广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 动词与动词短语13

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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 动词与动词短语13_第1页
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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 动词与动词短语13_第2页
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广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 动词与动词短语13_第3页
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动词与动词短语精讲精炼13510.When the disabled sportsman won a gold medal,a lot of people him on his SuccessAappreciated Bapproved Ccongratulated Dremarked答案 C512.If you just spend your time gains and losses ,maybe youll get nothing in the end.A. checking B. weighing C. balancing D. examining答案 B513.Before _ on our camping trip, we made sure that we have plenty of food and water in store.A. running out B. making out C. setting out D. working out答案 C514.They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed答案 B515.Playing with fire can be very dangerous, or to _ it another way, dont try it like this.A. address B. speak C. talk D. put答案 D516.It could take months before evidence appears on how the bomb was made, and who _.A. set it outB. set it up C. set it loose D. set it off答案 D517. Sunny day, isnt it? Lets hope the sunny weather for Saturdays tennis match.A. carries on B. moves on C. goes up D. keeps up答案 D518.You must learn to _ trouble ahead and prevent it.A. get into B. spot C. have D. get rid of答案 B519.The head teacher said we had only three days to finish the project.Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it.A. taken overB. got throughC. made upD. given away答案 B520.The central government is taking measures to _ the prices of daily necessities.Aput down Bturn down Cbring down Dtake down答案 C521.He was in poor health,so the doctor him to drink wineAhoped Bdemanded Cforbade Dprevented答案 C522.At the meeting, student representatives _some very good suggestions.A. put out B. put off C. put forward D. put down答案 C523.Over time, the famous singer. Jay Zhou has developed and _ his own singing style.Agot up Bturned up Cput up Dbuilt up答案 D524.This problem may lead to more serious ones if_ unsolved.A. making B. left C. remained D. keeping答案 B525.In my opinion, no search engine can _ Baidu in searchscope and speed.A compete B equal C win D suit答案 B526.They are experienced porter(搬运工)who know how to the weight of the rocks they carry.A. spread B. put C. launch D. take答案 A527.Mike Perham, a 17-year-old British teenager, finished his solo round-the-world sailboat trip last week, becoming the youngest person in the world to that.A. achieve B. try C. devote D. conduct答案 A528.Think twice and time will _what you have chosen is right or not .A. knowB. sayC. seeD. tell答案 D529.Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A. look around B. look into C. look up D. look through答案 D530.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _ most of her dayAtakes up Bmakes up Csaves up Dputs up答案 A531.The government is trying to do something to _ a better understanding between the two countries.A. promote B. raise C. improve D. increase答案 A532.Millions of Shanghai citizens are learning to _ English for the 2020 World Expo.A. tellB. speak C. talk D. say答案 B533.I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt _.A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through答案 D534.It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of two missing children.A. look upon B. look after C. look into D. look out答案 C535.As we all know, the UK is a large country _ four parts.A. consisting of B. makes up C. consist of D. is make up of答案 A536.Many Chinese airline companies had intended to get much of the business, but it _ so bad.A. made out B. turned out C. went out D. carried out答案 B537.-Would you mind letting me _ your laptop for another two weeks?-No problem.A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. bring答案 B538.Some educators that children should be rewarded for their great performance.A. assumedB. adoptedC. advocatedD. convinced答案 C539.Shall I come to pick you up right now?Sorry. Im too busy to for the moment.Aget through Bget away Cget off Dget together答案 B540.The government has plenty of food and clothes of high quality to the people in Wenchuan.Asuffered Barranged Cadjusted Dsupplied答案 D541.Obama, the first black president in American history, _ presidency on January 20th,2020.Aset up Bheld up Ctook up Dpicked up答案 D542.To deal with the global financial crisis, China _ the international community to help developing countries.A. called on B. called up C. called in D. called for答案 A543.The question then _ that the supply of drinking water in the mountainous area is serious.A. rises B. arises C. raises D. assesses答案 B544.With oil price going down all the time, people _ to pay less for travelling.A. attempt B. require C. suppose D. expect答案 D545.The questions listed here are just a few problems that teenagers may _ .A. come to B. come about C. come across D. come through答案 B546.Id rather have a house of my own than one with someone else, no matter how small it is.Ato shareBsharin Cshare Dhave shared答案 C547.But you didnt tell me it was time to leave!I didYou must have been _ by the performance.Acarried away Bcarried out Ccarried on Dcarried off答案 A548.They finally managed to _ the food supply to the disaster area.Aprotect Bacquire Csecure Ddeposit答案 C549.The couple _ last yearThey had lived together for twenty years, though.Abroke out Bbroke away Cbroke up Dbroke down答案 C550.So Helen, are we going for that Chinese meal you promised me?Well, I kind of forgot to _,so well have to do French.Aconsult Border Creserve Dconfirm答案 C551.Researchers from MIT, Harvard reported a study of human brains yesterday that may_ some new information for mental illnesses.Acreate Bprovide Cexpect Dimagine答案 B552.The people of Wenchuan are very brave, and they will surely _ the problems caused by the earthquake.Abreak down Bkeep off Cbreak off Dget through答案 D553.The performance nearly three hours,but few people left the theatre earlyAcovered Breached Cplayed Dlasted答案 D554.American Indians about five percent of the USpopulationAfill up Bbring up Cmake up Dset up答案 C555.After closing the envelope,the secretary me stamps on firmlyAlicked Bsucked Cstruck Dstuck答案 D556.If you dont make up your mind to overcome your bad habits,you wont be able to your goalAachieve Bwin Cgain Drequire答案 A557.Its already 10 oclock I wonder how it that she was two hours late on such a short tripAcame over Bcame out Ccame about Dcame up答案 C558.How does it _that he is so badly-off when he earns quite a good salary?A. come out B. come about C. come up D. come along答案 B559.I called the airline to _ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.A. obtain B. admit C. confirm D. appoint答案 C600.The students were told to their English before going abroad.Agive up Buse up Cpolish up Dend up答案 C


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