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沪教版三年级下学期英语期末学业质量监测复习课堂知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 根据首字母填写单词。(1)Tis a duck and that is a cat.(2)There are many animals in the z.(3)I lpandas because(因为) they are cute(可爱).(4)A mlikes bananas and its tail is long.(5)A blikes honey(蜂蜜).2. 请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。(1)They_(使用)aknifeand_(叉)inEngland.(2)Its_(容易的)forEnglishpeople.(3)People_(划)onthis_.(湖)(4)Dont_.(担心)(5)Thereisa_.(马)(6)Weare_(制作)a_.(蛋糕)(7)Shesgotapet_.(老鼠)3. 用所给单词的适当形式或汉语提示填单词。(1)There(be) some juice.(2)What(be) that?(3)Id like(一些) eggs.(4)I am(饿的).(5)Id like some(面包).4. 根据图示,完成单词。5. 抄写下列单词并翻译。1. when _( ) 2. born _( )3. January _( ) 4. make _( )6. 看图写单词。(1)_ (2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_7. 看图,写出所缺的字母。1_ook 2 cr_yon3_oot 4 d_ck5_gg8. 根据图片内容补全下列单词中所缺的字母。(1)bg (2)bk(3)rler (4)erser(5)pncil (6)cryon填空题9. 选词填空。Are am a Im Hi1I am_girl.2_you Mr Dog?3-Hi-_!4-Are you Lulu? -No,_Pearl.5-Are you Roy? -Yes, I_.10. 填写正确的动词。1Im fish. I can_.2Im a bird. I can_.3Im a singer. I can_.4Im a dancer. I can_.5Im a high jumper. I can_.11. 根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1Look, the ducks are_(玩耍) in the rain.2They are playing_(捉迷藏).3They are hiding_(在树下).4Those are_(绿树).5These are hiding_(在花下面).6Those are_(龙舟).12. 根据所给图片或中文提示,填入所缺单词。1Is this your_?Yes, it is.2_(在哪里)is my schoolbag?Its_(在下面)the_.3Whats this?Its a_.13. 用适当的单词填空。1._is it? Its an apple. 2.Its small and yellow. Its sour. Its a_. 3.I like candy. Its_. Yummy! Yummy! 4.I like_. Its cold and sweet.14. 根据提示给下列单词分类。A. pen B. ten C. pencil D. leg E. nine F. ruler G. white H. ear I. yellow J. faceK. red L. seven1身体部位:_2数词:_3文具:_4颜色:_15. 根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1Those are_(绿树).2These are hiding_(在花下面).3Those are_(龙舟).16. 看图填空,补全句子。1I eat_.2I eat_.3I eat_.Yummy!4I eat_.5I eat_.6A_bowl in my tummy!选择题17. 找出不同类的一项:( )A.maths B.science C.sleep18. Lets _ school! ( )A.go B.to go C.go to19. Is she your mother? ( ) _, she isnt. She is my teacher.A.Yes B.No20. Is she your sister? ( )No, _.A.she is B.he isnt C.she isnt21. The ruler is under the book. ( )A. B.22. 选择不同类的单词:()A.class B.naughty C.shy23. Is she your mother? ( )_ Shes my teacher.A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isnt. C.No, he isnt.24. 你想知道远处的那个男人是谁时,你应该说:( )A.Where are you from? B.Whos that man? C.Whos that girl?句型转换25. 句型转换。1.我的书和钢笔在哪里?_mybookandpen?2.Mykeyisonthedesk.(变为一般疑问句).3.椅子下面有一个足球。_afootball_thedesk.4.Thisismybook.(变为复数形式).5.The watch ison the dresser(就根据句子意思提问)26. 按要求完成下面的句子。1.It isnt a duck.(改为肯定句)2.Is his birthday in July?(作肯定和否定回答)3.When is your mothers birthday?(按实际情况回答)4This is my cat. (变为复数形式).27. 按要求写句子。(1)Itsatable.(根据句子意思提问)(2)Iwouldlikesomerice.(根据句子意思提问)(3)Wouldyoulikesomedumplings?(肯定回答)(4)Areyouhungry?(肯定回答)(5)Iwanttoeatahamburger.(根据句子意思提问)28. 句型变变变。(对句子提问)1. I amten.2. My name isPeter.3. I am in ClassThree.4. Im fromChina.29. 按要求完成句子。1Do you like pears?(肯定回答)2I dont like watermelons.(变肯定句)3I can seetenbirds.(对句子提问)4Itsmy new car.(对句子提问)5She is a new student.(变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)30. 按要求完成句子。1My name isPeter.(对句子提问)_is_name?2How are you?(对问题进行回答)_, thank you.3There arefivecandles. (对句子提问)_candles are there?4Whats that?(用elephant回答)Its_.5Imsix years old.(对句子提问)_are you?31. 句型转换。1That isa dog.(根据句子意思提问)2This egg is for you. (改为一般疑问句)3I like this green schoolbag. (改为否定句)4It isnt her shirt. Its mine.(变为同义句)It isnt_. Its _shirt.5Its his T-shirt.(变为同义句)The T-shirt_.32. 句型转换。1. I like summer. (变否定句)I_like summer.2. I like spring. (变一般疑问句) _you_spring?3. I likeswimming. (对句子提问) _do you_?4. Im Bob. (变一般疑问句)5. Its cold here. (变一般疑问句) _cold here?连词成句33. TV, in, watch, I, evening, the,(.)34. 连词成句。1you, can, sing, not, (.)(缩写形式)2a, bird, I, have, little, (.)3fish, can, sing, not, can, swim, and, (.)4is, there, bird, the, a, on, chair, oh, (!)35. Does, Amy, noodles, like (Amy喜欢面吗?)36. is, This, brother, my (.)37. 连词成句。1new, Look, jacket, at, my (.)2a, is, This, T-shirt (.)3great, is, It (.)4me, at, Look (.)5my, This, friend, is, new (.)38. your Close eyes (.)39. this, is, ruler, a (?)40. is, cake, This, Helen, for (.)阅读理解41. 阅读短文,判断正误。Look at the boy. Hes Ken. Hes tall. Hes thin. His hair is yellow. His eyes are big. His nose is big and long. He can smell the fish and the flowers. He can put the pencils and pens in the red bag. There are four green pencils and five red pens. They are new. They are long.( )(1)Ken is a thin boy.( )(2)He cant smell the flowers.( )(3)The pencils are on the bag.( )(4)The bag is red.( )(5)There are four red pens.42. 阅读短文,判断正误。Jane White is an American girl. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. White. Her mother is Mrs. White. Bob is her brother. He is a student, too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.(1)Jane White is English.( )(2)Mr. White is her mother.( )(3)Jane is fourteen.( )(4)Bob is Janes brother.( )(5)Jane is in red and Bob is in black.( )43. 阅读理解。Sarah:Hello,Amy.Amy:Hi,Sarah.Whats that?Sarah:Its a panda.Amy:Oh!Its fat and cute.Sarah:It has a big head.Amy:It has a short tail.Sarah:Its black and white.Amy:Lets play with her.( )(1)The panda is thin.( )(2)The panda has a big head.( )(3)The panda has a short tail.( )(4)The panda is blue and white.44. 阅读理解。OnedayMr.andMrs.Whitegoshoppingbycar.Theystoptheircarnearastore.Theybuyalotofthingsandtheywanttoputthethingsinthecar.ButMr.Whitecantopenthedoorofthecar,sotheyaskapolicemantohelpthem.Thepolicemanisveryfriendlytohelpthem.Justthenamancomesupandshouts:“Whatareyoudoingwithmycar?”Mr.andMrs.Whitetakealookatthecarsnumberandtheyarefrozenthere.Itisnttheircar.( )(1)Mr.andMrs.Whitedrivefor_.A.fishing B.shopping C.business( )(2)Theystoptheircar_.A.attheparkingspot B.nearthesea C.nearthestore( )(3)Theywanttoputthethings_.A.inabigbag B.intheircar C.inotherscar( )(4)Mr.Whitecantopenthecar,so_.A.theywalkhome B.theyaskapolicemantohelp C.theycallataxi( )(5)Thecar_theircar.A.isnt B.is C.are45. 根据短文内容,判断正误。The cat wants to find (找到 his mum. He sees a rabbit. Are you my mum? No, I am not. My ears are long My tail is short. The cat sees a dog. Are you my mum? No, my eyes are small. My nose is big The cat sees an old cat, Are you my mum? Yes, I am your mum.”(1)The cat wants to find his mum.( )(2)His mum is a dog.( )(3)His mum is a rabbit.( )(4)His mum is an old cat.( )(5)The cat find his father.( )46. 阅读选择正确答案。 My name is Frank. Im eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. Thats me. There is one girl. Shes my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. Were going to the cinema. Were going to see a film.1. How old is Frank. ( )A. 7. B. 8. C. 9.2. How many people are there in Franks family? ( )A. Three B. Four C. Five.3. Are there two boys in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.4. Are there two women in Franks family?( )A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.5. What are they going to do? ( )A. Theyre going to visit the zoo. B. Theyre going to the cinema.C. Theyre going to the shop.47. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Sam: Good afternoon, Bobby! Bobby: Good afternoon, Sam.Sam: Bobby, please turn on the tap!Willy jumps up and down on the water pipe. Sam: Oh! Naughty Bobby! Willy: Ha! Ha!Bobby: He jumped up and down on the water pipe! Willy: Sorry, Sam! Sam: Never mind! Its so funny!1. It is in thenow. ( )A. morning B. afternoon2.jumps up and down on the water pipe. ( )A. Bobby B. Willy3.the tap. ( )A. Turn on B. Open4. Samangry(生气的). ( )A. is not B. is5. Willynaughty(淘气的). ( )A. is not B. is48. 根据短文内容,判断正误。My name is Betty. I am 14 years old.My father and mother are workers(工人). They come home late. They are tired(累的).I do housework(家务) for my mother and father. I like cooking(做饭).I can cook many things. I can cook rice, noodles, eggs and sandwiches. Cooking is fun.I love my mother and father. I am helpful(有用的) to my family.(1)My father and mother come home at 7:00.( )(2)I can do housework for my parents.( )(3)I can cook many things for them.( )(4)I dont like cooking.( )(5)I am helpful to my family.( )15 / 15


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