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2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The Alzheimers Association and the National Alliance for Caregiving estimate that men make up nearly 40 percent of family care providers now, up from 19 percent in a 1996 study by the Alzheimers Association. About 17 million men are caring for an adult. Women still provide the bulk of family care, especially intimate tasks like bathing and dressing. Many complain that their brothers are treated like heroes just for showing up. But with smaller families and more women working full-time, many men have no choice but to take on roles that would have been alien to their fathers.Often they are overshadowed by their female counterparts and faced with employers, friends, support organizations and sometimes even parents who view caregiving as an essentially female role. Male caregivers are more likely to say they feel unprepared for the role and become socially isolated, and less likely to ask for help. Isolation affects women as well, but men tend to have fewer lifeline. “They are less likely to have friends going through similar experiences, and depend more on their jobs for daily human contact.” Dr. Donna Wagner, the director of gerontology at Towson University and one of the few researchers who has studied sons as caregivers, said.In past generations, men might have pointed to their accomplishments as breadwinners or fathers. Now, some men say they worry about the conflict between caring for their parents and these other roles. In a 2003 study at three Fortune 500 companies, Dr. Donna Wagner found that men were less likely to use employee-assistance programs for caregivers because they feared it would be held against them. “Even though the company has endorsed the program, your supervisors may have a different opinion,” Dr. Wagner said. Matt Kassin, 51, worked for a large company with very generous benefits, and his employer had been understanding. But he was reluctant to talk about his caregivers because he thought “it would be looked at like, when they hire a male, they expect him to be 100 percent focused.” And he didnt want to appear to be someone who had distractions that detracted from performance.For many men, the new role means giving up their self-image as experts, said Louis Colbert, director of the office of services for the aging in Delaware County, Pa., who has shared care of his 84-year-old mother with his siblings since her Alzheimers made it necessary. Once a year, Mr. Colbert organizes a get-together for male caregivers. The concerns they raise, he said, are different from those of women in support groups. “Very clearly, they said they wanted their role as caregivers validated, because in our society, as a whole, men as caregivers have been invisible,” he said.1. What can we know about men according to the Alzheimers Association and the National Alliance for Caregiving?2. Why do men tend to feel more stressed and socially isolated according to Donna Wagner?3. Donna Wagner solution to the conflict between caring for parents and other social roles is to _.4. Why was Matt Kassin unwilling to talk about his caregiving with his employer?5. What might be the concerns of male caregivers according to Louis Colbert?问题1选项A.More men play the leading role in caring for elderly parents.B.Men count on their wives to take care of their parents.C.Men undertake all family care including washing and cooking.D.Men tend to be viewed as heroes for their parents.问题2选项A.Because they feel overwhelmed by the pressure from parents.B.Because they face the competition from their female counterparts.C.Because they find few people to talk and share their experiences with.D.Because they are psychologically unprepared for the role.问题3选项A.take advantage of employee-assistance programsB.make adjustment both physically and emotionallyC.schedule time for parents, children and jobD.involve in the outside world as much as possible问题4选项A.Because the company did not provide such support programs.B.Because he was threatened to be at the risk of losing his job.C.Because he felt embarrassed to send parents to nursing homes.D.Because he feared it would lead to a distracted image in the mind of his boss.问题5选项A.They are lack of professional knowledge and skills.B.They feel it inappropriate for them to do the job.C.Their role of caregivers is not acknowledged.D.They feel what they do is not enough.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段第一句The Alzheimers Association and the National Alliance for Caregiving estimate that men make up nearly 40 percent of family care providers now(阿尔茨海默氏症协会和全国护理联盟估计,目前男性占家庭护理提供者的近40%)。A选项“越来越多的男性在照顾年迈的父母方面起着主导作用”,文章第一段提到,大约有1700万男性在照顾一个成年人,符合A选项内容,A选项正确。B选项“男人依靠妻子照顾父母”,文章所说,女性仍然承担着大部分的家庭照顾工作,不符合题意,可排除。C选项“男人负责所有家庭事务,包括洗衣服和做饭”不符合文章内容,可排除。D选项“男人往往被他们的父母视为英雄”,文章所说许多人抱怨他们的兄弟仅仅因为出现了就被当作英雄对待,男人没有被父母视为英雄,因此可排除D选项。因此正确答案为A选项。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第二段第四句They are less likely to have friends going through similar experiences, and depend more on their jobs for daily human contact.(他们不太可能有朋友经历类似的经历,更多地依靠他们的工作来进行日常的人际交往)。C选项“因为他们找不到可以交谈和分享自己经历的人”,从文章来看,男人不太可能和朋友有类似的经历,C选项的内容符合文章所说。A选项“因为他们觉得被来自父母的压力压垮了”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“因为他们面临着来自女性同行的竞争”,文章所说他们常常被她们的女性同行蒙上阴影,而不是受到竞争,因此B选项可排除。D选项“因为他们对这个角色没有心理准备”,这并不是造成他们有压力和社会孤立的主要原因,D选项可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段第三句Dr. Donna Wagner found that men were less likely to use employee-assistance programs for caregivers because they feared it would be held against them.(唐娜瓦格纳博士发现,男性不太可能使用为看护人提供的员工协助项目,因为他们担心这会对自己不利)。A选项“利用员工援助计划”,从全文来看,男性作为护理的角色一直被忽视,但其实男性护理者同样需要得到认可,因此A选项正确。B选项“在身体上和精神上做出调整”,可以做出调整,但不是解决的最佳方法,B选项可排除。C选项“为父母、孩子和工作安排好时间”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除C选项。D选项“尽可能多地融入外部世界”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除D选项。因此正确答案为A选项。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句because he thought “it would be looked at like, when they hire a male, they expect him to be 100 percent focused.” And he didnt want to appear to be someone who had distractions that detracted from performance.(因为他认为这会让人觉得,当他们雇佣男性时,他们希望他是百分百专注的。他也不想让人觉得他有分心的事情,从而影响了自己的表现。)。D选项“因为他担心这会让他老板的脑海里产生一种分心的印象”,他不想让人觉得他有分心的事情,因此D选项正确。A选项“因为公司没有提供这样的支持项目”,他在一家福利优厚的公司,文章所说公司不支持的项目是员工协助护理人员的项目。因此可排除A选项。B选项“因为有人威胁他要冒着丢掉工作的危险”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“因为他觉得送父母去养老院很尴尬”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此正确答案为D选项。5.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句Very clearly, they said they wanted their role as caregivers validated, because in our society, as a whole, men as caregivers have been invisible(很明显,他们说他们希望自己作为照顾者的角色得到认可,因为在我们的社会中,作为一个整体,男性作为照顾者的角色一直被忽视)。C选项“他们在照顾者中的作用没有得到承认”,根据文章内容,男性作为照顾者的角色经常被忽略,也就是他们得不到承认,因此C选项正确。A选项“他们缺乏专业知识和技能”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。B选项“他们觉得自己不适合做这项工作”,男性并没有觉得自己不适合做这份工作,相反还十分专注,B选项可排除。D选项“他们觉得自己所做的还不够”,他们并没有觉得自己做的不够,只是不被大众认可,D选项可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。2. 单选题The mystery of the expansion of sea ice around Antarctica, at the same time as global warming is melting swaths of Arctic sea ice, has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.Two decades of measurements show that changing wind patterns around Antarctica have caused a small increase in sea ice, the result of cold winds off the continent blowing ice away from the coastline. “Until now these changes in ice drift were only speculated upon using computer models,” said Paul Holland at the British Antarctic Survey. “Our study of direct satellite observations shows the complexity of climate change.” The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly. There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.”The extent of sea ice is of global importance because the bright ice reflects sunlight far more than the ocean, meaning temperature rises still further. This summer saw a record low in Arctic sea ice since satellite measurements began 30 years ago. Holland said the changing pattern of sea ice at both poles would also affect global ocean circulation, with unknown effects. He noted that while Antarctic sea ice was growing, the Antarctic ice capthe glacier and snow pack on the continent was losing mass, with the fresh water flowing into the ocean.The research on Antarctic sea ice, published in Nature Geoscience, revealed large regional variations. In places where warm winds blowing from the tropics towards Antarctica had become stronger, sea ice was being lost rapidly. “In some areas, such as the Bellingshausen Sea, the sea ice is being lost as fast as in the Arctic,” said Holland.But in other areas, sea ice was being added as sea water left behind ice being blown away from the coast froze. The net effect is that there has been an extra 17,000 sq km of sea ice each year since 1978about a tenth of a percent of the maximum sea ice cover.Antarctica is a continent surrounded by an ocean, whereas the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by a continent. For that reason, said Holland, sea ice was not able to expand by the same mechanism in the Arctic as at the southern pole, because if winds pushed the ice away from the pole it quickly hit land.Holland did the research with Ron Kwok at Nasas jet propulsion laboratory in California, where maps of sea ice movements were created from more than 5m individual daily measurements collected over 19 years. The maps showed, for the first time, the long-term changes in sea ice drift around Antarctica. Kwok said: “The Antarctic sea ice cover interacts with the global climate system very differently than that of the Arctic, and these results highlight the sensitivity of the Antarctic ice coverage to changes in the strength of the wind around the continent.”1. The contradiction of changes in sea ice coverage at both poles has been made clear by_.2. According to what Holland said, we can draw the conclusion that _.3. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?4. According to the passage, what is to be blamed for the melting sea ice?5. Which of the following statement is NOT true?问题1选项A.data collected from satellitesB.twenty-years measurementsC.computer modelsD.the British Antarctic Survey问题2选项A.we can rely on satellite to estimate changes in ice driftB.his research results conflict with global warmingC.the location of Bellingshausen Sea is around the AntarcticD.the Antarctic ice coverage is sensitive to changes in wind strength问题3选项A.The Arctic is losing sea ice as quickly as the Antarctic.B.The Antarctic is losing sea ice much faster than the Arctic.C.While some regions of the Antarctic are gaining sea ice, other regions of it are losing sea ice.D.Sea ice is being lost in the Arctic, not the Antarctic.问题4选项A.The wind from the north.B.The global warming.C.Ecological unbalance.D.Unknown factors.问题5选项A.Effective measures to curb global warming are not discussed in the passage.B.The military satellites play a very important role in investigating the rise of sea level.C.The Arctic sea level is at a record low.D.The author finds a solution to the losing sea ice.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段第一句The mystery of the expansion of sea ice around Antarctica, at the same time as global warming is melting swaths of Arctic sea ice, has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.(在全球变暖导致北极海冰融化的同时,南极洲周围海冰的扩张之谜已经通过美国军事卫星的数据得到了解决。)A选项“从卫星收集的数据”,文章第一段提到,南极洲周围海冰扩张,美国卫星的数据解决了这个问题,因此A选项正确。B选项“20年的测量”,文章所说,20年来的测量表明,南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加,B选项可排除。C选项“计算机模型”,文章所说,冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的,而不是海冰覆盖范围,可排除C选项。D选项“英国南极考察队”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。D选项“南极冰的覆盖范围对风力强度的变化很敏感”,文章最后一段提到Antarctic ice coverage to changes in the strength of the wind around the continent.(这些结果突出了南极海冰覆盖对大陆周围风力强度变化的敏感性),D选项正确。选项A“我们可以依靠卫星来估计冰漂移的变化”,可以定位到文章第二段第二句Until now these changes in ice drift were only speculated upon using computer models.(到目前为止,这些冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的),这些冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的,没有提到卫星可以估计冰漂移情况,A选项可排除。选项B“他的研究结果与全球变暖相矛盾”,文章第二段最后一句There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.(我们的研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾),研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾,可排除B选项。C选项“别林斯高森海位于南极附近”,文章并没有提到此内容,可排除。因此D选项正确。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。C选项“南极一些地区的海冰正在增加,而另一些地区的海冰却在减少”,可以定位文章第二段第一句Two decades of measurements show that changing wind patterns around Antarctica have caused a small increase in sea ice.(20年来的测量表明,南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加),可推测南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加,以及文章第四段最后一句In some areas, such as the Bellingshausen Sea, the sea ice is being lost as fast as in the Arctic.(在一些地区,比如别林斯高森海,海冰的消失速度和北极一样快)。因此可知南极地区的海冰正在增加,其他地区的海冰正在减少,C选项正确。A选项“北极的海冰正在以和南极一样快的速度消失”,文章第二段倒数第二句The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly.(北极海冰融化的速度是南极海冰融化速度的五倍,所以平均而言,地球海冰融化的速度非常快),A选项可排除。B选项“南极海冰的融化速度比北极快得多”,文章第二段倒数第二句The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly.(北极海冰融化的速度是南极海冰融化速度的五倍,所以平均而言,地球海冰融化的速度非常快),B选项可排除。D选项“海冰正在消失的是北极,而不是南极”,可定位到文章倒数第四段第二句In places where warm winds blowing from the tropics towards Antarctica had become stronger, sea ice was being lost rapidly.(在从热带吹向南极洲的暖风变得更强的地方,海冰正在迅速消失),可排除D选项。因此C选项正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。通读全文。B选项“全球变暖”,文章第二段最后一句There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.(我们的研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾),研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾,可推测海冰的消失与全球变暖脱不开关系,B选项为正确答案。A选项“来自北方的风”,文章所说,风会造成海冰的减少,也会造成海冰的增加,A选项可排除。C选项“生态不平衡”,文章没有提到此内容,C选项可排除。D选项“未知因素”,文章已经有研究结果,不存在未知因素,D选项可排除。因此B选项正确。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。D选项“作者找到了解决海冰融化的办法”,作者并没有找到解决海冰融化的办法,海冰的消失作用于环境变化,作者不可能找到办法,D选项正确。A选项“文章没有讨论遏制全球变暖的有效措施”,文章没有提到解决全球变暖的办法,可排除A选项。B选项“军事卫星在调查海平面上升方面起着非常重要的作用”,文章第一段最后一句has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.(南极洲周围海冰的扩张之谜已经通过美国军事卫星的数据得到了解决),B选项正确,可排除。C选项“北极海平面处于历史最低水平”,文章第三段第二句This summer saw a record low in Arctic sea ice since satellite measurements began 30 years ago.(今年夏天,北极海冰数量创下了30年前卫星测量以来的新低),可排除。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets and newsletters. “The coffee houses particularly are very roomy for a free conversation, and for reading at an easier rate all manner of printed news,” noted one observer. Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun, pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the cost of news, thus giving advertisers access to a wider audience. The penny press, followed by radio and television, turned news from a two-way conversation into a one-way broadcast, with a relatively small number of firms controlling the media.Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house. The internet is making news more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the discursive ethos of the era before the mass media. That will have profound effects on society and politics. In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing. Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009. But those global figures mask a sharp decline in readership in rich countries.Over the past decade, throughout the Western world, people have been giving up newspapers and TV news and keeping up with events in profoundly different ways. Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling, sharing, filtering, discussing and distributing news. Twitter lets people anywhere report what they are seeing. Classified documents are published their thousands online, Mobile phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts. Social-networking sites help people find, discuss and share news with their friends.And it is not just readers who are challenging the media elite. Technology firms including Google, Facebook and Twitter have become important means of news. Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via social networks; many countries now make raw data available through “open government” initiatives. The internet lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world. The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time. And it has made possible entirely new approaches to journalism, such as that practiced by Wiki leaks, which provides an anonymous way for whistleblowers to publish documents. The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets.In principle, every liberal should celebrate this. A more participatory and social news environment, with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing. The transformation of the news business is unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure. As producers of new journalism, individuals can be scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources. As consumers, they can be general in their tastes and demanding in their standards. And although this transformation does raise concerns, there is much to celebrate in the noisy, diverse, vociferous, argumentative and stridently alive environment of the news business in the ages of the internet. The coffee house is back. Enjoy it.1. According to the passage, what initiated the transformation of coffee-house news to mass-media news?2. Which of the following statements best supports “Now, the new industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house”?3. According to the passage, which is NOT a role played by information technology?4. The authors tone in the last paragraph towards new journalism is _.5. In “The coffee house is back”, coffee house best symbolize _.问题1选项A.The emergence of big mass media firms.B.The popularity of radio and television.C.The appearance of advertising in newspapers.D.The increasing number of newspaper readers.问题2选项A.Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009.B.People in the Western world are giving up newspapers and TV news.C.Classified documents are published in their thousands online.D.More people are involved in finding, discussing and distributing news.问题3选项A.Challenging the traditional media.B.Planning the return to coffee-house news.C.Providing people with access to classified files.D.Giving ordinary people the chance to provide news.问题4选项A.optimistic and cautiousB.supportive and skepticalC.doubtful and reservedD.ambiguous and cautious问题5选项A.the changing characteristics of news audienceB.the more diversified means of news distributionC.the participatory nature of newsD.the more varied sources of news【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段第三句Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper.(1833年,第一份大众报纸问世,一切都改变了。) C选项“广告在报纸上的出现”,符合文章内容,报纸的出现引发了咖啡馆新闻向大众媒体新闻的转变,C选项正确。A选项“大型大众传媒公司的出现”,文章第一段提到,首先是报纸,其次才是媒体,因此A选项可排除。B选项“收音机和电视的普及”,文章媒体是继报纸之后出现的,B选项可排除。D选项“越来越多的报纸读者”,文章没有提到这个内容,因此可排除。因此C选项为正确答案。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段第二句Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling, sharing, filtering, discussing and distributing news.(最引人注目的是,越来越多的普通人参与到编辑、分享、过滤、讨论和发布新闻中来)。D选项“更多的人参与寻找、讨论和传播新闻”,D选项最能够支撑此观点,D选项正确。A选项“从2005年到2009年,全球报纸发行量增长了6%”,这只是陈述一件事实,因此A选项可排除。B选项“西方世界的人们正在放弃报纸和电视新闻”,他们转而以完全不同的方式来跟踪事件。C选项“成千上万的机密文件被公布在网上”,也不能最支撑这个观点,因此C选项可排除。因此D选项为正确答案。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。B选项“计划回归咖啡屋新闻”,新闻行业正在回归到更接近咖啡屋的状态,但这不是信息技术的功劳,因此B选项正确。A选项“挑战传统媒体”,信息新技术的出现,确实在一定程度上挑战了传统媒体,人们在一定程度上放弃了报纸和电视新闻,因此A选项可排除。C选项“让人们接触机密文件”,信息新技术使人们接触到了机密文件,因为成千上万的机密文件被公布在网上。因此C选项可排除。D选项“给普通人提供新闻的机会”,文章所说“普通人参与到编辑、分享、过滤、讨论和发布新闻中来”,因此D选项可排除。因此B选项为正确答案。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】观点态度题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段第一句In principle, every


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