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欢迎阅读托福独立写作省时写作方法托福写作考试的时间其实并不宽裕,托福独立写作的时间为30分钟,想要在30分钟内完成一篇400词左右的文章是有一定难度的。下面WTT就和大家分享托福独立写作省时写作方法,希望可以帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作省时写作方法 5步走快速写出好作文步骤一 审清楚托福独立写作题目有的考生抱怨,自己感觉文章内容丰富、语言生动流畅,得分却不高。其实,托福写作跑题是分数偏低的主要原因。因此,审好题、审清题在很大程度上关系到整篇文章的成败,绝不可以掉以轻心。要防止两个问题:a. 用时太少理由没有想清楚就开场写,不仅造成文章逻辑构造不清,还会引起行文中频繁的修正,欲速那么不达;b. 用时太多不要追求一次考虑就能把每一条理由及相关例证都想出来。其实想出两条之后就可以动笔,各个理由的例证可以写到该段时边考虑边写。这一点你不必疑心,只要你的思维还是正常的,一定能做到。托福写作审题,不仅要仔细研究题目,还要结合给出的提示句加以分析p 。首先要明确文章要写的内容,即文章要围绕什么主题来写,这是保证整篇文章切题的关键;其次,确定文章所需的主语人称,人称混乱是中国学生常犯的一个缺点,而在审题阶段确定人称是防止文章人称混乱的有效途径;第三,注意文章对动词的时态、语气有无特殊要求。步骤二 先写提纲这一步很重要。托福写作时时间用得少,从而造成了理由没有想清楚就开场写,不但会导致文章逻辑构造不清,还会引起行文中频繁的修正,欲速那么不达。草拟提纲时,要紧紧围绕提示句,尤其是提示句的【关键词】:p ,尽量多地扩展提示句所提供的信息,从而根本构筑出文章的框架。在扩展提示句时,要注意,可以原封不动地照抄提示句中的【关键词】:p ,但是绝对不要照搬提示句中的词组和句子,一定要变换意思一样的表达进展交换,这是显示考生语言应用才能的重要一环。为了防止段落内容跑题,要从提示句中的【关键词】:p 出发,围绕【关键词】:p 开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下所联想到的东西:可以是句子,也可以是词组;可以是英语,也可以是汉语。然后对所记录的内容进展挑选,选择最有代表性的内容草拟出文章的提纲。步骤三 写出分段论点和主题句托福写作主旨句包括全文主旨句和段落主旨句。全文主旨句涵盖全文的核心内容,而段落主题句那么是统领段落中心内容的。段落主题句是为全文主旨句效劳的。根据英美人的写作习惯,全文主旨句在文章首段的最后一句出现为宜。全文主旨句和段落主题句是作者思维的起点,切题的准绳。好的段落主题句,不但切题,便于围绕主旨句进展扩展,而又常常给读者一种一针见血的感受。看到段落主题句,读者应大致理解段落要阐述的内容,因此段落主题句通常是一个语法构造完好、内容概括、用词简洁、明了的单句。通常将段落主题句置于段落的开头,可使文章构造更明晰,说服力更强。步骤四 填充文章内容完成写作有了段落主题句后,还需要顺着段落主题句的方向,参照提纲中的思路,从而完成各个段落。写作段落时,要尽可能多地搜集细节来支持主题。步骤五 通篇检查文章内容托福写作考试时间紧张,匆匆完稿之后,疏漏在所难免,因此有必要复查,修改,及时纠正偏向,堵塞破绽,从而将作文质量再进步一步。着重检查以下局部:a.句法:保证了每一句话是完好的,有谓语,同时简单句都只有一个谓语。b.时态:文章大多数都是使用一般如今时;一般如今时第三人称要使用单数;使用过去发生的事例时用的是过去时。托福考试作文范例:有钱就算成功吗托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and exles to support your answer.托福考试作文参考分析p :不同意此观点。金钱不是衡量成功的唯一的标准,成功的定义更应该基于社会奉献。从多角度论证金钱不是万能的。托福考试作文范文:Since peoples criteria for success differ, there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, in todays society that stresses on individual achievement, money provides the best evaluation of ones acplishment.To begin with, as a standardized measurement used for paring values, money is objective rather than subjective, so it is considered an authentic reflection of ones achievement. As different people hold different understandings of success, assessing the amount of ones earnings has bee universally accepted as a rule to measure ones success. Each year, Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly ine, because there are no other methods to rely on.In addition, the amount of money one makes is the consequence of ones hard work and talent. To deny the acplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs. In the past, I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion that the best thing in life involves no money at all. It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion. He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success. Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time, thought and energy. Gradually, I came to realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for self-acplishment, and thus deserves appreciation and respect.Finally, money is the most powerful possession in ones lifetime. As everyone knows, success is the ability to do whatever one wants to and to be satisfied with oneself. There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money. Indeed, with money, one can meet his or her material demand in life, such as taking effective medicines, living in magnificent houses, eating various delicious food, and so on. Also, with money, one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others, such as donations to poor people. All these will not only satisfy ones need for personal fulfillment, but also add grandness to ones success.In conclusion, money serves as a measurement of ones achievement. But we should keep in mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful.托福考试作文范例:孩子是否应该参加家务托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and exles to support your answer.托福考试作文参考分析p :(1)同意孩子参加家务的人群认为可以让儿童理解父母;让儿童开展一些家务技能,还可以让儿童体会到成功和失败的乐趣。本文是此观点。(2)不同意让孩子做家务的人群认为让孩子过早参与家务劳动,而不顾孩子的承受才能,可能会导致孩子的逆反心理,反倒达不到教育目的。托福考试作文范文:Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so? People have different opinions. Some people think that parents can do all the household tasks without childrens help, children are still too young to do house work and sometimes they even make things worse. Other people, however, argue that it is very useful for children to take part in the household work. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the second opinion.In the first place, children may have the sense of contribution when they take part in household tasks. After a child was born, the parents are always the part that gives, such as feeding, changing clothes, and bathing the baby. Others help children because they are too young to do these tasks. When they grow up, they will gradually have the ability to do something, such as washing clothes for themselves, cleaning the room for themselves. If they are required to do what they can do, after finishing their jobs and looking at the result of their jobs, such the clean clothes and the clean room, children will have a strong sense of contribution and success, which will help them form a good personal character.In the second place, participating the household tasks will teach children how to cooperate with other people. For instance, when doing a house cleaning, one person cannot finish it all by oneself. Different tasks should be divided among several people. For exle, dad cleans the windows, mom cleans the kitchen, boys clean the floor and girls decorate the wall. Gradually, children will get to know that they need to cooperate with others to make things done better and faster.托福独立写作省时写作方法【全文END】


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