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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流简单句的五种基本结构.精品文档.简单句的五种基本结构简单句是由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。简单句的谓语部分包括谓语动词及宾语、宾语补足语、表语等不同句子成分,不同谓语动词的不同组合形成简单句的基本句型。一、主语+连系动词+表语1. 这一句型中的连系动词除be之外,主要有一下几类: (1) 感官系动词:feel(感到,摸起来), look(看起来), taste(尝起来), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来)这衣服是丝绸织的,摸上去很柔软。 这花闻起来很香。(2) 渐变类系动词:become(变得,成为), come(成为,变为), fall(变得), get(变得), go(变为;成为), grow(变得), turn(变得)我弟弟已经成为一个著名作家。 他的梦想变成了现实。听到这个消息,那女孩的脸变红了。(3) 保持类系动词:keep(保持), remain(依然), stay(保持)请保持安静。 你能告诉我保持年轻的秘诀吗?冬天这座山依然是绿的。 他一直在这个学校当了二十年的老师。2. 表语可以由名词、代词、形容词、部分副词、数词、介词等来充当。如:他是个化学家。 这些铅笔是我的。他的讲话既长又令人厌烦。 孩子们出去了。二、主语+不及物动词1. 本句型的不及物动词是表意动词,在句中作谓语,说明主语的行动、状态或心理活动。有时态变化,人称和数要和主语保持一致。常见的不及物动词有agree, arrive, burn, come, dance, die, fall, fly, go, hurry, jump, leave(离开), listen, live, look, move, play, rest, ring, rise, run, shout, sit, skate, smile, snow, speak, stand, stay, stop, swim, travel, talk, try, wait, walk, work, worry等(1) 月亮升起来了。(2) 我的表停了。 (3) 老师还没有到。可以在这一句型后加上时间、地点等状语,使句意更具体。例如:(4) 他是昨天来的。 (5) 昨天晚上雨下得很大。 (6) 他走了。 (7) 他们走了五英里。 (8) 他说话不太多。三、主语+及物动词+宾语这个句型中的宾语常见的有以下四种形式:1. 名词、代词我们都喜欢这个音乐会。2. 动词不定式只能跟不定式作宾语的动词有agree , allow, beg, decide , expect, fail , force , hope , learn, permit, persuade, plan, prepare , promise, refuse , want, warn, wish , would like , should love 等动词(短语)。(1)他同意帮助我们。(2) 这女孩决定当老师。动词know , advise, ask, decide, discuss, explain, find out, forget , learn, show, teach ,tell等后常用“who (what, which, when, where, how, whether or 等) + 不定式” 结构作宾语。 (3)我不知道先拿(take)哪一个。(4)你能告诉我在哪儿买这本书吗?3. 动词-ing形式跟-ing形式作宾语的有:advise, consider (考虑 ), enjoy , excuse ,finish, keep , mind, miss, practise, spend, suggest 等动词及feel like , what (how ) about 等固定词组。另外,worth ,busy 这两个形容词后也跟-ing形式作宾语。(1)我建议早点离开。(2)我现在不想做家庭作业(feel like)。(3)这个博物馆很值得参观。4. need, want, require后跟-ing的主动式(doing)或不定式的被动式(to be done)表示被动含义。 窗子需要擦。 5. 既可以跟不定式也可以跟-ing形式作宾语以下动词既可接-ing形式又可跟不定式作宾语,但含义不同:(1) cant help doing情不自禁;cant help (to) do不能帮助做 (2) try doing 试着做;try to do 尽力做 (3) go on doing 继续做原来在做的事;go on to do 接着做另一件事 (4) mean doing 意味着;mean to do 打算做 (5) forget , remember, regret 后跟-ing形式作表示已发生的动作,跟不定式表示未发生的动作。听到那个消息她情不自禁地哭了。 .很抱歉,我不能帮忙擦窗子了。我永远忘不了参观长城这件事。 离开之前不要忘了关灯。6. 当不定式作宾语时,如带有宾语补足语(形容词或名词),就要用it作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。I find it difficult to understand his. 我觉得跟他沟通很难。四、主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(give sb sth)有些动词有两个宾语,一般是间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。如:He handed me a cup of tea.如果把直接宾语放在间接宾语之前,间接宾语前要加to或for。1. 加to的主要动词有:give, hand, pass, lend, pay, read, sell, send, show, teach, tell, post,bring, take, leave, return write, throw, promise, refuse, allow, offer, pay等。He gave me an apple. He gave an apple to me. 他给了我一本小人书。Can you show us a different film? Can you show a different film to us? 你能给我们放部别的电影吗?2)加介词for的主要动词有:make, buy, do, fetch, get, play, save, order, cook, sing, find等She made us a cup of tea. .She made a cup of tea for us. 母亲为我做了一件新衬衣。I bought him a little present. I bought a present for him. 我给他买了一件小礼物。五、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语这种结构中的补足语有以下几种类型:1. call, name, make, choose, consider, elect, find, think, wish等常以名词作宾补。如:(1) 我们通常叫他“猴子”。 (2) 祝你一路愉快。2. believe,color,consider,find,get,keep,leave,make,turn,push,tear,prove,set,think等动词后常跟形容词作宾补。(1) 你认为(believe/think/consider) 约翰错了吗?(2) 我不认(consider)为他是我的朋友。(3) 好的食物使你保持健康。3. ask, allow, beg, call on, cause, consider(认为)encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, like, order, tell, wish, would like等动词要以带to的不定式作宾补。不定式的否定式是在不定式前加 not 或never。(1) 我父母不允许我很晚不归(stay out late)。(2) 什么使你这么想的? (3) 他父亲告诉他不要玩火。注意:汉语中人们常用“希望某人做某事”这样的结构,所以在学英语时,就常写出I hope you to come a little earlier. 这样错误的句子。正确的表达应是:I hope you will come a little earlier. 4. 一感(feel),二听(hear, listen to),三让(have, let, make),四看(look at, notice, see, watch)这些动词后常跟不带的不定式作宾补。(1) 她不回让我们走的。(2) 老板注意到两个工人离开了车间。注意:(1) 上述动词后跟不带to 的不定式作宾补时,如变为被动语态,则不定式符号to不能省略。如:Something was heard to fall onto the ground. 听见有个什么东西掉到地上。(2) 感观动词后跟不定式作宾补表示的动作已完成,跟动词的-ing形式表示正在进行。试比较:老师看见女孩的脸变红了。我来到教室时听见他们在唱歌。练习:1. They are considering _the house before the prices go up. A. of buying B. with buying C. buying D. to buy 2. -To buy that old car means _a lot of money. -Really? I dont mean _much money. A. to waste; to waste B. wasting; to waste C. wasting; wasting D. to waste; wasting3. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry4. The Internet _it easy to get much new information in a short time.A. finds B. makes C. feels D. takes 5. Could you lend your radio _me tomorrow, Joan? Mine is broken. A. to B. for C. at D. in 6. -Please wait here. Ill come back soon. - All right. Well _the library _you come back. A. stay; until B. get; till C. stay at ; till D. wait for; until7. .-I tried to make Kate _ her mind, but I found it hard .-Well, I saw you_ that when I went past.A. change, do B. changes, doing C. to change, do D. change , doing8. Everyone must _ their hands _ . A. kept, cleanly B. keeps, clean C. keep, clean D. keep, cleaning 9. Ron _ Henry to help him with his biology. A. lets B. had C. hopes D. wishes10. He told me _ bring you anything. A. not to B. to not C. not D. dont 11. Your hair wants _. Youd better have it done tomorrow. A. cutting B. to cut C. cut D. being cut 12. I heard Mother _ with Father in the next room at ten last night. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. is talking 13. The dog was _ the next morning. A. found die B. found dying C. found dead D. found death 14. - Do you often hear John _ in his room? - Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his room. A. sing; to sing B. singing; singing C. to sing; singing D. sing; singing15.-Im trying to remember the phone number. - Why dont you _in the phone book? A. look up it B. look it C. look it up D. look up 16. She didnt remember _him before. A. to have met B. to meet C. having met D. to having met17. I dont feel _going out for a walk now. A. interested B. happy C. excited D. like 18. The boss promised to _the workers payment(工资). A. rise B. lift C. raise D. wait19. He sent _. A. some cards his friends B. to his friends some cards C. his friends some cards D. his friends to some cards 20. -Jack spends too much time reading. - _him read if he wants to. A. Let her B. Ask C. Allow D. Make


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