三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 20Warm Cool教案 冀教版

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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。(冀教版)三年级英语上册教案Lesson 20 Warm CoolClass Opening and ReviewGREETINGSING “DO THE HOKEY POKEY” Have the class look at Lesson 19, Number 4 in the student book to remind them of the words and actions. Play the audiotape as you and the students do the actions. Sing along, and encourage the students to sing as much as they can. PLAY “RACE AND DO” See the rules for it in “Games” at the back of this guide. The class played this game in Unit 2. This time, write the parts of the body on the blackboard and give the teams directions such as: Point to your _. Open your mouth / eyes. Clap your hands. Shake your head. New Concepts 1. Warm, cool. ROLE-PLAY Review I feel hot/cold using actions as you say the words. Ask four volunteers to stand at the front of the class and lead each of them through this dialogue: Teacher: How are you? Students: I am hot/cold. (Do an action.) DEMONSTRATE Ask the students to give examples, in Chinese, of hot things and cold things. In Chinese, explain that we can feel hot or cold in our bodies. We can also touch things that are hot or cold. Ask the students to think of examples, such as ice, a cold shower, a hot stove or a candle flame. Teach the students that when we feel hot or cold, we say I am hot/cold or I feel hot/cold. When we touch something hot or cold, we say This/That is hot/cold. Demonstrate this difference. For example, say:I am hot, so hot! (Fan your face.)Ouch! This/That is hot! Hot! (Pretend to touch something hot.)Ask the class to say I am hot and This/That is hot with you a few times.Teaching TipRemember, students do not need to master the differences between these structures. This is an introduction only. The importance concepts are hot/cold and cool/warm.In Chinese, explain that some things are neither hot nor cold, but in between. Ask the students to give examples of warm things and cool things.STUDENT BOOK: L20 N1Review the pictures with the students as you say hot, cold, warm or cool. Explain that Danny says Ouch! because the fire is hurting him.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. Shoulder, knee, toes, fingers, elbow, stomach.DEMONSTRATETeach the class the new vocabulary as you point to parts of your own body, point to your poster of body parts or use a flannel board.STUDENT BOOK: L20 N2Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.DRILLLead the class through a question-and-answer drill. Before you start, remind the students about using an in front of words starting with A, E or O and the structure they are for talking about more than one thing.Teacher: (Point to your shoulder.) What is it?Class: Its a shoulder.Teacher: (Wiggle all your fingers.) What are they?Class: They are fingers.Teacher: (Use your vocabulary card for elbow.)What is this?Class: Its an elbow.DRILLPractice the new vocabulary with his/her phrase For example, ask a boy and a girl to stand. Point to parts of their bodies and lead the class through a question-and-answer drill such as:Teacher: This is. He is a boy. Is this his _?Class: Yes/No. Its his _.Teacher: (Point to the girl.)What is this?Class: Its her _. 3. Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees Toes.”STUDENT BOOK: L20 N3Play the audiotape and let the class just listen to the song.Teach the students each line of the song with the actions. Touch the parts of your body as you sing the words.Class ClosingACTIVITY BOOK: L20 N1-3Number 1 reviews body parts and directions (circle, colour, draw, underline). The students follow the directions.In Number 2, they circle the word (hot, warm, cold or cool) that matches each picture.In Number 3, the students fill in the blanks to complete the words and then read and act to match each sentence. Show them the word list at the bottom of the exercise, which will help them complete it.


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