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YANTAI HAIRONG SHIPPING SERVICE COMPANY安全管理职责手册System Safe management Responsibility manual编号File No。:FGSSR-001版号Version:R2。0安全管理职责手册System Safe management Responsibility manual页数Total Pages:26生效日期Valid From:2016-02-25修改记录Amendment Record修改号生效日期修改页码修改标识审核批准No.DatePageMeasureAuditApprove拟制Draw Up: 赵富亭审核Audit: 陈建新审核Audit: 1 目的Objectives本手册旨在明确公司各部门、船舶和人员在安全和防止污染工作中的责任与权力及其相互关系,确保公司安全管理体系的有效运行。 This manual is aimed at the responsibilities and rights and correlations of various company departments, vessels and crew in safety and pollution prevention.2 适用范围Application适用于公司安全管理体系内的所有部门、船舶和人员。This manual applies all departments, vessels and crew in company SMS system。3 公司各部门和岗位的责任与权力Responsibilities and Right of the Company Departments and Posts3.1 总经理General Manager 对公司的安全管理负全面责任.Responsible for the company safety management 颁布公司安全方针、目标和各种规章制度,推动SMS。To decree company safety measures, goals and various rules and regulations, and enforce SMS 任命公司安全经理.Appoint the company safety manager 批准公司机构设置和人员配备方案,有聘任、调动和解雇部门经理及有关人员的权力。Approve the setting of company bureau and personnel manning and has the right to hire, transfer and fire department managers and others. 组织对公司安全管理体系进行管理评审。Organize company SMS audit and review。 批准公司安全管理手册。Approves the 。 主持公司的应急反应行动和应急演习,并任总指挥.Presides over emergency reaction movement and emergency reaction drills and acts at chief commander3.2 副总经理Deputy General Manager 责任Responsibilities 执行公司的安全和环境保护方针。Execute the company safety and environment protection measures。 协助总经理做好安全管理工作.Help the general manager do the job of safety management 监督公司管理部门的日常运作。Scrutinize everyday operation of the company management departments。 参与公司SMS评审工作。Participate in the company SMS review and evaluation 船舶发生重大事故、危急情况时,参与组织指挥施救。Participate and organize rescue and saving in vessel major accidents and emergencies。 当总经理不在时,代理总经理行使职权。Act as acting general manager to do the duty during the absence of general manager 完成总经理交办的其它工作。Do other job assigned by general manager 权力Rights 对公司机构设置、人员配备方案、聘任、调动和解雇部门经理及有关人员的建议权力。 Has the right to recommend on the company structure, crew manning, hiring, transferring and firing department generals and related people. 对提高公司以及船舶的日常管理工作水平的建议权。Has the right to suggest the improvement of the company and vessel every operation management 改进和提高公司SMS文件的建议权.Has the right to suggest the improvement of the company SMS documents 独立向总经理汇报所观察到的公司管理中出现的不足的权力.Have the discretional rights to report to general manager about faults in the company management.3.3 安全经理Safety Controller 责任Responsibilities 执行公司的安全和环境保护方针。Execute the company safety and environment protection measures. 保持船舶与公司最高管理层的联系渠道畅通。确保船舶得到足够的资源和岸上支持。 Keep clear contact with the company top management。 Ensure vessels have enough resource and support from shore. 监督公司船舶的安全生产、防污染工作以及规范化管理。Supervise the company vessel safety production and prevent pollution and formalized management 监督公司管理部门以及船舶执行国际有关防止船舶污染的强制性规则、规定。Supervise the company departments and vessels in execution of international vessels pollution prevention compulsory rules and regulations. 监控SMS运行,保证其持续有效运行。Supervise SMS operation and ensure its effective running. 评审不符合规定情况、事故、险情的报告,提出纠正措施要求,监控纠正措施的实施.Review reports of fault, accidents and dangers。 Give rectifying measure requirement and monitor the implementation of rectifying measures. 审核安全管理体系的有效性和实施程度。Review SMS effectiveness and degree of implementation 组织SMS有效性评价. Organize valuation of SMS effectiveness 负责迎接外审准备,做好与审核机构的联系工作。In charge of preparing for external evaluation and contacting external evaluation organizations. 权力Rights 要求公司相关部门为船舶提供足够的资源和岸上支持的权力;Has the right to require the company related departments to provide vessels enough resource and onshore support 要求责任部门、船舶对不符合规定情况实施纠正的权力;Has the right to require departments and vessels involved toe rectify faults 有权独立向最高领导层报告所观察到的缺陷。Has the right to report to the top management uncovered faults3.4 ISM部ISM DepartmentISM部经理ISM Manager 职责Responsibilities 负责监督和管理公司船舶的海务、防污染和船舶安全工作。In charge of supervise and manager the job of the company vessels marine matters, pollution prevention and vessel safety 负责监督船舶日常运作,发现异常或不符合时应及时通知主管部门和安全经理。In charge of supervising vessel everyday operation。 Report to departments in charge or general manager abnormalities and faults。 负责相关的不合格和事故的报告,调查和分析,及时实施纠正措施.In charge of the reports, investigation and analyses of faults and accidents and implementation of rectification。 审阅检查船舶各种记录、航海图书资料的使用、管理和修改情况。Review vessel various records, the use management and rectification of maritime books and materials 公司船舶发生事故或险情时,参与抢险指挥工作,确保在任何时候对船舶所面临的危险事故等应急情况作出反应。当船舶出现上述情况或失去通信联系时,立即执行“岸上应急计划”组织应变抢险.In company vessel accidents and dangers, participate in rescue work, and ensure reaction to any dangerous accidents。 When the above cases happen or communication is lost, execute “onshore emergency reaction plan” and organize rescuing work. 负责本部门SMS文件和有关记录的保管和管理。In charge of keeping and managing the SMS of the departments and related documents 配合安全经理做好SMS的管理评审工作。Help the safety manager do the review of SMS management 向船舶提供有关海区最新航线情况,负责航行警告,海图,航海通告等航行所需图书资料的供应的审批工作,为船舶安全航行提供安全信息。对新任船长和重点船舶船长实施跟踪管理.Provide related latest information on latest navigational routes。 In charge of approving of supply of navigational warnings, charts, marine notices, providing safety information on safe navigation, and monitoring new master and important master. 负责收集整理有关岸基和船舶安全管理的信息或资料,并提供给总经理、副总经理以及各部门经理。In charge of collecting safety management information and materials on shore and vessels, and providing them to general manager, deputy manager and department managers。 负责公司的保险和理赔工作并在船舶发生事故后,及时指导船长收集相关证据和做好相关记录。In charge of insurance and claim after vessel accidents, and directing master to collect related evidence and take proper records。 负责制订公司和本部门人员的年度培训计划,并组织实施.In charge of compiling the company and department annual training plan and implementation 负责审核船舶消防、救生等应急行动的训练和学习计划。In charge of drills and training plans for vessel firefighting, lifesaving 按规定负责公司所属船舶船员的调派任用工作,为船舶配置合格、持有效证书和健康的船员。In charge of transferring and appointment of crew, and man vessels with competent, certified and healthy crew according to regulations。 负责外聘船员的管理工作,组织对外聘船员的考核、审查和必要的培训。建立档案和各种记录,为公司招聘合格持有效证书和健康的船员。In charge of management of hiring crew, and examination, check and training of hired crew. Establish archives and records and scout competent, certified and healthy crew。 检查监督船员遵守劳动纪律、岗位责任制和有关法规,对违纪、违章船员的处理提供参考意见。Supervise crews adherence to labor discipline, post responsibility scheme and related regulations. Provide suggestion on dealing with violators. 负责提出船员工资方案报总经理批准后与船员服务公司或船员签署聘用船员班子或船员的雇佣合同。In charge of compiling crew wage plans and reporting to general manager for approval before signing employment contracts with crew service companies or crews. 配合公司其它部门的安全管理工作,需要时给予协助。Cooperate with the other company departments safety management and provide help。 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向总经理报告.Whistleblow at faults in other departments and vessels management and report to general manager 完成上级交办的其它质量与安全管理事宜。Finish matters of quality and safety management from superiors 权限Rights 对公司所有涉及安全管理部门履行职责的督促检查和评价的权力.Has the right to supervise, check and evaluate the job by safety management department。 对安全管理人员和船员的考核、选聘、升降、调动、奖惩、组织和实施培训的建议与执行的权力。Has the right to suggest and execute matters to examine, hire, promote/demote, transfer, praise/punish and train safety management staff and crew 监督船舶安全航行,检查有关规章制度和操作规程实施情况的权力。Has the right to supervise vessel safe navigation, check related rules and implementation of the rules。 有权对海上事故的当事人和有关人员进行调查和询问并对责任者提出处理意见. Has the right to investigate and question people responsible for accidents and related and give suggestion on dealing with responsible people。 对公司和船舶的不符合情况、事故和险情处理的建议权。Has the right to suggest on the company and vessel faults, accidents and accident solution. 完善质量与安全管理体系的权力。Supplement quality and safety management system.安全监督Safety Supervisor 职责Responsibilities 在ISM部经理领导下做好SMS文件的准备和管理工作.To prepare and manage SMS documents under ISM department managers 收集、整理、研究、发放主管机关的有关规定与法令。To collect, sort and research and distribute rules and decrees from authorities in charge. 协助ISM部经理做好保险和理赔工作。To help the ISM manager with insurance and claiming。 监控船舶动态,协助ISM部经理对船舶的运作情况进行统计、分析.To monitor vessel status quo and help the ISM manager collect, sort and analyze vessels operation 做好人员培训工作的计划、安排和实施.To plan, arrange and implement staff training plan 协助ISM经理做好SMS的管理评审工作。To help the ISM manager manage the review and evaluation of SMS 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向ISM经理报告.To remind or inform the ISM manager o f faults in the other departments and vessels 完成ISM部经理交办的有关质量与安全管理工作。To do the job of quality and safety management assigned by the ISM department manager 权限Rights 对公司和船舶的不合格、事故和险情有建议权.Has the right to suggest on the company and vessels failure, accidents and dangers。 完善质量与安全管理体系的建议权。Has the right to suggest on complementation of quality and safety management system3.5 机务部Technical Department机务部经理Technical Manager 职责Responsibilities 全面负责机务部工作,执行本公司的安全和环境保护方针。负责对船舶日常管理工作进行全面监督。In charge of the technical department comprehensively and executing the company safety and environment protection measures。 In charge of supervising vessel everyday management 配合ISM部制订船上的安全和防污染的关键性操作方案和须知,并负责监督和指导船舶贯彻和落实.To cooperate with the ISM department to compile vessel safety and pollution prevention key operation plans and codes, and supervise and direct vessels to implement them。 负责审核年度船舶维修保养计划。In charge of checking vessels annual maintenance plans 负责审批船舶备件、物料订购计划。In charge of checking and approving vessels spare parts and stores procurement plans. 参与制定相关的应急计划、应急反应,确保任何时候对船舶所面临的危险事故等紧急情况作出反应,参与组织应变抢险。To participate in compiling related emergency plans, emergency reactions, and ensure that vessels would respond and react to any dangerous incidents, and participate in rescue and reaction。 负责机损事故的调查处理。In charge of investigation and process of engine damage accidents. 负责相关不合格、事故和险情的报告、调查和分析,及时实施纠正措施,不断完善SMS。In charge of the report, investigation and analysis of related failures, accidents and danger, and rectifying measures and complementation。 配合安全经理做好SMS的管理评审工作。To cooperate with the safety manager to carry out the management and evaluation of SMS 负责本部门SMS文件和有关记录的保管和管理.In charge of keeping and managing the self department SMS documents and related records. 配合ISM部做好相关人员和船员的调聘及培训,以保证其熟悉职责、设备和相关文件。 To cooperate with the ISM department to transfer and train related people and crew, to ensure the familiarization of duty, equipment and related documents. 搜集、整理、传递有关国际规则、法规、公约等,保证有关机务的安全管理信息在公司内得到有效的交流。To collect, sort and relay related international rules, regulations, conventions, etc, to ensure that safety management information about technical matters got disseminated in the company effectively。 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向总经理报告。To remind or report to general manager faults in other departments and vessels。 完成总经理交办的其它工作。To complete other jobs assigned by general manager 权限Rights 不符合情况、事故和险情的处理建议权。Has the right to suggest on processing faults, accidents and dangers。 有权从事船舶管理和对船员进行监督考核,并对其任免、奖惩及调整有建议权。Has the right to supervise and check vessel management and crew, to appoint and remove, reward and punishment, and to adjust. 有权对船舶和设备进行监督检查。Has the right to supervise and check vessels and equipment 对船舶的修理有建议权。Has the right to suggest on vessel repair。 完善SMS的建议权.Has the right to suggest on complementing SMS.采购经理Purchase Manager (如无该岗位由机务经理替代) 职责Responsibilities 执行本公司的安全和环境保护方针。To execute the company safety and environment protection measures. 在机务部经理领导下做好船舶备品备件的采购工作。To do the job of procurement of spare parts and stores under the leadership of the technical manager. 依据船舶物料、备件申请表进行询价,并将比价的结果反馈给机务经理,经批准后及时、准确地为船舶供应合格的物料.To quote prices according to vessels stores and spare parts application forms, and feedback quotation comparison results to the technical manager。 After approvals from the technical manager, supply vessels from 负责物料、备件的进、消、存,及建帐、记录、统计与核算。In charge of import, consumption, storage of stores and spare parts, and book entry, record, statistics gathering and sum。 收集物料信息,了解供应情况和使用情况并提供给机务经理。To collecting stores information, know supply and demand condition, and using condition and provide information to the technical manager。 船舶出现紧急情况时,参加公司的应急反应,提供船舶物资支持.In vessel emergencies, participate the company emergency reaction, and provide stores support to vessels. 参加SMS有效性评价和复查,报告体系运行情况。To participate in the validity evaluation and review of SMS, and report the running condition of the system 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向机务经理报告。To remind or report to the technical manager faults in the other departments and vessel management. 权限Rights 对不符合规定情况、事故和险情处理的建议权.Has the right to suggest on dealing with faults, accidents and dangers 完善安全管理体系的建议权。Have the right to suggest on complementation of safety management system 机务监督Technical Supervisor 职责Responsibilities 执行公司的安全和环境保护方针,在机务经理的直接领导下,监督管理船舶的日常运作.To execute the company safety and environment protection measures. To supervise everyday operation of vessels under the leadership of the technical manager。 掌握船舶的技术状况,编制船舶修理计划和年度维修计划,审核自修保养计划,参与船舶的设备改造工作,对修船质量进行监控,并参与机损事故的调查处理。To know vessels technical condition, compile vessel repair plans and annual repair plans, check and review self repair plan, participate in vessels equipment modification, monitor quality of vessel repair, and participate in engine damage accident investigation。 负责船舶及设备的状况检验以及控制,监督船舶证书的管理和船级与法定检验工作的安排.In charge of check and control of vessels and equipment condition, supervision of vessels certificate management and arrangement of authorized checking and certifying。 负责船舶船体、机电设备、电气等图纸、技术资料、说明书以及SMS文件、记录的管理. In charge of the management of charts and technical materials and manuals of vessel hull, engineelectrical, electrical appliance, and SMS documents, and records. 在保证船舶适航安全的前提下,控制船舶成本,减少不必要的浪费.审核船舶各种燃料、物料、备件的订购计划,报机务部经理批准。对有关航行安全的图书资料需预经ISM部审批。With the precondition of vessels fitness for sailing and safety, to reduce vessels cost, eliminate waste。 To check procurement of all bunker, stores and spare parts, and report to the technical manager for approval. For books and materials about navigational safety, check and approval from the ISM department must be obtained beforehand. 检查监督船员遵守劳动纪律、岗位责任制和有关法规,对违纪、违章船员提出处理意见,经总经理批准后执行。To check and supervise crew to follow labor disciplines, duty responsibility scheme, and related rules. To give suggestions on the process of violators, which would come into effect after the approval of general manager。 配合航运部执行船舶运输合同。To cooperate with the shipping department to execute vessel shipping contracts. 及时收集、掌握船旗国和船级社有关最新要求和最新规定,指导船舶做好有关管理工作。To collect and know the latest requirements and regulations by flag countries and ship classification communities, and to proper management work in time, 按照PSC组织的要求,督促船上及时消除港口国检查中发现的缺陷。To supervise and urge vessels to eliminate faults uncovered by port countries, according to PSC organization requirements. 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向机务经理报告。发现不符合规定的情况,应及时报告安全经理,并协助安全经理进行调查分析,制定纠正措施。For faults in other departments and vessel management, remind or report to the technical manager in time。 Any violations should be reported to the technical manager in time, and help the safety manager to investigate and analyze, and make rectifying measures. 权限Rights 不符合情况、事故和险情处理的建议权.Has the right to suggest on processing violations, accidents and dangers 对船舶管理和对船员考核,奖惩有建议权。Has the right to suggest on vessel management and crew check 有权对船舶和设备的维护监督检查。Has the right to maintain, supervise and check vessels and equipment 完善安全管理体系的建议权。Has the right to complement safety management system3.6 航运部Shipping Department航运部经理Shipping Manager 职责Responsibilities 全面负责航运部工作,执行本公司的安全和环境保护方针。In charge of shipping matters and executing the company safety and environment protection measures 负责运输合同的商定和审核。In charge of shipping contract conclusion, check and review。 指导、监督船舶严格地执行运输合同。 To direct and supervise vessels to execute shipping contracts strictly 负责审核运输合同涉及到的有关船舶收支(维修和物料备件供应除外)的各种单据。In charge of checking shipping contracts, various income and expense slips (excluding repair, stores and spare parts) 负责公司船队经营,为公司船舶寻求合适的货源、良好的租家、合理的运费和租金。In charge of running the company fleet, find appropriate cargo supply, good charters, reasonable shipping fee and rents。 负责公司的业务开发。In charge of development of the company business 在本公司应急反应时,提供租船合同的有关资料。 To provide materials about chartering contracts in the company emergency reaction. 负责对本部新聘人员和调岗人员进行岗位职责培训与考核。In charge of post responsibility training and checking of newhired people and transferred people。 制定船舶生产计划。To compile vessels production plans 发现不符合规定情况时,应及时报告安全经理,并组织调查分析,制定纠正措施并实施。 To report violations to the safety manager in time, and initiate investigation and analysis, and compile rectifying measures and implement them。 参加SMS有效性评价和复查,报告体系运行情况。To participate in validity review and recheck of SMS, and report system running condition 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向总经理报告。To report or remind general manager of faults in the other departments and vessels management 完成总经理交办的其它工作.To complete other tasks assigned by general manager 权限Rights 不符合规定情况、事故、险情处理的建议权。Has the right to suggest on processing violations, accidents, and dangers. 对公司经营、投资方向及发展趋势有建议权.Has the right to suggest on running, investment direction and development prospect。 对从事船舶管理的船员的奖惩及调整有建议权。Has the right to suggest on rewards and punishment and adjustment of vessel crew engaged in management 船舶经营的建议权。Has the right to suggest on vessel running and operation 完善SMS的建议权。Has the right to complementing SMS3.7 航运部副经理Deputy Shipping Manager 职责Responsibilities 在航运部经理领导下,执行本公司的安全和环境保护方针。To execute the company safety and environment protection measures under the leadership of the shipping manager 参与运输合同的商订,协助指导船舶执行运输合同。To participate in shipping contract negotiation, and help and direct vessels to execute shipping contracts. 负责收集航运市场信息,并对收集到的市场信息加以分析研究,对公司的经营、投资方向提供必要的依据。In charge of collecting shipping information, and analyzing the information, and provide necessary support for company running and investing direction。 参与开展业务开发。To participate in business expansion。 收集本部门业务范围内SMS信息.本部SMS文件,外来文件的管理。To collect SMS information related to the self department, and manage the self department document and external documents。 对其它部门和船舶的管理上出现的缺陷,应及时加以提醒或向航运经理报告。For faults in the other departments and vessels management, to remind or report to the shipping manager in time 权限Rights 不符合规定情况、事故、险情的处理建议权。Has the right to suggest on processing violations, accidents, and dangers. 对业务经营及开发有建议权。 Has the right to suggest on business running and expansion 需要时经总经理授意,可代理航运部经理工作。To act as acting shipping manager with an approval from ge


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