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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思阅读材料之单身的好处 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 Youre single - a heat-seeking bachelor, committed to no one in particular, able to party like John Belushi and sleep until noon with no one underfoot to tell you to do otherwise. Its a great life, and why shouldnt it be? 假设你是单身一个热衷艳遇的单身汉,那么你既不需要向谁负责,又可以像John Belushi那样狂欢,还可以一觉睡到自然醒,太阳照到屁股也没人管。多美妙的生活啊,不是么? These days, theres no real social pressure to get married right out of high school or college, you can easily get laid without saying I do, and most people are waiting until much later in life to tie the knot, anyway. 当今社会中,并没有太大压力逼迫着你在高中或大学毕业后去结婚。即便不说“我愿意”,你也可以轻易跟女人上床。很多人都选择了晚结婚。 Still, that nagging question keeps popping into your head: Should I settle down? Should I ransom my freedom? Should I embark on the great search for my soul mate and willingly kiss my single days goodbye forever? While only you can answer this question, here are a few reasons for staying single (at least for the time being). 然而,一个闹心的问题始终萦绕脑际:我应该安定下来么?我应该赎回我的自由么?我应该踏上寻找心灵伴侣的旅程、向单身的时光挥别么?以下我们将提供一些坚持(至少是暂时坚持)单身的理由,虽然只有你自己才能回答上面的问题。 1- You can take the time to find the right woman 1.你有足够的时间来寻找合适的女人 One of our reasons for staying single is that you can afford to wait for your true soul mate (if one even exists) to pop into the picture. You can take the time to casually wade through the barracuda-infested waters of the dating pool and set your hook for the prize catch. 单身理由之一,你可以等待,直到真正的心灵伴侣出现(如果存在的话)。面对遍布荆棘的婚姻之路,你可以耐下性子,放长线,钓大鱼。 In other words, by holding out for Miss Right (instead of Miss Always Right), you can avoid the mistake of a lifetime and marry for love - and not out of desperation. 换句话说,耐心等待意中人的出现,可以防止一不小心找上母老虎。你是出于爱情、而不是因为走投无路而结婚。这样便不会留下终生遗憾。 Its sad to say, but too many guys get hitched for the wrong reasons, like theyve reached a certain age, all of their friends are getting married, and they havent been successful at dating and this woman is the first to show interest. 我们还是很遗憾地看到,有太多人因为错误的原因选择结婚,比如说,到了某个年龄,或是朋友们都结了婚,又或是情场屡屡失意后终于碰上一个对自己表现出兴趣的女人。 This reason for staying single allows you to take your time playing the dating game, and increase your odds of beating the divorce statistics. 有了这个单身的理由,你大可以慢慢享受情场之欢,降低离婚风险。 2- You can focus on your career 2.你可以更加重视你的事业 Our No. 2 reason for staying single is that you can enjoy the opportunity of building your career without draining the tons of energy a permanent relationship entails. You remain free to put in long hours, work on the weekends or do whatever else you have to do to be successful. This is especially true if youre working in any kind of time-demanding field, such as medicine, law or entrepreneurship. 单身理由之二,你可以尽情打拼事业,无需为婚姻心力交瘁。你可以投入大把时间,在周末工作,或是做那些可以让你有所成就的事情。尤其当你的工作很费时间,例如从医、从事法律工作或是做企业家,这一条就更加重要。 The upside is, once your business hits the big time and youre cranking mucho dinero , youll have hordes of women throwing themselves at you. That being said, you probably still wont even have time to think about marriage. 最大的好处是,一旦事业有成,无数女人就会蜂拥而至。到那时,或许你根本无暇考虑结婚的问题。 3- You can do what you want, when you want 3.无论何时,你都可以做你想做的事 When youre single, the world is your oyster. You can pick up and go anywhere you want, do anything you want, any time you want. No one is in the background nagging at you to do chores, go shopping, or grow up. 如果你是单身,那么整个世界尽在掌握。不论何时何地,你可以从心所欲。没人摧着你干家务或去逛街,也没人要你“别耍孩子气”。 Youre absolutely free to hang out with your buddies, party until dawn and find plenty of time for your personal interests and hobbies. Best of all, you have the luxury of being all by yourself, if you feel like it. 你可以尽情和弟兄们出去狂欢至天明,留出足够时间从事兴趣爱好。最妙的是,你可以做你喜欢的自己。 4- You can enjoy a sexual smorgasbord 4.你有更多机会一夜风流 One of the best reasons for staying single is that youre not stuck with the same sex partner for the rest of your life. The dating universe is yours to conquer. You can happily sample all the different fare at the sexual buffet, and keep your taste buds primed for the next dish being served. 单身理由中最具吸引力的一条,你无需和某个固定的性伙伴度过下半辈子。情场就躺在你的脚下。你可以遍尝鱼水之欢,时刻性致盎然 。 Whats more, you never have to wrestle with sexual boredom or lack of variety (and youll be the envy of all your married friends). 此外,你不用担心会对千篇一律的交欢方式索然,并会让有妇之夫们眼红。 5- You can build wealth 5.你可以积累财富 Staying single means not being forced into buying a 10,000-megawatt diamond ring (so your fiance can impress her friends with the huge price tag) or any of the other bloodsucking financial drains that marriage entails, for that matter. 坚持单身,意味着你不必硬着头皮去买天价钻石(以便你的未婚妻在朋友面前炫耀),也免得被婚姻慢慢榨干血汗钱。 And you wont be stuck having to regularly shell out for the flowers, more jewelry and the other gifts that a wife demands (its like paying maintenance fees on a condo). 你也无需在鲜花、珠宝或是其他女人感兴趣的玩意儿上面砸钱(那些就好比给房子支付维护费用)。 By staying single, youre not legally or financially obligated to anyone but yourself. But once you John Hancock the dotted line on that marriage contract, she has you by the balls forever. 坚持单身,金钱和法律方面你只需对自己负责。而一旦在那张白纸上签下黑字,她这辈子都靠你养了。 You can take this money (that somehow spontaneously becomes hers once you get married) and invest it in important things like sex-drenched singles cruises, buying cool cars or building equity in a house. 你可以用那些钱(一旦结婚,这些钱无条件转入她的帐下)做一些有意义的事情,比如参加疯狂的单身派对,买好车,购好房。 6- You can enjoy serenity 6.你可以享受宁静 Another reason for staying single is that being alone means peace and quiet. When you dont live with a woman, youre not subjected to her never-ending mood swings and emotional storms, or her blaming you for everything that she screws up in her life. 另一个单身理由是,你可以享受到宁静。和女人生活,你就得接受女人的喜怒无常,女人的火山爆发,女人做错事情却让你跪搓衣板。 And, of course, no fights. As long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear. 此外,没有爆发战争的危险。只要她是你普通的女友而不是妻子,一旦她让你不爽,分手就是了,一清二白。 7- You can keep your toys 7.你可以留着那些玩具 When youre single, you can hang on to all your fun toys - that classic Mustang, the speedboat, the Harley - all of which seem to magically disappear overnight once you get married. 保持单身,你可以留着那些有趣的玩具野马车、哈雷机车、模型赛艇一旦结婚,那些玩意仿佛一下子就不见踪影。 Your wife wont want you to have these things because they take the focus off her and she feels its her money that she could be better spending on clothes and shoes. 你的妻子不会希望你留着它们,因为她认为,那些东西会让你减少对自己的关注,同时,她会觉得那是她的钱,花在衣服和鞋子上才更合适。 8- You dont have to compromise 8.你无须妥协 Being single means you dont have to constantly find a middle ground - meaning, doing what she wants to do (whether you like it or not). This includes being forced to see chick flicks or suffer antique fairs and dinner with her friends. And youd better toe the line buddy, or youll have hell to pay and no more sex for you. 保持单身,意味着你不必老是唯唯诺诺,做那些不论你喜不喜欢都得做的事情,包括:欣赏你爱我我爱你的言情片,看那些老得掉渣的展览,和她的女伴们共进晚餐。你若不从,老婆很生气,后果很严重,有床也没法上。


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