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英语牛津六A期末测试卷(B)卷听力部分(25分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(7分)( ) 1. A. litterB. littleC. littering( ) 2. A. boughtB. broughtC. buy( ) 3. A. milkB. pickC. cook( ) 4. A. readB. readyC. really( ) 5. A. fineB. findC. film( ) 6. A. walletB. watchC. wash( ) 7. A. presentsB. parentsC. puppets二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分)( ) 1. A. Yes, I do.B. No, I didnt.C. Yes, I am.( ) 2. A. She does her homework.B. She goes to school.C. She did a dance.( ) 3. A. Ten.B. Twelve.C. Eight.( ) 4. A. Buy some new clothes.B. Eat some moon cakes.C. Make some kites.( ) 5. A. Its in January.B. Its in January or February.C. Its in March.三、听录音,选择最佳答案。(5分)( ) 1. A. I am in Nanjing.B. I was in Nanjing.C. I planted many trees.( ) 2. A. It was the ninth of December.B. It is the first of July. C. It was Sunday.( ) 3. A. They watch the moon and have some moon cakes.B. They visit their relatives and friends.C. They dress up in costumes and go to parties.( ) 4. A. Its Johns birthday.B. Its from Helens grandparents.C. Its under the tree.( ) 5. A. No, I wasnt.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I watched a VCD of Japanese cartoon.四、听录音,完成下列对话。(8分) Last week, an art festival in Anns school. The children some pictures. They the pictures on the wall near the school playground. They a lot of kites and them in the playground. They also English songs and did Chinese dances. Ann a good time.笔试部分(75分)五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)( ) 1. A. eatB. teaC. headD. Easter( ) 2. A. foodB. footC. goodD. book( ) 3. A. childB. ChristmasC. ChineseD. watch( ) 4. A. cowB. flowerC. knowD. how( ) 5. A. stoppedB. lookedC. jumpedD. planted六、英汉互译1. 参观长城 2. 摘一些橘子 3. 在我的前面 4. 写电子邮件 5. 度假 6. 向窗外看去 7. at a shopping centre 8. No littering 9. dead fish 10. messy and dirty 七、单项选择( ) 1. A: What it mean?B: It “Danger”.A. do; meanB. does; meansC. does; mean( ) 2. Tom a farm with his family last holiday.A. visitedB. visitC. visits( ) 3. The children kite yesterday. That fun!A. fly; isB. flyes; wasC. flew; was( ) 4. A: Did you a good time?B: Yes, I .A. had; didB. have; didC. have; have( ) 5. A: Where you last week?B: I was a camp.A. are; atB. was; inC. were; at( ) 6. A: What date is it today?B: Its 1st of October.A. aB. theC. an( ) 7. Please open the present me.A. forB. atC. to( ) 8. ate many noodles last Sunday.A. Mike and I B. I and MikeC. I and mike( ) 9. It is an day. We are all .A. excited; excitingB. exciting; excitingC. exciting; excited( ) 10. A: Whose book is it?B: Its not book. Its .A. my; herB. mine; hersC. my; hers八、根据提示完成下列句子。(10分)1. He (帮助) me just now.2. (圣诞节) is coming soon. All the (人们) are very excited.3. My sister gave me a (小鸟) as birthday present.4. The sign on the wall (意思是) “No parking.”5. My parents h a big party for me last Tuesday.6. A: Whose books are these?B: Theyre t .7. Theres a toilet b the building.8. Mrs. Green is w TV in the sitting room.9. My brother can p the rubber on the nose, but I cant.九、根据要求改写下面的句子。(5分)1. There was an old lion in front of the hill.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) 2. Now give me your child.(改为同义句)Now your child me.3. I played basketball in the playground yesterday.(对划线部分提问)What you in the playground yesterday?4. We dont go to school at the weekends.(改为同义句)We go to school Monday Friday.5. I visited the Shanghai Museum last year.(对划线部分提问) did you the Shanghai Museum?十、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(15分) Mike has a new bike now. He g to school by bike. So he neednt take a bus every d . He gets h at 4:30 pm. He does h homework first and then watches TV. Sometimes he h his mother with some housework. He is a good boy. My cousin Eddie is ten y old. He s in a school near his home. He a helps other students. Last Sunday he w to the park with his classmates. They h a good time.十一、阅读理解, 选择正确的答案。(15分)(一)In the USA, people celebrate (庆祝) Halloween on October 31st. Children always dress up. They wear special costumes and masks. They knock (敲) on their neighbours (邻居) doors and shout (喊) “trick or treat”. Their neighbours usually treat them with cholocates and sweets. Or the children can play a trick on them.Children also like to make JackOlanterns for Halloween. They cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp (尖锐的) teeth. Then they put some candles in the pumpkin lanterns. Children like Halloween very much.( ) 1. Halloween is on .A. December 31stB. October 31stC. November 31st( ) 2. Children usually wear at Halloween.A. costumesB. masksC. A and B( ) 3. The children can get from the “trick or treat”.A. sweetsB. lanternsC. masks( ) 4. A JackOlantern is made of .A. chocolateB. pumpkins and candlesC. eggs( ) 5. People usually put in the pumpkin lanterns.A. candlesB. sweetsC. chocolate(二) Mexicos (墨西哥) neighbours are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States. Mexico has more than ninety million people. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the worlds largest Spanish speaking country. Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7349 feet high (2240 metres). This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo. Mexico also has its specialities (特征). Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus (仙人掌) plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.( ) 1. Mexico is the USA.A. on the south ofB. on the north ofC. a part ofD. as large as( ) 2. Mexicans speak .A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. Latin (拉丁语)( ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.B. The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.C. Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population.D. Mexico City is the highest city in the world.( ) 4. Tomatoes were originally (最初) grown in .A. AmericaB. SpainC. TokyoD. Mexico( ) 5. The best title (题目) of the passage grown is .A. Mexico CityB. Mexicos plantsC. Mexico D. Mexicos population听力部分一、1. We shouldnt litter in the park. 2. Yesterday, Mum bought me an interesting storybook. 3. Lets pick some oranges and taste them. 4. Get up, David. Breakfast is ready. 5. Do you like the film? 6. Grandpa got a wallet at Christmas. 7. I visited a farm with my parents last Sunday.(1-5 AABBC6-7 AB)二、1. Do you often watch TV after school? 2. What does your cousin usually do at the weekends? 3. Two years ago, Li Ming was eight years old. How old is he now? 4. What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival. 5. When is the Spring Festival?(1-5 AAABB)三、1. Where were you last week? 2. What was the date yesterday? 3. What do people usually do at the Spring Festival? 4. Where is my birthday present? 5. Do you like pumpkin lanterns?(1-5 BABCB)四、Last week, there was an art festival in Anns school. The children drew some pictures. They put the pictures on the wall near the school playground. They made a lot of kites and flew them in the playground. They also sang English songs and did Chinese dances. Ann had a good time.(there, was, drew, put, made, flew, sang, had)笔试部分五、1-5 CABCD六、1. visit the Great Wall2. pick some oranges3. in front of me4. write emails5. on holiday6. look out of the window7. 在一家购物中心8. 禁止乱扔垃圾9. 死鱼10. 又脏又乱七、1-5 BACBC6-10 BAACC八、1. helped2. Christmas, people3. bird4. means5. had6. theirs7. behind/beside8. watching9. put九、1. Was there an old lion in front of the hill? No, there wasnt. 2. give, to3. did, do4. from, to5. When, visit十、goes, day, home, his, helps, years, studies, always, went, had十一、(一)1-5 BCABA(二) 1-5 ABDDC5


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