2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1 (江西专用)

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2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1 (江西专用)_第1页
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2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1 (江西专用)_第2页
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2020年高考英语一轮复习课时作业1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1 (江西专用)_第3页
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课时作业(一)必修1Unit 1 Friendship限时:30分钟.单项填空1That ebook is no longer an ordinary book with a screen _ you can read novels.Ain which Bof whichCthat Dwhere2The story of Li Tianyi, the son of _ famous military singer, driving a BMW without a license and attacking a couple on the road has drawn the attention of _ public.Athe; the B/; the Ca; an Da; the3You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose.Aagree with Bagree toCagree on Dagree about4_ you write so well?By reading and keeping diaries every day.AHow is it that BIs it how thatCHow it is that DWhat is it that5You _ a child. You can take care of yourself.Really? But I am only 15 years old.Ano longer are Bnot any more areCare no longer Dno more are6Have you seen the film before?No.This is the first time that I_ it.Asee BsawChave seen Dhad seen7_crime in this area has increased so much over the last 20 years?AWhy is it that BWhy it is thatCWhy was it that DWhy it was that8Did you hear_ John?Yes,he rang me this morning and we agreed_ a date to meet.Aof; to Babout; withCfrom; with Dfrom; on9Wow, isnt this handsome device the most popular iPad 2? Can I have a look at it?_.ANo, you cant BSorry, it is expensiveCYes, go ahead DOf course, it looks good10With a lot of difficult problems _, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.Asettled BsettlingCbeing settled Dto settle11Wow! It snowed last night. What a nice world!Youre right. But its more difficult to find my missing keys with snow_ the ground.Acovered BcoverCto cover Dcovering12“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”ANot likely BNot exactlyCNot nearly DNot really13People should stop using their cars and start using public transport._. The roads are too crowded as it is.AAll right BExactlyCGo ahead DFine14Please tell me _ you are getting on with your new classmates.Awhether BwhatCwhere Dhow15Why did you talk to the teacher after class?I dont understand _ during the lecture.Athe problem did she tell usBhow did she sayCthat she was talking aboutDwhat she was teaching.完形填空What would I do for Carols 50th birthday? It was _16_ that she didnt want a party, certainly not a surprise party(that was an agreement at our marriage).“How about a small dinner with _17_?” I asked.“No,” she said, “I hate being the center of _18_.”Still, the milestone had to be marked. _19_ wasnt going to let her get away with a Stouffers frozen dinner and a movie video, _20_ was all she said she wanted.I thought and thought, and _21_ making my decision, I sent a letter to her friends, asking them for photos, poems, and letters. “Carol doesnt _22_ a party in personbut Im hoping to _23_ her a party in a book.” I bought a(n)_24_ with a friends advice, and what I wanted _25_. For a few minutes at the end of every workday, I _26_ pull out the marking pens and make up the _27_, Carols.Photos of her in junior high, pictures of us _28_ the boys, original songs, notes, cards, and poems. It made me _29_ for all the years we had had together. The _30_ was more than the album. It was the friendship and love she had given to me, to our kids and to all her friends and family. You could _31_ it on every page.I wrapped it up and _32_ it home. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” I said. “Its not a frozen dinner or a video, but its _33_ you deserve.” She cried. She doesnt _34_ like to cry, but I think she likes the book. Shes said so many times. And every time I remind her _35_ putting it together was a gift to me. 16A.amazing BclearCunusual Dimportant17A.neighbours BchildrenCfriends Dclassmates18A.attention BcommentCview Dinterest19A.She BIt CHe DI20A.for Bthat Cwhich Dwhen21A.before Bafter Cwhen Donce22A.want Bhave Chold Dattend23A.make Bchoose Cfind Dgive24A.album BnovelCmirror Dovercoat25A.went on Bpoured inCturned back Dgot away26A.could Bshould Cwould Dmight27A.decision Bstory Cmind Dbook28A.for Baround Cwith Dexcept29A.grateful BworriedCnervous Dspecial30A.meaning BgiftCparty Dworld31A.count Bread Cexpress Dimprove32A.took BsentCplaced Dpacked33A.how Bwhy Cwhich Dwhat34A.normally BmerelyCreally Dobviously35A.whether BthatCwhen Dwho.阅读理解Our CommunityOne Tuesday evening in the beginning of the fall 1996 semester (学期) at Shippensburg University, sirens sounded. These sirens were not in celebration; they were a cry to the university that something was wrong. A house, only one block away, was on fire. Nine of the universitys students lived there.From the minute the word got out that help was needed, it seemed like everyone showed up. The victims (受灾者) of the fire were offered endless invitations for housing for the night. The very next day, everyone got_into_gear to do their part in helping them. Flyers( handbills) were posted with items that were immediately needed, just to get these students through this next couple of days. Boxes for donations (捐赠品) and money jars were placed in every residence hall (学生宿舍).As a residence director, I went before the students in my hall to ask them to do what they could. I knew that college students dont have much, but I asked them to do their best: “Every little bit will help.” I really didnt think they could do much. I was proved wrong.At the hall council meeting the night after the fire, my residents decided to have a wing competition, where each wing of the building would team up to see who could bring in the most donations. I announced that the wing who won would receive a free pizza party.Thursday evening we announced over the PA system that we were beginning the wing competition. Within minutes, the place exploded. The single large box that I had placed in the lobby (大厅) was overflowing. We quickly grabbed more boxes, and we watched in_amazement as they, too, filled to the brim(边;沿). Members of the resident assistant staff and I began to count the items. I was astonished by what I saw, and I was inspired by these kids.When we came to the final tally(得分), the winners turned to me and announced that they would like to donate their winnings as well. They wanted the victims of the fire to have their pizza party.Tears welled up in my eyes. I had watched these students jump to action, work tirelessly and donate all that they could. And then, as if that were not enough, they handed over their reward. I was touched and so very proud of them.36The writer mainly wanted to_ by the story.Atell us nine of the college students suffered from a fireBsing praise of the college students helping the victims selflesslyCdescribe how successful the wing competition wasDexpress he was deeply moved by the college students action37The phrase “get into gear” in the second paragraph means _.Astart working Btake measuresCbe ready Dbe eager38At first, the residence director thought _.Ait was impossible to expect the college students to donate anythingBit was easy to collect a lot of donations from the college studentsCthe college students would donate something, but not muchDthe college students would donate all they could39The wing competition was held _.Aseveral days after the fireBthe night after the fireCa week after the fireDtwo days after the fire40The phrase “in amazement” in Paragraph 5 means _.Asatisfactorily BexcitedlyCsurprisedly Dhappily课时作业(一).1.D考查关系副词的用法。where 相当于on which,从句相当于you can read novels on the screen。2D考查冠词。第一空没有说明是哪位军旅歌手的儿子,所以用不定冠词表泛指;the public为固定用法,意为“公众,大众”。3A考查动词短语辨析。agree with “同意,赞成;与相适应”;agree to “同意,赞成(观点,看法等)”;agree on “就达成协议”;agree about “对有相同的看法”。句意为:你看上去很好。我认为三亚的空气和海鲜很适合你。故选A。4A考查强调句及连词辨析。答语“By reading and keeping diaries every day”是表示方式的,所以应该用how(怎么样),强调句的特殊疑问形式为:疑问词 is it that其他成分。5Cno longer “不再”,常放在助动词或be动词后。上句句意为:你不再是小孩了。你能自己照顾自己了。6C考查动词的时态。This is the first time后的that从句用现在完成时。7A考查强调句结构。该句的陈述语序为:It is why that crime in this area has increased so much over the last 20 years.所以疑问句的句子顺序为A项。8D考查动词短语辨析。hear from sb. “收到某人的来信、电话”;根据语境,第一空处表示“收到约翰的信或接到约翰的电话”;第二空处表示“就见面日期达成一致意见”,所以D项符合语境。9C考查交际用语。句意:“哇,难道这款漂亮的装置就是最流行的iPad 2?我可以看看吗?”“当然可以了。”故选C。10D考查with复合结构。句意为:有这么多的问题要解决,经理感觉就像热锅上的蚂蚁。从the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks看,问题还没有解决,不定式表将来。应选D项。【思维拓展】 “withn./pron.adj./adv./prep./doing/done/to do”结构是高考的重点。withn./pron.done(表被动或完成)/to do (表将来)/doing(表进行或主动)。如:(1) With a lot of problems settled, they went to the seashore to spend their holiday.(2) With the boy leading the road, we couldnt get lost.11D考查“withn. 宾补”结构。这里snow和cover是主动关系,故用现在分词。12D考查交际用语。句意:她问:“我们会将会议推迟吗?”“不会吧”,他礼貌地回答道:“这是唯一我们大家都合适的一天。”依据上下文,后者对前者提出的问题表示惊讶,故用not really。 not really “不会,事实上没有”,符合题意。not likely“(表示坚决不同意)绝不可能,绝对不会”;not exactly “(说反话时用)根本不;决不;一点也不;(纠正对方刚说的话)不完全”;not nearly “远非,绝不是”,与语意不符,故选D。13B考查交际用语。句意:“人们应该停用自己的车辆,开始使用公交车。”“对。看样子现在路已经很拥挤了。”exactly “完全对”,符合题意。14D句意:请告诉我你和你的新同学们相处得如何。get on/along with sb.表示“与某人相处”,若说“相处得好”用well,即get on/along well with sb.。此处用how引导宾语从句,相当于对well提问。15Dwhat引导宾语从句,从句用陈述语序。A, B语序不对,C项中that应改为what才对。.在妻子50岁生日时,丈夫送给妻子一份特殊的礼物。那是一本精心制作的书,记录了妻子几十年来对朋友和家庭全部的爱。16B考查形容词。根据本段最后括号里的内容可知:显然,卡罗尔不喜欢“我”为她举办一个生日宴会。17C考查名词。句意为:“我”问:“找几个好友聚餐怎么样?”18A考查名词。由句意可知她说她不喜欢成为大家关注的中心。因为是卡罗尔过生日,她当然会成为大家关注的中心。attention “注意力”,符合语境。19D考查代词。此处表示“我”不想让她生日的那天就这样随便过去吃史都华牌的冷冻食物,看一个电影视频。20C考查定语从句。which在此处引导非限制性定语从句。21B考查连词。句意为:“我”想了又想,作出决定之后,“我”开始给卡罗尔的朋友们写信。22A考查动词。卡罗尔不想(want)举行生日宴会。第一段的“she didnt want a party”是线索提示,原词再现是完形填空设题的一大特点。23D考查动词。句意为:“我”想给她举办一个书本上的派对。give sb. a party意为“为某人举办一个派对”。24A考查名词。句意为:“我”在一个朋友的建议下买了一本相册(album)。下文中的“more than the album”是线索提示。25B考查动词短语。根据下文可知此处表示“我”把想要的东西不断地放入相册中。pour in “不断涌向”,符合语境。go on “继续”;turn back “往回走”;get away “脱身;逃离”。26C考查情态动词。此处would表示“(过去)常常,总是”。根据句意可知“我”总是在每个工作日快结束的几分钟为妻子制作这本书。27D考查名词。上文内容“her a party in a book”暗示,“我”要给卡罗尔做一本书。28C考查介词。根据句意可知“我”搜集到的有她上高中时的照片,我们俩和儿子们在一起的照片等等。with表示“与在一起”。29A考查形容词。根据句意可知收集到的东西让“我”非常感激我们一起走过的岁月。be grateful for“感激”。30B考查名词。根据句意可知这份礼物并不仅仅是一本相册。这代表了她对“我”、孩子、她所有的朋友以及家庭的爱和友谊。31B考查动词。在这本书的每一页中,你都能“读”到这些。32A考查动词。由句意知“我”把这本书包装好之后带回家中。take it home “带回家”。33D“我”说:“这可不是一顿冷冻的饭菜或者是一个视频,而是你值得拥有的东西。”what you deserve为表语从句。34C考查副词。句意为:她哭了。实际上,她不喜欢哭。但是我认为这本书感动了她。really “实际上”。35B句意为:每一次“我”都提醒她整理出这本书对“我”来说也是一个礼物。空白处之后为宾语从句,从句中不缺少句子成分,因此用that连接。.本文是记叙文。全文叙述了在救灾捐助活动中,大学生的积极表现,以此赞扬他们正义的精神。36B主旨大意题。作者写此文章意在通过救灾捐助活动歌颂大学生忘我的助人为乐精神,描述场面是手段,颂扬精神是目的。37A词义猜测题。整段叙述救灾的紧急行动情况和大家的积极性,四个选项中只有A项的意思能和前后文统一起来。38C细节理解题。作者原先的想法在第三段I knew that college students dont have much, but I asked them to do their best: “Every little bit will help.”体现出来。39D细节理解题。星期二晚上发生火灾,星期四晚上搞募捐比赛,即募捐比赛是在灾后两天搞的。40C词义猜测题。作者原以为大学生没什么东西可捐,对他们的捐献本没抱多大的期望。但捐献现场的气氛却是那样热烈,这大大出乎其意料,所以感到“惊讶”是很自然的。本段最后一句中的 “astonished” 对此题也可起到提示和印证的作用。


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