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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 北京中医药大学21春“公共课”英语3补考试题库附带答案一.综合考核(共50题)1._ along the street, a car hit him and ran away.A.WalkingB.WalkedC.While he was walkingD.While walking参考答案:C2.At that time he was too poor to _ a doctor.A.askB.allowC.affordD.aid参考答案:C3.The old woman is still _ as an authority on this subject.A.thoughtB.respectedC.regardedD.believed参考答案:C4.Small talk is a good way to kill time, make friends and _ something with others.A.argueB.replaceC.matchD.share参考答案:D5.I had some trouble _ the letter. The boy is handwriting was so poor.A.to readB.at readingC.readD.reading参考答案:B6.Excuse me, how much is the jacket? _A.Would you like to try it on?B.Which do you prefer?C.Oh, no. Thats OK!D.How do you like it?参考答案:A7.I was so tired then that I fell _ in class.A.sleptB.asleepC.sleepD.sleeping参考答案:B8.She _ music once a week at a middle school.A.instructsB.institutesC.installsD.insists参考答案:A9.The _ temperature of the human body is about 37 degree.A.naturalB.normalC.commonD.ordinary参考答案:B10.Are you feeling better today, Jack? _A.Dont worry about me.B.There must be something wrong.C.Just have a good rest.D.Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still dont feel good.参考答案:D11.Thanks, you saved my life! _A.Its not necessary for you to say so.B.No problem.C.Oh, Im afraid I didnt do well enough.D.Im glad I could help.参考答案:D12.You can _ how happy I was when I saw my father there.A.pictureB.imagineC.imageD.fancy参考答案:B13.The study shows that one group of children is fairly stable _ the second group is severely disturbed.A.whileB.thoughC.whenD.even参考答案:A14.Water and soil pollution is the _ of crop failures in the region.A.causeB.reasonC.factorD.fact参考答案:A15._ youre early you cant be sure of getting a seat.A.IfB.WhenC.UnlessD.Because参考答案:C16.The boy kept bothering me with questions and I could not _ on what I was reading.A.decideB.concentrateC.commentD.depend参考答案:B17._ the first to use nuclear weapons.A.At no time China will beB.Will China never beC.Never China will beD.At no time will China be参考答案:D18.The college sports meeting was _ till next week because of the heavy rain.A.put upB.put onC.put outD.put off参考答案:D19.There are two rooms in the house, _ serves as a kitchen.A.the smaller of whichB.the smaller of thatC.the smallest of whichD.the smallest of that参考答案:A20.We all know she has a mind _ her own.A.onB.inC.ofD.by参考答案:C21.Good health _ good food, fresh air and enough sleep.A.results inB.owes toC.leads toD.results from参考答案:D22.Whats the problem with your bike? _A.Nothing serious.B.Sure.C.Good, thank you.D.Not at all.参考答案:A23.She asked me _.A.whether or not I had finished the jobB.did I finish the jobC.is the job finished or notD.if or not I have finished the job参考答案:A24.If we _ early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark.A.set upB.take upC.set offD.take off参考答案:C25.Over the past decades, sea ice in the Arctic(北极) _ as a result of global warming.A.has been decreasingB.had decreasedC.will decreaseD.is decreasing参考答案:B26.“That latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, no, _.”A.it hasntB.it didntC.it mustntD.it must havent参考答案:B27.His political activity made him a powerful _ in the area of physics.A.traderB.freshmanC.followerD.figure参考答案:D28.Enough care should be taken to _ the express way.A.retainB.repairC.maintainD.mend参考答案:C29.The frequent social activities got _ his studies.A.hold ofB.rid ofC.down toD.in the way of参考答案:D30.Given the choice between work and play, Tom would surely prefer the _.A.latterB.laterC.lastD.late参考答案:A31.I wonder how long ago this school _.A.has begunB.beganC.has startedD.begins参考答案:B32.Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! _. This is not the end of the world.A.Good luckB.Go aheadC.Cheer upD.No problem参考答案:C33.Someone thinks that a dictionary means everything when he tried to learn a language. but in my opinion, a dictionary is _ to beginners of English.A.usefulB.of useC.of little useD.used参考答案:C34.You must not let pleasure _ with your study.A.interpretB.interfereC.interruptD.disturb参考答案:B35.You may depend on _ will not repeat his mistakes.A.him thatB.thatC.it thatD.which that参考答案:C36.When Bob and his friends came, we _ our supper then.A.were havingB.haveC.are havingD.had参考答案:A37.The fog is so heavy that we have difficulty _ what it is before us.A.to make outB.in making outC.for making outD.on making out参考答案:B38.When they reach a certain age, army officers _ from active service.A.retireB.retreatC.reverseD.remain参考答案:A39.War destroys everything and should be _ at all costs.A.avoidedB.ignoredC.defeatedD.conquered参考答案:A40.He is not interested in doing his homework. He would rather _ out playing some sports.A.beB.to beC.isD.was参考答案:A41.She was angry about _ this.A.you sayB.your sayC.your sayingD.you saying参考答案:C42.The book is difficult _.A.to be readB.to readC.readingD.being read参考答案:B43.Everything you have told us _ us in the view that this man cannot be trusted.A.complainsB.conductsC.confirmsD.concludes参考答案:C44.From the hotel there is a good _ of the mountain.A.viewB.sceneC.sceneryD.sight参考答案:A45.You will fail in the examination _ you study harder.A.unlessB.whenC.ifD.as soon as参考答案:A46.Nothing he did was wrong, _?A.was itB.was not itC.were theyD.were not they参考答案:A47.He told me that he had arrived here on the _ night.A.formerB.previousC.priorD.last参考答案:B48.That institution keeps us _ of the latest developments on the stock market.A.informedB.informC.to informD.informing参考答案:A49.I considered _ Mr. smith but decided that Mr. Jones was more suitable for the job.A.employB.employmentC.to employD.employing参考答案:D50.I wonder if I could use your computer tonight. _ Im not using it right now.A.I dont know.B.It doesnt matterC.Sure, here you are.D.Who cares?参考答案:C


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