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关于一年级英语故事阅读一年级简单英语小故事关于一年级英语故事阅读关于一年级英语故事阅读 在儿童成长所需的这个丰富多彩的世界里,故事可以很好的满足学生 的好奇心,娱乐心,探究心,智慧心和游戏心。WTT精心搜集了关于一年级英语故事, 供大家欣赏学习! 关于一年级英语故事:纸上谈兵 In the Warring States Period (战国), the State of Zhao (赵国) had a famous general called Zhao She, whose son, Zhao Kuo, was very fond of reading books on military science and discussing strategy.战国时,赵国名将赵奢 (sh) 的儿子赵括,喜欢看兵书,并且喜欢讨 论军事战术。 He could learn military tets by heart, and when discussing warfare he spoke so clearly andlogally that it seemed that even his father was not his match.他把兵书背得滚瓜烂熟,谈起打仗来头头是道,好似他的父亲都不是 他的对手。 When the State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, the ruler of Zhao ordered Zhao Kuo to lead 400,000 men to resist the attack.当秦国攻进军攻击赵国的时候,赵王派赵括率领四十万大军去抵抗。 But since Zhao Kuo had no practal eperience of battle, he was defeated and lost his life.由于他只知道死抠书本而不会在实际中灵敏运用,最后指挥失策,以 致全军覆灭,他自己也中箭身亡。 Later people used this idiom to describe those who are good only at theorizing, and lack practal eperience.最后人们根据这一历史故事,把死抠书本,没有实际经历,只会夸夸 其谈称为“纸上谈兵”。 关于一年级英语故事:空中楼阁 A rh man asked an architect to build a three-story house for him.有一个富人让一位建筑师为他建造一个三层楼的房子。 When the first story was finished, the rh man said to the architect: I want only the third story; not the first and second stories. 当第一层建造好的时候,富人对建筑师说:“我只想要第三层楼,不 要第一、第二层。” The architect asked, But without the first and second stories, how can I build the third story 建筑师说:“但没有第一、第二层,何来第三层呢” Shaking his head, he packed up his things, and left.建筑师于是就摇了摇头,拾掇东西分开了。 This idiom indates an unrealist or impractal plan or theory.这个成语如今比喻不现实或者不可行的方案或者理论等。 关于一年级英语故事:犹豫不决 The You is a kind of wild animal whh is by nature etremely suspious.“犹”是一种野兽,它天生性情非常多疑。 Whenever it hears a sound, it immediately bees afraid, suspecting that there is a hunternearby who is trying to catch it, or another animal that wants to harm it.It runs up into a tree and hides, peeking out its head and scanning all around.不管它在甚么地方找食物,或是漫步,一听到声音就害怕。它疑心有 猎人要来抓它,或是别的野兽要来害它,就慌张地爬到树上躲起来。再把头探出 来,偷偷地看。 After a while it climbs back down, looking here and looking there.过了一会儿,又从树上跳下来,在地上东张西望地看看那边。 Only when it is sure that there is nothing around does it finally ben to rela.一直到什么也没看见,才定下心来。But then pretty soon, it will again grow afraid, and running up into a tree, ben the sameroutine all over again.但是过了一会儿,它又懹疑起来,就又爬到树上,在树上停一会儿, 定定心,认为没有什么危险了,才从树上跳下来。 Time and time again, the You repeats this, with the result that it spends half of its day running up and down trees, and wastes a lot of energy.就这样一次又一次地跳上跳下,跳了大半天,总是白费力气。 So, when someone is very hesitant, and cannot make a decision, others often say of this person that the You cannot decide. 后来的人,因为“犹”天生好疑心,不果断,所以当一个人处理事情时, 没有主意,不知道怎样处理,就叫做“犹豫不决”。第 3 页 共 3 页


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