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The Land of The Lock The Land ofThe LockUnit 3Unit 3Unit 3SecurityThe Land of the LockUnit 3Aim of knowledgeAim of SkillsAim of Emotion and Attitudesgrasp the main idea (America is deteriorating into “the most insecure nation”) and the structure of the text (opening-body-conclusion);learn to use comparison and contrast in writing more effectively and to use keywords for more efficient reading;Students will get to appreciate the affective development of the text. In this way, they will be guided to have a critical thinking about the security and self-protection.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 321345Lead-inContent FocusingLanguageFocusingFurther ExplorationAssignmentsSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Do you feel safe living on campus?What precautions do you usually do to protect yourselves from danger?SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3theft、burglary (入室盗窃)(入室盗窃)motor vehicle robbery机动车抢劫SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3telecommunication fraud通信诈骗通信诈骗SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3kidnapHijack劫持劫持SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3rapeChild abuse虐待儿童虐待儿童SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Shooting/murder谋杀谋杀Assassination暗杀暗杀SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3 With Shooting incident raging, a tragedy happened nearly every month. American people take possession of 250 million guns, which makes the security situation even worse.DateKilledInjuredJan. 2427Mar. 2983Apr. 3144Jul. 2746Aug. 4515Nov .615SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 33. What can we do to protect ourselves?In ancient timesLocksCastle The Great WallSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 33. What can we do to protect ourselves?In modern times elaborate and hi-tech LOCKSDead-bolt lock防盗锁防盗锁Security chains防护链防护链Electronic alarm system电子报警系统电子报警系统SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 33. What can we do to protect ourselves?In modern times elaborate and hi-tech LOCKSSurveillance camera监控摄像头监控摄像头Access card出入卡出入卡Electronic X-ray equipment电子透视装置电子透视装置SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Theme Introduction remarksWith the soaring crime rate, we try to apply a variety of safety devices to protect ourselves. The era of no one picking up and pocketing anything lost on the road, while no family having the need to bolt the doors at night (路不拾遗,夜不闭户 ) has gone. But do we feel safer than before? In text A the author depicts this situation in America and discusses the deep root of security problem. SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3The text, by providing many examples, describes, the wide use of security devices, typically locks in varied forms in America. The author, by comparing with the past era of leaving the front door on the latch, regrets that people no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their possessions. And this has led to the fact that people may have locked the evils out, but they also have locked themselves in.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 321345Lead-inContent FocusingLanguageFocusingFurther ExplorationAssignmentsSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3123Part 1 true or false Text StructurePart 2 details identifying 4Part 3 conclusion SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Part 1(Para.1-3)Part 2(Para.4-15)Part 3(Para.16-19)In America, the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close.A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, are put to use.By locking our fears out, we become prisoners of our own making.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3( )( )1. The phrase “on the latch” means the door is closed and locked. 2. Nowadays, doors, not only in cities but also in rural areas, are locked. FTTrue or False This phrase means the door is closed but unlocked.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 33. Urban streets are more dangerous than outskirts and country areas. ( )( )Suburbs and country areas are more dangerous than urban streets.4. In America nowadays, no one leaves his front door on the latch anymore. FTTrue or False SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3 America is deteriorating from “the Land of Free” into the “the most insecure nation ”.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Task 1 Facts Findingfind out the supporting facts of the central point of view in the text. the Land of Freethe most insecure nation SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Unit 3 The Land of Lockdead-bolt lock security chain alarm system SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Unit 3 The Land of Lock Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.郊区的许多人家安装了玻璃滑门,内侧有装得很讲究的钢条以防撬开SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Unit 3 The Land of Lock(para.5)(para.5)Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of the most pleasant homes. (Para.5)SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3 Access cards are required of those who work with medium- to large-size companies.(para.10)SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 36.Airport has tightened up security checks 机场加强警戒 (para.13) Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.(para13)SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 38. Businessmen employ new machines linked up to their telephone to determine whether the caller is telling lies or not. (Para.15)SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Security Devices Security chains Electronic alarm systemtrip wireDead-bolt locksSliding glass doors withSteel barsAccess CardElectronic X-ray equipmentSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3We became prisoners of ourselves when we deal with the unseen horrors among us.Questions and AnswersIn the name of “security”.1. Under what excuse do people resort to all those means mentioned in Part 2?2. According to the author, what may be the legacy we remember best when we recall this era?SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3 We may have locked the evils out, but in so doing we have locked ourselves in. We have become the prisoners of ourselves. 我们或许是把邪恶锁在了门外,但在这么做的同时 我们把自己锁在里边了。 我们成了自己的奴隶。SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 321345Lead-inContent FocusingLanguageFocusingFurther ExplorationAssignmentsSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 312Sentence ExploringWords to DrillSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 31)I dont know if that was a local term or if it is universal. (Para. 1)2)Translate this sentence into Chinese.我不知道这是当地的一种说法,还是大家都是这么说的.1) What do “local” and “universal” mean respectively?“Local” means “of a particular place”, while “universal” means “common to all conditions or situations”SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 32).doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening (Para. 2)Paraphrase the sentence. doors are always locked, even just for a short period of time in the eveningSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 33) It is not uncommon, in the most pleasant of homes, to see pasted on the windows small notices announcing that the premises are under surveillance by this security force or that guard company.(Para. 5)Analyze the structure.结构: see sth. done(被动) See small notices pasted on the window Small notices (announcing that ) 分词短语做定语 SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 34) Indeed, a recent public-service advertisement by a large insurance company featured not charts showing how much at risk we are, but a picture of a childs bicycle with the now-usual padlock attached to it.(Para. 6)What is the insurance companys intention of running an ad with a picture showing a padlock attached to a kids bicycle?The insurance company wants to show what danger people are in now because they may get the kids bicycle stolen.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3feature: 报纸为那个事件做了个专题报道。报纸为那个事件做了个专题报道。1. vt. give a prominent part to (sb./sth.)The newspaper featured the story of the event. The play featured two well-known actors. SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 35) but who is going to pay for what the new atmosphere of distrust and fear is doing to our way of life? Who is going to make the psychic payment for the transformation of America from the Land of the Free to the Land of the Lock? (Para. 7)Translate this sentence into Chinese.但谁来赔偿互不信任、担心害怕这种新氛围对我们的生活方式所造成的影响呢?谁来对美国从自由之国到锁之国这一蜕变作出精神赔偿呢?SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 36) If you work for a medium- to large-size company, chances are that you dont just wander in and out of work.(Para. 5)Paraphrase the structure “chances are that ”It is very likely that 我们很可能会轻松取胜。Chances are that we will win easily/ It is likely that we willSecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 37) It simply didnt occur to managers that the proper thing to do was to distrust people.(Para. 11)Paraphrase the structure “It occurs to sb. that”sb. gets the idea that 我突然意识到可以用电脑来做这个工作。It suddenly occurred to me that we could use a computer to do the job.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 38) We seem finally to have figured out a way to hold the terrorists, real and imagined, at bay.( .Para. 13)Finally, we found the way to keep away the terrorists, no matter whether they are real or imagined in our mind.hold/keep (sb.) at bay: prevent (an enemy, pursuers, etc.) from coming near e.g. She left the light on at night to keep her fears at bay. SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 39) The machines are supposed to tell the businessman, with a small margin of error, whether his friend or client is telling lies.( .Para. 15)The machines are thought to be able to tell the businessman whether his friend or client is telling lies with little probability of making mistakes.SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 310) All this is being done in the name of “security”; that is what we tell ourselves.( .Para. 16)1) Why does the author use the quotation marks?This is not real security. People are living in the illusion that they are properly protected by these security means.2)Translate this sentence into Chinese.所有这一切都是以“安全”的名义实施的;我们是这么跟自己说SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3My computer is hooked up to the Internet, so I can communicate with my students at home via email.hook up to: connect or attach (sth.) to (sth. else) with or as if with a hook SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3你的论点相当容易受到批评。vulnerable: adj. exposed to danger or attack; unprotected Your arguments are rather vulnerable to criticism.。SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3On further reflection, she saw her mistake.reflection: n 1.a thing bringing discredit or criticism (followed by on) 有损有损的声誉的事的声誉的事他沉思片刻后做出了否定的回答。 The fact that we all failed the test was a reflection on our teacher.2. 反思,思考反思,思考SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Task 1 Find out useful expressions in the text (门)关着但没上锁 (暂时)关闭 巡逻严密的城区街道 据称很宁静的地区 的时代结束了 电子报警系统 连接到On the latch Close upWell-patrolled urban streetsThe allegedly tranquil areas Electronic alarm systemThe era of is over Hook up to SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Task 1 Find out useful expressions in the text 处于监控下 设置障碍 保安 不让靠近 电子搜查器 看都不看一眼 代表,表示,象征 沉浸于,沐浴于 误差率很小Under surveillance Put up barriersSecurity guards Hold / keep sb. at bay Electronic friskersWithout so much as a sideways glanceStand for Be bathed in With/by a small margin of error SecurityThe Land of the Lock Unit 3Task 1 Find out useful expressions in the text 在人类文明的历史上 聪明反被聪明误 回首过去 看不见的恐惧In the history of civilized man Outsmart oneselfLook back on Unseen horror can keep your bad habit of smoking at bay without so much as enduring a typhoon Unit 2 (1) v 1. The house was so vulnerable that it collapsed _ _ (甚至连一次台风都没有经历过)。v 2. I will give you money _ _ _(前提是你代表我出席会议)。v 3. _(我从来都未曾想到过) you would betray me。v 4. I strongly believe that strict discipline _ _ (能够使你远离吸烟的恶习)。v 5. It is not unusual that _ _ (一根普通电线就能让你连接到外部世界)。 on the premise that you stand for my presence at the conferenceIt has never occurred to me that a common wire can help you hook up to the outside world. v 6. This is a very tough problem; _ _ (很可能你需要深思熟虑才能解答) 。v 7. (数据显示)_ poor health has much to do with unhealthy eating habits.v 8. The machine _ (突出的特点是分析的误差率很小)。v 9. _(回顾过去的宁静乡村生活),I am upset of the busy life now.v 10. _ (沐浴着新时代的气息),we all have a firm confidence to devote our youth and energy to the construction of the Four Modernizations.Statistics show that features analysis with a small margin of errorLooking back on the tranquil rural life chances are that you need reflection on it before you can find a solution to itBathed in the breath of the new era Unit 2 (2)


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