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新概念六年级下学期英语期末复习重点知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 改写单词。1. _ (tell) ustherulesofthecompetition.2.Thereare _ (many)bicyclesthancarsintheworld.2. 单词拼写。1Tom can_.1Fruit is_(o, o, d, g) for us.2My friend is from_.3 What time is it now? It_five o_.4s_5This my new_.6Tom can_.3. 看图写单词。4. 根据要求写单词。1. then(对应词)_2. active(对应词)_3. fun(形容词)_4. worry(形容词)_5. wear(现在分词)_6. cycle(现在分词)_7. dont(完全形式)_8. thats(完全形式)_9. can(过去式)_10. was(否定形式)_5. 看图根据首字母写单词。 m_ m_ t_ k_ r_6. 根据首字母提示填词,完成短文。Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We also c_it the “Spring Festival”, It is usually in J_or F_. Before Chinese New Year, we always clean our houses and buy lots of food. On Chinese New Years Eve, we usually have dinner with our family. At twelve oclock in the evening, we say “ happy Chinese New Year!” to each other. We usually l_a lot of fireworks and firecrackers at Chinese New Year. This year, we dont do that, because that makes the air d_. We should keep the air clean and p_our Earth.7. 在横线上写出与画线部分发音相同的词。(1)blue_ (2)room_(3)sugar_ (4)class_(5)arm_ (6)us_(7)son_ (8)Pear_(9)back_ (10)any_8. 写出单词的正确形式。(1)ride(过去式)_ (2)eat(过去式)_(3)bigger(反义词)_ (4)longer(反义词)_(5)thin(比较级)_ (6)read(过去式)_(7)buy(过去式)_ (8)went(原形)_(9)dance(过去式)_ (10)heavy(比较级)_填空题9. 按要求写单词。1. get(现在分词) 2. go(第三人称单数)3. have(第三人称单数) 4. come(过去式)5. eat(现在分词)10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I took a picture of my_(friend).2She often_(help) her mum to make the bed.3He_(dont) reply to my question yesterday.4I_(will) leave till you come.5We_(walk) down some stone steps to the beach.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1_(safe)mustcomefirstwhenwetakeatrip.2We all know that its not good for us to eat_(quick).3Tony eats lots of_(health) food every day. Look, he is strong.4Thefanscheered_(loud) fortheirfootballteam.5_(sad), he lost his bike on the first day of school.12. 选词填空。When Where How What Why1._are you going tomorrow?Im going to the zoo.2._are you going to see?Im going to see animals.3._are you going?Im going at 3:30 tomorrow.4._are you crying?Because I am sad.5._can you get to the zoo?I can take the No. 14 bus.13. 语法填空。1Many_(family) go to the park on Sundays.2Mr. Browns family_(have) a picnic at the park at weekends.3We go to the beach on Sundays. We enjoy_(we).4They like to_(swim) in the sea.5Mr Chens daughter_(watch) a movie every week.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Ben likes food and he likes_(cook) for others.2My sister likes_stories for children. She wants to be a_(write) some day.3I want to see your dreams_(come) true.4Liu Tao has a big dream. He wants to be a_(science) in the future.5We should_(study) hard.6_(dance) makes people healthy and_(beauty).7My brother Leo wants to be a football_(play).8I like_(play) the piano. I want to be a_(piano).15. 写出下列形容词的副词形式。1quick 2fast3early 4beautiful5good 6loud7slow 8quiet9happy 10angry16. 根据图片和首字母提示写单词补全句子。1Tom is 136 c_tall.2They run short r_.3She wants a pair of s_.4We need g_to stick the painting onto the cardboard.5At the weekend, some people go to the t_.选择题17. How _ are you ? ( )Im 160 cm tall.A.old B.tall C.heavy18. Lilys habits are different _ Lindas. ( )A.for B.from C.of19. I taught Danny _play pingpong.( )A.for B.to C.with20. She _ a skirt yesterday. ( )A.wear B.wears C.wore21. You _ eat vegetables for a healthy body. ( )A.need to B.needed C.needs22. Firemen always _ fires. ( )A.put on B.put off C.put in D.put out23. I usually go to school _, because my home is near the school. ( )A.by plane B.on foot C.by subway24. Why was she sad? ( )_.A.Because she become blindB.Because she became blindC.Because she went to the zoo连词成句25. wegothehospitalHowcanto(?)26. king, and, shouted, at, they, looked, the, (.)27. decided, play, he, to, volleyball (.)28. do, how, to, you, go, school (?)29. want I to the buy new film magazine (.)30. to, I, can, get, office, the, how, post (?)31. as, I, an, work, as, hard, ox (.)32. do, what, on, Flag Day, do, you(?)阅读理解33. 阅读理解。A young mother and her little girl get on a bus and sit down. The bus conductor(售票员) comes to ask them to buy thetickets. The mother says, I want one ticket to Childrens Park. The conductor looks at the little girl and says to her, How old are you? The girl answers, Mother says I am four years old at home, but Im two years old on the bus. The young mothers face turns red, very red. Then she buys one adult ticket and a childs ticket.( )(1)Where do they go?A. Home. B. To the park.( )(2)How do they go there?A. By train. B. By bus.( )(3)How old is the little girl?A. 4. B. 2.( )(4)Why does the mothers face turn red?A. Because she feels hot.B. Because she teaches her daughter (女儿) to tell a lie (谎言).( )(5)Whats the meaning of tickets?A. 方便面 B. 车票34. 阅读短文,判断正误。I went to Harbin with my family on our holiday. We went there by airplane. It was the first time for me to take the airplane. It was cold in Harbin. We went skiing, we madesnowman. We saw a lot of beautiful ice-lights. And we took many nice pictures. It was a fun holiday.1We went to Harbin by train.(_)2We made a snowman in Harbin.(_)3I was very excited.(_)4We rowed the boats.(_)5We had a lot of fun.(_)35. 阅读理解。Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop. I wanted to buy an interesting book about animals. Suddenly I saw a short man behind me. He stole my purse and ran out of the shop. I followed him along the street, but he run faster than me. I shouted, “ Stop the thief! Stop the thief!” A policeman heard me and came to help. Then a woman came and said, “I saw him. He ran along the street and turned left at the first crossing.” The policeman began to run. He ran faster than the thief. Soon he caught the thief and I got my purse back.根据上文内容,填入适当的单词完成下面短文(每空一词)Last Sunday afternoon, Nancy_to a bookshop to buy an interesting book_animals. Suddenly she found a short man_her purse and ran out of the shop. The man ran faster than Nancy. So she shouted and asked others for_. At last, with the help from a policeman and a woman, Nancy_her purse back.36. 阅读短文,回答问题。Today is Sunday. It is my sisters birthday. My father buys a cake for her. Its too big. My mother buys her a doll. Its 200 yuan. I am going to give her a bag. The bag is small. I like it very much. My brother Dongdong gives her a pen. Its very beautiful. She is very happy today.1Today is _ birthday. ( )A.my B.my sisters C.Dongdongs2The pen is _. ( )A.big B.beautiful C.small3My mother buys a _. ( )A.doll B.cake C.pen4Tomorrow is _. ( )A.Sunday B.Monday C.Tuesday5There are _ people in my family. ( )A.three B.four C.five37. 根据短文内容判断下列各句的正误。Dear Cindy,Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Now I will tell you how to come to my home.Start from the hospital behind your home. Turn right at the hospital. Then go straight for 10 minutes. After that, turn left at the library. My home is near the library. Its in a yellow building. My home is on the ninth floor.Yours,Lucy( )(1)Lucy is eleven years old.( )(2)Cindys home is in front of the hospital.( )(3)Cindy should turn left at the hospital.( )(4)Lucys home is near the library.( )(5)Lucy lives on the tenth floor.38. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 This is my home. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator. The vegetables and fruit are in the refrigerator. The juice is in it, too. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a chair and a computer. Now Im watching TV in the living room. Mum is cooking in the kitchen. My sister is taking a shower in the bathroom. Our cat is under my bed.1We have two bedrooms.(_)2There is a computer in my bedroom.(_)3My sister is watching TV in the living room.(_)4Mum is cooking in the kitchen.(_)5Our cat is on my bed.(_)39. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答语,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。Miss Lee is twenty-one years old. She is tall and thin. She is a Chinese teacher. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday, she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much work to do, but she often plays games with her students after school. The children like her very much. On Sundays she drives her car to her fathers house and stays with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sundays. She drives back to school on Monday morning.1Miss Lee is a _ teacher.( )A.maths B.P.E. C.Chinese2Do the children like Miss Lee?( )A.Yes, they are. B.No, they dont. C.Yes, they do.3Miss Lee goes to her fathers house _.( )A.on bus B.on foot C.by car4She goes and see her friends _.( )A.every day B.on Sundays C.on Saturdays5Which one is right?( )A.She plays with the children on the weekend.B.She plays games with her students after school.C.She always works, but doesnt play.40. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。We had a seven-day holiday. I went to Qingdao with my parents. My grandparentslive in a beautiful village in Qingdao. We visited them. We went to see the blue seaevery day. We swam in it. We went fishing, too. My grandma cooked good food for usevery day. The seafood is tasty. I like it. We took many pictures. I was excited.1We had a _ holiday.( )A.seven-day B.six-day C.three-day2I went to _ during the holiday. ( )A.Haikou B.Qingdao C.Hangzhou3I _. ( )A.went swimming B.went boating C.went hiking4My _ live in Qingdao. ( )A.parents B.grandparents C.father5The _ is tasty. ( )A.seafood B.fruit C.vegetabl写作41. 小作文。上周末去了哪里?做了什么?看到了什么?那时的心情如何?用不少于5句话向大家介绍一下你的周末活动吧。42. 根据下面提示以“My brother”为题,写一篇小作文。要求:意思连贯,语句通顺;至少40个单词。备注:已给出提示单词。Name: Oliver live in : BeijingAge: 20 Hobby: take photos43. 同学们,你们对职业了解了多少?你会用英语表达吗?写一篇小作文,介绍一下你和你的家人的职业、爱好以及出行方式。不少于五句话。44. 写作。写一写暑假你出去旅游或者探亲的经历。14 / 14


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