人力资源论文 -股权激励中英文对照

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大学毕业论文 学 生 姓 名 XXX 指 导 教 师 XXX 专 业 人力资源管理 学 院 管理学院 XXX UniversityAppendixStudent xxxxxxx Supervisor xxx Specialty Human Resources Management School Management School 原文Management of listed companies in equity-based incentivesCHAPTER IGeneral Article1. To further promote the establishment of a listed company, a sound incentive and restraint mechanisms, according to Peoples Republic of China Company Law, the Securities Act of Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, the development of this approach. Article2. The term refers to shares of listed companies incentives to the companys shares being the subject of its directors, supervisors, senior management and other staff to carry out long-term incentives. Listed companies to be restricted stock, stock options and the laws and administrative regulations to allow the implementation of other means of equity incentive plans, the application of the provisions of this approach. Article3. Listed companys equity incentive plan implementation, it should be in line with the laws and administrative regulations, the methods and the provisions of the Articles of Association and is conducive to the sustainable development of listed companies, and must not harm the interests of listed companies. Directors of listed companies, supervisors and senior managers in the implementation of equity incentive plans should be honesty and trustworthiness, diligence, and safeguard the interests of all shareholders. Article4. Listed companies to implement equity incentive plan should be in strict accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements of this approach to information disclosure obligations to fulfill. Article5. For listed companies issued equity incentive plan views of professional bodies, should be honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, to ensure that the document issued by true, accurate and complete. Article6. No person shall make use of equity incentive plans insider trading, price manipulation of securities transactions and securities fraud.Chapter II General provisions Article7. Listed companies, one of the following circumstances shall be the implementation of equity incentive plans: (a) In the last fiscal year a financial accounting report negative opinion issued by a certified public accountant to express an opinion or are unable to audit reports; (b) the recent major violations during the year due to irregularities by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to be an administrative penalty; (c) of the China Securities Regulatory Commission finds that the other cases. Article8. Equity incentive plan target of incentives may include the directors of listed companies, supervisors, senior management, the core technology (business), as well as companies that should inspire other employees, but independent directors should not be included. The following incentives may not be the object: (a) In the last 3 years by stock or announce publicly condemned as inappropriate candidates; (b) the last 3 years due to major violations of law violations by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to be of an administrative penalty; (iii) Peoples Republic of China Company Law shall be provided as the companys directors, supervisors, senior management situations. Equity incentive plan for consideration by the board of directors, board of supervisors of listed companies should be to verify the list of incentives, and to verify the situation to be in that general meeting of shareholders. Article9. Incentive for directors, supervisors, senior managers of listed companies should establish a performance appraisal system and assessment methods, indicators for performance appraisal plan for the implementation of the conditions of equity-based incentives. Article10. Listed companies will not be allowed to stimulate the target equity incentive plan in accordance with the rights of access to loans, as well as any other form of financial assistance, including providing security for their loans. Article11. To the implementation of equity incentive plans of listed companies, based on the actual situation of the Company, through the following sources to resolve the subject of shares: (i) object to the incentive to issue shares; (b) repurchase the shares of the Company; (c) the laws and administrative regulations to allow the other way. Article12. All listed companies effective equity incentive plan involved bringing the total number of shares the subject company shall not exceed 10% of the total share capital. Non-shareholders general meeting approved a special resolution of any object through a full and effective incentive equity incentive plan of the Company granted a total stock equity of the company shall not exceed 1% of the total. First paragraph of this article, second paragraph referred to the total share capital refers to the most recent general meeting of shareholders approved equity incentive plans of the companys issued share capital of the total. Article13. Listed companies should be in the equity incentive plan on the following matters or statements made clear that: (i) the purpose of equity incentive plans; (b) based on incentive to identify the object and scope; (c) the equity incentive plan to grant the rights and interests of the number of involved in the subject of stock sources, types, quantity and equity of listed companies accounted for a percentage of the total; if at times the implementation of each of the rights and interests to be granted the number of shares involved in the type of subject, source, volume and accounted for the total equity of listed companies percentage; (d) incentives for directors, supervisors, senior management and their respective rights and interests to be given the number of, or equity incentive plan to grant the rights and interests of the percentage of the total; other incentives objects (or their appropriate classification) may be delegate representing the interests of the quantity and equity incentive plan to grant the rights and interests of the percentage of the total; (e) the validity of equity incentive plans authorize the days, right feasible, the subject of stock lock-up period; (f) the grant of restricted stock price or Determination of grant price, the stock option exercise price or exercise price determination; (g) authorized the target incentive benefits, the right conditions, such as performance appraisal system and assessment methods, and to performance appraisal indicators for the implementation of equity-based incentives scheme; (h) equity incentive plan rights and interests involved in the number of the target amount of shares, exercise price or grant price adjustment methods and procedures; (i) the rights and incentives granted the right of the target line procedures; (10) Company and encouragement of their respective rights and obligations of the object; (xi) changes in control of the company, merger, separation, job change occurred incentive target, separation, death matter how the implementation of equity incentive plans; (xii) changes in equity incentive plan, terminated; (xiii) other important matters. Article14. Occurrence of a listed company in Article VII of this approach to one of the cases, should put an end to the implementation of equity incentive plans, may not object to the incentive to continue to grant new rights and interests of the target incentive under the equity incentive plan have been granted but not yet exercised by the exercise of the rights and interests should be discontinued. Equity incentive plans in the implementation process of this approach motivate the target appears in Article VIII shall not be the case the object of incentives, the listed companies shall continue to grant the rights and interests, and its has been granted but not yet exercised by the exercise of the rights and interests should be discontinued. Article15. Target incentive to transfer their income through the equity incentive plan shares, it should be in line with relevant laws and administrative regulations and the provisions of this approach.Chapter III Restricted stock Article16. The term incentive restricted stock is the object in accordance with the equity incentive plan provides for the conditions obtained from the listed companies a certain number of shares of the Company. Article17. Listed companies target incentive award restricted stock, equity incentive plans should be provided for the object granted incentive stock performance conditions, the ban period. Article18. Listed companies to the stock market as a benchmark to determine the price of restricted stock awarded in the following period shall not object to the grant of stock incentives: (i) prior to the publication of periodic reports on the 30th; (b) a matter of significant transactions or major decision-making process to the matter Notice two days after; (c) The other major event that may affect the share price on the date of announcement until two trading days.Chapter IV Stock options Article19. The term refers to the listing of stock options granted incentive targets within a certain period of time in the future in order to pre-determined purchase price and conditions of a certain number of shares of the Companys rights. Objects can be the incentive stock options granted during the period specified in a pre-determined purchase price and conditions of a certain number of shares of listed companies can also give up the rights. Target incentive stock options granted shall not be transferable or used to guarantee repayment of debt. Article20. The board of directors of listed companies can be considered in accordance with the approval of shareholders of the General Assembly of the stock options, and decided to grant a one-time or in the awarding of stock options, but out of a total grant of stock options related to the subject of shares shall not exceed the total amount of stock option plans of the subject involved in the total stock. article21. Authorized on stock options and stock options are granted the right line on the first time, the interval between not less than 1 year. Stock options on the validity of the calculation from the authorization may not exceed 10 years. article22.In the life of stock options, listed companies should provide incentives target the right line in phases. Stock options After the validity period has been granted the right line but not the stock options may not be the right line. Article23. Listed companies in the award of incentive stock options when the target should be to determine exercise price or exercise price determination. Exercise price should not be less than the higher of the following prices: (i) equity incentive plan prior to the publication of the draft summary of the company trading day closing price of the subject shares; (b) the equity incentive plan prior to the publication of the draft summary of 30 trading days of the company average closing price of the subject. Article24. Shares of listed companies due to the subject of ex-dividend, dividend or other reasons need to adjust the exercise price or the number of stock options, stock option plans in accordance with the provisions of the principles and ways to adjust. The basis of the above listed companies the right to adjust the trip price or the number of stock options should be made by the board of directors and the shareholders general meeting to consider approval of the resolution, or by the shareholders of the General Assembly decided to authorize the Board of Directors. Lawyers should be on the above adjustment is consistent with this approach, the company charter and the provisions of stock option plans issued by professional advice to the Board of Directors. Article25. Listed companies in the following period shall not object to incentive stock options granted to: (i) prior to the publication of periodic reports on the 30th; (b) a matter of significant transactions or major decision-making process in a matter of notice to the two trading days; (c) other possible significant incidents of price from the date of notice of two trading days. Article26. Incentive target should be periodic reports of listed companies after the announcement of the first two trading days to the next periodic report 10 trading days prior to exercise, but not the right experts in the following period: (a) a matter of significant transactions or major decision-making process to Notice of the matter after the two trading days; (b) of the other major event that may affect the share price on the date of announcement until two trading days.Chapter V Supervision and punishment Article27. Listed companies file false financial and accounting records, to whom the object of incentives from the financial accounting documents from the date of notice within 12 months from the equity incentive plan received the full benefits of shall be returned to the company. Article28. Listed companies do not meet the requirements of this approach to the implementation of equity incentive plans, the China Securities Regulatory Commission ordered its correction, the company and related persons responsible will be punished according to law; in the correct order, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will not be the companys application documents. Article29. Listed companies are not in accordance with this approach and other relevant provisions of the disclosure of information equity incentive plan and the disclosure of information or false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the China Securities Regulatory Commission ordered its correction, the company and related persons responsible will be punished according to law. The use of fictitious equity incentive plan performance, market manipulation or insider dealing, improper access to benefits, according to China Securities Regulatory Commission, confiscate the illegal income, the responsibility of the relevant measures taken; constitute a crime, investigate and deal with the transfer of the judiciary in accordance with the law. article30. For listed companies issued equity incentive plan views of the relevant professional bodies are not fulfilling the obligations diligence, professional advice issued by the existence of false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the relevant professional bodies and supervisory personnels signature, issued by warning letter, and ordered measures to reform and the transfer of the relevant professional bodies to deal with the competent authorities; the circumstances are serious, punishable by a warning, fines and other penalties; constitute securities violations, they shall be held liable.Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions article33. This approach the following terms have the following meanings: the senior management: refers to a listed company manager, deputy manager, finance charge, the Board Secretary and the provisions of the Articles of Association of the others. The subject of stock: means the equity incentive plan, incentive granted the right to object or to purchase shares of listed companies. Interests: the object refers to stimulate equity incentive plan in accordance with the listed company stocks, stock options. Authorized to date: a listed company refers to object to the incentive stock options granted to date. Must be authorized on trading days. Exercise: Object refers to incentive stock options under the incentive plan, within a specified period, to a pre-determined purchase price and conditions for the conduct of the shareholdings of listed companies. The right to a viable date: means the incentive target the right line to start date. The right to be feasible for the trading day on. Exercise Price: listed companies object to the incentive stock options granted by the identified target incentives to buy shares in the prices of listed companies. Award Price: listed companies object to the award of incentive restricted stock to determine when, and inspire the target to obtain the price of the shares of listed companies. The term of over, less than does not contain the number. Article34. This approach applies to shares in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed company. Article35. This approach since January 1, 2006 will come into effect. From: Management of listed companies in equity-based incentives翻译上市公司股权鼓励管理方法第一章总那么第一条为进一步促进上市公司建立、健全鼓励与约束机制,依据?中华人民共和国公司法?、?中华人民共和国证券法?及其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定本方法。第二条本方法所称股权鼓励是指上市公司以本公司股票为标的,对其董事、监事、高级管理人员及其他员工进行的长期性鼓励。上市公司以限制性股票、股票期权及法律、行政法规允许的其他方式实行股权鼓励方案的,适用本方法的规定。第三条上市公司实行的股权鼓励方案,应当符合法律、行政法规、本方法和公司章程的规定,有利于上市公司的持续开展,不得损害上市公司利益。上市公司的董事、监事和高级管理人员在实行股权鼓励方案中应当老实守信,勤勉尽责,维护公司和全体股东的利益。第四条上市公司实行股权鼓励方案,应当严格按照有关规定和本方法的要求履行信息披露义务。第五条为上市公司股权鼓励方案出具意见的专业机构,应当老实守信、勤勉尽责,保证所出具的文件真实、准确、完整。第六条任何人不得利用股权鼓励方案进行内幕交易、操纵证券交易价格和进行证券欺诈活动。第二章一般规定第七条上市公司具有以下情形之一的,不得实行股权鼓励方案:一最近一个会计年度财务会计报告被注册会计师出具否认意见或者无法表示意见的审计报告;二最近一年内因重大违法违规行为被中国证监会予以行政处分;三中国证监会认定的其他情形。第八条股权鼓励方案的鼓励对象可以包括上市公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员、核心技术业务人员,以及公司认为应当鼓励的其他员工,但不应当包括独立董事。以下人员不得成为鼓励对象:一最近3年内被证券交易所公开谴责或宣布为不适当人选的;二最近3年内因重大违法违规行为被中国证监会予以行政处分的;三具有?中华人民共和国公司法?规定的不得担任公司董事、监事、高级管理人员情形的。股权鼓励方案经董事会审议通过后,上市公司监事会应当对鼓励对象名单予以核实,并将核实情况在股东大会上予以说明。第九条鼓励对象为董事、监事、高级管理人员的,上市公司应当建立绩效考核体系和考核方法,以绩效考核指标为实施股权鼓励方案的条件。第十条上市公司不得为鼓励对象依股权鼓励方案获取有关权益提供贷款以及其他任何形式的财务资助,包括为其贷款提供担保。第十一条拟实行股权鼓励方案的上市公司,可以根据本公司实际情况,通过以下方式解决标的股票来源:一向鼓励对象发行股份;二回购本公司股份;三法律、行政法规允许的其他方式。第十二条上市公司全部有效的股权鼓励方案所涉及的标的股票总数累计不得超过公司股本总额的10%。非经股东大会特别决议批准,任何一名鼓励对象通过全部有效的股权鼓励方案获授的本公司股票累计不得超过公司股本总额的1%。本条第一款、第二款所称股本总额是指股东大会批准最近一次股权鼓励方案时公司已发行的股本总额。第十三条上市公司应当在股权鼓励方案中对以下事项做出明确规定或说明:一股权鼓励方案的目的;二鼓励对象确实定依据和范围;三股权鼓励方案拟授予的权益数量、所涉及的标的股票种类、来源、数量及占上市公司股本总额的百分比;假设分次实施的,每次拟授予的权益数量、所涉及的标的股票种类、来源、数量及占上市公司股本总额的百分比;四鼓励对象为董事、监事、高级管理人员的,其各自可获授的权益数量、占股权鼓励方案拟授予权益总量的百分比;其他鼓励对象各自或按适当分类可获授的权益数量及占股权鼓励方案拟授予权益总量的百分比;五股权鼓励方案的有效期、授权日、可行权日、标的股票的禁售期;六限制性股票的授予价格或授予价格确实定方法,股票期权的行权价格或行权价格确实定方法;七鼓励对象获授权益、行权的条件,如绩效考核体系和考核方法,以绩效考核指标为实施股权鼓励方案的条件;八股权鼓励方案所涉及的权益数量、标的股票数量、授予价格或行权价格的调整方法和程序;九公司授予权益及鼓励对象行权的程序;十公司与鼓励对象各自的权利义务;十一公司发生控制权变更、合并、分立、鼓励对象发生职务变更、离职、死亡等事项时如何实施股权鼓励方案;十二股权鼓励方案的变更、终止;十三其他重要事项。第十四条上市公司发生本方法第七条规定的情形之一时,应当终止实施股权鼓励方案,不得向鼓励对象继续授予新的权益,鼓励对象根据股权鼓励方案已获授但尚未行使的权益应当终止行使。在股权鼓励方案实施过程中,鼓励对象出现本方法第八条规定的不得成为鼓励对象的情形的,上市公司不得继续授予其权益,其已获授但尚未行使的权益应当终止行使。第十五条鼓励对象转让其通过股权鼓励方案所得股票的,应当符合有关法律、行政法规及本方法的规定。第三章限制性股票第十六条本方法所称限制性股票是指鼓励对象按照股权鼓励方案规定的条件,从上市公司获得的一定数量的本公司股票。第十七条上市公司授予鼓励对象限制性股票,应当在股权鼓励方案中规定鼓励对象获授股票的业绩条件、禁售期限。第十八条上市公司以股票市价为基准确定限制性股票授予价格的,在以下期间内不得向鼓励对象授予股票:一定期报告公布前30日;二重大交易或重大事项决定过程中至该事项公告后2个交易日;三其他可能影响股价的重大事件发生之日起至公告后2个交易日。第四章股票期权第十九条本方法所称股票期权是指上市公司授予鼓励对象在未来一定期限内以预先确定的价格和条件购置本公司一定数量股份的权利。鼓励对象可以其获授的股票期权在规定的期间内以预先确定的价格和条件购置上市公司一定数量的股份,也可以放弃该种权利。第二十条鼓励对象获授的股票期权不得转让、用于担保或归还债务。第二十一条上市公司董事会可以根据股东大会审议批准的股票期权方案,决定一次性授出或分次授出股票期权,但累计授出的股票期权涉及的标的股票总额不得超过股票期权方案所涉及的标的股票总额。第二十二条股票期权授权日与获授股票期权首次可以行权日之间的间隔不得少于1年。股票期权的有效期从授权日计算不得超过10年。第二十三条在股票期权有效期内,上市公司应当规定鼓励对象分期行权。股票期权有效期过后,已授出但尚未行权的股票期权不得行权。第二十四条上市公司在授予鼓励对象股票期权时,应当确定行权价格或行权价格确实定方法。行权价格不应低于以下价格较高者:一股权鼓励方案草案摘要公布前一个交易日的公司标的股票收盘价;二股权鼓励方案草案摘要公布前30个交易日内的公司标的股票平均收盘价。第二十五条上市公司因标的股票除权、除息或其他原因需要调整行权价格或股票期权数量的,可以按照股票期权方案规定的原那么和方式进行调整。上市公司依据前款调整行权价格或股票期权数量的,应当由董事会做出决议并经股东大会审议批准,或者由股东大会授权董事会决定。律师应当就上述调整是否符合本方法、公司章程和股票期权方案的规定向董事会出具专业意见。第二十六条上市公司在以下期间内不得向鼓励对象授予股票期权:一定期报告公布前30日;二重大交易或重大事项决定过程中至该事项公告后2个交易日;三其他可能影响股价的重大事件发生之日起至公告后2个交易日。


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