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四年级下册英语教案-Unit7Whatarethey辽师大版三起Unit 7 What are they? Teaching design 教学内容:Unit 7,Book 2, Grade 4 课前反思:在以前的学习中,学生掌握了很多表示食物的单词,有利于本课的学习。 教学目的: 知识目的: 1. According to the learning and the practice, the students can listen, read, say and write the words: pigs, ducks, sheep, and cows. 2. By the practice, the students can listen, say and prehend the pattern: What are they? They are . and use the pattern correctly. 才能目的: Understand and use the dialogue of Listen and say. 情感目的: Learn to cooperate with others. 教学重点: 1. Four skills grasp the words and phrase: pigs, ducks, sheep, and cows. 2. prehend and use the sentence pattern: What are they? They are . 教学难点: The same form of sheep. 教具准备: Pictures, word cards, courseware. 教学时间:2课时 教学过程:14步 单词检测 新课传授: 1、巧妙导入 1Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you? 2Show the title. T: Today, well learn Unit 7. 2、引出主题 Watch a short video.(The teachers farm.) T: Look at my farm, what is it made of? (毛根) Do you want some 毛根?YesTry your best to get 毛根. OK? 3、解决难点 Learn the words and sentences. (1)The new word: pig Play the coursewareT: Look, whats this? pare with: pigs Practice, write on the desk Say some phrases or sentences. The teacher says some first. Chant: pigs, pigs, fat pigs. (2)The new word: ducks Play the coursewareT: Look there, so many ducks. pare the single and the plural forms. Practice, write on the desk Say some phrases or sentences. The teacher leads the students say phrases or sentences about ducks. Chant: ducks, ducks, yellow ducks. (3)The sentences: What are they? Ask and answer to lead out. Stress the pronunciation of they They are ducks. Explain: they are = theyre Practice Using the courseware (4)The word: shee Play the courseware, ask and answer to lead out. Practice, spell the word. pare: a/ one sheep, 2/ 3 / sheep Say some phrases or sentences. ( The teacher doesnt demonstrate any more.) Try to say a chant about the word: sheep, sheep, X sheep. (5) Learn the word: cows. Show a picture of cow, to learn: cow. Stress the pronunciation of ow. Ask and answer to lead out: cows. Practice reading, spell the word. Say some phrases or sentences. Try to say a chant about the word: cows, cows, X cows. (6)Practice. a. Guessing game. T: Now lets play a guessing game.( First, the teacher and a student do the work, then two students.) b. Memory game. T: Now, memory game. Tell me what do you see.( two students.) The dialogue learning. 4、听音感知 Listen to the dialogue, answer the questions. a. Are they ducks? b. What are they? 5、默读初始 Read silent, underline the difficulties. 6、朗读探知 Read aloud, prehend some difficulties. prehend: So many ducks. They are not ducks. They are geese. pare: geese, goose. 7、听音跟读 Listen and imitate 2 times. 8、角色朗读 Practice reading.( 1 minute, lead reading, pair work, group work,) 9、留白处理 (1)Read with the missing words. (2) Read with more missing words. 10、短文示范 T: You are great today. Here, I have a text. Lets have a look. Listen to me. ( The teacher reads the text.) Now, can you finish this one? ( Do the simple one together.) 11、学生仿写 (1)The students plete the work. T: Now, its your turn. Write on your paper. (2) Perform the chant. T: Finally, its a chant. Listen to me. ( The teacher demonstrates a paragraph) Can you? Now, lets chant together. 12、课堂小结 Summary. T: What have you learned this class? 13、布置作业 Home work. T: after class, recite the dialogue. Write the words and sentences on your exercise book. 14、情感升华 Affective interaction. Animals are our friends. They are helpful and giving to people, but they want nothing. They make our world rich and excellent. We should love them. Remember, animals are our friends. Unit 7 pigs ducks What are they? shee They are . cows Blackboard design: 第 5 页 共 5 页


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