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2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery _ just around the corner was untrue.问题1选项A.would beB.to beC.wasD.being【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:任何人只要清楚失业人数就知道关于经济即将恢复的断言是不真实的。分析句子成分主句是anyone knew .,that引导宾语从句;从句的结构是assertion was untrue,about后面的成分用来解释说明assertion。因为about后面没有从句连接词,所以我们要用非谓语形式,否则会造成一个从句里面没有连接词却有两个谓语,这样不符合语法,因而A,C错误;关键词around the corner“即将来临”,我们要选现在分词,表即将到来的事情。不定式表将要到的事情,但“将来”什么时候来并不清楚。2. 单选题In the next few years major changes will be( )in Chinas industries.问题1选项A.brought forwardB.brought aboutC.brought onD.brought up【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项brought forward“提议”;B选项brought about“导致;使掉头;发生”;C选项brought on“导致,引起”;D选项brought up“提出,抚养”。句意:在接下来的几年,主要的变化将()在中国的工业。这里结合选项,空格处应该填发生,所以答案选B。3. 单选题The examination( )very easy if all students passed.问题1选项A.must have beenB.has beenC.wasD.ought to be【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词的用法。A选项“肯定”;B选项“过去完成时”;C选项“过去”;D选项“应该”。句意:试卷()很容易如果所有学生都通过了。must have done 表示对过去的肯定的推测,答案选A。后面的从句是过去时态,所以不能选D,D是一般现在时。4. 单选题The manager realized the importance of qualified staff, and urged all _ to participate in the training program.问题1选项A.concerningB.the concerningC.concernedD.the concerned【答案】C【解析】考查形容词的用法。四个选项都跟concerned有关,句意:经理意识到了合格员工的重要性,并且敦促所有()参加培训项目。A,B选项没有名词词义,代入句中会造成宾语缺失,所以排除;The+形容词表示一类人,因为concerning没有形容词的词性,所以D选项错误,答案选C。5. 单选题The dictator relied on abuse of his opponents( )on sound reasoning.问题1选项A.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.better than【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“不只是”;B选项“而不是”;C选项“除了,不同于”;D选项“超过”。句意:独裁者依靠残害对手()有力的证据。两个并列成分之间有个对比,所以答案应该选B。6. 单选题( ), they would be happy.问题1选项A.If they will get marriedB.Have they got marriedC.Were they to get marriedD.They get married【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的倒装。句意:(),他们将会开心。选D选项会导致两个句子中间没有连词连接造成语法错误。选A选项就是看作if引导的真实条件句,但是两边句子的时态不一致,所以也不选。虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,would等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将were,had,would等词移至句首。根据后面主句的时态,这是对现在或者将来的假设,所以B选项不选,这是对过去的假设;所以答案选C。7. 单选题Its easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes _ place in our ever-changing world.问题1选项A.takingB.to takeC.takeD.taken【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:很容易会把人们对话的减少怪罪在当代生活的快节奏和发生在我们这个不断变化的世界里的难以言说的变化。句子中连词连接两个介词结构,没有从句引导词,因此我们得用非谓语,排除C选项。这些变化是一直在发生的,所以我们要用现在分词形式,所以答案选A。8. 不定项选择题Water makes up nearly three-quarters of the Earths surface, but it does more than just cover our planetit also plays a vital role in shaping it.Consider the Grand Canyon. Measuring 277 miles long, 18 miles wide and more than 1 mile deep, it is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and attracts more than 5 million visitors per year. This geological marvel was created by the waters of the Colorado River through the processes of weathering and erosion.Weathering is the process by which moving water breaks down soil, rock and minerals, and erosion is the process by which the flowing water transports soil and rock from one spot and deposits it elsewhere. The two processes often occur in conjunction.Weathering and erosion are very slow processes. Geologists believe the Colorado River has been flowing through the Grand Canyon for at least 17 million years, and it has been gradually shaping the canyon this entire time. The flowing water of the river and its tributaries has carved away at the rock of the Colorado Plateau, creating the sight we are familiar with today.Caves and caverns are another example of weathering and erosion. Limestone caves, such as the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, are formed when rainwater mixes with carbon dioxide in the ground and wears away at the limestone. Sea caves, which can be found along coastlines, are formed when powerful waves crash against the shore and break away chunks of rock. Ice caves are formed when glaciers melt and the ice melt flows across the ground as a stream.You dont have to travel very far to see the effects of weathering and erosion for yourself, though. If youve ever been to the beach, youve already seen evidence of how powerful of a force moving water can be and all you had to do was look down. The sand covering the beach is actually the result of rocks being broken down into tiny pieces and then washed ashore by the waves.Although weathering and erosion are responsible for creating beautiful sights such as sandy beaches and the Grand Canyon, there are many negative consequences as well. Landslides are some of the most dangerous side effects of erosion. When hillsides or mountainsides are gradually worn away, they can become unstable and break down, especially when triggered by extreme weather such as floods, heavy rain or snow. Every year, landslides cause massive amounts of property damage and casualties.1. What are the processes by which water can shape the Earth?2. What does the author describe in the passage?3. How does the author present the Grand Canyon?4. In the last paragraph, the author mentions landslides to make the point that erosion _.问题1选项A.Deforestation and climate change.B.Weathering and erosion.C.Soil productivity and fertilization.D.Deep plowing and crop rotation.问题2选项A.The positive effects of industrialization.B.The tourism industry around the Grand Canyon.C.The history of climate change.D.The ways that moving water can shape and change the land.问题3选项A.As effects of landslides.B.As geological mysteries.C.As negative effects of erosion.D.As positive effects of erosion.问题4选项A.is often beneficialB.is a very slow processC.can have harmful effectsD.can help shape caves and caverns【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C【解析】第1题:事实细节题。A选项“荒漠化和环境变化”;B选项“风化和侵蚀”;C选项“土地生产率和肥料”;D选项“深耕和轮耕”。根据题干的water can shape earth,我们定位到第二段最后一句This geological marvel was created by the waters of the Colorado River through the processes of weathering and erosion.(这种物理奇迹是科罗拉多的水通过侵蚀和腐蚀而创作出来的。)答案选B,其他选项与题无关。第2题:主旨大意题。A选项“工业化的积极影响”;B选项“科罗拉多大峡谷周围的旅游业”;C选项“环境变化的历史”;D选项“流水改变大地的方式”;整篇文章没有提及工业化和环境变化,A,C排除;文章只是用科罗拉多峡谷的变化来引入主题,没有提及峡谷周围的旅游业,所以B选项排除;文章第一句话点出主题后,后面都是谈的水对地形的变化,所以正确答案选D。第3题:事实细节题。题干意思“作者怎么展现大峡谷的?”;A选项“滑坡影响”;B选项“作为地理之谜”;C选项“侵蚀的消极影响”;D选项“侵蚀的积极影响”。根据题干的water can shape earth定位到第二段最后一句This geological marvel was created by the waters of the Colorado River through the processes of weathering and erosion.(这种地理奇迹是科罗拉多的水通过侵蚀和腐蚀而创作出来的。)由此可以看出科罗拉多大峡谷是地理奇迹而不是地理之谜,排除A;然后定位到最后一段第一句Although weathering and erosion are responsible for creating beautiful sights such as sandy beaches and the Grand Canyon, there are many negative consequences as well. Landslides are some of the most dangerous side effects of erosion.(虽然风化和侵蚀造就了像沙滩和大峡谷这样的美丽景观,但也有很多负面的影响。滑坡是侵蚀所带来的最危险的副作用之一。)从这句可以看出大峡谷是水的侵蚀作用的积极影响,而滑坡是负面影响,所以排除A、C,答案选D。第4题:事实细节题。题干意思“最后一段,作者提到滑坡是为了证明:侵蚀()”;A选项“总是有益的”;B选项“缓慢的过程”;C选项“有负面影响”;D选项“能帮助形成洞穴和峡谷”。根据题干,我们定位到最后一段,最后一段第一句话是主旨句 Although weathering and erosion are responsible for creating beautiful sights such as sandy beaches and the Grand Canyon, there are many negative consequences as well. Landslides are some of the most dangerous side effects of erosion.(虽然风化和侵蚀造就了像沙滩和大峡谷这样的美丽景观,但也有很多负面的影响。滑坡是侵蚀所带来的最危险的副作用之一。)从although这个转折词可以看出来,整篇文章是要讲侵蚀的不好的方面了,所以答案C正确。A,B,D选项虽然在前文中都说到了,但是根据题干In the last paragraph,答案只能选C。9. 不定项选择题Is life today more dangerous than it used to be? It certainly seems that way. Last week the entire Metro system in Washington had to close down because someone might be blown onto the tracks during a hurricane. This week children in Washington were not allowed to go to school for a whole day because streets were blocked by fallen trees and power lines, and traffic lights at some intersections werent working. A previous generation might have walked around the fallen trees and looked both ways before crossing the street, but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.After some serious air crashes, thousands of people in this country swore off airplanes and began driving cars. In fact, the number of deaths on U.S. highways in a typical year is more than double the number of people who have died in all commercial airplane accidents in the past 40 years. By taking the precaution of not flying, many people died.There are some clear psychological explanations for some of this. It is a fact, for example, that people fear man-made disasters (terrorism) far more than they fear natural disasters (hurricanes, snowstorms), even when the latter are more dangerous. Equally illogical, people are also more afraid of things they do not control, which is why driving a car does feel safer than flying in an airplane. Finallyalthough I have no proofpeople are disproportionately frightened by things they read about in the newspaper. By contrast, they are disproportionately willing to discount the evidence of their own experience. If you look around your neighborhood, youll notice that the water is cleanwhich it wouldnt necessarily have been 100 years agoand that the food isnt rotten or stale. Most children arent dying young. Most adults arent dying in middle age.Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history. But now that weve eliminated most of the things that the human race once feared, weve just invented new ones to replace them.1. Children in Washington are not allowed to go to school for the following reasons EXCEPT _.2. It can be learned from the passage that the previous generation _.3. It is indicated in the passage that in the past _.4. The author believes that _.5. The tone of the author in writing the passage is _.问题1选项A.fallen treesB.fallen power linesC.a coming hurricaneD.broken traffic lights问题2选项A.knew better how to avoid dangerB.lived in a less dangerous worldC.was better at protecting themselvesD.was less fussy about dangers问题3选项A.life was more enjoyableB.water was less clean and freshC.foods were of better taste and qualityD.streets were safer for children to cross问题4选项A.people are overreacting to dangers nowadaysB.people have good reasons to fear the dangers todayC.flying is more dangerous after some serious air crashesD.children should be better protected against dangers问题5选项A.complainingB.depressingC.factualD.ironic【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Children in Washington”定位到原文第一段第三句This week children in Washington were not allowed to go to school for a whole day because streets were blocked by fallen trees and power lines, and traffic lights at some intersections werent working.(这周居住在华盛顿地区的孩子一整天都不准去学校,因为道路被吹倒的的树还有电线杆封住了,而且一些十字路口的交通信号灯坏了),从这里可以看出孩子不准去学校的原因是因为吹倒的树和电线杆以及坏掉的灯,这里选择的是不属于停学的原因,所以A选项“倒在路边的大树”,B“倒在路边的电线杆”,D“坏掉的交通信号灯”排除;而且第一段第二句话Last week the entire Metro system in Washington had to close down because someone might be blown onto the tracks during a hurricane.(上周华盛顿整个地铁系统都不得不被关闭,因为某些人在台风来袭时可能会被吹到轨道里),从这里可以看出台风在上周就来了,不可能到了这周还是一个将要来(coming)的状态,所以答案是C选项“即将到来的龙卷风”。第2题:推理判断题。由题干关键词“previous generation”定位到文章第一段最后一句话A previous generation might have walked around the fallen trees and looked both ways before crossing the street, but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.(前面一代人可能会走过大树倒地的街道,然后在穿过马路的时候看看两边会不会有车,但是这一代年轻人显然生活在一个更危险的世界,我们需要提供保护)以及最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),这两句话相对应我们就可以知道并不是B选项“以前人们生活的时代更加惬意”,也不是C选项“他们更懂得保护自己或更懂得避险”,而是以前的人们不那么在意风险的存在。所以答案是D选项“街道更加安全,行人可以更加放心地通过”。A选项“我们的前一代人更知道怎么避险”文章没有提及。第3题:主旨大意题。由题干关键词“in the past”定位到文章第三段最后两句话“If you look around your neighborhood, youll notice that the water is cleanwhich it wouldnt necessarily have been 100 years agoand that the food isnt rotten or stale. Most children arent dying young. Most adults arent dying in middle age.(环顾四周,你会注意到水是清澈的这在一百年前是不可能的,食物是新鲜的。大部分孩子不会夭折。很多成年人也不会在壮年的时候去世)”在过去食物可能不新鲜,水也不会比现在清澈,所以B选项“水不那么清澈新鲜”正确,C“食物更加可口”错误;A选项“生活更加惬意”文中并没有提及所以排除;根据最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),D选项“过去的街道会比现在的要安全”这种说法文章中没有提及。第4题:推理判断题。由题干,我们定位到文章第二段第二,三,四句话It is a fact, for example, that people fear man-made disasters (terrorism) far more than they fear natural disasters (hurricanes, snowstorms), even when the latter are more dangerous. Equally illogical, people are also more afraid of things they do not control, which is why driving a car does feel safer than flying in an airplane. Finallyalthough I have no proofpeople are disproportionately frightened by things they read about in the newspaper.(这是事实,例如,人们对人为灾害(恐怖主义)的恐惧远远超过对自然灾害(飓风、暴风雪)的恐惧,即使后者更为危险。同样不合逻辑的是,人们也更害怕他们无法控制的东西,这就是为什么开车确实感觉比坐飞机更安全。最后尽管我没有证据人们会被报纸上读到的东西吓坏。)从文章中的illogical(不符合逻辑的),disproportionately(不成比例的)两个词可知,作者认为人们对危险的反应有点过激,其实没有充足的理由来害怕这些,所以A选项“现在人们对危险的反应过激”正确,B选项“人们有充足的理由害怕这些”错误;C选项“在飞机失事后乘飞机出行变得更加危险”,飞机失事的风险并不会因为出现了事故而增加或者降低,出现事故后增加的只是人们的忧虑;根据最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),作者是认为世界更加安全的,所以孩子不需要额外增加保护的,D选项“孩子们应该更好的保护起来从而对抗风险”错误。第5题:观点态度题。A选项“抱怨”;B选项“压抑”;C选项“真实”;D选项“讽刺”。根据题意我们定位到文章第一段最后第一句话but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.(但这一代的孩子显然生活在一个更加危险的世界里,我们需要保护他们)和最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。)这里对比,如果按照正常的逻辑考虑,作者的话是前后矛盾的,所以作者的语气是讽刺的,答案选D。10. 不定项选择题Our culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to ones side, or that in Italy and some Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell. Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after world War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that “Gift” means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arms length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.Our linguistic(语言上的) and cultural blindness and the casualness with which we take notice of the developed tastes, gestures, customs and languages of other countries, are losing us friend, business and respect in the world.Even here in the United States, we make few concessions to the needs of foreign visitors. There are no information signs in four languages on our public buildings or monuments; we do not have multilingual guided tours. Very few restaurant menus have translations, and multilingual waiters, bank clerks and policemen are rare. Our transportation systems have English only and often we ourselves have difficulty understanding them. When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken. The attitudes and information we pick up are conditioned by those natives usually the richer who speak English. Our business dealings, as well as the nations diplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.For many years, America and Americans could get by with cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance. After all, America was the most powerful country of the free world, the distributor of needed funds and goods.But all that is past. American dollars no longer buy all good things, and we are slowly beginning to realize that our proper role in the world is changing. A 1979 Harris poll reported 55 percent of Americans want this country to play a more significant role in world affairs; we want to have a hand in the important decisions of the next century, even though it may not always be the upper hand.1. It can be inferred that Americans being approached too closely by Middle Easterners would most probable( ) .2. The author gives many examples to criticize Americans for their( ).3. In countries other than their own most Americans( ).4. According to the author, Americans cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance will( ).5. The authors intention in writing this article is to make Americans realize that( ).问题1选项A.stand stillB.jump asideC.step forwardD.draw back问题2选项A.cultural self-centerednessB.casual mannersC.indifference towards foreign visitorsD.arrogance towards other cultures问题3选项A.are isolated by the local peopleB.are not well informed due to the language barrierC.tend to get along well with the nativesD.need interpreters in hotels and restaurants问题4选项A.affect their images in the new eraB.cut themselves off from the outside worldC.limit their role in world affairsD.weaken the position of the US dollar问题5选项A.it is dangerous to ignore their foreign friendsB.it is important to maintain their leading role in world affairsC.it is necessary to use several languages in public placesD.it is time to get acquainted with other cultures【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干:中东人距离美国人太近会最可能A选项“站着不动”;B选项“跳到一边”;C选项“走得更近”;D选项“使保持距离”。定位到文章第一段倒数第一二句话Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arms length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.(此外,我们喜欢认为自己是友好的,但拉丁人和中东人更喜欢与他人至少3英尺或1臂的距离,这让美国人感到不舒服。)以及第二段第一句linguistic and cultural blindness and the casualness with which we take notice of the developed tastes, gestures, customs and languages of other countries, are losing us friend, business and respect in the world(语言和文化上的盲目性,以及我们对其他国家的品味、手势、习俗和语言的不上心,正在使我们在世界上失去朋友、生意和尊重。),从这里可以看出美国人不喜欢别人离得很近,而且比较自我,所以在别人离得很近的时候最有可能的反应就是和他们保持距离,所以答案选D选项,其他选项不符合题意。第2题:推理判断题。题干:作者举了许多例子来批评美国人的。A选项“文化自我中心”;B选项“随意的态度”;C选项“对外国游客的冷漠”;D选项“对其他文化的傲慢”。定位到文章第一段第一句话Our culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use are understood by everyone.(我们的文化使大多数美国人认为,不仅我们的语言是通用的,而且我们使用的手势每个人都能理解),后面的例子包括美国的餐馆等公共场所只有英文标志,没有其他语言的标志,美国人出国旅游都需要翻译,这些都表明了美国人的文化自我中心,所以答案选A;B、D选项文章没有提及;C选项只是文化自我中心的一个例子。第3题:事实细节题。题干:在其他国家,大多数美国人A选项“被当地人孤立了”;B选项“由于语言障碍消息不会很灵通”;C选项“和当地人相处得很好”;D选项“酒店及餐厅需要翻译”。第三段第五、六、七句:When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken. The attitudes and information we pick up are conditioned by those natives usually the richer who speak English. Our business dealings, as well as the nations diplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.(当我们出国时,我们倾向于聚集在说英语的酒店和餐馆。我们获取的态度和信息是由那些本地人决定的通常是那些说英语的富人。我们的商业往来,以及国家的外交,都是通过翻译官进行的)。从这里可以看出因为美国人的消息是会英语的富人提供的,所以消息不会很灵通,B选项正确;A、C、D选项文章没有提及。第4题:判断推理题。题干:根据作者,美国人的文化盲目性和语言无知将A选项“影响他们在新时代的形象”;B选项“切断自己与外界的联系”;C选项“限制他们在国际事务中的作用”;D选项“削弱美元的地位”。第四段第一句America and Americans could get by with cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance.(美国人和美国人可以忍受文化盲目性和语言无知)最后一段第二三句话American dollars no longer buy all good things, and we


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