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会计学1u6InthekitchenP2第一页,共51页。第1页/共51页第二页,共51页。One orange, two eggs, Some milk, some noodles for you and me;Three apples, four cakes,Some rice , some soup for Jim and Tim;Five Tomatoes, six potatoes, Some fish, some meat, we cant wait !Chant第2页/共51页第三页,共51页。Grammar time & Check out time (Period 2)义务教育义务教育(yw jioy)(yw jioy)教科书教科书 英语英语五年级下册五年级下册第3页/共51页第四页,共51页。Reviewsix oclocka football gameReviewsix oclocka football gamesix oclocka football gamecook dinner第4页/共51页第五页,共51页。cook meat with potatoeswash some vegetablescook some tomato soup第5页/共51页第六页,共51页。look for some apple juiceisnt anyorange juice第6页/共51页第七页,共51页。be readyeat meathave soup第7页/共51页第八页,共51页。Repeat第8页/共51页第九页,共51页。Liu Tao wants to help his parents. He wants to prepare the dinner for his family. 第9页/共51页第十页,共51页。Try your best to help your parents.尽可能地多帮助尽可能地多帮助(bngzh)父母。父母。Youre the best!你是最棒的!你是最棒的!第10页/共51页第十一页,共51页。Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing timeSteps第11页/共51页第十二页,共51页。Step1: Shopping time第12页/共51页第十三页,共51页。Game 1Game 1Game 1Buy in the supermarket小提示小提示:快速地说出你看到并想要的食物。快速地说出你看到并想要的食物。第13页/共51页第十四页,共51页。Food, Meat & Snacks第14页/共51页第十五页,共51页。Fruit & Vegetables第15页/共51页第十六页,共51页。Drinks第16页/共51页第十七页,共51页。第17页/共51页第十八页,共51页。drinkGame 2Put in the fridge小提示小提示:快速地将食物分类。快速地将食物分类。(注意不可数和数量的表达)(注意不可数和数量的表达)第18页/共51页第十九页,共51页。some _ _breadthree eggsleftright第19页/共51页第二十页,共51页。There is some. in the fridge.There are . in the fridge.There is some bread in the fridge.There is some meat in the fridge.There is some juice in the fridge.There is some milk in the fridge.There are three potatoes in the fridge.There are five tomatoes in the fridge.第20页/共51页第二十一页,共51页。Thereissomearethreefivebreadmeatjuicemilkpotatoestomatoesin the fridge.GrammarCan you say?谈一谈谈一谈there bethere be句型的用法。句型的用法。不可数不可数 复数复数*potato-potatoes ,tomatotomatoes, mango-mangoes第21页/共51页第二十二页,共51页。There is some. in the fridge.There are . in the fridge.Exercise第22页/共51页第二十三页,共51页。1.There is meat in the fridge.2.There is fish in the fridge.3.There are bananas in the fridge.4.There are oranges in the fridge.5.There in the fridge.6.There in the fridge.7.There in the fridge.8.There in the fridge.9.There in the fridge.someafour/somefive/someis some breadare four applesare twelve eggsis some milkis some orange juiceCheckare two cartons of milkare three bottles of orange juice第23页/共51页第二十四页,共51页。Do you know? some 既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词。Eg: some water一些水一些水 some apples一些苹果一些苹果第24页/共51页第二十五页,共51页。I can use “some” correctly.I can name some food.第25页/共51页第二十六页,共51页。Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing time第26页/共51页第二十七页,共51页。Step2: Cooking time第27页/共51页第二十八页,共51页。Game 1what to cookNow, the children are all helping in the kitchen.小提示小提示:认真观察图片,在认真观察图片,在30秒内记住每个人秒内记住每个人在做的事,要回答问题哦!在做的事,要回答问题哦!第28页/共51页第二十九页,共51页。Judgecleaning the table.washing the dishes.No, he isnt.Yes, she is.No, he isnt.Yes,they are.Q1:Iscooking meat?Q2:Iscooking some vegetables?Q3:Iscooking fish?making salad?Q4:Are第29页/共51页第三十页,共51页。S1: Is ? S2: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.S2: Are ? S1: Yes, they are. No, they arent.Ask & answer第30页/共51页第三十一页,共51页。how to look for第31页/共51页第三十二页,共51页。which to chooseTaotao, are you looking for some? 什么(shn me)水果? 什么(shn me)蔬菜?Are you looking for some potatoes? No, Im not.Are you looking for some tomatoes? Yes, I am.第32页/共51页第三十三页,共51页。GrammarAreyouIstheytheytheyheheheshesheshecookinglooking formeat with potatoesdinnersome juicesome tomatoes?,YesIIm notamarearentNoisisnt. Be主语主语 v.ing ?Can you say?谈一谈现在进行时一般疑问句的结构。谈一谈现在进行时一般疑问句的结构。第33页/共51页第三十四页,共51页。小提示小提示:根据每个朋友要做的美食,为他们找一找根据每个朋友要做的美食,为他们找一找所需要的食材。所需要的食材。Game 2第34页/共51页第三十五页,共51页。Is he looking for?Is she looking for? Yes / NoAre they looking for?*Play this game with your friends.和你的朋友(png you)们一起玩这个游戏。游戏规则:游戏规则:1. 抽取一张图片;抽取一张图片; 2.其他同学可以自由提问。其他同学可以自由提问。第35页/共51页第三十六页,共51页。Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing time第36页/共51页第三十七页,共51页。Step3: Sharing time第37页/共51页第三十八页,共51页。Nice!Nice!I cant I cant wait!wait!YummYummy!y!第38页/共51页第三十九页,共51页。第39页/共51页第四十页,共51页。 Mum ,Dad, come here. Look at the nice food . There is some fish. There are two Pizzas. Look! My friend Wang Bing is still(仍然(仍然(rngrn))cooking now. Is he cooking fish?No, he isnt. Is he cooking meat?Yes, he is.It smells nice. Dialogue第40页/共51页第四十一页,共51页。 Mum ,Dad, come here. Look at the nice food . There is some . There are . Look! My friend Wang Bing is still(仍然(仍然(rngrn))cooking now. Is he ?No, . Is he ?Yes, .It smells nice. /I cant wait!/Its yummy!Dialogue第41页/共51页第四十二页,共51页。Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing time第42页/共51页第四十三页,共51页。Share with your family and friends.与家人与家人(ji rn)和朋友分享。和朋友分享。Youre the best!你是最棒的!你是最棒的!第43页/共51页第四十四页,共51页。I can ask and answer “Yes/No”questions about actions.第44页/共51页第四十五页,共51页。Homework2*. Try to cook at home.1*. Ask and answer “Yes/No” questions about actions.第45页/共51页第四十六页,共51页。1*. Ask and answer “Yes/No” questions about actions.第46页/共51页第四十七页,共51页。Try your best to help your parents.尽可能地多帮助尽可能地多帮助(bngzh)父母。父母。Youre the best!你是最棒的!你是最棒的!Share with your family and friends.与家人和朋友与家人和朋友(png you)分享。分享。Youre the best!你是最棒的!你是最棒的!第47页/共51页第四十八页,共51页。第48页/共51页第四十九页,共51页。 Be主语主语 v.ing ?Do you know? 简单的说,现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式简单的说,现在进行时的一般疑问句变化方式只要将只要将BeBe动词提前,其他部分按顺序下来。动词提前,其他部分按顺序下来。第49页/共51页第五十页,共51页。Judgecleaning the table.washing the dishes.No, he isnt.Yes, she is.No, he isnt.Yes,they are.Q1:Iscooking meat?Q2:Iscooking some vegetables?Q3:Iscooking fish?making salad?Q4:Are第50页/共51页第五十一页,共51页。


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