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农业装备推荐项目41项目名称:温室大棚做成一块大板1项目名称:生物有机复混肥生产设备2项目名称:智能型太阳能灭虫器/太阳能移动发电系统/太阳能喷灌、滴灌系统214项目名称:农产品联合干燥技术与设备455项目名称:培禾牌耕作机5项目名称:机动乘坐式水稻插秧机、多功能轻型田园管理机、割草机和割刈机5项目名称:养猪业全程数字化技术研究6项目名称:经济型喷滴灌技术7项目名称:设施农业-高效节能LED植物补光灯8XX兵团29项目名称:生物有机肥生产加工成套设备9项目名称:2BMSJ双膜覆盖精量铺膜播种机1011 / 12推荐项目4项目名称:温室大棚做成一块大板Name of Project: Greenhouse项目简介:用温室大棚来进行现代化农业种植在世界各地也渐渐成为一种趋势。温室可用于各种蔬菜、花卉、育苗及中草药等的种植。温室大棚的单位面积的产量高于相同面积地面种植的15-20倍。根据当地的气候条件和作物生长需要,温室通过配置风机湿帘降温系统、加温系统、遮阳系统、通风系统、喷滴灌系统、二氧化碳补给系统、补光系统、智能化控制系统等等,调节大棚的作物生长环境,如室温度,湿度,二氧化碳浓度,光照强度等,来达到延长或缩短作物生长周期的目的,并且提高作物的产量,提高生产效率。我司根据不同国家及地区的气候条件特点及种植要求,已经成功研发出多种结构类型的温室。目前,我司的温室大棚主要出口到欧洲、美洲、非洲、拉丁美洲以及东南亚等国家和地区,参加东盟展会就是为了进一步稳固及拓展东盟市场。鉴于东南亚一带目前对温室大棚的需求,温室大棚在东南亚地区的市场前景是相当可观的。英文:Greenhouse production becomes a global trend on the production of vegetable and ornamental crops. Greenhouses offer a higher return per area than field based production of the same. This makes intensive cropping a viable business opportunity on small landareas and on the rural/urban interface. A sophisticated greenhouse can produce 15-20 times more produce than a field of the same area. Greenhouse production can adjust the growth cycle of crop and increase the productivity and profitability by means of environmental modification techniques, which can be broadly categorized as: greenhouse design, reducing solar load through shading system, forced air circulation and evaporative cooling system in hot summer, rising temperature by heating system in cold winter, Co2 dosing system, supplementary lighting system etc. Trinog has already developed different greenhouse design with different shape,dimensions and roof configurations according to the difference of climate and crop requirement. At present, our greenhouses are mainly exported to Europe, the Americas, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, etc.To participate in the ASEAN EXPO is to further expand and consolidate the ASEAN market. Considering the big demand of the modern agricultural facilities in South-east Asia, greenhouse industry will have a promising future in this area. We not only supply greenhouses and related products, we also provide technical and marketing assistance as well. Every month,250 workers in our 250,000M2 factory produce upto 3,000tons of steel products. Our adept R&D staff can design your product, and our agricultural experts can advise you on developing greenhousesin your market. We comply with ISO9001-2000, ISO1400-2004 standards and our main steel structures life span is more than 20years.单位名称:天一侬科技Name of Institution: TrinogXiamenTechnology Co.,Ltd._林琼艳:0:0地址:市思明区莲前东路409号联丰大厦1105室Address: Suite1105Lianfeng Metropolis, NO.409 Lianqian East Road,Xiamen, China:361008项目名称:生物有机复混肥生产设备Name of Project:Equipment for Production of Bio-organic Compound Fertilizer项目简介:生物有机复混肥主要应用于城市垃圾,有机废弃物,动物粪便,废水的处理,系无公害绿色肥料,绿色农业的革命。目前我司生产技术及设备在全球市场处于领先地位,有机生物复混肥设备规格品种齐全,自动化程度高,设备采用防腐技术,寿命长,可连续式生产。有机肥造粒机一机多用,即可生产大众复,又可以生产生物有机肥,产品符合环保要求。根据当地资源优势,及经济发展情况,生产量大小可以调整。农民朋友致富的新点.因此有机肥生产有着广泛的市场前景。英文:The Bio-organic Compound Fertilizer is mainly used intreatment of municipal solid waste, organic waste, animal wastes, and wastewater. Its nuisance free and green fertilizer, green revolution in agriculture, the new point of the farmers enrichment. At present, our company JIANGSU RIGHT GROUP has the leading technical and equipments in the world. We produced specification range, high degree of automation, the equipment is adopted the anti-corrosion technology, long life and continuous production. The Bio-organic fertilizer granulation machine is a multi-purpose machine and can produce both the bio-organic fertilizer and the common compound fertilizer. The final products meet the requirements of environmental protection. According to the local resources and economic development, the production designing can be adjusted.The bio-organic fertilizer will have a broad market prospect.单位名称:瑞安特机械集团Name of Institution: Jiangsu Right Machinery Group Co.,Ltd._周刚:09:02地址:省海安县长路118号Address:No.118Changjiang Road ,Haian,Jiangsu,China:226600项目名称:智能型太阳能灭虫器/太阳能移动发电系统/太阳能喷灌、滴灌系统Name of Project: Intelligent Solar Insect Killer, Solar Power Supply System, Solar Sprinkling & Irrigation System项目简介:采用弱光性非晶硅太阳能电池板,免维护镍氢电池技术,将太阳能转换为电能储存利用。打破传统的黑光灯灭虫方法,引进外国先进的灭虫技术,对诱虫灯的光波、波长及光色进行综合调整,针对害虫的趋光性及昼伏夜出的生活习惯,利用最佳波长及光波共振原理诱杀害虫,杀一灭百,断绝害虫繁殖链,被人们称为昆虫夜总会, 不用农药的杀虫武器。具有光控、雨控、时控、电压保护四大功能。集机械电子、物理学、电化学、光学,生物学、植物学等六大科学于一体化,在多方面具有创新性,属国、国际领先,已获得国和国际专利。适用于水稻、柑橘、花生、蔬菜、大豆、小麦、玉米、茶叶、棉花、烟叶、葡萄、瓜类、甘蔗、荔枝、龙眼、芒果、桃、草莓、各类花卉、咖啡、苹果、香蕉、林木、温室、渔塘等基地。目前公司厂房面积8500 平方米,固定资产2800 万元,拥有日本东芝、日本三菱、日本川口等世界名牌注塑机45 台,销模力从30 吨600吨,同时拥有日本三菱精密加工中心机3 台,精密火花机10 台,精密磨床8台及高精密检测仪等。现代化、高素质、高水平、勇于开拓进取的专业技术、管理人才,为公司专业的长远发展确立了根本的激励机制。公司产品销售网络覆盖国市场,并成功打入国际市场,远销欧美、加拿大、中东、东南亚等地,在市场上建立了良好的信誉。20XX预计政府采购量大约10000 台*1680元/台=1680 万元。国市场,省、省、省、省、省、省市、市、四会市、增城市等农资产品代理商已经逐一同我司签订了代理合同及采购计划书。预计年销售量约10 万台*1680 元/台=1.68 亿元。国际市场,目前同我司签订代理合同及采购计划书的国家有:美国、墨西哥、南美洲、哥伦比亚、阿根延、澳大利亚、印度、孟加拉、土尔其、法国、德国、泰国、尼日利亚、埃塞俄比亚、卢旺达等国家,以上国家均已在他们国土上推广使用我司的灭虫器。预计年采购量5万台*1680元=0.84 亿万元。英文:With the application of photosensitive solar panel, maintenance-free lead acid, Ni-MH battery, this insect killer can transfer sunlight into electricity and reserve it. It overcomes the disadvantages of traditional method of killing insects with black lights, and takes advantage of best wavelength and light resonance principle to kill pests in the light of photo-taxis and nocturnal habits of them. It is called Insects Night Club or Insects Killing Weapon without Using Chemicals. This machine is equipped with functions of light control, rain control,timecontrol and voltage protection. It integrates with Electronics, Physics, Electrochemistry, Optics, Biology, and Botany.It can be used to kill pests for rice, orange, peanut, vegetable, soybean, wheat, corn, tea , cotton, tobacco, grape, orange, melon, strawberry, lychee, orchard, flowers, coffee, woods, greenhouse, fish pond, etc.At present, the factory of SHENZHEN FUWAYSUN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. covers an area of more than 8500m2, with 28 million RMB Yuan of fixed assets. The company owns 45 sets of world famous injection machines, such as TOSHIBA, MITSUBISHI, KAWAGUCHI, 3 processing machines of MITSUBISHI, 10 EDMs, 8 grinding machines and highly precise testing instruments. In addition, high quality and pioneering spirited technicians and management personnel establish incentive structure for the companys long-term development.Our products sell well in domestic market and enter into international market successfully. They are sold to Europe, America, Canada, Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc, and enjoy high reputation. Its predicted that the government will purchase 10,000 sets in 2010. In domestic market, the agents of agricultural products of Shandong Province, Jiangsu Province, Shanxi Province, Hainan Province, Jiangxi Province, FoshanCity, ShundeCity, ZhongshanCity, SihuiCity and ZengchengCity of GuangdongProvince have signed agent contracts and purchase plans. The annual sales is predicted to be RMB 0.168 billion . In international market, our company has signed agent contracts and purchase plans with many countries, such as USA, Mexico, South America, Colombia, Argentina, Australia, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, France, Germany, Thailand, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Rwanda, etc. The countries above have promoted and used our intelligent solar insect killer. It is predicted that the annual purchase will be up to RMB 84,000,000 .单位名称:市富巍盛科技Name of Institution: Shenzhen Fuwaysun Technology Co., Ltd_梁朝巍: 08:08地址:省市宝安区沙井镇洪田村金源工业城A13栋Address: A13 Building, JinyuanIndustrial Park, Hongtian, Shajing, Baoan , Shenzhen, Guangdong, China:5181251项目名称:农产品联合干燥技术与设备Name of Project:Technology and equipment for co-drying of agricultural products项目简介:联合干燥技术是将热泵、太阳能、远红外、微波、热风等两种或两种以上的干燥方式进行优势互补,分阶段进行的一种组合干燥技术,目前已成为新型、高效干燥技术的发展方向。本项目开发的联合干燥技术与设备将热泵干燥与热风干燥相结合,研制了一套常压低温联合干燥设备和工艺,可根据物料不同的热敏性与结构变化特性,确定联合干燥工艺。该技术与设备非常适宜对各种蔬菜、水果、种子、生物制品等农产品进行快速高效干燥,具有干燥时间短4-6小时、产品质量高接近真空冷冻干燥产品、设备投资小冷冻干燥的15%、节能环保封闭式运行,能耗为热风干燥的50%,冷冻干燥的10%,无热量和尾气排放等特点。该设备获得国家发明专利ZL3.X和国家重点新产品称号2006GRC50024。英文:Co-drying technology uses two or more ways such as heat pumps, solar energy, far infrared, microwave, hot air to process a complementary and phased drying. It has become a development direction of new and highly efficient drying technology.This co-drying technology combines hot air and heat pump drying, develops a set of co-drying equipment and processes at atmospheric pressure and low-temperature. According to the different heat-sensitive material properties and structural changes, Co-drying process is confirmed. The technology and equipment is very suitable for a variety of vegetables, fruits, seeds, biological products and other agricultural products for rapid and efficient drying,with short drying time , high quality product , small investment in equipment , energy-saving and environmental protection and so on. The device has acquired the National Invention Patent and the National Key New Product .单位名称:省科学院食品工程创新中心Name of Institution: Food Engineering Innovation Center ,Jiangxi Academy of Sciences_徐刚:0:0地址:市上坊路382号Address:No.382 Shangfang Road , Nanchang, Jiangxi, China:5项目名称:培禾牌耕作机Name of Project: Peihe Tiller项目简介:本产品是我公司在吸收国外各种机型的基础上自行设计研制的。采取多功能齿轮传动,进退自如,输出刀轴装有阻水装置。该机型体积小,重量轻,动力强劲,操作灵活,转移方便,广泛适用于平原,山区,丘陵的旱地,水田,果园,菜地大棚的旋耕,开沟,起垄等作业。英文:This product is designed and developed by our company on the basis of a variety of models from home and abroad. Multi-gear transmission and control are adopted and the output shaft is equipped with a water-blocking devices knife. The machine is small in size, light in weight,powerful and flexible in operation. Due to its convenient moving, it can be widely used for ditching, ridging and other operations at dryland, paddy fields, orchards, vegetable greenhouses of in areas of the plains, mountains and hills.单位名称:培禾小耕作机Name of Institution: Ningbo Peihe Small-Sized Cultivator Co., Ltd._徐刚:08:06地址:省市北仑区庐路16号Address:NO.16Lushan West Road, Bailun,Ningbo,China:315800项目名称:机动乘坐式水稻插秧机、多功能轻型田园管理机、割草机和割刈机Name of Project: Riding RiceTransplant Mobile, Light Type Multi-functionField Nursing Machine, Grass Cutter, Shrub Cutting Mow Machine项目简介:机动乘坐式水稻插秧机是我公司引进国外样机,分析国外水稻插秧机的构造、性能、特点等。并着手改进设计的机动乘坐式水稻插秧机能满足农艺要求,性能可靠、操作维修简便、价格低廉、农户买得起、用得好。多功能轻型田园管理机采用国外技术和生产工艺自主研发,有齿轮和链条多级传动,该系列机器具有造型美观、动力强劲、性能可靠、功能齐全、功效高、一机多用等特点,广泛适应于平原、山地、大棚、果园、水田的旋耕、犁耕、开沟、起垄、喷灌、除虫、施肥、运输等多用途作业。割草机是引进欧美技术进行自主研发的最新产品,配套6.5马力优质汽油机,蜗轮蜗杆传动、软性紧离合器、进退档齐全、后轮驱动、操作更轻松,效率更高。适合于牧区、草坪、果园、林区的修整、割草。灌木割刈机:主要用于茶树、桑树、茉莉花、苗木等灌木类果树、灌木类花卉等灌木性树枝的修整剪枝。英文:Riding RiceTransplant Mobile:This mobile is developed by our company based on prototypes introduced fromhome and abroadwhile taking consideration in the structure, the performance, the characteristic of varies of rice transplanters in market so as to satisfy the needs for farming. The machine is of convenience reliably, simple operation and service, andinexpensive price.Light Type Multi-functionField Nursing Machine:This machine adopts full foreign Technology and production technique.It adopts multistep transmission with gear and chain the box is made of integral drawn steel plate.The clutch is of the belt tension type,and handlebar is adjustable in any position,It is in strong power,reliable performance,complete functions,high efficacy,and multiple purposes. It is appliedto rotary cultivation,ploughing,ditching,ridging,spraying,irrigating,disinsection,fertilizing and transporting in plain,hill,canopy,fruit garden and paddy field.Grass Cutter:The Grass cutter is a newest product with adopts advanced technology from Europe and USA,with 6.5hp quality gasoline engine,worm-gear drive,flexible tension clutch,driving and reversing keys,and rear-wheel driving. It is easier for operation,with higher efficiency. It is applicable to trimming and cutting grass for pastoral area,lawn and orchard.Shrub Cutting Mow Machine:Ii is mainly used for tea, mulberry trees, jasmine, shrub seedlings and other fruit trees, shrubs, flowers, and other types of tree trimming shrubs, pruning.单位名称:协力机电制造Name of Institution:Ningbo Xieli Mechanical&Electrical Manufacture Co.,Ltd._雪梅:05:05地址:科技园区江南路东三路2号Address:No.2 Dongshan Jiangnan Road, S$T Park,Ningbo, China:315103项目名称:养猪业全程数字化技术研究Name of Project: Research on digital in swine raising 项目简介:项目主要涉及生猪人工授精、猪场的智能化管理和规模猪场污水集成式处理等技术与设备的研究、开发和推广。自主研发的生猪人工授精输精器材如一次性泡沫头输精管具有符合母猪生理特点、使用方便、价格低廉的优势,很受市场欢迎。自主开发的猪场智能化管理系统是基于RFID技术的能精准到每头商品猪的低成本、快捷、高效的从出生到流通全过程追溯的电子技术。目前在市各大规模牧场已经使用,不仅提高了猪场的管理效率而且通过全程可追溯保障了肉产品安全。针对不同规模猪场开发的基于污水集成式处理技术的相关设备,经处理后的出水水质达到国家规定的最高日均排放浓度,实现了中水回用,而且污水处理成本控制在3元/吨以下。英文:We have been engaged in pig farm management research for a long time. We are expert in three projects that are pig artificial insemination, pig farm intelligent management system and wastewater disposing technology and equipments. Pig artificial insemination: Self-developed pig artificial insemination equipments, such as disposable foam head duct which have many advantage for example, consistent with sow physiological characteristics, easy to use, low-cost. So our products are well popular with the market.Pig farm intelligent management system: Self-developed farm management system is based on RFID technology which can trace the whole process of pig from birth to market by the electronic identity card technology. Currently, the system has been used in Ningbo city. The system can not only improve on the management efficiency of the farms but also protect the safety of meat products. Wastewater disposing technology and equipments: It is anintegrated equipment for wastewater disposing that can be applied at pig farms of different sizes. The quality of treated wastewater effluent from the equipment can meet the national daily average of the maximum emission concentration which can be reused. The wastewater treatment cost is lower than 3 Yuan/ton.单位名称:市畜牧工程技术研究服务中心Name of Institution:NingboAnimalHusbandryEngineeringTechnicalResearch & ServiceCenter_俊婷:05:01地址:省市鄞州区惠风西路55号Address:#55 Huifeng West Rd., Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China:315100项目名称:经济型喷滴灌技术Name of Project: Economical Drip and Spray Irrigation Technology项目简介:余市从20XX以来研究和推广经济型喷滴灌技术,经过技术创新,优化设计,采用管道PE化,泵站移动化,轮罐面积小型化,微喷水带化,滴灌薄壁化,使亩均造价从12001600元降到600800元。已推广到山区竹笋、梅、红枫、板栗、以及平原蜜梨、蔬菜、葡萄等作物,受益面积近6万亩,平均每亩节本增收500多元,年增加农民收入约3000万元,成为中国南方喷灌面积最大县。同时还推广到兔、鸡、鸭、猪等畜禽养殖场降温防疫,面积已达10.8万平方米,丰富了设施农业的新容,使喷滴灌成为效益农业的新设施,农业现代化的推进器!这项技术成果于20XX获得省水利科技创新一等奖。由中国工程院院士茆智、王浩院士等组成的专家组鉴定结论为:经济型喷滴灌已处于国际领先水平。英文:Yuyao began to study and promote economical drip and spray irrigation technology in 2000. The cost of each mu is reduced from 1200 -1600 Yuan to 600-800 Yuan by technological innovation, optimal design, adoption of PE pipe, portable pumping station, small irrigated area, micro-spray hose and thin-walled drip irrigation.The technology has been applied in crops growing in mountainous area such as bamboo shoots, waxberries, and red maples, and crops growing in plain such as Chinese chestnuts, vegetables and grapes, with a benefited area of 60,000 Mu. The average cost of each mu can be saved over 500 Yuan. And the annual farmers income can be increased about 30 million Yuan. It becomes a county with the largest spray irrigated area in South China.The technology has also been applied in temperature reduction and epidemic prevention of livestock farms of rabbits, chickens, ducks or pigs, with an area of 108,000m2, which greatly enriches facility agriculture. Drip and spray irrigation becomes a new facility of profitable agriculture and a propeller of agricultural modernization.The achievement won the first prize of Zhejiang Water Resources S&T Innovation in 2006.The economical drip and spray irrigation was concluded to be at the top level in the world by expert group with members of Mao Zhi and Wang Hao, academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering.单位名称:省余市农村水利管理处Name of Institution: Administration Yuyao Rural Water Resources_奕永庆:05地址:省余市南雷南路315号Address: No.315 South Nanlei Road, Yuyao, Zhejiang, China:315400项目名称:设施农业-高效节能LED植物补光灯Name of Project: High efficiency and energy-saving LED supplementary lighting of plants项目简介:LED植物补光设施, 具有高效节能、使用安全、可控性好等特点。可满足反季节蔬菜、花卉花期调控、种苗繁育等植物生产需要。是农业发展的高新技术,有利于提高植物工厂化、高效设施农业的生产能力和经济效益。主要应用在:温室大棚,对林木育苗、花卉、瓜果蔬菜进行工厂化育苗生产;科研院校单位进行实验室组织培养等领域。LED植物补光,能耗低、光电转换效率高、直接供给植物生长所需光谱。在秋冬日照时间短以及连续阴雨的情况下,补充自然光照不足,延长光合作用时间。实现显著增加植物产量、提高产品品质、增强植物抗病性、促进生根发芽、加快伤口愈合速度、缩短结果期、控制开花时间等效果。英文:LED supplementary lighting equipment of plants, have some features, such as high efficiency, energy-saving, safe operation, easily controlling, to apply in anti-season vegetation、adjusting florescence、seedling production etc. It is a hi-tech in development of agriculture, which can enhance production capacity of industrial plants culture, also increase profit of industrialized agriculture.The equipment, widely using in industrial culture of seedlings, flowers, fruits and vegetation manufacture under green-house, and can be also applied to laboratory issue culture of academies and colleges.LED supplementary lighting equipments, low energy consumption, high efficiency of photoelectric conversion, provide spectrum which plants need directly. If in the autumn or winter seasons, or during continuous rainy days, it could make up for a deficiency of natural daylight, and extend the time of photosynthesis. Using the LED supplementary lighting equipments, would raise the yield, improve product quality, strengthen disease resistance, promote rhizogenesis and germination, accelerate wound healing, shorten fruiting period and adjust florescence.单位名称:永丰园林绿化建设Name of Institution: Yongfeng Garden Greenery Construction Co., Ltd._俙何:08地址:省市XX县园丁路15弄3号Address: No.3Lane15,Yuanding Road,NinghaiCounty,Ningbo City, China:315600XX兵团2项目名称:生物有机肥生产加工成套设备Name of Project: Whole Facility for Production of Biological organic fertilizer 项目简介:本成套设备主要由去石机、破碎机、粉碎机、筛分机、微量元素注入机、造粒机、烘干机、冷却机、施菌器、抛光机等设备和喂入机构、输送机、提升机、热风炉等辅助设备组成。主要是将农村养殖业产生的牲畜、禽类的粪便、腐植叶、草滩土、城市垃圾、煤粉等废物资源再利用。既实现了废物资源的利用,又净化了环境,有利于环保,小时生产率为0.5-5.0吨。英文:This Facility is composed by deimpuritior, crusher, pulverizer,sizer, microelement injector, grainer, drier, cooler, bacterium planter, polisher and assistant elements like feeding machine, transport, lift, wind furnace, etc. The machine designed to recycle the waste of the culture in the countries such as discard from the fowls and domestic animals, rotten plant, city garbage, coal dust and so on. The machine can work profitable to produce biological organic fertilizer and recycle resources. The average Productivity reaches 500-5000 kilograms per hour.单位名称:石河子市华农种子机械制造Name of Institution:Shihezi Huanong Seed MachineryManufacture Co.,Ltd._马明銮:0:0地址:XX石河子市北子午路60号Address:No.60 North Ziwu Road, Shihezi, Xinjiang, China:832000项目名称:2BMSJ双膜覆盖精量铺膜播种机Name of Project:Accurate sowing machine with 2BMJ-12 double plastic membrane layer项目简介:该机主要用于棉花、甜菜等作物的双膜覆盖精量播种作业,提高精量播种作物的抗风险能力,具备膜下穴播、增温保墒、提前出苗、不怕雨后种孔板结和膜上打孔穴播省工的双重优势,具有明显的增产效果,经济效益显著。该产品省级科研成果鉴定,成果水平国领先。英文:The machine is mainly used in accurate sowin


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