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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 写作题Different people have different ideas about “future”. Some people understand it as pain and death; some believe it means hope and expectation; still others regard it as somewhere you reach within an hour of sixty minutes. What is your own idea and how would you support it? Write a composition about it of at least 150 words. You can either use the given title “FUTURE”, or make some slight changes as you like.【答案】My Future2. 单选题In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate: using the knife only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table. In other parts of the world there are also rules for people to follow when they are eating, but they are not the same as those of Britain. Indeed, what are considered good table manners in some other countries are what British people try hardest to avoid. In Arabia, for instance, the people at a feast take pieces of food with their fingers and belch loudly to show that they have appreciated it.The richer and more educated people in the East have, however, to a great extent taken up the table manners and customs of Western people. Tables and chairs have replaced the cushions of the past, and the lady of the house presides at one end of the table in the same way that Western women do. Many Japanese, however, still feel it would be wrong to eat unless they were sitting on a cushion before a low table with a tray of food on it. In many parts of the world both traditional and Western styles of eating exist side by side.In the West there are differences between table manners in various countries, although they are not so marked. In North America it is polite to cut up meat and then put the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right all the time when they are eating food that has to be cut. In the British Isles and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) special knives and forks are used for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy, however, it is correct to keep the same, knife for every course, wiping it on a piece of bread.Drinking customs at table also vary in different countries. In Europe, water, wine or beer is drunk with meats and coffee or tea is taken afterwards. In North America a beverage such as coffee, tea or milk is drunk with meals.Table manners of course have changed with time. The earliest meals were also the simplest. They were eaten sitting on the ground round a fire, and everyone took his food from a pot on the fire or cut bits from the animal or bird that had been cooked. The women waited on the warriors and afterwards ate what they left.Fingers were used to cut food throughout the middle ages. Food was eaten off wooden dishes with the noblemen sitting above the salt. The ordinary people sat below the salt. In the reign of Henry VII(15091547), people were still eating with their hands after cutting the food with a clasp knife which was always cached at the belt. Forks were not used in England until the 17th century.1.What conclusion can you draw from the passage?2.The British people ( ) .3.How to use a knife while eating is ( ) .4.Sitting above the salt is the last paragraph probably means ( ) .5.From the passage, we know that table manners( ) .6.According to the passage, we know that the wealthier and well-educated people in the east ( ) .7.In paragraph 3, line 1 the word they refers to ( ) .问题1选项A.Some slight difference between table manners do not exist the West.B.Forks were bed in England before the 17th century.C.Table manners and customs are different from country to countryD.Sitting on a cushion before a table is common in the East.问题2选项A.consider belching loudly an impolite table mannerB.appreciate the table manners in many other parts of the worldC.used forks more than thousand years agoD.take food from the table问题3选项A.a standard of good table mannersB.never used in North AmericaC.different among Western countriesD.not a problem in Britain问题4选项A.sitting on a salt cellarB.sitting above the salt cellar with legs apartC.being the most distinguished guestD.salt used to be seats in Britain问题5选项A.change very little through the agesB.change with time.C.are actually the same among the countriesD.are extremely important问题6选项A.pay more attention to table mannersB.strictly stick to their traditional table mannersC.adopt Western table mannersD.have their own table manners问题7选项A.differencesB.table mannersC.various countriesD.Western people【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B第6题:C第7题:A【解析】1.结合全文内容可知, 本文主要讲的是各国之间不同的餐桌礼仪和风俗习惯, 选项C最能概括全文。2.根据第一段最后两句可知, 在其他一些国家被认为是好的餐桌礼仪却是英国人竭力避免的, 比如, 在阿拉伯人们在宴会上用手指拿起食物, 并大声打嗝, 以示感谢。由此可知, 英国人认为大声打嗝是一种不礼貌的餐桌礼仪, 选项A符合原文。3.根据第三段的内容可知, 不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪。接下来作者分别列举了北美, 英国以及欧洲其他国家使用刀叉的不同习俗, 所以选项C正确。4.根据原文noblemen和ordinary people相对应, sitting above the salt和sat below the salt相对应, 说明地位高的人和地位低的人被区别对待。sitting above the salt指坐上席, 所有选项C正确。5.根据第五段第一句“Table manners of course have changed with time.”餐桌礼仪随着时间的推移而改变。选项B符合原文。6.根据第二段第一句“The richer and more educated people in the East have, however, to a great extent taken up the table manners and customs of Western people.”可知, 选项C符合原文。7.根据原文句意:在西方, 不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪, 虽然没有那么明显。这里的“they”指代的是“differences”, 说明差异不明显, 所以选项A正确。3. 单选题When one leaves his car ( ) , he assumes that the mechanic will repair the car well.问题1选项A.repairedB.to be repairedC.repairingD.being repaired【答案】A【解析】leave sth. done常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成, 宾语和宾补为被动关系, 翻译为让.保持.的状态, 留下.被做。由此可知选项A正确。4. 单选题Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning. Educators find that (1 ) toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers. (2 ) their younger counterparts are more likely to(3 ) . Kindergarten children who turn five during the (4 ) half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it (5 ) physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten (6 ) to receive better grades and score higher on achievement (7 ) throughout their schooling experience (8) do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five. Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the (9 ) thing. It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of todays children (10 ) inner maturity. Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs. Youngsters (11 ) parents push them to attain academic success in preschool are less creative, have (12 ) anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fall to maintain their initial academic advantage (13 ) their less-pressured peers.Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting. They question (14 ) environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in developmental timetable of a child reared in a non-disadvantaged home. They do not deny, however, the (15 ) of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children (16 ) freedom to play, develop at their own (17 ), and evolve their social skills. But they point out that many of the things children once did in first grade are now (18)of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds. These psychologists and educators believe we are driving young children too (19 ) and thereby depriving them of their (20 )问题1选项A.olderB.tallerC.strongerD.smarter问题2选项A.SinceB.Now thatC.TherebyD.Whereas问题3选项A.fallB.failC.fleeD.fear问题4选项A.lateB.laterC.latestD.latter问题5选项A.lies inB.deals withC.comes toD.calls for问题6选项A.helpB.wantC.tendD.prefer问题7选项A.testsB.trialsC.performanceD.competition问题8选项A.thatB.whichC.thenD.than问题9选项A.easyB.hardC.sameD.similar问题10选项A.forB.againstC.withD.towards问题11选项A.andB.withC.thoseD.whose问题12选项A.muchB.moreC.manyD.most问题13选项A.toB.againstC.overD.than问题14选项A.howB.thatC.whyD.whether问题15选项A.valueB.powerC.considerationD.responsibility问题16选项A.possibleB.reasonableC.imaginableD.considerable问题17选项A.wayB.caseC.paceD.means问题18选项A.thoughtB.remindedC.expectedD.regarded问题19选项A.wellB.hardC.badlyD.directly问题20选项A.memoryB.childhoodC.ambitionsD.simplicity【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C第6题:C第7题:A第8题:D第9题:C第10题:C第11题:D第12题:B第13题:C第14题:D第15题:A第16题:D第17题:C第18题:C第19题:B第20题:B【解析】1.根据下文“their younger counterparts”可以推测出,填空处应该填入“older”,选项A符合原文。2.根据下文的“seem to be at a disadvantage”可以推测,年幼的学龄前儿童相比年长的学龄前儿童处于劣势,所以前后形成对比,选项D符合原文语境。3.填空处与上文的“succeed”相对应,应填入success的反义词“fail”,所以选项B正确。4.late迟的,晚的,最近的;later后来,更迟的;latest最新的;latter后者的,较后的。根据原文可知,这里指后半年满5岁的幼儿园儿童,选项B符合句意。5.lie in在于;deal with处理;comes to谈到,达到;call for要求,需要。when it comes to指涉及,谈到。句意:幼儿园的孩子如果在下半年才满五岁,在身体、情感、社交和智力发展方面就会处于劣势。选项C符合语境。6.根据句意:接近6岁的孩子进入幼儿园时,往往会获得更好的成绩。tend to表示趋向,易于.,符合原文句意,所以选项C正确。7.根据原文可知,这里指成就测试的得分也更高。所以选项A符合原文。8.根据句意,这里是将刚满5岁和刚满6岁进入幼儿园的孩子进行比较,只有选D表示比较,所以正确。9.句意:聪明、语言能力强和准备好上学似乎不是同一件事。句中有两个being,作者是将两件事进行对比,说明二者不是同一件事。10.confuse with混淆,这里指我们很容易把如今孩子们表面上的沉着和老练与内心的成熟混为一谈。选项C符合原文句意。11.“whose”在这里引导定于从句,相当于“Youngstersparents”。句意:父母强迫孩子在学前班取得学业上的成功会导致孩子缺乏创造力。选项D符合句意。12.根据句意,这里指考试的时候会更焦虑,所以选项B正确。13.maintain advantage over sb.为固定搭配,意为“对.保持优势”。选项C正确。14.句意:他们质疑,丰富的环境是否能显著改变一个在没有缺点的家庭中长大的孩子固定的发展轨迹。whether引导疑问句,意为“是否”。选项D正确。15.根据原文句意可知,这里指他们并不否认日托中心和幼儿园的价值。选项A符合语境。16.句意:它们提供一个像家一样的环境,给孩子足够的自由玩耍。选项D符合原文句意。17.at ones own pace为固定搭配,意为“按自己的节奏”。选项C正确。18.根据下文:他们担心现在会有越来越多的孩子在4岁的时候就被要求这样做。由此可以推断,上文指的是:孩子们在一年级时做的许多事情,现在在幼儿园就被期望去做。选项C更符合句意。19.根据句子结构可知,too在这里后面应接形容词,首先排除选项C和D;再根据句意可知,选项B符合原文句意,所以正确。句意:心理学家和教育家认为我们对小孩太严厉了。20.根据句意可知,这路指剥夺了孩子们的童年。选项B符合句意。选项D虽符合句意,但不符合语法结构,所以不正确。5. 单选题Penguins do not suffer from the cold in Antarctica because their feathers ( ) a protective oil.问题1选项A.secreteB.warmC.hideD.absorb【答案】A【解析】secrete藏匿, 分泌;warm使.温暖;hide隐藏;absorb吸收, 承受。句意:企鹅在南极洲不受寒冷的影响, 因为它们的羽毛分泌一种保护性的油。选项A符合句意。6. 翻译题 It is understandable that publishers are concerned that their journals are selected by ISI for inclusion in its database. Indeed, it is sometimes argued that the survival of a particular journal depends on ISIs decision to cover it in Current Contents. A journals ultimate success depends upon its quality, distribution, and many other competitive factors including cost and timeliness. Any one of these factors, including coverage by ISI, can make the difference between success and failure.A journals reputation may not tell the complete story about its impact on the scholarly community. In fact, a study on social science journals suggests quite the opposite. Their research showed that there is a nonlinear relationship between a journals reputation and its impact, especially at the extremes of the prestige scale. They conclude that citation data “permit scholars to evaluate the importance of journals based not on opinion but on the frequency of citations” and that “frequency of citation implies scholarly acceptance, or at least acknowledgment of importance through utilization of others work.” The researchers go on to mention that “journals have prestige, but their prestige is only derived from the usefulness of the articles they publish.”Translated the following paragraph into Chinese.【答案】出版者关心他们的期刊被ISI数据库选中, 这是可以理解的。事实上, 有人争论一本期刊的命运取决于ISI是否将它收录在最新内容里。期刊的最终成功靠的是它的质量、发行以及许多其他竞争因素, 包括成本和及时性。这些因素中的任何一个, 包括ISI的覆盖范围都能决定成败。期刊的知名度并不能说明它对学术界的影响力。事实上, 一项对社会科学杂志的研究结果恰恰相反。研究表明期刊的知名度和它的影响力之间没有直接关系, 特别是在声望范围。他们总结道, “学者们根据引用数据评估期刊的重要性, 但是, 不是基于期刊的观点而是基于其引用频率。引用频率暗示了学术界的认可, 至少通过利用其他人的著作承认了这一重要性。”研究者们还说, “期刊也有声望, 但是他们的声望仅源于他们出版的文章的有用性。”7. 单选题A report submitted to the United States Congress in 1971 emphatically recommended a( ) national effort to adopt metric system.问题1选项A.concertedB.representativeC.respectiveD.spontaneous【答案】D【解析】concerted协调的, 协定的;representative典型的;respective分别的, 各自的;spontaneous自发的, 无意识的。句意:1971年提交给美国国会的一份报告着重建议各国自发地努力采用公制系统。选项D符合句意。8. 单选题Death comes quickly in the mountains. Each winter holiday makers are caught unawares as they happily ski away from the fixed runs, little realizing that a small avalanche can send them crashing in a bone-breaking fall down the slope and leave them buried under tons of crisp white snow. There are lots of theories about how to avoid disaster when hit by an avalanche. Practice is normally less cheerful.The snow in the Salzburg of Austria where a recent disaster took place was typical avalanche material. For several days before the incident I had skied locally. Early winter snow was wearing thin and covered with ice. On top of that new, warmer flakes were gently falling to produce a dangerous carpet. To the skier who enjoys unmarked slopes it is tempting stuff, deep new power snow on a hard basethe skiing that dreams are made of and sometimes nightmares.Snow falls in sections like a cake. Different sections have different densities because of the temperatures at the time of the fall and in the weeks afterwards. Problems come when any particular section is too thick and not sticking to the section beneath. The snow of the past few weeks had been falling in rather higher temperatures than those of December and early January. The result of these conditions is that even a slight increase in the temperatures sends a thin stream of water between the new snow and the old. Then the new snow simply slides off the mountain.Such slides are not unexpected. Local citizens know the slopes which tend to avalanche and the weather in which such slides are likely. Traps are set to catch the snow or prevent it slipping; bombs are placed and exploded from time to time to set off small avalanches before a big one has time to build up; and above all, skiers are warned not to ski in danger areas.In spite of this, avalanches happen in unexpected areas and, of course, skiers ignore the warnings. The one comfort to recreational skiers, however, is that avalanche incidents on the marked ski slopes are quite rare. No ski resort wants the image of being a death trap.1.Each winter holiday makers in the mountains come face to face with death because ( ) .2.According to the writer, skiing conditions in the Salzburg area of Austria before the accident happened were( ) .3.In areas where avalanches are known to happen( ) .4.Although accidents do happen, skiers will be reasonably safe if ( ) .问题1选项A.they fail to realize how dangerous avalanches can beB.they are not expert enough at skiing on the fixed runs.C.they are trying to avoid areas where avalanches happenD.they ski great distances down the mountainsides问题2选项A.perfect for, the inexperienced skierB.unsafe because the new snow was covered with iceC.typical of conditions resulting in avalanchesD.suitable only for skiing locally问题3选项A.local residents stay indoors when the weather is bad.B.measures are taken to prevent serious avalanchesC.small avalanches can easily be preventedD.skiers form themselves into a wall to keep the snow in position问题4选项A.they stay on the officially approved slopesB.they ski only for pleasureC.they ski only at resortsD.they choose less crowded ski slope.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段的二三句可知,每年的冬季假期,人们都在不知不觉中快乐地滑雪,远离了固定的滑雪道。他们几乎没有意识到,小小的雪崩会让他们从山坡上摔下来,摔断骨头,被埋在数吨洁白的雪里。由此可知,选项A符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据第二段的第一句“The snow in the Salzburg of Austria where a recent disaster took place was typical avalanche material.”最近发生灾难的奥地利萨尔茨堡的雪是典型的雪崩性质。选项C与原文一致,所以正确。3.细节事实题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,当地居民知道容易发生雪崩的斜坡和可能发生雪崩的天气,人们通过设置陷阱和引爆炸弹的方法来防止雪崩;最重要的是警告滑雪者不要在危险区域滑雪。由此可知,选项B正确。4.细节事实题。根据最后一段的第二句“The one comfort to recreational skiers, however, is that avalanche incidents on the marked ski slopes are quite rare.”然而,让休闲滑雪者感到安慰的是,在指定的滑雪场发生雪崩的事件相当罕见。选项A符合原文。9. 翻译题Passage 1肝脏是人体最大的腺体, 它位于右上腹部。肝脏表面光滑, 因血液供应丰富而呈暗红色。大约25%的心输出量流向肝脏。肝脏有许多重要的功能:1)营养物(蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪)、药物和毒素的摄取、储存和代谢。2)合成蛋白的产生和机体物质的代谢。Passage 2100多年前, 世界上第一辆汽车的诞生让人们感受到速度带来的震撼。然而, 汽车在给人类社会带来便捷的同时, 消耗了大量的石油, 而且每天排放大量污染物, 对人类健康和生态环境造成严重危害。因此, 研发节能与新能源汽车成为全球汽车业发展的主题。Passage 3管理是一种社会职能, 隐藏在习俗、信念等传统里, 以及政府政策和政治制度中, 管理也是文化。人与人的关系正代替人与自然或人与物之间的关系成为相互交往的首要方式。人文文化从科学寻找自信心、理智能意念;科学从人文文化吸取朝向人的情感、价值观念。Choose ONLY ONE text form the following and translate it into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided if more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】Passage 1The liver is the largest gland in the body and is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is glossy in appearance and dark red in color from the rich supply of blood flowing through it. Approximately 25% of the cardiac output flows to the liver. It performs many important functions: First, the uptake, storage, and disposal of nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat), drugs, toxins. Second, the production of synthetic proteins and the metabolism of substances produced by the body.Passage 2100 years ago, the worlds first car was born to make people feel the thrill of speed. However, the car bring convenience to the human society, it consumes a lot of oil at the same time, and discharge large quantities of pollutants every day, causing serious harm to human health and ecological environment. Therefore, the development of energy-saving and new energy automobile has become the theme of global automotive industry development.Passage 3Management is a kind of social function, hidden in traditional custom, faith, as well as the government policy and political system. Management is also a culture. Interpersonal relationship is replacing the relationship between human and the nature or human and material and become the primary mode of interaction. Humanistic culture looking for self-confidence, rational ideas from science; science absorbing human emotions and values from the humanistic culture.10. 单选题Noah Websters Dictionary was ( ) in 1828 and has been extremely influential in American language usage ever since then.问题1选项A.the first publishedB.first publishedC.the first to be publishedD.to be first published【答案】B【解析】根据句意:这部字典在1828年首次出版, 事情已经完成, 首先排除选项C和D;选项A不符合句意, 所以只有选项B正确。11. 单选题Orange juice and beef form part of the diet of many people in Mexico and other countries of the Americas. But the traces of antibiotics and fungicides they can contain pose risks to human health, and authorities in the region have begun to address the problem.In January 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a ban on extralabel or unapproved uses of cephalosporin antimicrobial drugs in cattle, swine, chickens and turkeys as of April 2012.As a result, Mexico will be forced to gradually eliminate the use of this class of antimicrobial drugs in order to continue to export products to markets like the United St


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