八年级英语上册教程 Unit 2(新版)人教新目标版

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Unit 2 How to keep healthy 1. 正确使用频率副词或短语表达生活中进行某项活动的频率,并就如何保持健康提出建议,完成写作任务。2. 明确说明文写作方式,学习读写结合型作文的写作策略。3. 形成科学的健康观念,养成良好的生活习惯。 1. 写说明文必须注意事实正确,表达清晰,条理清楚,层次分明,语言简练和用词准确。进行说明文写作的时候,需注意使用正确的方法。(1)罗列法(listing) 在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,and finally加以罗列说明。(2)举例法(examples) 举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example, for instance, still another example is等词语引出。2.读写结合相结合类型的写作读写结合相结合类型的写作读写相结合类型的写作,读是为了写服务的,阅读的读写相结合类型的写作,读是为了写服务的,阅读的篇章与写作的任务通常有许多的相关性。因此,要学篇章与写作的任务通常有许多的相关性。因此,要学会从以下的途径分析:会从以下的途径分析: 分析文本的语言特征,思考有哪些语言可以灵活迁移分析文本的语言特征,思考有哪些语言可以灵活迁移至自己的写作中,包括适切的词块、漂亮的句式等。至自己的写作中,包括适切的词块、漂亮的句式等。首先要分析阅读的主题。首先要分析阅读的主题。分析文章的篇章结构,包括整篇文章的中心句分析文章的篇章结构,包括整篇文章的中心句/段、支段、支撑句撑句/段,总结句段,总结句/段,同时明晰作者使用的写作方法。段,同时明晰作者使用的写作方法。1 1Unit topic languages(单元话题语言)(单元话题语言) 以连线、标序号等形式列举本单元与本以连线、标序号等形式列举本单元与本话题写作相关的词块、句子。话题写作相关的词块、句子。 名词名词/ /动名词词块动名词词块: : eating habits, free time activities piano lessons, a 16-year girl, the best way to relaxLanguage box(语言工具箱)动词词块:动词词块:use the Internet do exercisewatch TVhelp with housework, eat junk/healthy foodstay up lateread booksplay computer gamesLanguage box(语言工具箱)表示时间频率词块表示时间频率词块: : every day once a daytwice a weekthree times a month hardly ever all the timeLanguage box(语言工具箱)名词/动名词词块: ( )闲暇活动, ( )钢琴课( )饮食习惯( )最好的放松方式( )一个16岁的女孩Quiz: Read aloud the chunks above and try to match the meaning by numbering.( )看电视( )帮忙做家务,( )吃垃圾/健康的食品 ( )使用互联网( )锻炼,( )阅读书籍( )玩电脑游戏( )熬夜 动词词块:动词词块:( )每一天( )一周两次( )几乎从不.( )每天一次( )每月三次( )一直,总是表示时间频率词块表示时间频率词块I always/usually/sometimes/hardly ever/never .I . maybe once a month.It is good to relax by .It is healthy for .The best way to . is through .I have to .(2)Patterns(句型)We found that .Although., .Twenty percent of the students do not . at all.Exercise such as . is .We were surprised that .You have to learn mare about .(2)Patterns(句型)2. Extensive languages(拓展性语言)Famous saying, proverbs, aphorisms and Classical sample sentences(名言、谚语、警句与经典(名言、谚语、警句与经典例句)例句)(1) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 (2) Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. 健康与快乐,相辅相成。(3) Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的财富。(4) Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.)(5)The first wealth is health .( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker )健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家 爱默生. R. W.)(6)Good health is a corollary of having good habits. 健康的身体是良好生活习惯的结果。(7)A man needs a purpose for real health. (Sherwood Anderson, American novelist) 有目标的人才能有真正的健康。(美国小说家安德森.S.) (8)Health is certainly more valuable than money, because it is by health that money is procured.(Samuel Johnson. British writer, critic) 健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们赖以获得金钱的就是健康。(英国作家、批评家约翰.S.) Guided reading(导读导读):ReadingGuided reading: Everyone hopes to live a healthy life. What makes a happy life? How can people keep healthy? ReadingAs the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. That is to say, there are quite a of ways to keep healthy. In my opinion, the best ways are, to have regular rest, proper exercise, attention to a balanced diet.Today, there is a rather bad tendency(趋势)appears in young generations lives. Youngsters get into a bad habit that they stay up late. As a result, young men are feeling tired and sleepy most of the time. Making a schedule(时刻表)that helps them to cultivate(培养)a good habit can do great help to their physical growth.ReadingAnother method is insistent(坚持的)exercise. Practice is the power of life. Such long-term physical training can enhance immunity(免疫力). Furthermore, it can also help get away from illness, sadness, idleness.Whats more? Keep a balanced diet. Not too much fat, too much sugar and too much salt. Make sure every meal contains proteins(蛋白质), vitamins(维生素), starch and little fat. All in all, to form a healthy lifestyle is the shortcut to stay healthy. Being suitable for their own is the best. Everyone can find their own way.Task 1:Underline the topic sentences in the passage. There are quite a of ways to keep healthy. In my opinion, the best ways are, to have regular rest, proper exercise, attention to a balanced diet.Task 2: Fill in the information. The best way to keep healthy1. The bad tendency in young generations lives2. What helps the young to cultivate a good habit which can do great help to their physical growth3. What can enhance immunity 4. The shortcut to stay healthy5. To have regular rest, proper exercise, attention to a balanced dietThey stay up lateMaking a scheduleLong-term physical training To form a healthy lifestyle Good words and phrases from the passage _Task3 好词好句好词好句Good sentences from the passage _Task4 Your understanding of of the last paragraph 当今社会,许多人由于缺乏锻炼,睡眠不足,不注意饮食,导致身体处于亚健康状态。作为中学生,只有注意健康,才能保持良好的学习、工作状态。请以“How to keep healthy”为题,谈谈我们中学应该如何保持健康。要求:1. 内容完整,语句连贯,语法准确;2. 词数70个左右。写作任务1. 审题想一想,填一填。审题审题体裁:体裁:_人称:人称:_时态:时态:_第一人称第一人称 一般现在时,一般将来时一般现在时,一般将来时说明文说明文 Can you list some health problems that middle school students have nowadays? Why should we try to keep healthy? How can we keep healthy? List 2-4 points.2. 内容要点列一列,回答下列问题。 3. 写一写: 写初稿用词方面用词方面: 代词主格代词主格,宾格;宾格; 名词单复数;名词单复数;动词搭配;副词位置动词搭配;副词位置 句子方面句子方面: 篇章方面篇章方面: 细节方面细节方面: 句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态;句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态;连词使用连词使用内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理 单词拼写;标点符号;大小写单词拼写;标点符号;大小写 4.(查一查)请交换习作互相欣赏,用请交换习作互相欣赏,用红笔红笔划划出对方的亮点出对方的亮点,并对并对 不足的地方进行不足的地方进行适当修改。适当修改。你能给同学什么建议,使得对方你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作更好呢?的习作更好呢?根据根据worksheet上的评分标准,给上的评分标准,给同伴的习作打分。同伴的习作打分。 4. 同伴互赏我欣赏,我快乐!修改习作时可使用这些符号:修改习作时可使用这些符号:优美句子;优美句子; 漏词漏词;错处:错处:; 删除;删除;语法错误语法错误 G ; 人称错误人称错误 P;时态错误时态错误 T; 拼写错误拼写错误Sp 请和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列评价表,相互欣赏与修改习作,然后给对方的习作打分。评分表项目项目标准标准自我自我评价评价同伴评价同伴评价教师评价教师评价结构(2分)段落合理 (1 分) 衔接自然 (1分) 内容(9分)要点齐全(8分)目前中学生存在的健康问题(2分) 保持健康的重要性(1分) 如何保持健康(6分) 拓展合理 (1分) 语言(3分)词汇丰富 (1分) 句法正确 ,语言优美( 2分) 卷面(1分)书写工整( 1分) Nowadays, many students do not have a healthy lifestyle. The often stay up late and have no time for practice. However, health is essential to us. Therefore, I would like to share some ways of keeping health with all the students. First of all, we should exercise more at least 3 times a week. It can make us strong and healthy. Whats more, it is necessary for us to eat more healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables. We cant eat too much junk food. At last, as students, we need to sleep 8 hours a day. In a word, we should form good habits to keep healthy so that we can live better, learn better and enjoy our life better.文章结构完整,条理清楚,文章使文章结构完整,条理清楚,文章使用了开门见山式的开头,从中学现用了开门见山式的开头,从中学现存的问题入手,说明目前存在的问存的问题入手,说明目前存在的问题和健康的重要性题和健康的重要性.使用使用“therefore, first of all, whats more, in a word”等连接词使文章衔等连接词使文章衔接连贯自然,同时又使用接连贯自然,同时又使用“it is adj to do, .so that.”等句式使文章语言丰等句式使文章语言丰富流畅,亮点突出。富流畅,亮点突出。在结尾部分,作者对中学生提在结尾部分,作者对中学生提出倡议和希望,再次呼应了主出倡议和希望,再次呼应了主题。题。 As a saying goes, “Good health is over wealth”. Health is quite important to us. However, many students do not have a healthy lifestyle. They stay up late, eat junk food and some even dont exercise at all. Therefore, I would like give some advice to all the students about keeping healthy. First, we should try to do exercise as often as possible. Second, Keeping a balanced eating diet is also quite important. We are supposed to eat more vegetables and fruit but less meat. At last, we need to keep a regular living habit, going to bed early and getting early. If we can do the things above, I believe we can keep a healthy life and enjoy our life better.本文思路清晰,结构完整,作者用一句谚本文思路清晰,结构完整,作者用一句谚语作为开头,表明了健康的重要性,同时语作为开头,表明了健康的重要性,同时笔锋一转,自然地道出了目前中学生存在笔锋一转,自然地道出了目前中学生存在的健康问题的健康问题从锻炼、饮食、作息三个方面提出保持健康的从锻炼、饮食、作息三个方面提出保持健康的建议。文章的主体部分使用了建议。文章的主体部分使用了first, second, at last分点罗列,调理清晰。本文的语言运用分点罗列,调理清晰。本文的语言运用也是一个亮点,长短句集合,句式丰富。使用也是一个亮点,长短句集合,句式丰富。使用了了therefore, as often as possible, are supposed to, keep a regular living habit等等词块,使文章增色不少。词块,使文章增色不少。结尾使用结尾使用If引导的条件状语从句起引导的条件状语从句起到了画龙点睛的作用,表达了作者到了画龙点睛的作用,表达了作者的期望和信心。的期望和信心。Summary1. How to write a passage about keeping healthy. 2. Learn some of the writing skills.写写 查查想想 列列评评The first wealth is health. ( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker )健康是人生第一财富。健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家美国思想家 爱默生爱默生. R. W.) Rewrite your article.


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