广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 名词性从句10

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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 名词性从句10_第1页
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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 名词性从句10_第2页
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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 名词性从句10_第3页
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名词性从句精讲精炼10351.Never give children false hope by promising to offer _ they cant easily get.A. what B. which C. that D. /答案 A352.Sometimes we are asked _ the likely result of the event will be.A. that what we think B. what we think C. that we think D. what do we think答案 B353.I told him he could choose _ seat he like in our meeting room.A. which B. what C. whichever D. no matter what答案 C354.He always checked and rechecked his game and saw _ he could improveAwhereBwhen CwhatDhow答案 A355.From the situation in this financial crisis,you can see China is totally not she used to be a century ago.A:that Bthat;what Cwhich;that D. whether; that答案 B356._was expected, only five people turned up at the party, _disappointed the hostess very much.A. As; which B. As; that C. It; that D. It; which答案 A357.We must do is the use of energyA. That;to reduce B. How;to reduceC. What;reduce D. That:reduce答案 Jay Zhou sings will surely become popular pretty soon.AWhatBWhichCWhoeverDWhatever答案 D359.The conference aims to develop business and let people think about _ they can have a positive influence on the planetAwhy Bthat Cwhat Dhow答案 D360.Hi, Peter. You seem to have gained a lot of weight.Well, good food, not enough exercise. Thats I got fat.AhowBwhenCwhatDwhether答案 A361.annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.AHowBWhyCWhatDWhich答案 C362.What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile.A. what B. which C. that where D. that whenever答案 D363.The question came up at the meeting _ _ we had enough money for our research.A. whether B. that C. which D. what答案 A364.I dont say I am against their plan. But the trouble is _ they do doesnt agree with what they sayA. what that B. that what C. if what D. what if答案 B365.Today the world is paying much more attention to, obviously, _ China says and does.Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow答案 C366.Liquids are like solids _ they have a definite volume.Ain that Bso that Cwith that Dfor that答案 A367.Id get a job doing something exciting, _ I could meet interesting people and travel a lot.Athat Bwhich Cwhen Dwhere答案 D368.A growing anxiety is disturbing the public _the economy will continuously decline.Awhich Bthat Cwhy Dwhether答案 B369.As a matter of fact, nearly everybody in the world would like to be _ Bill Gates is, doing _ he is doing.Awhere; what Bwhat; that Cthat; what Dwho; that答案 A370.They lost their way in the forest, and made matters worse wasthat night began tofallAthat Bwhat Cwhich Dit答案 B371.really matters is not whether you succeed or not,but rather whether you11 tryor notAWhat B Whether CIf DWhich答案 A372.Honesty is a kind of quality and thats it takes to communicate with otherssuccessfully.Awhat Bwhy Chow Dwhich答案 A373.Youd better give the task to_ you think can finish it ahead of time.A. whoever B. whomeverC. anyone D. no matter who答案 A374.When faced with life and death decisions, a teacher can be expected to do is to protect students with his or her own lifeAThat BWha t CHow DWhether答案 responsible for this accident will be punishedAWho BWhoever CThe one DNo matter who答案 B376.Thanks to the application of new farming methods, output is now six times _ itwas before 2000.A. that B. what C. which D. how答案 B377.一What were you trying to prove to the police?_ I was last nightAThat BWhen CWhere DWhat答案 C378.People tend to think that childrens IQ is _ determines how well they are going to do in their future lifeAwhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhere答案 A379.The citizens of Beijing are proud of _they have done to make Beijing a beautiful city.A. that B. which C. what D. how答案 C380.Nancy never doubts for a moment she will lose her jobAthat Bwhat Cwhether Dwhich答案 A381.Kevin consulted his teacher abouthe should study abroad after graduation Awhether Bwhere Cwhen Dthat答案 A382.)The professor in the end decided to give the prize to_ command of EnglishAwho Banyone Cwhoever Dwhomever答案 C383.She has been in doctors describe as a vegetative (植物的) state for six years.AwhatBwhichCthatDhow答案 A384.Modern technology has brought us so much convenience-we can now do many thingsThrough we call the InternetAhow Bwhat Cwhich Dthat答案 B385.Actually, anyone can be he wants to be,It doctor, a teacher ,a lawyer, a scientist or a manager so long as he sets his mind itAwhatever:to Bwhoever;onCwhomever;for Dwhatever; with答案 A386.It is the way he talks with his mother is different from we were used toAthat:that Bwhich;what Cthat;which Din which;where答案 A387.All the books I have,are hereYou may borrow _ you likeAwhatever Bwhichever CWhenever Dhowever答案 obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their specialgift.AWhich BAs CThat DWhat答案 known to everybody is that Taiwan is part of ChinaAAs B What CThat D It答案 B390.It is difficult to fill the minds of kids with the idea _ they must love study.A. which B. whatC. whether D. that答案 D391.The momentLeo will never forget isMr. Green gave him a lot of valuable advice onhow to improve his writing.A.that;whenB.that;thatC.when;thatD.when;where答案 A392.Nobody would stand out admitting the fact,for some reason,they lost the game.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.why答案 A393.Using renewable energy sources is a simple idea,butwe find it hard to put into B.what C.whichD.that答案 A394.The news came,as expected,my cousin was chosen to be a foreign aid doctor to go to Africawhere people are suffering a lot from AIDS.A.itB.thatC.whatD.which答案 B395.I need to get downtown.Is there a bus that goes there?Take Bus No.9 or 12. Theygo downtown.Takeone comes first.A.all;whateverB.all;whicheverC.both;whateverD.both;whichever答案 D396.Mount Wuyi is such an attractive place of interesteveryone likes to visit.A.thatB.asC.whichD.what答案 B397.With the nuclear crisis(危机) worsening in Iran,the worlds attention is fixed again onis called the Middle East.A.whichB.whatC.that D.it答案 B398.World comesfree books will be given tocome first in this book fair.A.which;no matter whoB.that;anyone whoC.which;whoeverD.that;those who答案 D399.He,as a Party member,always,thinks of he can do more for the people.A.whatB.ifC.whyD.how答案 D400.I think this trip was well worthwe had paid.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.how答案 known to us all is that the old writer,forlife was hard in the past,still worksvery hard in his eighties.A.What;whomB.As;whomC.It;whoseD.What;whose答案 A402.we are to finish the work in time,Im not sure.A.WhetherB.IfC.AlthoughD.Why答案 A403.Mohamed Al Fayed has frequently voiced the beliefhis son,Doli Fayed and Princess Dianawere killed by British spies.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.whom答案 C404.The news has spread all over the worldthe satellite Change-1 has been successfully sentup to circle the moon.A.thatB.whichC.whetherD.what答案 A405.As far as I see,is no possibilityhe will win the tennis match this;thatB.there;;whetherD.there;whether答案 B406.The media today can draw public attention tohelp is actually needed.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.whose答案 C407.“Do you thinkI should attend the lecture?”she asked me.A.thatB.whetherC.if D.when答案 A408.Before the operation,the doctor had to talk to the patient in order to move her fearshe might die during the that答案 B409.China is a great country which will hostmay be called the most impressive Olympic Gamesthis summer.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.as答案 A410.He finds his daughter is quite different from she was five years ago.A.who B.whatC.howD.which答案 well known to us all isYao Ming has become one of the most popular NBA players.A.It;thatB.As;thatC.What;whatD.What;that答案 D412.The hospital has been set up inwas a waste land many years ago.A.whichB.whenC.whereD.what答案 D


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