【浙江专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修8-3

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选修8 Unit3课时作业(三十八)Inventors and inventions发明家及其发明.单项填空1Can I speak to Mr Brown,please?_Ill just see if hes here.ARing offBHold upCHang on DRing back2When we plan our vacation,mother often offers_suggestions.Acareful BpracticalCeffective Dacceptable3(2020年烟台二模)They landed safely on the island in the Pacific.Everything went on better than_.Aexpected BexpectingCexpectation Dto expect4Mum,it is nice weather.I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to_your weight?Acarry BbearCcatch Dtake5It is difficult to_one twin from the other.They almost dont_from each other.Adiffer;distinguish Bdistinguish;differentCdistinguish;differ Dtell;different6How did you like the lecture tonight?Very_.I doubt if I will come to this kind of lecture next time.Aencouraging BencouragedCdisappointing Ddisappointed7Listen,there is some strange noise.This machine must be_.I think so.You must have it checked.Aout of order Bout of dateCout of sight Dout of control8He_the bag and brought out a couple of coins.Aput into Bdragged intoCdived into Dcaught into9After five hoursdrive,they reached_they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.Athat BwhereCwhich Dwhat10If you have to catch the first bus every day,choose this hotel.It is very_for the stationits only a twominute walk.Aclose BcertainCconvenient Ddistant11He was busy with his work but he went to see his grandmother_.Asooner or later Bnow and thenCmore or less Dover and over again12The young girl,_in a white uniform,showed me the way to the managers office.Adressed Bhaving dressedCdressing Dbeing dressed13Sorry,but I have to_now.I have a train to catch.Goodbye!Wish you a pleasant journey.Aring out Bcall outCcall on Dring off14Please forgive me to _you_so late,but I have something urgent.Thats all right.Whats the matter?Acall;by Bcall;offCcall;in Dcall;up15Their forgetting the date of the discussion showed that they did not understand the_of the question.Aquality BpatienceCimportance Ddifference.完形填空(2020年聊城检测)This happened years ago when I was a waitress,but I still remember this specific incident so vividly.As the end of the night was_1_,ten minutes before our restaurant closed,a gentleman came in.I was the_2_waitress who got to stay after closing to serve him his food.The customer was quite_3_with how his food was prepared.He sent his_4_back twice.When it eventually arrived to his liking,he_5_some fresh coffee.Meanwhile,my manager and our cooks were_6_me closely,as they wanted the last customer of the_7_to finally leave so that we could_8_the shop and go home. At that time I was frustrated and tired.I also knew he would probably not_9_very well,seeing his inexpensive meal._10_,I tried to give him good service.Then in the last ten minutes,as I was refilling his coffee,I somehow_11_it on the table as well as his plate.I apologized,but I was_12_to get him another plate of food as everything was shut down in the_13_.Knowing his previous temperament (性情),I had a certain_14_of how he might react.He asked to speak to the manager.But he_15_shocked me at this point.Instead of_16_to my boss,he simply said,“This young ladys done a fine job.You need to keep her_17_as long as you can!” After that he paid his bill and left,and I eagerly went home.The next morning when I came to work and _18_my tipsyou often dont get it till the next day_19_a customer charges it on a credit cardI was_20_that thecustomer had offered a $15 tip for his $8 dinner.People are often much nicer than they look!1.A.darkening BapproachingCleaving Dhappening2A.luckyBfirstCunlucky Dyoung3A.pleased BfamiliarCinterested Ddissatisfied4A.order BbillCnote Dmail5A.changed BsoldCneeded Dthrew6A.following BcheckingCwatching Dhelping7A.day BtimeCplace Droom8A.turn up Bclose upCset off Dturn off9.A.speakBbehaveCtip Deat10A.Instead BBesidesCOtherwise DHowever11A.spread BleftCspilled Dbroke12A.eager BwillingCshameful Dunable13A.kitchen BrainCline Doperation14A.communication BexpectationCtraditionDhesitation15A.gradually BfrequentlyCrudely Dreally16A.explainingBapologizingCattendingDcomplaining17A.off BaroundCaway Dout18A.held back Bbrought upCpicked up Dlooked for19A.unless BifCalthough Din case20A.convinced BlearnedCtold Dreminded.阅读理解Im a 21yearold boy,and this is my story.A month after I graduated from high school in 2020,I was coming home from swim practice and was involved in a car accident.I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma (昏迷) for over two months at Prince Georges Hospital.I died eight times during my coma and I couldnt talk or communicate when I woke up.Walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries.Just like my body,my dreams were shattered (破灭)But I was not going to let my injuries stop me from living my dream.After 14 operations and 36 blood transfusions,I had to learn how to talk,eat,walk,shower,and live independently again.When I was out of hospital,I still had to go to outpatient therapy (门诊治疗) in Waldorf,Maryland.After spending a few months in a wheelchair,I took baby steps to walk on my own.It was a miracle (奇迹) that I could walk again,but I wanted to prove that I could not only walk,but run.When it came true,I wanted to get back in the pool again.After a few lung tests,I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week.After a few months of swim training,I began my freshman year at St.Marys College of Maryland and became a proud member of the swim team.By telling my story,I want to make a positive influence on the world.I am just trying to live each day to the fullest and inspire other people to never give up on their dreams no matter how bad a situation is.I remember when I was still in my hospital bed,I would have my mom and dad push me around in my wheelchair to the other rooms to see the other patients and talk to them and their families.I wanted to let them know that everything was going to be okay.Somehow,things would work out for the best.1.When the car accident happened,the author_.Awas a high school studentBhad finished his high school educationCwas a college studentDwas returning home from a swim competition2It can be inferred that the author_after he woke up from his coma.Awas out of hospitalBwas in surpriseCfaced physical and mental challengesDwas worried about his lung3What can we learn from the authors recovery?AAttitude is everything.BActions speak louder than words.CEverything happens for a reason.DA good beginning is half done.4.What procedure did the author follow to full recovery?aranbreceived membership of the swim teamctrained for swimdbaby walkedelearnt to live all by himselfAd,a,c,b,e Be,d,a,c,bCd,a,b,c,e De,d,a,b,c5What does the author mainly want to show in the last paragraph?AHis purpose of sharing his story.BHis painful experiences.CHis influence on others.DHis great achievements.单项填空1C根据答语中的“我要去叫他”判断,此处为“等一下;别挂断”,hang on在此相当于hold on。ring off放下话筒;hold up举着;ring back回电话。2B母亲是长辈,她所拥有的是实用的信息。建议要经过检验之后才知道是否有效,排除C项,可接受的建议不一定实用,排除D项。3A考查省略句的用法。可以将than expected看成是than it was expected的省略。这句话的意思是:一切都进展得比预期的好。better than expected为习惯用法,表示“比预期的好”。4B这里的bear不表示“忍受”,而是“承受”的意思。5Cdistingusih表示“区分,辨别”,常构成distinguish A from B,而differ from each other意为“有区别,不同于”,相当于be different from each other。6C此处指对事物lecture的看法,故使用v.ing形式。结合后面的“I doubt.”可知此题答案为C项。7Aout of order 出故障了,可根据“你必须让人检查一下”判断。out of control失去控制,不符合句意。8C句意为:他将手伸入包内拿出来两枚硬币。dive into在此意为“将手伸入中”。9D此处what引导宾语从句且在宾语从句中作主语,they thought在此作插入语。10C考查形容词辨析。此处be convenient for意为“离近”。be close to接近。11B考查短语辨析。now and then偶尔;有时。sooner or later迟早;more or less或多或少;over and over again反复。12A考查过去分词作定语。dressed in a white uniform是过去分词短语作定语,修饰The young girl,相当于定语从句who was dressed in a white uniform。13D考查短语辨析。ring off挂断电话。14D考查短语辨析。call up给打电话。句意是:“请原谅我这么晚给你打电话,但是我有急事。”“没关系,什么事?”call by顺路来一下;call off取消;call in顺路到某处或某人的家。15C考查名词辨析。importance重要性。quality品质,质量,特性;patience耐心;difference区别。.完形填空【语篇解读】作者的一次经历让她深刻理解了“人不可貌相”这句话。1B深夜快要“来临(approaching)”时,在饭店关门前的十分钟,一位绅士来用餐。2C根据后面的who got to.可知,在这么晚的时候还不得不留下来为客人服务,作者感到自己很“不幸(unlucky)”。3D根据后面的sent.back twice和When it eventually arrived to his liking判断,这位绅士对饭菜“不满意(dissatisfied)”。4A这位先生把他“定的饭菜(order)”退回来两次。5C当一切都合他的意,他又要了新鲜咖啡。6C这个时候经理和厨师都紧“盯(watching)”作者,因为他们希望这位顾客尽快吃完离开。7A此处是指那一“天(day)”饭店的最后一位顾客。8B最后一位顾客离开后他们就可以“关门(close up)”回家了。9C根据顾客用餐的费用和最后一段提示可知,作者判断这位绅士不会付很多的小费。tip此处用做动词,指“付小费”。10D“然而(However)”,作者还是尽最大努力给他提供好的服务。11C在给这位绅士添咖啡的时候,不知怎么的,作者把咖啡“洒到(spilled)”了盘子和桌子上。12D13A此时已经太晚了,作者虽然道歉了,但“无法(unable)”给这位绅士换一盘食物,因为“厨房(kitchen)”里一切设施都已关了。14B根据这位绅士先前的性情,作者在洒了咖啡后对他可能的反应有一定的“预料(expectation)”。15D但是这个时候这位绅士的做法“确实(really)”让作者感到意外。16D对于作者洒了咖啡这件事,这位绅士并没有向经理“抱怨(complaining)”。17B相反,他向经理建议,作者表现得很好,经理应该尽可能长期地让作者在这里工作。keep somebody around让某人在附近,在此处表示让作者能够长期在饭店工作。18C第二天作者上班,去“取(picked up)”她的小费。19B“如果(if)”顾客是用信用卡付账,所给的小费等到第二天才能拿到。20C作者被“告知(told)”,那位绅士为8美元的饭付了15美元的小费。.阅读理解【语篇解读】本文作者通过讲述自己顽强战胜病痛的经历以激励那些身处逆境的人们永不放弃,勇敢面对所有的艰难险阻。1.B细节理解题。车祸发生在作者高中毕业后一个月(A month after I graduated from high school in 2020),故B项正确。2C推理判断题。当作者从昏迷中醒来后,发现自己失去了行走能力,“正如我的身体一样,我的梦想全部被击碎了(Just like my body,my dreams were shattered)”。由此可推断出当时作者遭受了严重的身心打击,面临着巨大的身心压力,故C为正确选项。3A深层理解题。在第四段作者讲述了自己一步步顽强战胜病痛的经历,在最后一段作者谈到讲述自己的故事的目的是:to make a positive influence on the world。由此可知作者是要通过自己的经历说明积极乐观的心态决定了自己的最终康复,以此鼓舞人们不管身处多么糟糕的境地,都要坚持梦想(to never give up on their dreams no matter how bad a situation is)。4.B细节理解题。从本文第三段可知,作者经历的康复过程为学会说话、进食、洗浴及独立生活;婴儿学步;跑步;重回游泳池;游泳训练;成为泳队一员。5A段落大意题。最后一段的主题句是By telling my story,I want to.。下文的内容都是围绕这个主题而展开的。由此可知,最后一段中,作者主要想说明的是给大家讲这个故事的目的。


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