。 3. 能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk的内容,并把所学语言运用在真实场景中交流。 3. 说学习重难点:Listening and communication 4. 教学准备:课件、点读机 说学习过程(Learning steps): Step 1检测学生预习效果,把握进展快慢。 1. 读一读下列单词和短语,并写出中文意思。 cook_ both_ noodles_ delicious_ October 2nd_ August 15th_ a birthday party_2. 读一读下列句子,试着将其译为中文。 (1)When is his babys birthday?_ (2) My birthday is on April 4th._ (3) What will you do for your mum?_ (4) Ill cook noodles for her._ Step 2. Work in groups 1. Lead in.sing a birthday song together,引入话题,教师板书。 2. Read the passage. 学生听录音跟读,理解意思,并进行表演性朗读。 Step 3. Act out 小组内分角色进行表演操练、学生自愿上台表演,师生共评 Step 4课堂检测: 1. Make a dialogue. S1: When is your_? S2:Its on_ S1:Wonderful!My dads birthday is on that day. S2:Cool!What will you do for_? S1:I will _. S2:Please come and we_. 2. 从B栏内选出A栏内容的中文。 A栏 B栏 (1) Chinese noodles 你们俩个都(2) Both of you 四月四日 (3) Grandpas birthday 中式面条 (4) April 4th 爷爷的生日 (5) November 4th 十一月四日 3. 将下列中文句子译为英文。 (1) .什么时候是你的生日? (2) 中式面条很好吃 (3) 我的生日在六月二日。 (4) 我们为你们俩个人开个生日聚会。Step 5 Summing up&Homework 1. Words and phrase 2. Sentences Homework: 1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 2. Preview next lesson by looking up words and translating sentences 板书设计 Unit 4 When is the art show? When is your birthday? My birthday is on.What will you do for your mum? Ill cook noodles for her.2


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