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新标准小学英语五年级(下)第九模块单元试题新标准小学英语五年级下第九模块试题及答案一、选出划线部分读音与所给单词相同的一项。(5分)( )1. this A. with B. the C. north( )2.she A. English B. shoe C. chopsticks( )3. nice A. chess B. student C. treasure( )4. nose A. because B. zoo C. house( )5. mouth A. three B. these C. theatre二、英汉翻译你最棒!(5分) 1. 开怀大笑 _ 2. a book about American history _ 3.去餐馆 _ 4. see you soon _ 5. play on the puter _ 三、我会选词填空。(5分) in, of, for, to, or, after, from, about 1. -Where did you go_ the show last night? - I went home. 2. The boy said, “Thank you _ helping me.” 3. Many years ago, she couldnt read_ write. 4. The actors told lots _ jokes in the theatre. 5. -What did your father do yesterday ? -He read a book_ the UFO. 6. We can listen_ music in the afternoon. 7. Shenxue won the Olympic Winter Games(冬奥会)_ Canada. 8. -Where is the letter_? -England.四. 单项选择. (10分)( ) 1. Yesterday Mr li _ a white dress. A. wears B. wear C. wore ( ) 2. I m _ visit my teacher tomorrow. A. go to B. went to C. going to( ) 3. I _ you in two days. A. will see B. see C. saw( ) 4.We give our CDs _Sam because he _them. A. to, liked B. at, likes C. to, likes( ) 5. -_ is your brother? -He is a doctor. A. Who B. What C. Where( ) 6.She is _English teacher. She is reading _book. A. a, an B. an, a C. a , a( ) 7. -Happy birthday to you! -_!A. The same to you. B. Thank you. C. Youre wele.( ) 8. Are you ready _ your party? A. to B. for C. about ( ) 9. We will meet you in four _ time. A. week B. weeks C. weeks( ) 10. Is she going to ask you_ questions? A. some B. a C. any五. 看图,完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1. He often_ Chinese book in the evening. 2.Tongtong _going to _a letter to his grandma next week.3. Last week we went to _ _ _.4. Jane _ _ music last night.5. She _ an apple every day.六我是“小医生”,我能选出错误的选项,并修改正确(10分) 1. She has sandwiches yesterday. _ A B C 2. Are you ready to your trip to America? _A B C 3. Is the letterfrom English? _A B C 4. The actors told lots of joke. _ A B C 5. Last week we go to a childrens theatre. _ A B C 七句型转换。(10分)1. English children love the theatre.(改为否定句) English children _ _ the theatre.2. Are you ready for your trip?(作肯定回答)Yes, _ _. 3. Dad is ready for his trip to New York.(改为一般疑问句)_ Dad _for his trip to New York?4. Im going to take books and pencils.(对划线部分提问) _are you going to _ ? 5. We ate rice for lunch. (对划线部分提问) _ did you _ for lunch? 八用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分) 1. We can _ (listen) to Chinese songs in the evening. 2. Dont forget_ (bring) books about animals. 3. My father_(buy) some apples last week. 4. Look! The boy _ (make) a kite now. 5. They _ (play) football now.九找出下列各句合适的答语( 10分)( )1.Which do you like? A. Because its interesting.( )2.Where is Dalian? B.I went to Sichuan.( )3.Did you go to Hainan? C. He worked in a shop.( )4.Why does he like basketball? D. I like bananas.( )5.Where did you go in China? E. Its in the north of China.( )6.When did you go there? F. Yes, I did.( )7.What did he do many years ago? G. I went in spring.( )8.Who are they? H. Yes, we do.( )9.How will they go there? I. They are my teachers.( )10.Do you play football at school? J. They will go there by bus.十.连词成句。(5分)1. borrowed, for, we, you, bike, a (.)2. you, did, eat , last night, hamburgers (?) 3. went, swimming, we, last, weekend (.)4. Mum, me, new, bought, chopsticks (.)5. what, you, did, do, yesterday (?)十一. 完型填空。(10分)Dear Fangfang,How are you?Today I _1_ a Chinese lunch. I _2_ rice and meat and _3_ soup. Its different from English food. Are they traditional Chinese lunch? Im not good _4_ cooking. In the afternoon, I went to the library to borrow a book _5_ cooking Chinese food. They are on Shelf B. I find one book. There is also a CD-ROM _6_ it. I can _7_ _8_ about cooking Chinese food on this CD-ROM . This book should be_9_ back in three weeks time. From,Lily( ) 1. A. have B. had C. has ( ) 2. A. eat B. eats C. ate ( ) 3. A. drank B. drinking C. drink ( ) 4. A. of B. at C. in ( ) 5. A. of B. for C. about ( ) 6. A. with B. of C. in ( ) 7. A. find B. have C. use ( ) 8. A. in B. of C. out ( ) 9. A. taken B. used C. brought 十二阅读理解。(10分)I went to Chengdu three years ago. It is in Sichuan Province(省).It is the capital of Sichuan. It is in the west of China. The famous Chinese pandas live in Sichuan. I took some pictures for them. I climbed the mountains(山) with my parents. We had an interesting life.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( ) 1.I went to Chengdu three years ago. ( ) 2.Chengdu is in Shandong province. ( ) 3.Chengdu is in the north of China. ( ) 4. Pandas lives in Sichuan. ( ) 5. I swam and climbed the mountains in Chengdu.答案:第九模块单元试题一、1. C 2.C 3. C 4.C 5. B二、1. laugh a lot 2. 一本关于美国历史的书 3. go to a restaurant 4. 回头见 5. 玩电脑 三. 1. after 2. for 3. or 4. of 5. about 6. to 7. in 8.from 四 . 1. C (此句为一般过去时态,动词应用过去式) 2. C 3. A (此句为一般将来时态,will加动词原形) 4.C (giveto意为“把 给”) 5.B 6. B(元音音素前用an限定,辅音音素前用a限定) 7. B 8. B 9.C ( weeks的名词所有格为weeks) 10. C (此句为一般疑问句,在问句中some应改为any)五. 1. reads 2. is ,write 3. a childrens theatre 4. listened 5. eats六. 1.A had 2. B for 3. C from 4. A jokes 5. B went 七. 1. dont, love 2. I, am 3. Is, ready4. What, take 5. What, eat八. 1. listen 2. to bring 3. bought 4. is making 5. are playing九. 1.D 2.E 3. F 4.A 5. B6. G 7. C 8. I 9. J 10.H十. 1. We borrowed a bike for you. 2. Did you eat hamburgers last night? 3. We went swimming last weekend. 4. Mum bought me new chopsticks. 5.What did you do yesterday?十一. 1. B 2. C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7. A 8. C 9.C十二 1. T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F笔试部分一、写出下列动词的过去式。 1.talk_2.cook_ 3.play_4phone_ 5laugh_6jump_ -17- 7.stop_8.clean_附送:2019年新标准小学英语六年级下册模块三教案第一课时(40分钟)教学内容:SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书)Unit 1 The sun is shining.教学目标:1、 学习目标语句:The sun is shining.The birds are singing,2、能口头运用The birds are singing in the trees.说明图片内容。 3、能识别单词:shine, everyone, 并能书写单词sun ,sing.重难点: 1、能口头运用The birds are singing in the trees.说明图片内容。 2、能识别单词:shine, everyone, 并能书写单词sun ,sing.功能:描述照片或图片中的活动情景教学程序:一、热身复习1、教师与学生热情问候。然后做一些动作,问学生:“What am I doing?”再请学生来回答。邀请一些学生来做动作,请其他学生来回答。起目的是引导学生复习用“be+v-ing”的结构来描述正在发生的动作。二任务呈现与课文导入教师告诉学生:“Daming 在美国度过了一个有趣的周末,并把当天的照片寄给了Lingling.而且他还为这些照片写了文字说明,下面我们就来看看Daming 是怎样来写照片说明的。”三、课文教学1、呈现第一单元活动1。先请学生听录音,结合课文插图来理解课文。2再次播放录音,要求学生边听边在书上划出带有“ing”的词语,如:sending, shining,singing等。3、教师可以请一些学生把句中带有“ing”词语的句子写到黑板上,然后请他们自己找出这些句子的共同点,最后又由教师总结结构“be +v-ing”,表示正在发生的事情。然后鼓励学生运用这样的句子来描述正在发生的事情。4、教师可以利用单词卡片来教授新词“shine, everyone”。请学生跟教师或磁带朗读新词,并请个别学生朗读,以便纠正学生的发音。要求学生能书写”sun,sing”.5、请学生就自己不明白的课文内容进行提问,教师进行有针对性的讲解。6、播放课文录音,逐句停顿,请学生跟读。四、任务完成1、完成SB第一单元活动3。先请学生看活动3中的图片,然后教师指导学生按例句的模式进行图片描述。该活动建议两人或在四人小组内进行,最后请学生向全班进行展示。教师注意进行及时鼓励和指导。2、完成AB第一单元练习1。在学生进行做题之前,教师先引导学生看图,然后进行口头描述,对学生的问题给予及时指导。最后要求学生进行书写。3、完成AB第一单元练习2。请学生把括号里的单词进行排序,然后完成这封信。如果学生独立完成有困难,学生可以进行相互讨论。五、课后作业1、完成AB第一单元练习3。2、请学生收集一些照片或图片,并进行简单描述。下一节课带到学校来和同学们分享。第二课时(40分钟)学习内容:SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书)Unit2 I am looking out of the window.教学目标:1、口头运用 Im looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。2、能识别单词:train, out of window, hill. 能书写单词:train, window.3、学习本单元的歌谣。重难点: 1、口头运用 Im looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。2、能识别单词:train, out of window, hill. 能书写单词:train, window.功能: 讲述正在发生的事情;描述照片或图片中的活动情景教学程序:一、 热身复习请学生在实物投影仪下展示课后收集的图片或照片,并用英语进行简单描述和说明。教师对学生的表述应加以及时评价和鼓励。二、任务呈现与课文导入 请学生把书翻到SB第二单元活动1,告诉学生:“书上的男孩和女孩正在打电话,下面让我们来听听他们的电话内容,并把文中标有图标的地方补充完整。”三、课文教学1、请学生看SB第二单元活动1中的图,播放录音。请学生在短文中有插图的地方填上相关的单词。然后再次播放录音,全班订正答案。2、再次播放录音,请学生边听边勾出以“ing ”结尾的三个单词。然后请学生来说说他们的原形。重点要求学生能识别单词:train, out of window, hill并 能书写单词:train, window。3、再次播放录音,逐句停顿,让学生跟读。学生可以就自己不理解的地方进行提问,教师进行针对性地讲解。4、完成AB练习1,先让学生自己独立完成。然后请部分学生在黑板上板书自己的答案。最后进行集体订正。四、任务完成完成SB第二单元活动4。先请学生来看看图片,然后请部分学生来描述图片。再请学生按照范例对话进行两人一组的练习。教师可以先与程度较好的学生先来做一些示范,然后开展练习,教师进行及时指导。 五、课文学习播放SB第二单元活动3歌谣的录音。引导学生参考插图来理解歌曲的大意。教师对学生理解困难的部分进行讲解。再次播放录音,请学生边听边跟读,最后鼓励学生进行集体朗诵。六、课后作业1、教师带领学生阅读AB第二单元练习4,然后请学生自己在课后完成练习。2、完成AB第二单元练习3。


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