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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 2022年自考专业(英语)-英语词汇学考前拔高检测卷(有答案)一.综合能力测验(共20题)1.单选题 What he told us was more of a(n) _ than a reality.A.illusionB.demonstrationC.illustrationD.reputation正确答案:A本题解析: 他告诉我们的更可能是幻想而不是现实。考查名词词义选择题。 A 幻想,错误观念 B 演示,证明 C 图解,实例 D 名声,名誉 2.单选题 Modern English vocabulary develops through the following channels EXCEPT _.A.creationB.borrowingC.semantic changeD. lexical change正确答案:D3.单选题 Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day English vocabulary?A.The rapid development of modern science and technology.B.Social, economic and political changesC.The invasion of foreign countries.D.The influence of other cultures and languages.正确答案:C4.单选题 It has been years _ I returned home.A.afterB.thatC.sinceD.when正确答案:C本题解析: 译文:我回家已经有好几年了。此题考查连词 since 的用法。 since 表示“从 (过去某事 )以来,以后或到现在”时,主句多用完成时态。又如:Where have you been since I last saw you? 自从我上次见到你以后,你到哪去了 ? 5.单选题 The professor worked for 7 hours at a _.A.stretchB.extendC.expandD.prolong正确答案:A本题解析: 此题考查的是固定词组搭配。 at a stretch 一口气地 6.单选题 Words that are identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning are called _.A.perfect homonymsB.homographsC.homophonesD.homonyms正确答案:B7.单选题 Police are _ the disappearance of two children.A. looking upB.looking throughC.looking intoD.looking on正确答案:C本题解析: A (在书中)查找 B 仔细查阅,审查, (对某人)视而不见 C 调查,研究,查问 D. 观看,旁观,看待 8.单选题 “Woman” becomes “ Frau” in German, “femme” in French and “f n” in Chinese. This example shows that in different languages the same concept can be represented by different _ .A. soundsB.formsC.unitiesD.meanings正确答案:A9.单选题 A good worker in a key spot could, so _ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted.A.longB.shortC.muchD.little正确答案:A本题解析: so long as:只要。是固定搭配。 10.单选题 In grammatical context, the meaning of a word may be influenced by the _in which it occurs.A.structureB.sentenceC.phraseD.clause正确答案:A11.单选题 Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of idioms?A.The part of speech of each element in an idiom is very important.B.The constituents of idioms can eplaced. t be rC.The word order in an idiom can t be changed.D.An idiom functions as one word.正确答案:A12.单选题 The differences between synonyms exist in the following areas EXCEPT _.A.denotationB.connotationC.referenceD.application正确答案:C13.单选题 If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _.A. concentratedB.confusedC.confirmedD.convinced正确答案:B本题解析: 如果你试图一次学太多东西, 你就有可能糊涂了。 考查形近形容词意义区分题。 A .浓缩的,专心的 B 糊涂的,混淆的 C 根深蒂固的 D 确信的 14.单选题 One can figure out the meaning of “ airmail ” to be “ mail by air ” by its _.A.onomatopoeic motivationB.morphological motivationC.semantic motivationD.etymological motivation正确答案:B15.单选题 He _ his poor judgment _ Jet Lag.A.blamed . forB.blamed . toC.blamed . onD.blamed . at正确答案:C本题解析: 此题考查固定词组 blame sth. on sb.把 .怪到 .头上。 16.单选题 Which of the following is NOT one of the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?A.Cultural reason.B.Historical reasonC.Class reasonD.Psychological reason正确答案:A17.单选题 You should help them _ when your friends quarrel with each other.A.come into sightB.come to termsC.come into playD.come to power正确答案:B本题解析: 当你的朋友吵架时,你应当帮助他们协调一下。考查短语的习惯用法。 come into 或 come to 都表示进入(某种状态) A 映入眼帘 B. 达成协议,妥协 C 开始运作 D. 上台,开始掌权18.单选题 It took a few seconds for her eyes to _ to the darkness.A.allocateB.adoptC.applyD.adjust正确答案:D本题解析: A 分配,拨出 B 收养,过 C 应用,申请 D 调整,使适合 19.单选题 We were told that the stone figure _ back to the 16th century was of great value.A. datedB.datingC.comingD.kept正确答案:B本题解析: 本句中含有 be+of+n. 这个结构。 dating back to the 16th century 的逻辑主语是 stone figure。 20.单选题 “ Apple, pear, peach, orange, lemon, etc. ” make up the _ of “ fruit ”.A.synonymsB.homonymsC.superordinate termD.semantic field正确答案:D


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