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虎教育资料初中根底语法知识姓名 一、名词1 、可数名词和不可数名词如何来表示数量?哪些名词既可数又不可数名词? (6 个单词 )基数词+可数名词复数或用many, a few, a lot of /lots of /plenty of, some, any+可数名词复数: eightoranges, many students, lots of tomatoes, some boys (注意区别 some 某个男孩 ), any matches ( 注意区别 any 任何竞赛), six boxes of books基数词 + 量词(piece, kind, box, bottle, cup, glass, bag)+ 不可数名词或用 much, a little, a lot of/lots of /plenty of, some, any+不可数名词: two pieces of paper, three boxes of orange, forty bagsof rice, five cups of tea, much water, some drink, any advice( 工作, 作品、 工厂 ), ( 橙汁, 桔子 ), ( 时刻, 次数、 倍数 ), ( 鸡肉, 小鸡 ), ( 纸, 试卷、报纸), ( 玻璃,玻璃杯 ), ( 空间,房间 )2、可数名词复数如何变?C1 规那么(1)、一样情形加 : penf, doctor f (2)、以, , , ,结尾的 词力口: busf, classf, boxf, foxf, watchf, brushf, wish - (3)、以辅音母加 结尾的词变 为再力口: city f, factory f, country, family f, babyf, story f, partyf, century f, worryf(4)、以元音字母加 结尾的名词的复数形式只加 : boyf, dayf, keyf, wayf, toy (5) 、以 结尾的词多数都加 : herof, potato f, tomatof (6) 、词末有两个元音字母的词和外来词只加 : zoof, radio f, photo f, piano f (7) 以 或 结尾 的词,多数变 为 再力口: knife f, leaf f, half f,thief f, wife f( 注意:roof( 屋顶)froofs ; scarf f/)。C2不规刃B么 (7 个单词 ) man, womans, tooth f , footf, goosef, child f, mouses, policeman f, policewoman f, Englishman f单数形式而只能表示复数(2个单词) 人, 警察 单复数形式一样(5个单词)中国人,日本人,绵羊,鹿,鱼,方式 复数形式只能是单数 (3个单词)新闻, 数学, 物理, 瀑布, 美国一样只有复数无单数 (4 个单词) (裤子),眼镜, 衣服,(货物),(筷 子) 复合词的复数如何变 (1) 主名词为复数:banana tree f, daughter in law f ,(儿 媳),boy student f, girl friend f, shoe factory f (2) 如是 man或 woma用乍定语时,同日变复数:mandriver f(男司机)womandoctor f(女医生)(3) sport一样用复数作定语: sports bag f, sports shoe fC8人名复数的用法及意思是什么? The +人名表示 The Greens =family 谓语用3 、名词所有格的加法及用法(1) 单数后 _ : a ( 学生 )room, my ( 母亲 ) father (2) 以 _结尾的复数在_后加 _ : ( 双胞胎 ) rooms, ( 教师 ) Day ( 注意:以_结尾的单数名词加 ,如是姓氏 ( 名字 ) 时,那么能够直接加_或加 _: an ( 女演员 ) experience, a ( 女效劳员 ) job , (James) sister 或 sister , (Jones) books 或 books) (3) 特殊名词复数加 : ( 儿童 ) Day, ( 妇女 ) Day, ( 鼠 ) hair (4) 由 and 连接的表示一起拥有加 为 所有格: ( 玛丽和约翰) father, (Nick and Tim) bedroom 注意:别离拥有那么 加所有格: (Jim and Mike) mothers, (Jack and Lucy) chairs (5) 在表示时刻、距离、长度、重量、价钱、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 ( 此构造能够用连字号表示,现在所有格只能用单数) : a twenty ( 分钟 ) walk= a walk , ten ( 英里 ) journey = journey( 旅行 ) , a (船) length( 长度 ) , two weight = two-pound weight( 两磅重 ), ten worth = ten-dollar worth( 值 10 美元 ) 。4、双重所有格的组成是什么? 1a(two)+名词()+名词物主代词=one(two )+名词物主代词+名词: 我父亲的一个朋友a of= oneof my , 我照片中的一张a photo of = one of 2 the +名词 +名词 =(the)+ 名词 +名词:the ( 猫 ) name =the name the , the ( 狗) legs =the legs the , ( 中国 ) population =the population ,China scapital =the capital of China二、数词1 、写出 1-110 和 2048 , 8563 的基数词和序数词,基数与序数如何转换_ /=1st /_ =2nd /_ =3rd /_ =4th /=5th _/=6th _ /_ =7th _/=8th _ /_ = 9th _/_ =10th _ /=11th/_=12th/_ =13th _/= 14th/_=15th _/_ =16th _ /_ =17th_ /_ =18th /_ =19th/=20th_/ =21st/_=22nd _ /_ =23rd _ /_=24th/_ 25th_ / = 29th /_=30th /=40th /_=50th /_=60th /_=70th /=80th/= 90th /=91st/=99th/=100th /=101st /= 102nd/= 110th/=/= 注意:序数词前一样用 表示“第几: ninth girl 第九的一个女孩, eighteenth desk第十八的一张桌子; 但也可用 _或表示“再、又,相当于another 或基数词 +more: _ ninth girl =nine girls = nine girls再要九个女孩基数与序数如何转换:名词+基数(每词首字母大写 = the +序数+名词 (每词的首字母小写 ) 第 8 单元 : = the 5 路公交车 : 5 = the 5 2、准确数与概数;钟点;时刻长度距离名词等的表达法和用法基数词 + ( 百 ) /( 千) / (百万 ) +名词 , some/many /few /several( 无基数词 ) ( 百 ) /( 千 )/( 百万 ) + + 名词 点 +分V 30=分+/+ 点: 在 5:20 at=at five,点 +分 30=60- 分 +点 +1:在4:40 at four = at five译: 9:28 , 11:45 , 基数+名词_+形容词相当于名词=基数 -名词 _- 形容词复数: twelve ( 岁) old = twelve- ,而基数 +名词 +形容词相当于形容词作定语 = 基数 -名词 - 形容词: a twelve ( 岁) oldboy = a twelve-boy3、分数如何表示,作主语时谓语如何确信?组成: ( one)+(有的加上连字符号),谓语依照所修饰的 的数来确信谓语的数: 3/4 = , Six (11) of water run out of. Four (9) of apples in the bag.三、代词1 、人称代词的主格和宾格别离是哪些?如何区别利用? ( 写出 )I you she they 作主语,位于动词前us _ him it 作宾语,位于动词后2、物主代词的名词性和形容词性别离是哪些?如何区别利用? (写出 )my your his her their 不能单独用,后面须接名词ours yours its ( 单独用, 后不接名词 ) 注意 its, it s ( 汉语 )3 、反身代词有哪些? ( 写出 ) 常与哪些动词或介词搭配? (6 个动词, 3 个介词 )myself ( 咱们自己 ) yourself yourselves (他自己 ) ( 她自己 ) itself( 他们自己 ) ( 单独用,作宾语,一样不作主语) (教)/hurt /(帮忙)/ dress / call /kill oneself; by / for / of/ be angry with oneself注意:不可作定语表示某物是自己的,只能用名词 +of one s own : a car of = car 我自己的车( 不能说 myself car 或 a car of myself)4 、不定代词有哪些?( 写出 ) 复合不定代词有哪些? ( 写出 ) 它们用什么代词代替?位置如何?不定代词: 二者都 , 所有都 , 一些,某一, 一些,任何一个, 两个中任一个 , 两个都不 , each, one, few, little复合不定代词: everything, everybody, everyone, everywhere, anything, anybody, anyone, anywhere,something, somebody, someone, somewhere, nothing, nobody, none, nowhere这些词指物用 代替,指人用 或 代替,有形容词修饰时放在这些单词后面。 同时区别以下不定代词:(1) little, few, a little, a fewlittle+ 不可数名词(否定意思 ), few+ 可数名词复数(否定意思 ), a little+ 不可数名词(确信 ), a few+ 可数名词复数 ( 确信 )The problem is very hard, people can work it out.There is rice, please buy some back home.I can speak only French, so I can t talk with them.Quite students like playing games.I saw boy playing with a cat on the playground. (试探:填 a few 变哪个单词 )(2) any, someany+可数名词复数/不可数名词(用于否定句和疑问句);any +可数名词单数表示任何一个(用于陈述确信句)some+可数名词复数/不可数名词(用于陈述确信句或委婉语气的句子);some可数名词单数表示某一个.(用于陈述确信句 )I ask for help. girls are reading under the tree.People can fly to the moon day. Would you like fruit?girl likes hearing nice words. Do you want milk? Did he eat apples?Would you like coffee, water or tea? is OK. I don t mind.(3) it, one, that, those, thisit 代替前文所指的物,特指,单数,也可代替时刻、距离、或形式主语与宾语,也可指人,当不知对方性别时用 it ; one 代替上文所指的同一类物,泛指,可数单数,复数用ones ,不可数用that 代替,同时经常使用于二者比拟中的另一者,若是是复数那么用 those 代替,另外打询问对方是谁用 that 代替,不用 you ,而回答我是谁时用This is代替,不用I m- oI have a dog. is very clever.I have some toys, do you have , Mike?Who s?is Nick.I found easy to study English well.The weather in Chongqing is hotter than in Beijing in summer.Don t throw it like.orange is redder than that.The books in the library are much more than in the bookstore.(4) no one, none, every one, everyoneno one常指人,回答 who,后不接 of;而none指物或人都可,后可接 of,回答 how many或how much; every one指人或物,后可接 of,而everyone指人,后不接of。均表示数量是 3或3者以上。of us is here.are late.is happy to watch movies.of us is moved.- -How many students are there in the classroom? -. They are having P.E on theplayground.- -Who is in the classroom? -. They are having P.E on the playground.- -How much milk is there in the bottle? -. Please give another one.(5) both, all, either, neither, any, none, each, every (注意:有的题答案不只个)bothalleitherneitheranynoneeachevery数量二23=2=23323接of可否可可可可可可可否名单复数复复单单单不单单可数与不可数可可、不可可可可、否可可可否单独用可可可可可可可否谓语(单复)复复、单三单三单单复、单三单三单词组both - and.和 .都(谓复)either or或者.或者(谓近)neither nor既不也不(谓靠近)eachothereverythreeweeks每三天everyotherday每隔一天注意它们后接of时的名词均为复数或代词宾格,而all, none of后还能够接不可数名词。There are many buildings on side of street.There are many trees on side of playground.There are many building on sides of street.There are many trees on sides of playground.- Do you want bananas or pears? - , I d like apples.- Do you want bananas or pears? - is OK, I don t mind.-Do you want bananas, oranges or pears? - , I d like apples.-Do you want bananas, orange or pears? - is OK, I don t mind.of them has spoken at the meeting. of them have spoken at the meeting.of your parents is at home. of your parents are at home.I am a student nor worker. I am a student and worker.twin is reading in the room. boy in the class loves her.(6) many, much, too much, much too, many more, much more, too many, so many, so much (注意:有的题答案不只一个)many /too many /so many +可数名词复数,many more + 可数名t复数 than ;much /too much /so much +不可数名词,much more +多音节形容词/副词(或不可数名词)than;much too + 形容词原级(副词 )We can t play with you because we have homework to do.This story is interesting than that one. I have books than you.He drank water than me.I dislike the TV play which is boring.There are people that the room can t hold them.Thank you . = thanks.students like seeing the film“ 2021” .(7) other, the other, others, the others, anotherother+可数名词复数=others ,数量不只二者(局部 ) ; the other+ 可数名词单数/数词 (可省略 )或 the other+可数名词复数=the others ,数量是二者(局部),one- - the other 一个另一个.;others单独用,常与some- some - others 一些,一些,另一些,数量不只两局部;the others单独用,数量是两局部;another+可数名词单数=one more+可数名词单数或 another+基数+可数名词复数=基数+more+可数名词复数, 数量是三者或以上,表示又 (再)要。Some are paying, are lying on the beach.I have two pens, one is red, is blue. I can t finish the work in two hours. I needhour.Tom does better in English than in the class.Hank is a good boy, he often helps (/people) in trouble.I am shorter than classmates in my class.I am a bit hungrier, I d like two cakes.I have five friends. One is from Japan, four are from America.(8) both and, either or, neither nor, not only but (also)( 注意:有的题答案不只一个)both and = not only but also是二者都,谓语用复数形式,否定是 neither nor;而eitheror是或或,要么一要么,谓语是靠近原那么;neithernor是既不一也不,是对 bothand的否定;谓语是靠近原那么;not only but also = both and是不仅而且,谓语是靠近原那么。you I (be) workers. We work in the same factory.you I (be) students. We work in different shops.you he (go) to the cinema. I have one ticket here.I can speak French Japanese and am good at them.I can speak French Japanese. May you teach me them?四、动词1 、情态动词的用法及有哪些? ( 写出 13 个 )can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, need, used to, had better, have to, (oughtto) 后面只接动词原形This book be yours. It belong to me. Look, my name is on it.A. can, mustn t B. can t, must C. mustn t, must D. must, can t- May I leave here now? - No, you .A. needn t B. don t C. mustn t D. won t-Would you please bring the box here, Jack? - . I m too busy now.A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldn t C. Yes, I will D. No, I won tThe boys and girls had better the words, please listen to me.A. write down B. to write down C. not write down D. not to write downMy brother look after me, so he play football with you.A. need, mustn t B. needs, can t C. need, can t D. needs, mustn t注注: 1) 当 could /would 作委婉语气时,它的回答不能用 could /would, 用 can (can t) /will (won t)回答;2) must 作“必需时, 否定句是 mustn t 注思是 “不准, 不能, 否定回答经常使用 needn t /can t ;作“确信,必然时,用于确信句,否定句是can t 注思是“确信不是;3) can /may 均表示请求“能够,现在二者可互换,回答经常使用 can(can t) , sure, certainly, of course, all right 等。4)should 作应该时=be supposed to v, Shall we v?表示”.行吗/能够吗? = Whynot do =Let s v . = What /How about v-ing ?回答经常使用 Certainly, Of course, Sure, All right, Good idea .5) 祈使句(确信或否定)的附加疑问句都可用will you?确信还可用 will you。但Let s v,用shallwe?2、动词的形式(五种形式)原形、三人称单数、此刻分词、过去式、过去分词(1) 三人称单数的加法一样加: visit visits,need needs 以_, _, _, , 结尾加gofgoes, miss fmisses, dressfdresses, pass fpasses, fix ffixes,fish ffishes, finish ffinishes,washfwashes, watch fwatches, teach fteaches 元音字母 +直接力口: playfplays, pay -pays, say-says, buy -buys, enjoy fenjoys 辅音字母 +_变 为 加: studyfstudies, fly flies,copy fcopies, dryfdries,cryfcries, carry fcarries, hurry fhurries, worryfworries,reply freplies, try ftries 以_结尾力口_: takeftakes, lie -lies特殊(2 个)have 一 be (are /am) 一(2) 此亥U分词的力口法 样力口: visit fvisiting,play fplaying, worryfworrying, teachfteaching 以不发音 结尾去 加: takeftaking, write writing 注意ee字母组合或 e发音直接加-ing :see一, agree 一, be 一 重读闭音节且元音字母+辅音字母双写辅音字母-ing :put f, stop f, swim f, forget f, prefer f( 注意是字母组合或 x 结尾 的不双 写直接-ing : showf, throwf, know-, drawf, chewf, fix 一, mix一) 以 结尾的变 为 加: lie 一lying,die fdying, tie ftying(3)规那么的过去式和过去分词的加法 一样力口: needfneeded, visit fvisited,seemi-seemed 元 音字母 +直 接 力口playfplayed, enjoyfenjoy 辅 音字母 +变 为 力口: studyfstudied, carry fcarried,worryfworried, hurry fhurried, try ftried, reply freplied, cryfcried, tidy ftidied 重读闭音节且元音字母 +辅音字母双写辅音字母-ed : stop 一, shop 一, drop 一, plan 一,kid f, fit f, prefer fpreferred (注意是字母组合或x结尾的不双写直接-ed : snow一,fix 一 relax 一, mix 一) 以不发音的 结尾直接加 : smoker smoked, smile 一 smiled,welcomef, agree fagreed不规那么动词 98表(背诵)标*和#有两种形式,即规那么和不规那么都可,但有*的意思不同,而#一样无区别。原形过去分词意思awake醒be原形过去分词意思let*liebearlosebeatmakebecomemaybeginmeanblowmeetbreakmistakebringpaybuildputburnreadbuyridecanringcatchrisechooseruncomesaycostseecutselldigsenddo(does)setdrawshake摇动,震动drinkshalldriveshineeatshowfallshut关(闭)feedsingfeelsitfightsleepfind#smellflyspeakforgetspendfreeze冻,结冰standgetstealgivestick粘,刺,坚持gosweepgrowswim*hangtakehave(has)teachheartellhidethinkhitthrowholdunderstandhurtwakekeepwearknowwilllay放置win#learnwriteleave#dreamlend#spell(4)动词的-ing,-ed 的用法区别-ing 表示主动,一样修饰物或表示自身的性质、特点,还表示动作正进展或发生;-ed表示被动,一样修饰人,表状态,表示动作已经完成,二者做状语均表示伴随、时刻、缘故、方式,但-ing的逻辑主语是主句的主语主动关系,而-ed的逻辑主语不是主句的主语,而是宾语即被动关系。leaves 正下落的叶子 leaves 落地的叶子I knew a boy(call) Jim. They stood by the road,(read) books.When(heat), water changes into steam( 蒸气).I have a friend(live) in London. =I have a friend who(live) in London.I hate to read letters(write) in pencil.I got /had my hair(cut) yesterday. I saw a light(burn) in the room.There is some money(leave). You may save it in the bank.The water washed the rich land away,(leave) some sand.(5) -ing, (to) v的动词搭配 两种都可且有区别的经常使用动词(含词组)(写出5个);1) stop to do停顿,中断做某事后去做另一件事。stop doing停顿做某事。2) forget to do忘记要去做某事。 ( 未做 ) forget doing忘记做过某事。 ( 已做 )3) remember to do 记得去做某事( 未做 ) remember doing 记得做过某事( 已做 )4) try to do尽力,试图做某事。 try doing试一试,试着做某事。5) go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。 go on doing 继续做原先做的事。go on with 继续某事 ( 原先的事 ) 。 = go on doing6) mean to do 打算、想mean doing意味着7) regret to do 遗憾做某事对没做的事 regret doing 遗憾做了某事对做过的事s stop (grow) the small trees on the hill, sos home. You forget (see) each other.We can t end up the work on time, let we stopped (rest).I remember (meet) you at Tom无区别的经常使用动词 ( 写出 5 个)love, like, hate, prefer, begin, start, learn, goShe hates (watch) the thriller.注意:本身是进展不时不可用 ing 形式 只能接 -ing 的经常使用动词 ( 含词组 ) ( 写出 10 个)1) 直接跟 -ing 的动词: enjoy, finish, mind, keep, practice, give up, put off, go on, be busy, feellike, allow, suggest, consider, miss, What /How about, have fun, do well in /be good at, be used for, look forward to, pay attention to, be used to(是适应,不是被用来之意)They are enjoying (swim) in the sea.Do you know they put off (hold) the party tomorrow?I must finish (read) the passage this evening.2) 间接跟 -ing的动词:spend v-ing, have problems /trouble /difficulty v-ing, stop /keep/prevent from v-ing, Thank you a lot for, keep v-ingShe spent half an hour (wash) her clothes just now.Government spent lots of money (stop) people (throw) the rubbish into the river. 只能接 to v 的经常使用动词 ( 写出 10 个 )1) 直接跟 to v 的动词: decide, plan, want, agree, wish, refuse, would like, offer, fail, seem, help, try one s bestThe boy seems (win) the match. = seems that the boy (win) the match.I failed (pass) the exam last week. = I the exam last week.2) 间接跟 to v 的动词: encourage, allow, ask, invite, tell, help, wish, teach, prefer, want, warn, get, order, expect, would likeMy teacher allowed me (leave) the school a little earlier.Could you tell them how (use) the MP5? 感官动词 (5 个) 和使役动词 (3 个) 的句型和区别是什么?变被动时应该如何?feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, notice, look at, help, smell, find; let(主语是人 ), have( 主语是人 ), make( 主语人或物 ) v-ing 表示正在发生的动作或动作的局部进程,强调动作的一次性;而v 表示将要发生的动作或动作的全进程,强调动作的常常性。 ( 一感二听三使役四看半帮忙)变被动时省to 的不定式应该加to 。I saw him (work) in the garden yesterday.The workers were often made (work) 14 hours a day.I often heard a boy (sing) an English song next to the room.My mother had me (stand) over there.When I passed by, I watched some girl (play) under the tree.A woman was noticed (get) into the clothes store.I had my (break) TV (mend) yesterday.They have a room (stay) in for two days. 含不定式 (to v) 的特殊句型有哪些? (7 种 )1) too + adj. /adv. (for sb.) to do (adj. /adv. enough (for sb.) to do) 2) It s adj. (of /forsb.) to do3) find /think it adj. to do4) It takes sb. some time /money to do5)动词+宾语+not to do(不定式白否定)6) 动词+宾语+疑问词to do (注意why不能够)7) It s better /best to do 8) It s time (for sb.) to do 9) can t wait todo 写出省 to 不定式的句型4 种1) Why (not) do ? = Why (don t) you do ?2) had better ( not) do 3) would /had ratherdo4) Will /Would /Could you please (not) do ?5) Please ( don t) do 简单回答时不能省to 的情形 3 种 1) I d love to 2) I d like to 3) I m glad to 4) sb. want/plan/decide to3、时态 写出 8 种时态的组成而且举 1 例并变成一样疑问句,否定句,反意疑问句和特殊疑问句 ( 自己对某局部划线 ) 并写出变否定句和一样疑问句时哪些单词会发生相应转变?变否定句时除加 not外,还有一些单词需要转变的有:soms, toof, already f, and变一样疑问句时单词需要作转变的有:somh, already 一一样此刻时:动词原形或动词三人称单数(be/have/has/do/does )I am a student in No. 110 MiddleSchool.a student in No. 110 Middle School?(一样疑问句并作否定回答),I a student in No. 110 Middle School.(否定句)you a student?( 提问)They have some things to do. they often things to do?(样疑问句)They often things to do.(否定句)They often have some things to do,?(反意疑问句并作确信回答 ),they often have to do?(提问)He sells clothes every day. he clothes every day?(样疑问句 )He clothes every day.(否定句)he clothes?( 提问)He sells clothes every day,?(反意句并作否定回答 ),Clothes every day.(被动语态 )样过去时 : 动词过去式 They were workers two years ago.They workers two years ago.(否定句)workers two years ago?(一样问句并作确信回答 ),workers two years ago?( 提问)They were workers two years ago,?( 反意句)We did homework at home last night. you homework at home last night?(样问句)We homework at home last night.( 否定句 )you at home last night?(提问)We did homework at home last night,?(反意句)Tom washed clothes just now.Tom clothes just now?(样问句并否定回答 ),Tom clothes just now.(否定句)Tom clothes?( 提问)Tom washed clothes just now,?(反意句并作确信回答 ) ,.Clothes just now.(被动语态 )此亥U进展时 :be + v-ing Mary is washing clothes over there now.Mary clothes over there now?(一样问句并作确信回答 ) ,clothes over there now?( 提问) Mary clothes over there now.(否定句)Mary is washing clothes over there now,?( 反意句并作否定回答 ), 过去进展时 :was /were + v-ing My mother was washing clothes at this time yesterday. mother washing clothes at this time yesterday?(一样问句作确信回答 ),否定句)提问)反意句并作否定回答)My mother clothes at this time yesterday.(washing clothes at this time yesterday?(My mother was washing clothes at this time yesterday,?(一样以后时 :will /shall /be going to +v原形 His classmates will visit the library next week. His classmates the library next week.(否定句 ) his classmates the library next week?(一样问句并作否定回答),his classmates the library?(提问)His classmates will visit the library next week,?(反意句并作确信回答 ), The library next week.(被动语态)注意:情态动词也可表示以后。be going to表示主观的,事前方案、打算,发生时刻更近,will表示客观,发生的时刻要远些。I(become) 15 years old next year. Look at the clouds in the sky, it(rain).过去以后时 :would /should + v 原形 He said he would come here in two hours.注意: Would /Could you tell me .? Would /Could you ple


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