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1Drama2A drama is a story enacted onstage for a live audience. What Is Drama?3Two manifestations of a play It is a literary work, an order of words on a page to be read. 作为文学文本的戏剧(2)It is a performance, an order of speeches and visual effects presented on a stage. 作为舞台表演的戏剧4Origins of drama Origins of Drama The word drama comes from the Greek verb dran, which means “to do.” The earliest known plays . . . were written around the fifth century B.C. produced for festivals to honor Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility5The elements of Drama Aristotle categorized drama into six elements in his “Poetics” in order of importance as he view them.n Plotn Charactern Thoughtn Dictionn Musicn Spectacle6A play makes a progress from beginning, through middle, to end, or from exposition, through complication, to denouement. Like the plot of a story, the plot of a play involves characters who face a problem or conflict.Climaxpoint of highest tension;action determines how the conflict will be resolveddenouementconflict is resolved;play endsComplicationstension buildsExpositioncharacters and conflict are introducedplot7plot Conflict is a struggle or clash between opposing characters or forces. A conflict may develop . . between characters who want different things or the same thingqbetween a character and his or her circumstancesqwithin a character who is torn by competing desires8Exposition complication denouement exposition(戏剧呈现): It sets the action in time and place and makes us acquainted with the characters; it reveals the situation they are in, initiates the conflict to be developed, and it may introduce foreshadowing to hint at the resolution. All these must be done clearly and quickly.9complication(深度推进和冲突复杂化)-develops the conflict initiated by the exposition, providing the conflict with its depth and breadth upoint of attack 交锋点uthe rising action 上行的动作 uClimax(turning point,reversal)高潮uAnticlimax 突降,反高潮10denouement(结局) Ideally the denouement arises logically from the exposition and complication. Following the climax everything heads downward in falling action. Things fall into place, and the play heads toward the conclusion. Then its all over. 11Dramatic terms related to plot Foreshadowing预示,铺垫 Conflict 戏剧冲突 Rising action 动作上行 Climax 戏剧高潮 Falling action 动作下行 Anticlimax 突降,反高潮 Catastrophe 悲剧结尾 Subplot/double plot 次要情节/双重情节12Character: any person appearing in a drama or narrative Protagonist 主角 Antagonist 反角 Foil 陪衬人物 Stock character/type character类型化人物The rounded or three dimensional characters who are neither wholly good nor wholly evil, but wholly human are certainly the most convincing and rich characters.13 Protagonist-the main character in a dram. This character is usually the most interesting and sympathetic and is the person involved in the conflict driving the plot. Antagonist-a character or force in conflict with the protagonist. The antagonist is often another character but may also be a intangible force such as nature or society. The dramatic conflict can also take the form of a struggle with the protagonists own character.14 Foil-a character who, through difference or similarity, brings out a particular aspect of another character. Laertes, reacting to the death of his father, acts as a foil for Hamlet. Stock character- a stereotypical character type whose behavior, qualities, or beliefs conforms to familiar dramatic conventions. 15Characters may be portrayed in 4 ways.l character is delineated by appearancel character is revealed by speechl character is established by action1. character may be revealed by what other say about him, and the way in which they react to him.16Thought Thought refers to the reasoning aspect of drama, thought also concerns a plays theme which summarize the moral and indicated the symbolic meaning of the play as a whole.17Diction The language of drama must be dynamic. Dialogue in a play must advance the action Discourse in drama must be clear since the language must be immediately understood by the listener. The dialogue must be interesting despite the need for simplicity and economy The diction must be appropriate for the character and the situation Good dialogue in a play must be suited for oral expression 18Music Music refers to all of the auditory aspect of a play, including sound effects and the tonal pattern of the spoken word.19Spectacle 戏景 Spectacle refers to all of the visual aspects of productionscenery, lightening, costume, make-up, and the movement of the actor. The current accepted attitude is that the visual aspects of theatrical production is just to provide the psychological and physical environment and create the atmosphere for the play.20Genres of Drama 戏剧类型 Tragedy Comedy Tragicomedy Melodrama Problem play Farce21A tragedy is a play that ends unhappily. In tragedy, the protagonist suffers intensely and perhaps dies, having exhausted all the possibilities of his life.right and wrongjustice and injusticelife and deathTragedy Most classic Greek tragedies deal with serious, universal themes such as22The protagonist of most classical tragedies is a tragic hero. This hero is noble and in many ways admirable is often perception of a great mistake he has made, is doomed, and we watch in awe as he moves towards that doom.rebelliousnessjealousyprideTragedy23Tragedy is positive and optimistic in its view of the heights the human being can reach.nThe protagonist must have within him the tragic flaw, the making of his own destruction. Whether you call it pride, arrogance, vanity or whatever, within the human psyche must rest the seeds of doom.nTragedy is an assertion of the greatness of man. It shows mans ability to rise to the height of human dignity in the face of an opposing force which he himself knows will finally destroy him. nTears that may be shed at the final catastrophe are not tears of sadness, but of compassion. by the end, when tranquility has been restored, the audience has gone through a kind of spiritual purgation, in the realization of how great the human being can be upon occasion.24A comedy is a play that ends happily. The plot usually centers on a romantic conflict.boy meets girlboy loses girlboy wins girlComedy25The main characters in a comedy could be anyone:nobilityservantstownspeopleComedy26 Comic complications always occur before the conflict is resolved. In most cases, the play ends with a wedding.Comedy27Tragedy VS Comedy In tragedy, we are seldom aware of the commonplace of everyday living. Comedy lives in the very world that tragedy transcends. Comedy is the genre of plays that make us laugh at mans vices and follies. Comedy is most concerned with social man, while tragedy is most concerned with philosophical man. Comedy concentrates, not on mans destiny, but on his follies, foibles and vices. Frequently, comedy will exaggerate or distort these deviations for greater effect. Yet, for all its painting of mans failings, comedy is usually affirmative, leaving us pleased and gratified.28Tragicomedy 悲喜剧 A type of drama that combines certain elements of both tragedy and comedy. The plays plot tends to be serious, leading to a terrible catastrophe, until an unexpected turn in events leads to a reversal of circumstance, and the story ends happily. Tragicomedy often employs a romantic, fast-moving plot dealing with love, jealousy, disguises treachery, intrigue and surprise, all moving toward a melodramatic resolution.29Melodrama 情节剧 A suspenseful play filled with situations that just appeal excessively to the audiences emotion. Justice triumphs in a happy ending: the good characters (completely virtuous) are rewarded and the bad characters (thoroughly villainous) are punished. Like farce, melodrama pays almost no attention to human values, but its object is to give a thrill instead of a laugh. Often good entertainment, never any literary value.30Problem Play 社会问题剧 Drama of social criticism discusses social, economic, or political problems by means of a play. Ibsen is notable writer of problem play.31Farce 滑稽剧,笑剧 When comedy involves ridiculous or hilarious complications without regard for human values, it becomes farce. 32Fantasy 幻想剧 A play sometimes, but not always, in comic spirit in which the author gives free reign to his fantasy, allowing things to happen without regard to reality. 33A modern play usually is about ordinary people may be tragedy, comedy, or a mixture of the two usually focuses on personal issuesModern Drama34Modern playwrights often experiment with unconventional plot structures.Modern Dramalong flashbacksmusicvisual projections of a characters private thoughts35When you read a play, remember that it is meant to be performed for an audience. Stage DirectionsPlaywright describes setting and characters actions and manner.Wyona is sitting on the couch. She sees Paul and jumps to her feet.Wyona. Angrily. What do you want?Performance of a PlayPerformanceTheater artists bring the playwrights vision to life on the stage.The audience responds to the play and shares the experience.36Performance of a Play Theater artists include Actors Directors Lighting technicians Stage crew37Stages can have many different sizes and layouts.“Thrust” stageSetting the Stage The stage extends into the viewing area. The audience surrounds the stage on three sides.38“In the round” stage is surrounded by an audience on all sides.Setting the Stage39Proscenium stageSetting the Stage The playing area extends behind an opening called a “proscenium arch.” The audience sits on one side looking into the action.upstagedownstagestage leftstage right40Setting the StageStages in Shakespeares time were thrust stages.41Scene design transforms a bare stage into the world of the play. Scene design consists of props sets costumes lightingSetting the Stage42A stages set might berealistic and detailedSetting the Stageabstract and minimal43A lighting director skillfully uses light to change the mood and appearance of the set.Setting the Stage44The costume director works with the director to design the actors costumes. Like sets, costumes can bedetailedminimalSetting the Stage45Props (short for properties) are items that the characters carry or handle onstage. The person in charge of props must make sure that the right props are available to the actors at the right moments.Setting the Stage46The characters speech may take any of the following forms.Dialogue: conversations of characters onstageMonologue: long speech given by one character to othersSoliloquy: speech by a character alone onstage to himself or herself or to the audienceAsides: remarks made to the audience or to one character; the other characters onstage do not hear an asideThe Characters47Finally, a play needs an audience toexperience the performanceunderstand the storyrespond to the charactersThe audience个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论


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