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Section APeriod Threelaboratoryoutdoorscoatsleepyn. 实验室实验室adv. 在户外;在野外在户外;在野外n. 外套;上衣外套;上衣adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的困倦的;瞌睡的Words ReviewTo learn to use must, might, could and cant for making inferences It must be Carlas.It could be Meis hair band.Im not sure, but it cant be a dog.动词的种类动词的种类按词义和句中的作用,动词可以分为四类。按词义和句中的作用,动词可以分为四类。 实义动词(及物动词和不及物动词)实义动词(及物动词和不及物动词) 系动词系动词 助动词助动词 情态动词情态动词 That man _ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. (2011湖南株洲湖南株洲)A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 考查情态动词辨析。考查情态动词辨析。neednt意为意为“不不必必”;mustnt表示表示“明令禁止明令禁止”;cant表示表示“不可能不可能”。根据句意。根据句意“那个那个男人不可能是我的英语老师。他去了加拿男人不可能是我的英语老师。他去了加拿大。大。”故选故选C。考点例析考点例析情态动词具有一定的意义,但不能单独作情态动词具有一定的意义,但不能单独作谓语,其后需接动词原形一起构成句子的谓语,其后需接动词原形一起构成句子的谓语。情态动词谓语。情态动词(除除have to以外以外)没有人称没有人称和数的变化。另外,情态动词可用来构成和数的变化。另外,情态动词可用来构成否定句、疑问句并进行简略回答。初中常否定句、疑问句并进行简略回答。初中常见的情态动词有:见的情态动词有:can, may, must, need, have to, could, should, ought to 等。等。考点一:考查表示考点一:考查表示“能力能力”的情态动词的情态动词 1. _ your Australian friend eat with chopsticks? Yes, but she cant use them well. A. Should B. Need C. Can D. Must2. The work is too hard for us. We _ finish it on time. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 3. Could your father play golf when he was young? No, he _. But he _ play table tennis. A. couldnt; could B. neednt; might C. mustnt; should D. shouldnt; need 【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 情态动词情态动词can表示表示“能力能力”时,与时,与be able to同义,其否定形式为同义,其否定形式为cant。can表示现在的能力,其过去式表示现在的能力,其过去式could表示过表示过去的能力。去的能力。考点二:考查表示考点二:考查表示“应该应该”的情态动词的情态动词 1. _ we to finish our homework before noon? Yes, you _. A. Need; can B. Have; do C. Ought; ought to D. Should; must2. You _ study hard if you want to be a scientist in the future. A. may B. should C. would D. could 【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 情态动词情态动词should和和ought to都可表示都可表示“应该应该”,但,但should侧重说话者主观的看侧重说话者主观的看法,而法,而ought to更侧重客观情况。更侧重客观情况。 should的否定形式为的否定形式为shouldnt,ought to的否定形式为的否定形式为oughtnt to或或ought not to。考点三:考查表示考点三:考查表示“请求;许可请求;许可”的情的情态动词及其回答态动词及其回答 1. _ I borrow your maths book? Sure. Here you are. A. Need B. Will C. May D. Must 2. _ I take some photos in the hall? No, you _. Look at the sign “No photos”! A. Can; neednt B. Must; mustnt C. Should; neednt D. May; mustnt 3. Could I use your dictionary for a while? Yes, of course you _. A. could B. can C. will D. should 【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 情态动词情态动词may和和can都可表示都可表示“请求;请求;许可许可”。may比比can正式,正式,could在表示在表示“请请求;许可求;许可” 时,既可表示过去,也可表示时,既可表示过去,也可表示语气的委婉。语气的委婉。 当当“May / Can / Could I ”表示表示“请请求;许可求;许可”时,肯定回答常用时,肯定回答常用“Yes, please.” / “Certainly.”等,否定回答常用等,否定回答常用“No, you cant / mustnt.”等。等。考点四:考查表示考点四:考查表示“推测推测”的情态动词的情态动词1. I saw Lily in the supermarket this morning. Oh, it _ her. She moved to Australia the day before yesterday. A. can be B. must be C. cant be D. mustnt be2. After a long walk, the children _ be very tired now. A. will B. must C. have to D. can3. John _ go with us tomorrow, but he isnt sure. A. must B. can C. need D. may 【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 may, can, must都可表都可表“推测推测”,三者,三者的可能性依次递增。的可能性依次递增。 may和和must表表“推测推测”常用于肯定句常用于肯定句中,中,can表表“推测推测”常用于否定句和疑问句常用于否定句和疑问句中。中。考点五:考查考点五:考查need, must和和have to的用法的用法 1. Jim, you _ play with the knife. You _ hurt yourself. A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; shouldnt 2. _ I have to hand in my homework now, Mr Zhang? Yes, you do. A. Do B. Can C. May D. Must 3. Must I get up before six oclock tomorrow morning, Dad? No, you _. Tomorrow is Saturday. You may get up a little later. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not4. Its too late. We _ go home, or well be blamed (责备责备). A. can B. may C. might D. have to【考点点拨】【考点点拨】 need作情态动词,意为作情态动词,意为“需要需要”,后,后接动词原形,常用于否定句、疑问句和条接动词原形,常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。件句中。 must意为意为“必须必须”,强调主观看法。,强调主观看法。对对must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用“must”,否定回答常用,否定回答常用neednt或或dont have to。mustnt意为意为“一定不要;禁止一定不要;禁止”。 have to意为意为“ 不得不;必须不得不;必须”,强调,强调客观情况下需要做某事,有人称、数和时客观情况下需要做某事,有人称、数和时态的变化,变否定句和疑问句时需要借助态的变化,变否定句和疑问句时需要借助助动词完成句型的变化。助动词完成句型的变化。分分类类特点特点 例词例词意义意义例句例句情情态态动动词词跟动跟动词原词原形形(有(有自己自己的词的词汇意汇意思)思)can (could), may (might), should, ought to, must, need, have to, etc.不能独立不能独立做谓语。做谓语。表示说话表示说话人语气、人语气、情感情感或或态态度,无人度,无人称和数的称和数的变化变化(have to除外除外)We cant carry the heavy box.He may come tomorrow.We must study hard. Finish the exercises 4a-4c on page 20.Find the answer to the question.Individual activity注注: : 另附另附 word word 文档。文档。点击此处链接点击此处链接1. The room is big enough. It _ hold 100 people. (2011广西南宁广西南宁) A. can B. must be C. need D. have to2. Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow? Sorry, you _. (2011重庆重庆) A. cant B. dont C. neednt D. wontI. 中考链接。中考链接。3. Whose T-shirt is this? It _ be Johns. Its much too small for him. (2011湖北荆州湖北荆州) A. may B. must C. cant D. shouldnt4. The talented boy _ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten. (2011山西山西) A. may B. could C. must5. Bob, shall we go and meet our new classmate? Sorry. Im busy now. But you _ ask David to go with you. He is free. (2011浙江丽水浙江丽水) A. need B. may C. would D. must6. _ I borrow your history book? Sure. Here you are. (2011江苏淮安江苏淮安) A. Must B. May C. Need D. Will7. Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic lights change to red. (2011上海上海) A. can B. may C. must D. need8. The magazine _ be Lilys, for we can find her name on the cover. (2011山东青岛山东青岛) A. may B. might C. could D. must9. Must I get up early tomorrow morning? No, _. (2011山东滨州山东滨州) A. you mustnt B. I dont think you have to C. you cant D. you need10. Look at the sign! Oh, I see. We _ waste water. (2011广西南宁广西南宁) A. can B. must C. mustnt D. neednt1. Review passive voice we have learnt today.2. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.Homework


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