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RevisionFill in the blank with the verb to be .1. She _ very polite.2. I _ Millie.3. _ you from Shanghai?4. We _ good friends.5. Amy and Sandy _ classmates.6. They _ (not be) in the swimming pool.7. _ your friend good at swimming?is am Arearearearent/ are notIs语语 法法 一般现在时一般现在时 ()(Simple Present Tense )New Wordsdr:i wi:kend v k:s p drawing n 画画画画weekend n 周末周末of course 当然当然shop vi 购物购物Millie gets up at 6:30 every morning. Cats eat fish.Simon likes playing football. Simple present tense of the verb to do things that we often do 经常做的事things that are always true 事实或真理things that are true now 现在的状态 My parents live with me. I have a pet at home. We all love China. The students make me happy. I do the housework every evening. something about me: 主语是第一人称、第二人称、 第三人称复数时 doI live in a flat. I have a pet at home. I go to school by bus. I watch TV at weekends. I do the homework every evening. 2. 当主语为第三人称单数时谓语动词需添加 _形式。 SheSheSheSheSheliveshasgoeswatchesdoes三单三单readreadsbringbringscookcooksusesuse动词的第三人称单数构成动词的第三人称单数构成1. 直接在动词后面加直接在动词后面加 s2. 以以 sh,ch,s,x 结尾的动词加结尾的动词加 esmisswatchfinishfixteachmisseswatchesfinishesfixesteaches (5) have 变成has(3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,变y为i再加-es。carry (4) 以o 结尾的动词加-esstudyflycarries fliesstudiesgodogoesdoesput_ enjoy_ write_ match_play_ have_ guess_ fly_go_ listen_ buy_ finish_do_ worry_ wash_ stay_putsenjoyswritesmatchesplayshasguessesfliesgoeslistensbuysfinishesdoesworrieswashesstaysMy motherMy cousinKitty and AndyKitty with AndyI YouHis fatherMiss WangThe dogevery dayevery morningoftenalwaysusuallyat weekendslikeloveKitty and Andy often go swimming at weekends.1. I _playing volleyball. 2. Kitty _ very well. 3. Amy _ swimming every week. 4. Simon often _ football with his friends. 5. Daniel sometimes _ball games on TV. dancegolikeplaywatchdancesgoeslikewatchesplaysMillie is writing about the hobbies and habits(习惯)of herself and her classmates.(P24)一般现在时否定句的结构:一般现在时否定句的结构:_dont /doesnt+动原动原They dont play football every week.I dont like red.I like red.You have breakfast at 7 a.m.You dont have breakfast at 7 a.m.They play football every week.将句子改为否定句将句子改为否定句He lives in Zhang Jiagang.He doesnt live in Zhang Jiagang.My deskmate often plays computer games at weekends.My deskmate doesnt play computer games at weekends.一般现在时疑问句的结构:一般现在时疑问句的结构:_Do /Does+主语主语+动原动原Do they play football every week?Do you like red?I like red.You have breakfast at 7 a.m.Do you have breakfast at 7a.m.?They play football every week.将句子改为疑问句并回答将句子改为疑问句并回答He lives in Zhang Jiagang.Does he live in Zhang Jiagang?My deskmate often plays computer games at weekends.Does your deskmate play computer games at weekends.Yes,I do. No, I dont.Yes,I do. No, I dont.Yes,they do. No, they dont.Yes,he does. No, he doesnt.Yes,he does. No, he doesnt.The students favourite activities: 1. _Sandy and Kitty enjoy listening to music? 2. _Millie like swimming? 3. _Amy enjoy reading? 4. _Simon like walking? 5. _Simon and Daniel love drawing? Yes, they do. _No, she doesnt. _Yes, she does. No, he doesnt. No, they dont.DoDoesDoesDoesDoExercises:( ) 1,- _ Tom and his father often watch football matches on TV? - Yes, they _. A. Are;are B. Do;do C.Does; does D. does;has ( ) 2.-What_ your mother _ for breakfast every day? - Some bread and milk. A.do;have B. does;have C.do;has D.does;has ( ) 3. -_ your mother like music? - Yes, but my father_. A. Do; dont B. is; isnt C. Does; isnt D. Does;doesnt ( ) 4.- Does he often_ TV? - No. He often _books. A. looks; reads B. watch; reads C. look at; reading D. watches; readingExercise:1, In the evenings, my brother and I often _ (have) dinner at my grandparents home.2,They _ (be) my grandparents. They _ (not like) watch TV .3,_ you _ (know) the old man? Yes, I _. / No, I _.4. The train _ ( leave ) for Shanghai at 7:00. haveareDododontdont likeknowleavesExercise:1, Kitty often _ ( do ) her homework at 7:00 in the evening.2, Millie _ (not do) well in Maths.3,Amy with his mother _ (go) to the park every sunday.4,The baby always _ (cry). Whats wrong with her?5,_ Liu Jie _ (speak) Eglish well?6,_ the boy _(come) from America?doesDoescomegoescriesspeakDoesdoesnt doDaniels and Simons weekends Daniel: Hi, Simon. _you _(play) football at weekends? Simon: Of course. I often _(play) football with my cousins.Daniel: _your parents _(go) with you? Simon: No, they dont. But my dad sometimes _(watch) our games. Sometimes he _(read) at home. My mum often _(shop) at weekends. What about you, Daniel? Daniel: I often _(stay) at home. Sometimes I _(go) swimming with my dad. DoplayplayDogowatchesreadsshopsstaygoDear David,At the weekend, I usually _ (go) running for half and hour. Then I _ (play) football. My mother _ (not watch) our games but my father _ (watch) them. I _ (be) good at football. _ (be) you good at football? Sometimes my mother _ (fly) a kite with me in the park. In the evenings, we often _ (have) dinner at my grandparents home. Sometimes, we _ (eat) in a restaurant. Write soon!Simon goplaydoesnt watchwatchesamAreflieshaveeat1.Miss Lu _ (teach) them English.2.He _ (not watch) TV every evening.3._ she _ (enjoy)_ (swim)?4.My little cat _ (eat) fish every day.5.Millie always _ (take) the bus to the library at the weekend.6.We _ (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays.7.The old man _ (clean) his big house once a week.8.The boy often _ (draw) pictures in the park.9. _ your father good at _ (cook)?10. She _ (read) English in the morning every day. teachesdoesnt watchDoesenjoyswimmingeatstakesdont gocleansdrawsIscookingreads11. My parents _ (come) from Shangdong.12. Sam _ (not like) playing computer games.13. _the beautiful girl _ (wear) glasses?14. The Zhang family _ (live) in a flat in Nanjing.15. My father loves _ (read) newspapers after supper.16. What _ her classmates _ (call) her teacher?17 _ you _ (love) each other in your family?18. _ (be) your cousin very clever at maths?comedoesnt likeDoeswearlivereadingdocallDoloveIs1. He watches TV every Sunday. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)2. I do my homework every evening. (同上同上) 句型转换句型转换Does he watch TV every Sunday? Yes, he does.Do you do your homework every evening? Yes, I do.3. Lucy and Lily come from the USA. (同上同上)句型转换句型转换Do Lucy and Lily come from the USA? Yes, they do.4. They do a lot of homework every day. (改为否定句改为否定句)They dont do a lot of homework every day.5. Where is he from?(改为同义句改为同义句)6. He often flies to Beijing. (改为否定句改为否定句)句型转换句型转换Where does he come from?He doesnt often fly to Beijing.7. My family usually watches TV in the evening. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ _ father usually _ in the evening?What doesyourdo8. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) What do you like doing in the park?9. John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) Where does John come from?改错题:改错题:1.I goes to school at six every day.2.He dont like playing football.3. I am watch TV every day.4. Daming watchs TV in the evening.5. Does he usually has a party?6. Our English doesnt likes music.7. Tony always go to school at eight oclock.8. Does your parents like watching TV?9. Lily haves lunch at school.10. My sister doesnt her homework every . _ _godoesnt去掉amwatcheshavelikealways goes_Dohasdoesnt do注意:我们用一般现在时进行表达时,注意:我们用一般现在时进行表达时,不能同时使用不能同时使用be动词和行为动词动词和行为动词Exercises:1).Her daughter_ (not like) bread or(和)milk.2).Jill _(not be) sad. 区分Jill,_(not be) sad.( )3).Where_ he_? A. does, from B. is , from C. does, come from D. B and C( )4).-What _Sandys brother do? -He is a teacher. He _English in a school. A. does, teach B. is, teach C. does, teaches D. is, teachesdoesnt likeisntdont beDC5).My father _(not be)at home now.6).Daniel always _(play) computer games.7).My mother _ (not watch) our games, but sometimes my father _(go) to watch them.8).My cousin sometimes flies a kite with me in the afternoon.(改为一般疑问句) _ your cousin sometimes _a kite with you in the afternoon?9).My family often _(have) dinner at my grandparents home.10).“I” _ (be) a letter.isntplaysdoesnt watchgoesDoesflyhasis1.I often _ football at weekends. (play)2.Simons father often _ football games on TV.(watch)3.Millie _ books at home.(read)4.Kittys parents often _ shopping on Saturdays.(go)5.Amy with her father _ swimming on weekends.(go)6.Sandy _ English in her free time.(study)7.Amy and Simon _ to play football in the next World Cup.(want)8.We _ listening to music.(like)1. Daniel is very tall. (变成一般疑问句并变成一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答作肯、否定回答)Is Daniel very tall?Yes, he is. No, he isnt. (No, he is not.)中考题型链接中考题型链接2. Kitty and Amy are classmates. (变成变成否定句否定句) Kitty and Amy arent ( are not) classmates. 3. He wears glasses. (变成一般疑问句变成一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答并作肯、否定回答) Does he wear glasses? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt (No, he does not.)4. They enjoy playing football. (变成否定变成否定句句) They dont enjoy playing football. 5. Millie loves playing basketball. (变成变成否定句否定句) Millie doesnt (does not ) love playing basketball.


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