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仁爱英语七年级下册总复习教案 Unit5 Our School Life任务形学习目标掌握并能熟练运用表达交通方式的句型掌握频度副词的表达方式掌握一般现在是的用法Topic 1 How do you usually come to school 二重点短语1 on foot go on foot walk to 2 by 交通工具 乘坐 by bus bike plane train subway ship boat car3take the bus go by bus ride a bike go by bike take the subway go by subway4 on weekdays 在平日 after school 放学后 after class 下课后 after breakfast lunch supper早餐 午餐 晚餐后 in their free time 在空闲时间 have a rest 休息一下 read books 读书 11 go swimming 去游泳12 listen to music 听音乐 1 watch TV 看电视13 doones homework 做作业 1 go to the zoo park 去动物园 公园 1 once a week 一周一次 every day 每天 have classes 上课 for a little while 一会儿 go to bed 上床睡觉 2 have breakfast lunch supperdinner吃早餐 午餐 晚餐2 at the school gate 在校门口23 come on 快点 加油 2 get up 起床 talk with to sb与某人谈话 at school 在学校在上课 go to school 去上学 and so on 等等三语法表时间频率的副词never 从来不 seldom 极少 sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是1 I never go to school by subway2 I seldom walk to school3 Maria sometimes takes the subway home4 Li Xiang often rides a bike to school5 We usually go to the park on foot6 They always go to the zoo by bus7 How often do you come to the library Very often Twice a week Once a week Every day四 重要句型1 Happy New Year The same to you 2 Your new bike looks very nice Thank you3 How do you usually come to school By bus car bike On foot4 Its time for class Its time to have class 该是上课的时候了5 The early bird catches the worm 笨鸟先飞 捷足先登6 We have no more time 我们没有多的时间了 I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon我早上上四节课下午上两节8 She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten 她九点四十五分睡觉Topic 2 He is running on the playground二重点短语1 make cards 制作卡片 2 on the playground 在操场上 3 in the library 在图书馆4 in the gym在体育馆 5 on the shelf在书架上shelves 复数 6 at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处7clean the room清扫房间 8have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 9 have an English class 上英语课10 write a letter 写信 11 some of his photos some photos of his 他的一些照片 12on time 准时14 do better in sth 在某方面做得较好 15put on 穿戴上上演代词it them放在中间名词中间或后面put it them on 16 show sb around 令某人参观三语法现在进行时态 主语 is am are 动词ing 其他 表示正在进行或发生的动作常与now at the moment 现在 look看 listen听 等连用1 Im looking for my purse 2 They arent sleeping at the moment3 Are you doing your homework Yes I am No Im not4 Is he she singing now Yes he she is No he she isnt5 What is your brother doing He is running in the gym四 重要句型1Excuse me may I borrow your story book Of course Sure borrow sth from从借回某物 2 How Long may I keep the book Two weeks keep 借用后面常跟一段时间连用 3You must return them on time return 归还return sth to 把归还给4 Thank you Its a pleasure A pleasure My pleasure 别客气5 Sorry I dont have any Thank you all the same 仍然感谢你6 See you soon 回头见 7 What else 还有别的什么 else 其他的别的常放在疑问词what where who和不定代词something somebody等的后面Topic 3 My school life is very interesting重点短语1 outdoor activity 课外活动 2 easy and interesting 容易又有趣3 difficult and boring 又难又乏味4 be friendly to sb be kind to sb 对某人友好5betweenand 在之间6 learnfrom 向学习 从中学 7 fromto 从到 in the morning afternoon evening 在早上 下午 晚上on Monday 在星期一 on Monday morning在星期一的早上 tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事三语法 一般现在时 主语 动词原形 动词第三人称单数ses 其他表示经常或习惯性的动作常与频率副词never 从来不 seldom 极少 sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是或every day 每天in the morning afternoon evening 在早上 下午 晚上 等连用I often do my homework in the evening I dont often go shopping on SundayDo you usually come to school by car Yes I do No I dontSometimes she watches TV in the evening She doesnt like ChineseDoes she often take a bus to school Yes she does No she doesnt四 重要句型1What day is it todayIts Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 在英语国家每周的第一天是星期天而不是星期一 2 What class are they having They are having a music class3 What time does the class begin At ten oclock4 What do you think of math How do you like math 你认为数学怎么样 Its difficult and boring5 Why 为什么 do you like English Because因为its easy and interesting7What subject 学科 do you like best I like history best8 At school my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me9 I study Chinese English politic geography and some other subjectsother泛指其他的别的 名词复数10English is my favorite 最喜欢的 subject I also like PE and music I like PE and music too 也 11Can you tell me something about it 五词语辨析a few 几个一些 名词复数 a little 一点儿不可数名词 many 许多名词复数few几乎没有little 几乎没有much许多大量的不可数名词other泛指其他的别的 名词复数 another 泛指又一个再一个另一个 名词单数 Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic1Is there a sofa in your study 一学习目标1掌握单词和重点词组2掌握there be的各种形式及用法3能熟练用英语描写房间家庭学校等建筑4熟练掌握方位介词in on behind under near next to in front of二重点词组On the first floor 美式英语一楼floor地板此处指楼房的层英式英语用the ground floor 表示一楼Why not Why dont you复习其他提建议的方式Go upstairs上楼Go downstairs下楼A moment later一会以后You have a nice study study名词书房 动词学习 与learn的区别In the front of the house 在屋子里面的前面 In front of the house在屋子外面的前面Talk about谈论 talk with sb和某人谈论Put them away 把他们收拾好 Look after take care of照顾看管In the tree非树本身的东西在树上 On the tree 树本身的东西 On the river浮在水面上 over the river 在河上悬空On the wall在墙上in the wall在墙里Get a letter from sb hear from sb 注意hear from宾语是人不是信her of听说某人 物 hear听到听见侧重听的结果常用 hear sb doing sthdo sthTell sb about sthTell sb to do sth Tell sb sthwant sb to do sthwant to do sth三语法知识 There be 句型的用法Therebe句型是英语中常见的特殊句型用以表示某物某事存在或不存在句中的there只起引导作用并无实际意义句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词 1在there be 句型中谓语动词be要与主语某人或某物的数保持一致当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致eg There is a bird in the tree There is a teacher and many students in our classroom There are two boys and a girl under the tree 2There be句型与have的区别 There be 句型和have都表示有的含义区别如下There be表示某处存在某物或某人have表示某人拥有某物某人它表示所有拥有关系 egHe has two sons There are two men in the office 当have表示包括存在的含义时There be 句型与其可互换eg A week has seven days There are seven days in a week3否认句 There be句型的否认式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样在be后加上not或no即可注意not和no的不同not是副词no为形容词not aanany n 相当于no n例如 There are some pictures on the wall There arent any pictures on the wall There are no pictures on the wall There is a bike behind the tree There isnt a bike behind the tree There is no bike behind the tree 4特殊疑问句 There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化 对主语提问当主语是人时用Whos介词短语当主语是物时用Whats 介词短语注意无论原句的主语是单数还是复数对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式 答复时却要根据实际情况来决定 如 There are many things over there Whats over there There is a little girl in the roomWho is in the room 对地点状语提问提问地点当然用Where is are主语啦例如 There is a computer on the desk Where is the computer There are four children on the playground Where are the four children 对数量提问一般有两种句型结构 How many复数名词are there介词短语 How much不可数名词is there介词短语used to表示过去常常做某事 例句 I used to play football after school过去我常常在放学后踢球 be used to do的意思是被用来做某事be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事used to do过去常常表示过去习惯性的动作或状态但如今已不存在 Mother used not to be so forgetful Scarf used to take a walk 过去常常散步 be used to doing 对已感到习惯或习惯于to是介词后需加名词或动名词 He is used to a vegetarian diet Scarf is used to taking a walk 现在习惯于散步 Topic 2 Whats your home like重点语法There be 句型 There be句型的否认句 There be句型的疑问句 There be句型的就近原那么 There be句型的反意疑问句There be句型与havehas的区分重点短语be like an apartment building a town house in the surburbson the street corner rent a house with furniture to others keep money重点句型 Whats your home likeWhats the matter I hear you playing the pianoI cant hear you the line is badIll get someone to check it right now The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is highThere are many old people and many families with young children living there 点拨一Whats your home like Like 动词喜欢介词像be like像和look like看起来像be like 主要用来询问人的性格外貌和事物特征Look like 主要用来询问外貌二for rent 出租wanted求租rent sth to sb把某物租给某人rent sth from sb 从某人处租某物三call sb at 号码请打 与某人联系四I hear you playing the pianohear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事强调动作进行hear sb do sth 强调全过程 五Many shops and restaurants are close to my home be close to 离近close 与near 都有靠近的意思但close 比near 更近Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office重点语法祈使句肯定否认形式特例重点短语 a ticket for speeding 超速罚单 at the end of the road在路的尽头 go across走过 turn leftright向左转向右转 on the corner of 在转角拐弯处 across from 在对面 betweenand 在之间 take the No 718 bus乘坐718路公共汽车 change to变成 no parking禁止停车 get hurt受伤 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规那么 keep on the right of the road 保持在路的右边 at the foot of 在的脚下 hold sth in ones hand抓住某人的手 重点句型一问路语Where is Is there anear hereWhich is the way to How can I get toCould you tell me the way to二指路Go alongdown this road untilTurn left at the first turningTake the first turning on the leftGo straight ahead and you will seeIts about 15 kilometres away from here三Thank you all the same Thanks anyway四You cant miss it五You need to take bus No718六How far is it from here七Everybody must be careful and obey the traffic八We must stop and look both ways before we cross the road语法讲解祈使句表示请求命令禁止劝告或建议的句子特点是省略了主语祈使句无主语 主语you常省去 动词原形谓语当 句首加dont否认变 朗读应当用降调 句末常标感慨号肯定结构 1 Do型 即动词原形 宾语 其它成分 如Please have a seat here 请这边坐 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下动词可省略如This way please Go this way please 请这边走 2 Be型 即Be 表语 名词或形容词 其它成分 如Be a good boy 要做一个好孩子 3 Let型 即Let 宾语 动词原形 其它成分 如Let me help you 让我来帮你 否认结构 1 Do型和Be型的否认式都是在句首加dont构成如Dont forget me 不要忘记我 Dont be late for school 上学不要迟到 2 Let型的否认式有两种Dont let 宾语 动词原形 其它成分和Let 宾语 not 动词原形 其它成分如Dont let him go Let him not go 别让他走 3 有些可用no开头用来表示禁止性的祈使句如No smoking 禁止吸烟No fishing 禁止钓鱼Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic1 When were you born 任务型学习目标掌握序数词的表达法掌握系动词be的一般过去时的用法掌握日期的读法和写法重点词组 Plan to do sth have a birthday party be born be like use sth to do sth must be buy sb sth buy sth for sb重点句型When were you born I was born in June1970Were you born in He bei YesI was NoI wasnt3 Where was she born She was born in Henan4 When was your daughter born She was born on october 22 19965 Whats the date today Its may 86 Whats the shape of your present Its round7 What shape is it Its rectangle8 How longwidetallhighdeepis it 9 What do we use it for We use it to study English10It must be an English learning machine11Here is a present for you重点语法系动词be的一般过去时1 I was born in June1970 2 I was not born in He bei3 Were you born in Hebei YesI was NoIwasntWhen was you daughter born She was born on October 22nd1996Where were you born I was born in HebeiWas it like a flower just now Yesit was Noit wasnt重要知识点时间介词inonat用法介词inonat可以用于表示时间的名词前有在的意思用法如下1at用于钟点时刻前意思为在- 时刻如at three Oclockat a quarter to six at noon at night at midnight at this time of day2 in 用于泛指一天的上午下午晚上等也用于某个较长的时间如年月季节等如in the morningafternoonevening in 2003 in the daydaytimeIn还可以表示从现在起一段时间以后in a week3on用于表示在具体的某一天以及某天的某段时间如on Sunday on Childrens day on the night of new yearon the morningafternoon evening of on Sunday morning中考链结 1My uncle was born_June1960A in B on C at D for 2 08河南 We will never forget what happened_the afternoon of May 122021 A in B by C at D on 3 08苏州 Chinese climbers carried the Olympic Flame 奥运圣火 to the top of the worlds highest mountain_8th May2021A on B at C in D from 4Mike will go to the town_December28Unit7 Top2复习教案知识网络梳理1重点词组at the birthday party在生日聚会上 perform ballet跳芭蕾舞 dance to disco 跳迪斯科 take these flowers to 把这些花带去 work out math problems 解出数学题 read books 读书 fly a klite放风筝 be good at do well in doing擅长做 have a good time enjoy oneself玩得开心 with ones help with the help of 在某人的帮助下2重点句型Can you dance YesI can Yes a little Yesvery wellNoIcant Nonot at allShe can fly kites very well now But one year ago she couldnt do it at allKangkang is good at playing soccer while Michael does well in basketballSix years agothere was something wrong with her eyesWith her mothers help Jenny could write many words3易混点点拨1 play the guilarpiano violin Play football soccer basket Play with the basketball football soccer 球类运动前不用 the 乐器名称前用 the2 Take bring fetch 和 carry Bring带来拿来表示 拿到靠近说话着的地方take 拿走带走表示拿到远离说话着的地方carry拉搬表示用力移动没有方向fetch去取去拿表示往返拿物 Please take the books to the classroom Remember to your homework to school tomorrowThe bag is too heavyplease it to my office Dont worry I can the key3 Read see look and watchSee 看见表结果look看表动作不及物动词后面需加介词at才能跟宾语watch看比赛电视read看书报表示阅读 I can an apple on the table I want to the film with you there is a kite flying in the sky Please the blackboard carefully Tv too much is bad for your health Hes on tonight 4 work和job work可以作动词work out at on for as计算出在方面工作致力于为而工作作为而工作It doesnt work The pills that the doctor gave me arent working可以作不可数名词工作at work out of work go to work bofore work after work hard-working勤劳的work hard努力工作I have plenty of work to do in the garden也可以作可数名词作品著作the complete works of lu xun job可数名词一件工作活儿I have a few jobs to do in the house now4语法要点提示情态动词can的用法1 表示有能力做或能够发生 能会 I couldnt ride a bike at the age of 6Ill do what I can to finish it on time2 表示知道如何做 懂得会She can speak English3 表示允许 可以We cant wear jeans at work5 请求帮助 能Can you feed my cat while I am away5 请求允许 可以Can I read your newspaer6 表示可能性用于否认句表示事实肯定不真实That cant be Mary Shes in New York7 表示常有的行为 有时会It can be quite cold in winter8 cant help doing情不自禁做某事cant wait to do迫不急待做某事9 can 和a little very well notat all 连用表示能会的程度Can you dance Yes a little very well No not at all10 CanCouldWillwould you please你能表示有礼貌的请求Excuse mecould I borrow some money from youOf courseyou can 知识反应检测用所给单词的正确形式填空1 Can you Yes I just now dance 2 I swim at the age of 6 can not 3 Jenny skate when she was ten and she still can not 4 I couldnt help cry when I heard the bad news5 He couldnt wait open the present6 We should do what we can protect our earth7 Davidis that short man your headteacherIt be him he is the tallest in our school8 Could you please tell me who give the talk tomorrow Must I clean the classroom now Noyou dont have to it can clean after class10 We be able to finish the task next week2选择填空1 Is this Toms coat It be his Its much too small for himAmay Bmustnt Ccant Dneedt2 Whose magazine is this It Marys It has her name on itAmight B cant be Ccould be Dmust be3 Where is Mom now Im not sure She be in the kitchenA shall Bmay Cneed Dmust4 Could you tell me if he finish the work on time ACould Bwas able to Cis Dwould be able to5 she ride when she was three years old ACan BCould CNeed DMay3句型转换1 We cant understand the problem 用 be able to 改写 There was something wrong with her eyes 变成否认句 Topic 3学习目标1掌握并且熟练运用一般过去时态的句型2掌握助动词did的用法重点单词Did enjoy himself yesterday fall happen lie 重点词组 1birthday party 生日聚会 2sing a song唱歌 3enjoy oneself 玩的开心 4 play the piano 弹钢琴 5fall down 掉下 6 hurt oneself 伤了自己 7make a silent wish许愿 8by hand 手工 9have a good time 玩得开心重点句型We had a wonderful partyDid you sing a song at the partyWhat time did you come back home last nightHow could you tell a lie to meWe went to Alices home and talked about it until 12 oclock要点讲解1Helen recited a poem while Maria danced banllet2While在此是连词意思为而表示比照关系如I am good at Art while he is good at PE3It is your turn4Turn在此做名词表示依次轮道的时机常用的结构有It is ones turn to do sth 如 It Its your turn to clean the classroom5I went to the movies with Alice在美式英语中去看电影常用 go to the movies 在英式英语中常用go to the cinema 或 see a film 6We did see a movieDid为助动词没有实际意思在一般现在时态中用 do 用在行为动词前来加强句子的语气如I do think he is right7 We went to Alices home and talked about it until 12 oclockUntil在此是介词后面常接表示某一时间点的 名词它还可以用做连词后接从句在肯定句中只与延续性动词连用意思是到为止在否认句中既可以与延续性动词连用也可以与非延续性动词连用意思是直到才Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 1 How is the weather in fall 学习目标1掌握并且熟练运用问天气的句型2掌握修饰天气的单词重点单词Weather warm hot cold cloudy rainy snowy windy sunny rain snow wind spring summer busy 重点词组 1 take a walk 2had better 3go out 4later on 5come back to life 6 be busy doing 7in spring 8go swimming 9make a snowman 10 summer holiday 11 plan to do 12go for a walk 13 be different from 14last fromto 15last for 16get warm 17weather report 18learn to do sth 19all day 重点句型What is the weather like How is the weatherWhich season do you like best spring summer fall or winterWhat is the temperature要点讲解询问天气的句型What is the weather like How is the weather询问对某事的看法的句型What do you think of How do you like询问温度是多少的句子What is the temperatureRemember的用法remember to do sth 忘记要做某事事还未做remember doing sth 忘记做过某事事已做过区别put on与 wear Put on 强调穿的动作 wear强调穿的状态修饰雨雪的词汇多用heavily 修饰风多用strongly 的形式如下大雨rain heavily a heavy rain 刮大风blow strongly a strong wind eg It rained heavily last night 昨晚下了一场大雨There was a heavy rain last night 今天阳光明媚eg The sun is shining brightly It is a sunny day todayUnit8 The Season and the WeatherTopic2 The summer holidays are coming任务型学习目标能够掌握有关国家和地区的名词了解并掌握不同国家和地区的风俗习惯在美语中能够熟练运用一般过去时一重点词语兼类词travel vn hope nv each pron adjoff adv Prep Point nv二重点词组1during the summer holidays 2come back to life3go back to Cuba 4some places of interest5go for a holiday go on holiday 6take photos of- 给-拍照 7a pair of sunglasses 8point toat9wrap gift money in red paper 用红纸包礼钱 10enter someones home 11customs in different countries12go out with ones wet hair 13be different from 注相比拟的事物必须性质相同 14give my best wishes to sb 15give my love to sb 代我向某人问好 16travel around 17want plan wish hope would like to do sth三重点句型1Whats the best time to go thereI think you can go anytime2You should visit Dali and Lijiang And you shouldnt visit Xishuangbanna3Did you visit any places of interest -and it is very different from ours4How was you trip It was wonderful5How did you travel there By train6How long were you there Only five days四重点解析6trip travel 两者均表示旅游其主要区别为 1 trip指短距离旅行 如The round trip was ten dollars 2 travel指长途旅行尤其指到国外旅行Do you want to travel around the world7watch sb do sth watch sb doing sth watch sb doing sth 注视某人正在做某事强调动作一局部过程I watched the bird flying in the skywatch sb do sth 注视某人做某事强调看到的动作的全过程Did you watch an old man fall down the ground如果动作是短暂性的常用 watchseenoticehearfeel do sth如果动作是延续性的常用 watchseenoticehearfeel doing sth五语法一般过去时1概念表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态讲述过去的事实2根本用法 1 表过去的动作或存在的状态She went to Shanghai by plane yesterdayI was late for class last night 2 表过去连续发生的行为She got up early in the morning had breakfast and then went to school 3 When I was at school I always went to school by bus3其他用法 1 在时间和条件状语从句中用一般过去时表过去将来时He said that he would tell us if he heard the news 2 used to 动词原型 表过去经常现在不了He used to smoke 3 would 表过去经常The man would go there on footused to 与would do 均表示过去经常但有区别used to do 既可表示动作又可表过去存在的状态而 would do只能用于过去反复性的动作如She used to be a quiet child就不能换为She would be a quiet child 4 used to 动原形 be used to 名词或动名词 略 Topic 3 Lets celebrate任务型学习目标掌握英文书信的书写格式英文书信的书写格式1信头指发信人的地址和日期写在信纸的右上角可以从靠近信纸的中央写起信头上面需留空白先写发信地址且在地址下面写上日期2称呼指对收信人的称呼写在信头之下相距一行从信纸的左边顶格开始3信的正文指信的整体局部4结束语指正文下面的结尾客套话一般从信纸的中间靠右写起第一个字母大写末尾用一逗号5签名指发信人签名写在结束语下面稍偏右6没问信封的写法一般把收信人的地址写在信封中间或偏右下角第一行写姓名下面写地址顺序与信内地址


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