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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上基本技巧形式一致。找出前句的词组,选项中与前句(或后句)有相同的词组。选项中与前句(或后句)有相同的单词。(后句的第一个单词常用代词代替选项句中的宾语)有时选项句与后句有相同结构。如.when he.(选项句).when he.(后句)固定形式。1.Why.?选项中必须是Because.或the reason/answer is/comes.开头的句子。或there is a reason./there are some(many)reasons.2. .reasons常与.because.连用。3. 有.ask”_”或_?形式时,要先看选项中的问句。补充说明。选项中句子与前句或后句能共同说明一个问题。选项句是前句宾语或后句是选项中宾语的具体内容,起到解释说明作用。注意:特别注意前句与选项句的同词组,同单词。先从形式上初选,再从意义上确定。碰见不能用以上方法确定的,暂放,最后用排除法筛选。其它:前句主语与选项句中主语基本性质一致。(都是指某个人或某些人,都是指时间,都是指某物等) 实例实践2011中考Kenny and Bobbi MeCaughey live in lowa.They have a big family.Mikayla is the oldest child in the family.She is six years old.The other children are Brandon, Joel,Kelsey,Natalie,Alexis and Nathan,They are five years old.Why are thay all the same age? 61 . Thay are septuplets!It is hard work to look after seven babies at the same time. 62 .In the beginning, many people helped them.They helped to feed,clean,and dress the babies. Every week, the septuplets used about 170 diapers (尿布)! 63 .Now the children are older. The septuplets started school this year.But they go to school at home,like their big sister.Mikayla. When Mikayla are ready for school,Kenny and Bobbi decider to teach her at home. 64 . Now Bobbi is the teacher for all eight of her children.A. Ther drank a lot of milk, tooB. Because they were born togetherC. Last year,Bobbi was Mikaylas teacherD. Kenny and Bobbi are interested in cookingE. But Kenny and Bobbi didnt look after them alone2012中考七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Dr.Jack Todd is very interested in clean water ._,so its natural that he is to developer of a small and affordable system(系统)to clean wastewater,His “Living Machine can clean wastewater in your home or in your business. _61_ The wastewater goes into a big plastic tank where bacteria(细菌)start to break down the waste.A few days later after it is dealt with, the water is brought into a greenhouse filled with plants and fish.With the help of sunlight,the plants and animals remove more chemicals from the water,making it cleaner,Then the water can be reused for washing or bathing _62_ but the water is clean enough for watering the flowing, washing the dog, or even for bathing or swimming.The advantage of this technology is that it is affordable and good for the environment. _63_. It can help to use less fresh water, and it can help keep the water supply unpolluted.A. If enough homes and businesses use “Living Machines”B. People like to plant trees around their housesC. He is also interested in saving moneyD. It cannot be used for drinking or cookingE. The “Living Machine” is a system for cleaning wastewater2012东城一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分) Have you ever wondered why toy bears are called Teddy Bears? Why not Harry or Joe or Jane? 60 .The president was Teddy Roosevelt. He was the 26th president of the United States. In 1902 Roosevelt went bear hunting(狩猎)with some friends. 61 . He couldnt seem to find anything. His friends found a black bear, and tied it to a tree. They thought that Roosevelt would want to shoot it with his gun. When Roosevelt saw the bear, he refused to kill it. Shooting a bear tied to a tree wasnt fair! 62 .A newspaper artist heard the story of the bear hunt and drew a cartoon about it. 63 . He made a toy bear. Later he was allowed to use President Roosevelts name for the bears he made. The “Teddy Bear” was born!A. He let the bear goB. They had a good time in the forestC. However, his hunt was going poorly that dayD. Morris Michtom, owner of a toy store, saw the cartoonE. The answer comes from a story about a U.S. president and a bear2012西城一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分) The oldest person in the world has died in her sleep at the age of 115. Her name is Gertrude Baines. 60 , following the death of Portuguese Maria. Ms. Baines was born in Georgia in 1894. She grew up in the southern American state. She saw many changes in her life. 61 . She had a child when she was just fifteen. Gertrude received a Guinness World Records certificate (证书) on her 115th birthday. 62 . During her whole life, she never did drink, she never did smoke and she always ate healthy food. Her doctor said Ms. Baines had been “in excellent shape” just two days before her death. “She was quite smart. She smiled very often,” he said. Ms. Baines became famous in 2008 for voting (投票) for President Obama in the U.S. 6663 . The first was for John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. She lived to see 21 different American presidents. She told reporters she chose Mr. Obama “because hes for the colored people”.A. She got married when she was very youngB. She became the worlds oldest person in JanuaryC. Ms. Baines had such a long life because of her healthy lifestyleD. She said that happiness was important for people E. It was only the second time she had voted2012海淀一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分) Ive been singing and performing poetry since I was six years old. I used to sing for my mothers friends. 60 I have written three books of poetry and songs. I gave all the money from the books to childrens charities. 61 Money from the second book was spent on homeless children in Bosnia.I visit patients at a local hospital every Saturday morning. I talk and sing for them. I guess thats whats really fulfilling (令人满意的) to me, when I sing to someone who is dying, and someone who is really sick and who doesnt even know whats happening. 62 Everyone can give love, and love is what everyone wants. Thats a really important lesson to me. 63 Making someone happy makes you happy, and they go on and make others happy and its like a chain. You change when you get older, but love is ageless. When you are 7, 13, or 102 years old, love is the same. A. Love is a chain of giving.B. But now I am singing for people in need.C. I visit people in the old peoples home.D. Money from my first book went to a school for deaf kids in Montana.E. I feel proud when I see a smile on that persons face.2012朝阳一模Id just got in a taxi at the railway station when suddenly I found one of my suitcases (手提箱) missing. Just then, I saw a young man, not very far, opening it and taking out valuables. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” I shouted and threw open the car door and rushed out to him, followed by the driver and some passers-by. 60 . My driver caught him by the neck and took out the valuables from his trouser pocket and put them back into my suitcase.Half an hour later, I sat back in the taxi and breathed a sight of relief (松了一口气). But as I checked those stolen things, I became very surprised, unable to speak. 61 . And a blood test report of a 58-year-old woman appeared. I suddenly realized that the taxi driver must have mistaken the thiefs things and put his into my suitcase. 62 . But this story keeps coming back to me. Was the young man a habitual thief or a dutiful son who had been driven to find money to save his mothers life? 63 . How I wish I had gone back that afternoon to return the money and the report and say sorry to him. For the first time in my life, I realized that hate and love are very close.A. My heart aches for him B. Two years has passed since then C. The train left the station very quicklyD. Very soon we caught up with the thiefE. Before my eyes was 200 yuan instead of 1002012石景山一模七、阅读还原句子(共8分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,从短文后方框中所给的五个句子中选出四个,分别填入文中相应的序号后,使短文语义连贯,结构完整。Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. 60. _? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different. 61. _. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them. Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. 62. _.In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husbands after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their own family names and not using their husbands. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations and their husbands in other situations. 63. _.A. And some use both of themB. Is it good or bad to change names C. Why do some people change their namesD. But with his family, he uses Li KaimingE. People have many reasons for changing their names2012丰台一模七、阅读还原句子(共8分,每小题2分) Two men are in the same room of a hospital. 60_. One man has to lie on his back all day. Every day, the man sitting up by the window tells the other about things outside. “Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake.” “61_.” The other man is happy to hear about all the activities and colors of the world outside. Days and weeks pass. 62_. The other man asks the nurse to move his bed next to the window. Finally he can sit up to see the outside, but he is very disappointed. All he can see is a white wall! “But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says.“He was blind. 63_. He just wanted you to live with hope,” says the nurse. A. He couldnt even see the wall B. One morning, the man by the window dies C. The girls are so beautiful in their summer dresses D. He missed his roommate very much E. Both of them are very ill 2012丰台二模七、阅读还原句子(共8分,每小题2分)A police officer pulled a car over. When he walked up to the car, a man rolled down (摇下) the window. “_60_” he asked.The policeman answered: “I stopped you for running that red light behind you.”Just then the mans wife leaned forward from the passengers seat and said in a very loud voice: “I told him to stop at that light. But did he listen? No. _61_” The man turned to his wife and shouted: “Shut up!”The policeman continued: “And just before the light I clocked (测速) you doing 50 miles (80km) per hour. _62_”His wife leaned forward again and whined (埋怨): “I told him to slow down. But did he listen to me? No! He never listens to me.”_63_ “Shut up! I told you to SHUT UP!”The policeman looked at the woman and asked: “Does he always talk to you this way?”To which the woman replied: “Only when he has been drinking.” 176 w A. He just kept right on going. B. Again the man shouted at his wife, C. Hes just listening to music. D. Whats the problem, officer? E. The speed limit is only 30. 专心-专注-专业


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