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会计学1第一页,共63页。1 In the reading passage several expressions are used in an idiomatic way. Find them and fill in the chart. Discovering useful words and expressions第1页/共63页第二页,共63页。Idiomatic expressions Meaningto report on an important eventclever ways known to expertsto present ideas fairlynot to understand an idea properlythis is the storyto get the story firstcover a story trick of the trade get the facts straightget to the wrong end of the stickthis is how the story goesget a scoop第2页/共63页第三页,共63页。2Complete Sentence B using a word or phrase from the reading passage which has the opposite meaning to the words underlined in Sentence A. 1. A By accident she broke that beautiful bowl. B She _ broke that beautiful bowl.deliberately第3页/共63页第四页,共63页。2. A He did not steal the vase so he didnt do anything wrong. B He did steal the vase so he is _. 3. A She does not get absorbed in her studies for long. B She can _ her studies for a long time.guiltyconcentrate on第4页/共63页第五页,共63页。4. A The journalist went out with an untrained photographer. B The journalist went out with a/an _ photographer. professional第5页/共63页第六页,共63页。5. A Chris is not interested in starting his new job. B Chris is _ to start his new job.6. A “This room needs a light clean,” explained the housewife. B “This room needs a _ clean,” explained the housewife.thorougheager第6页/共63页第七页,共63页。7. A The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge. B The law does not allow people to _ themselves _ a crime.8. A I dont mind losing that skill if it is not useful. B I dont mind _ that skill if it is useful.accuse ofacquire第7页/共63页第八页,共63页。assistant, photographer, delighted, assist, editor, deadline, colleague,amateur, submitted, published, dilemma, assessed, unusual, Meanwhile, sceptical第8页/共63页第九页,共63页。Inversion第9页/共63页第十页,共63页。1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of 2. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took3. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all information you need to know.4. Here comes my list of dos and donts.第10页/共63页第十一页,共63页。在英语中在英语中, ,主语和谓语的语序通常主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前是主语在前, ,谓语在后。但有时为了谓语在后。但有时为了语法结构的需要语法结构的需要, ,或者是为了强调或者是为了强调(qing dio),(qing dio),谓语的全部或一部分却提到主语谓语的全部或一部分却提到主语前面前面, ,这种语序叫做倒装。这种语序叫做倒装。 倒装可分为倒装可分为: : a.a.全部倒装全部倒装 b. b.部分倒装部分倒装 倒装倒装(do zhun)(Inversion):第11页/共63页第十二页,共63页。 基本基本(jbn)语序语序natural ordersubject 主主+ predicate 谓谓+object 宾宾I love English.第12页/共63页第十三页,共63页。倒装倒装 Inversions把谓语动词放在主语把谓语动词放在主语(zhy)之前之前, 叫倒叫倒装结构。装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语如果全部谓语放在主语(zhy)之前之前, 叫叫全部倒装全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或如果只把助动词或be 动词等放在主语动词等放在主语(zhy)之之前前, 叫部分倒装。叫部分倒装。Here comes the car. (全倒全倒)Never will Zhou Yang forget(半倒半倒)动词主体动词主体(zht)仍在仍在后面后面第13页/共63页第十四页,共63页。1. There goes the bell.2. Out rush the children.3. Never was he interested in the pop stars.4. In front of the house was a small garden.5. Only then did I realize that I was wrong.6. No sooner had she gone out than the phone rang. 1.2.4.goesrushwas第14页/共63页第十五页,共63页。Inversion(倒装句倒装句) 若有主从句若有主从句, ,哪句倒装哪句倒装(do (do zhun)zhun)。 部分倒装部分倒装(do zhun)(do zhun)还是完全倒装还是完全倒装(do zhun)(do zhun)。第15页/共63页第十六页,共63页。主语位于谓语主语位于谓语are there之后之后原句自然原句自然(zrn)顺序是:顺序是:Many students are there in the classroom.全部全部(qunb)倒装倒装1. 用于用于 there be 句型句型(j xn)。 There are many students in the classroom.(there be+主语主语)第16页/共63页第十七页,共63页。名词名词(mng c)第17页/共63页第十八页,共63页。注意注意(zh y):代词代词(dic)作主语时作主语时, 主谓语序不主谓语序不变。变。Here comes he. Here he comes.Away went they. Away they went. 第18页/共63页第十九页,共63页。3. 当句首状语当句首状语(zhungy)是表示地点的介词词组时是表示地点的介词词组时, 也常引起全部倒装。也常引起全部倒装。From the valley came a frightening sound. Under the tree stands a little boy.第19页/共63页第二十页,共63页。Here comes the bus.Onthe wallhangsa picture. 第20页/共63页第二十一页,共63页。1) _ a letter for you.A.There are B. Is here C. Here is D. Is there2) _ a big paper-making factory by the lake.A.There stands B. Does there stand C. Standing there is D. It is standingCA第21页/共63页第二十二页,共63页。3) _ and caught the mouse. A.Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat4) -Where is your father? -Oh, _.A. here he comes B. he here comes C. here does he come D. here comes heCA第22页/共63页第二十三页,共63页。5) Look out! _A. The bus come there B. There comes the bus.C. Does the bus come? D. Comes the bus there. 6) Under a big tree _, half asleep.A. did sat a fat man B. a fat man sat C. did a fat man sat D. sat a fat manBD第23页/共63页第二十四页,共63页。. 用于用于only开头的句子开头的句子(j zi)(修饰副词、介词修饰副词、介词 短语或状语从句短语或状语从句) Only in this way can you learn English well.部分部分(b fen)倒装倒装. 用于用于 never, hardly, seldom, little, at no time, not only, rarely, little, not a bit 等等 否定词开头否定词开头(ki tu)的句子里。的句子里。 Never shall I do this again.第24页/共63页第二十五页,共63页。. 用于用于no sooner than, hardly when 和和 not until的句型的句型(j xn)中。中。 No sooner had she gone out than the class began. Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.第25页/共63页第二十六页,共63页。. 用于用于 so, nor, neither 开头的句子开头的句子(j zi), 表示表示 重复的内容。此句谓语应与前句谓语的重复的内容。此句谓语应与前句谓语的 时态形式一致。时态形式一致。Jack can not answer the question. Neither can I. He has been to Beijing. _ So have I. So he has我也去过。我也去过。(不同不同(b tn)人人/情况情况)是的是的, 他确实去过。他确实去过。(同个人同个人/情况情况)第26页/共63页第二十七页,共63页。1) My wife is a teacher, and _. A. so am I B. so I am C. also I am D. too I am2) She is not fond of cooking, _ I. A. so am B. nor do C. neither do D. nor am3) Mr. Smith promised to help me and _ the next day. A. neither he did B. so he did C. neither did he D. so did heADB第27页/共63页第二十八页,共63页。Such an interesting book is it that John has read it twice. . 在在 so/such that 的结构的结构(jigu)中,若中,若so/such 置于句首,则句子部分倒装。置于句首,则句子部分倒装。1) It is such an interesting book that John has read it twice. 2) It is so interesting a book that John has read it twice. So interesting a book is it that John has read it twice. 第28页/共63页第二十九页,共63页。6. 由由as 或或though 引导的让步状语从句有时引导的让步状语从句有时(yush)也用也用 倒装句,即把表语或部分谓语提前。倒装句,即把表语或部分谓语提前。他虽然是个孩子他虽然是个孩子(hi zi),但已,但已经熟知英语。经熟知英语。Child as/though he was, he had a good command of English.他虽有耐心他虽有耐心(nixn),但也不愿意等三个小时。,但也不愿意等三个小时。Patient though/as he was, he was unwilling to wait three hours.第29页/共63页第三十页,共63页。7. 用于某些用于某些(mu xi)祝愿的句子。祝愿的句子。 1) May you succeed! 2) Long live China! 第30页/共63页第三十一页,共63页。第31页/共63页第三十二页,共63页。I have never seen such a performance. Never have I seen such a performance.第32页/共63页第三十三页,共63页。You will find the answer to this question nowhere. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question.第33页/共63页第三十四页,共63页。第34页/共63页第三十五页,共63页。 这里这里(zhl)绝不允许吸烟绝不允许吸烟(at no time/ in no way) At no time are you allowed to smoke here. In no way are you allowed to smoke here. 第35页/共63页第三十六页,共63页。只有当只有当 not onlybut also 连接两个分句时连接两个分句时, 才在第一个分句才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not onlybut also仅连接两个并列词语仅连接两个并列词语(cy),不可用倒装结构。,不可用倒装结构。Not only you but also I am fond of music.Notonlycanmp3s provide us with fun, but also they can help us learn English well.第36页/共63页第三十七页,共63页。Onlyafterbeing askedthreetimesdidhe cometo themeetingOnlybypracticingeverydaycanyou learnEnglish well.第37页/共63页第三十八页,共63页。第38页/共63页第三十九页,共63页。2 Rewrite these sentence using normal word order.1. I did not know how to use that recorder. Neither did he. Neither he or I knew how to use that recorder.第39页/共63页第四十页,共63页。2. Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge. I only began my work on designing a new bridge then.3. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it. There was not only a Christmas tree but also exciting presents under it.第40页/共63页第四十一页,共63页。4. “Is everything ready yet?” asked Hu Xin to the photographer. Hu Xin asked the photographer, “Is everything ready yet?”第41页/共63页第四十二页,共63页。3 Rewrite these sentences using inversion. First, find the phrase to begin with. Then change the word order of the sentence. Use the words or phrases underlined to rewrite these sentences.第42页/共63页第四十三页,共63页。1. You will see so many seats only at a stadium in Beijing. Only at a stadium in Beijing will you see so many seats.2. I have seldom seen a situation which made me so angry. Seldom have I seen a situation which made me so angry.第43页/共63页第四十四页,共63页。3. You will be able to write a good report only after you have acquired the information you need. Only after you have acquired the information you need will you be able to write a good report.4. He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but he has never given one to me. Never has he given a present to me though he gave a lot (of presents) to his friends.第44页/共63页第四十五页,共63页。5. She is not only good at languages, but also at history and geography. Not only is she good at language, but she is also good at history and geography.第45页/共63页第四十六页,共63页。6. I have never read such an exciting report before. Never before have I read such an exciting report.7. She took part in a horse riding competition, and did not miss a jump once. Not once did she miss a jump when she took part in the horse riding competition.第46页/共63页第四十七页,共63页。高考高考(o ko)真题真题1. (10江西江西(jin x), 33) Not until he left his home _ 2. to know how important the family was for him.3. A. did he begin B. had he begun 4. C. he began D. he had begun2. (10四川四川, 9) We laugh at jokes, but seldom _ about how they work A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we thinkAD第47页/共63页第四十八页,共63页。3. (10江苏江苏, 33) Is everyone here? Not yetLook, there_ the rest of our guests! A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming4. (10重庆重庆(zhn qn), 33) At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China. A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lieBA第48页/共63页第四十九页,共63页。5. Only when I left my parents for Italy. _ how much I loved them. (2008重庆重庆(zhn qn) A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize D第49页/共63页第五十页,共63页。6. _ you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy. (20008 江苏江苏) A. only if; will you B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will A 第50页/共63页第五十一页,共63页。7. It was announced that only when the fire was under control _ to return to their homes. (2008江西江西(jin x) A. the residents would be permitted B. had the residents been permitted C. would the residents be permitted D. the residents had been permittedC 第51页/共63页第五十二页,共63页。8. _ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies. (2006 浙江浙江(zh jin) A. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet9. Only then _ how much damage had been caused. (2006陕西陕西) A. she realized B. she had realizedC. had she realized D. did she realizeA D For more exercises, click here.第52页/共63页第五十三页,共63页。把下列句子改为把下列句子改为(i wi)倒倒装。装。1. I have never seen him before. _ I seen him before.2. She had hardly gone out when a student came to see her. _ when a student came to see her.Never haveHardly had she gone out第53页/共63页第五十四页,共63页。3. I didnt go there. He didnt go there either. I didnt go there, _.neither/nor did he4. A terrible Genie (妖怪妖怪(yo gui) stood before the fisherman. Before the fisherman _ _.stood a terrible Genie第54页/共63页第五十五页,共63页。5. People seldom did experiment to test their ideas. _ to test their ideas.Seldom did people do experiment6. You can learn English well only in this way. _ you learn English well. Only in this way can第55页/共63页第五十六页,共63页。7. Lu Xun was not only a great writer, but also a great thinker. _ a great writer, but also a great thinker.Not only was Lu Xun 8. It didnt stop raining until midnight. _ it stop raining.Not until midnight did 第56页/共63页第五十七页,共63页。Leaning about LanguageDiscovering useful structures第57页/共63页第五十八页,共63页。1 Find three examples of inversion in the reading passage.1) Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.2) Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.3) Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.第58页/共63页第五十九页,共63页。4 Certain expressions can introduce an inverted sentence. Now complete the following sentences that begin with these expressions. 1. Only after _ did _ _.2. Not once did _ _.my operationmy neighbours come round to offer me support you come to say you were sorry after breaking the vase第59页/共63页第六十页,共63页。 people get hit and never seem to feel the pain3. Seldom have I _ _.4. Only by doing _ could _ _ .5. Only in a _ can _ _. been so happy as when my son graduated from universityher exercise every day Jane hope to run professionally againfilm第60页/共63页第六十一页,共63页。6. Not once did _ _ _ _.7. Only then did _ _. Zhou Jie receive an admission notice to Beijing university, but he also won a scholarship to study in America. she remember what her aunt told her第61页/共63页第六十二页,共63页。1. Summarize the rules of inversion in your own way.2. Finish the exercises Using Structures in workbook on Page 64.第62页/共63页第六十三页,共63页。


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